Society For Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism 2019

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OPINION Translating the European Society for Clinical
Nutrition and Metabolism 2019 guidelines
into practice
Annika Reintam Blaser a,b, Adam M. Deane c, and Joel Starkopf a,d

Purpose of review
To present a pragmatic approach to facilitate clinician’s implementing the recent European Society for
Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) guidelines on clinical nutrition in the intensive care unit.
Recent findings
The ESPEN guidelines include 54 recommendations with a rationale for each recommendation. All data
published since 1 January 2000 was reviewed and 31 meta-analyses were performed to inform these
guidelines. An important aspect of the most recent ESPEN guidelines is an attempt to separate periods of
critical illness into discrete – early acute, late acute and recovery – phases, with each exhibiting different
metabolic profiles and requiring different strategies for nutritional and metabolic support.
A pragmatic approach to incorporate the recent ESPEN guidelines into everyday clinical practice is
critical illness, enteral nutrition, intensive care unit, nutrition guidelines, parenteral nutrition, route of nutrition,
timing of nutrition

INTRODUCTION underfeeding in all severely ill patients incapable of

The recently published European Society for Clini- feeding themselves. It is important to realize that for
cal Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) guidelines on many of these patients the period of inadequate
clinical nutrition in the intensive care unit include nutrition, or even complete starvation, has started
54 recommendations [1 ]. As an addendum, the already several days before admission; thus, the nutri-
monitoring of nutrition was addressed in a separate tional aspects should be at attention from the begin-
article [2 ]. The objective of this review is to assist ning of ICU care. The time point of 48 h was chosen
clinicians implement these recommendations. A by the writing committee as it is a previously
simplified explanation to grading of evidence used described threshold to define early enteral nutrition

(Table 1) [3] and a summary approach to imple- [5 ]. Early enteral nutrition, even with low dosages,
menting these guidelines is provided (Table 2 and may help to reduce cumulative negative energy and

Fig. 1). protein balances [6 ,7] that may be substantive of the

entire hospitalization. Restricting the period of


Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, University of Tartu,
NUTRITIONAL THERAPY IN ICU? Estonia, bDepartment of Intensive Care Medicine, Lucerne Cantonal
Hospital, Switzerland, cDepartment of Medicine, Royal Melbourne Hos-
The ESPEN guidelines include a recommendation
pital, The University of Melbourne, Parkville Victoria, Australia and
that all patients admitted to an ICU, and particularly d
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Tartu University
those staying for more than 48 h, should be consid- Hospital, Estonia
ered for medical nutrition therapy [1 ]. Medical Correspondence to Annika Reintam Blaser, MD, PhD, Department of
nutrition therapy includes administration of oral Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, University of Tartu, Puusepa 8, Tartu
nutritional supplements, enteral nutrition and par- 51014, Estonia. Tel: +37 25142281; e-mail:
enteral nutrition [4]. This ‘good practice point’ (GPP) Curr Opin Crit Care 2019, 25:314–321
(Table 1) is to identify the risk of prolonged DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000619 Volume 25  Number 4  August 2019

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Translating the ESPEN 2019 guidelines into practice Reintam Blaser et al.

disagreeing with recent ASPEN guidelines [8], the

KEY POINTS ESPEN group recommends (as GPP) against using
 New aspects in ESPEN guidelines are: any specific methodology to identify or quantify
malnutrition/nutritional risk; rather it is stated that
 the concept of different phases of critical illness is every critically ill patient staying for more than 48 h
introduced and emphasized, in the ICU should be considered at risk for malnu-
 only studies after year 2000 were included in meta- trition. The latter statement identifies that the risk
analyses, of ‘acute’ malnutrition during ICU and recovery
phases may be independent from previous nutri-
 monitoring of nutrition is addressed.
tional status. All severely ill patients will unavoid-
ably have a negative energy balance at the
 Major differences when compared to previously beginning of their ICU admission [9]. Even though
published international guidelines are: this is not desirable for previously (chronically)
malnourished patients, feeding should be particu-
 all ICU patients staying in the ICU for more than 48 h
are at risk of malnutrition,
larly cautious in such patients because of increased
risk of refeeding syndrome [10]. Because the ESPEN
 delivering full caloric target (via any route) based on approach is to gradually increase feeding during the
total energy expenditure should not be aimed in the acute phase in all patients, the recommended feed-
early acute phase of critical illness. ing rates do not differentiate between the chroni-
cally malnourished and previously well nourished
in the acute early phase of critical illness. Acute
malnutrition and tools to measure muscle mass
absolute starvation may attenuate the risk of subse- and function warrant further evaluation.
quent refeeding syndrome.


MALNUTRITION The guidelines recommend that for mechanically
A general clinical assessment is recommended to ventilated patients energy expenditure should be
assess nutritional status. Anamnesis, physical exam- assessed by indirect calorimetry (Grade B). Indirect
ination, general assessment of body composition, calorimetry is reliable only under stable resting con-
and muscle mass and strength are suggested to ditions and with fraction of inspired oxygen below
identify malnutrition at ICU admission. Although 60%. Measuring the actual energy expenditure

Table 1. Grading of recommendations

Grades of recommendation
Grade Explanation
A Evidence from meta-analyses or RCTs directly applicable to the target population and demonstrating
overall consistency of results
B Evidence from well-conducted case control or cohort studies directly applicable to the target population
or extrapolated evidence from RCTs or meta-analyses
0 Very low-quality (case series or cohort studies with high risk of bias) or extrapolated evidence
GPP GPP recommended best practice based on the clinical experience of the guideline development group.
No direct evidence available
Forms of recommendation
Wording used in the Explanation
‘Shall’ Strong recommendation for ¼ desirable consequences clearly outweigh undesirable consequences
’Shall not’ Strong recommendation against ¼ undesirable consequences clearly outweigh desirable consequences
’Should’ or ’Can’ Conditional recommendation for ¼ desirable consequences probably outweigh undesirable
’Should not’ Conditional recommendation against ¼ undesirable consequences probably outweigh desirable

GPP, good practice point; RCTs, randomized controlled trial.

Source: Simplified with permission from Refs. [1 ,3].

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Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Metabolic support

Table 2. Summary of recommendations

General recommendation Specific aspects/patient groups

Assessment of malnutrition No specific tool, but general clinical Abdominal CT scan for assessment of
assessment (anamnesis, physical muscle mass
examination, body composition,
muscle mass and strength)
Assessment of energy expenditure Indirect calorimetry if possible/ Equations (e.g. Harris-Benedict) used to
appropriate; calculate EE may lead to over-
CO2 production derived from the estimation
ventilator (EE ¼ VCO2  8.19);
3) 20–25 kcal/kg/day if EE not
body weight for nutritional calculations Preadmission ‘dry’ weight (weight before Adjusted BW for obese (BMI >
fluid resuscitation) 30) ¼ ideal BW þ 0.25x (actual BW
– ideal BW)
Do not use ideal BW if underweight
Energy <70% of full target Account for nonnutritional calories
- Early acute phase (day 1–3) Full target (EE or 20–25 kcal/kg/day) (propofol, dextrose, citrate)
- Late acute phase (day 3–7) Full target þ consider exercise Obese patients – the same targets but
- Recovery phase (>day 7) calculated with adjusted BW
Protein 1.3 g/kg/day achieved progressively Obese patients – the same but
together with energy target calculated with adjusted BW
Other macronutrients Glucose max. 5 mg/kg/min Some organs (e.g. brain) prefer glucose,
Lipids max. 1.5 g/kg/day  150 g/day probably needed
Early EN Started within 24–48 h of ICU admission Delay EN in: uncontrolled shock,
in patients who are not able to eat uncontrolled hypoxemia, hypercapnia
orally. Start always with slow rate or acidosis, active upper GI bleeding,
under monitoring of GI symptoms, overt bowel ischaemia, abdominal
refeeding and IAP (if relevant) compartment syndrome, high-output
fistula without distal feeding access,
GRV >500 ml/6 h
EN route Gastric access and continuous Post-pyloric if gastroparesis persists
administration as a standard initial despite of prokinetics (erythromycin,
approach metoclopramide)
Early PN Early PN generally not recommended. Case-by-case in patients with previous
Full early PN is considered harmful mal/undernutrition if oral/EN not
Supplemental PN In late acute phase (days 3–7) to avoid
large energy deficits
Glutamine Not recommended in general Recommended enterally in burns and
can be considered in trauma
Specific fatty acids (v-3) High doses not recommended, nutritional
doses can be used
Micronutrients Provided daily with PN Single high dose is not recommended for
any micronutrient
Antioxidants High doses without proven deficiency not
Specific patient groups: Early EN with slow progression and
- Dysphagia (non-intubated) - EN; post-pyloric EN and PN careful monitoring in controlled shock,
- Bowel discontinuity - distal access EN and PN therapeutic hypothermia, liver failure
- High output stoma/fistula - Consider chyme reinfusion and intra-abdominal hypertension
Monitoring Local standardized procedures: Monitoring of serum phosphate (together
- During initiation of feeding - GI symptoms, GRV, IAP, blood glucose with potassium and magnesium) is
- Later 4–6x/d, electrolytes 2–3x/d; important during initiation of feeding.
- GI symptoms, blood glucose 2x/d; If refeeding hypophosphatemia >
electrolytes 1x/d; blood urea 3x/ restrict energy supply for 48 h and
week; liver tests and triglycerides 2x/ increase gradually thereafter

BW, body weight; CT, computed tomography; EE, energy expenditure; EN, enteral nutrition; GI, gastrointestinal; GRV, gastric residual volume; IAP, intra-
abdominal pressure; PN, parenteral nutrition; VCO2, carbon dioxide production; x/d, times/day.

316 Volume 25  Number 4  August 2019

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Translating the ESPEN 2019 guidelines into practice Reintam Blaser et al.

FIGURE 1. Flow chart for decision-making on nutrition. EE, energy expenditure; EN, enteral nutrition; GRV, gastric residual
volume; PN, parenteral nutrition.

becomes useful after the early acute phase of critical that is they were overfed. Such overfeeding is aggra-
illness (see definition below), when energy target can vated in the early acute phase of critical illness when
also be set according to results. If indirect calorimetry endogenous energy production is high (Fig. 2) [13].
is not available, then using oxygen consumption This subtle distinction is important as the reader
from pulmonary arterial catheter or carbon dioxide
production (VCO2) derived from the ventilator are
acceptable methods. The energy expenditure is cal-
culated using VCO2 values from ventilator and
rewritten Weir formula (Energy expenditure ¼ VCO2
 8.19; for respiratory quotient of 0.86) [11].
The guidelines recommend against using com-
plex formulas for estimation of energy expenditure,
because such predictive equations have shown poor
correlation with measured energy expenditure [12].
A meta-analysis conducted as part of the guidelines
revealed that the effect of so-called ‘hypocaloric
feeding’ varies depending on whether the study
groups are defined based on indirect calorimetry
or with predictive equations. A likely explanation FIGURE 2. Overfeeding in the early phase of critical illness
of the benefit of prolonged ‘hypocaloric feeding’ in when full feeding covering 100% of energy expenditure is
studies using equations is that those assigned to applied and/or when energy expenditure is overestimated
‘full’ or ‘isocaloric’ feeding received substantially with predictive equations. Source: Reproduced with
greater calories than their true energy expenditure, permission from Ref. [13].

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 317

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Metabolic support

may falsely imply the terminology ‘hypocaloric (2) Continuous rather than bolus enteral nutrition
feeding’ as recommending prolonged periods of should be used (Grade B), and gastric access
calorie delivery much less than energy expenditure, should be used as the initial approach (GPP);
which is not the intention. (3) To avoid overfeeding, early (within 48 h) full
In the absence of indirect calorimetry, straight- enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition
forward weight-based predictive equations are rec- should not be used in critically ill patients
ommended by the ESPEN group, with target of 20– (Grade A);
25 kcal/kg/day. (4) Hypocaloric nutrition (not exceeding 70% of
When implementing measured or calculated energy expenditure) should be administered
energy expenditure into nutritional prescriptions, in the early phase of acute illness (Grade B).
the ESPEN guidelines recommend consideration of After the early acute phase, usually day 3, caloric
the phase of body response to acute illness (Fig. 1). The delivery can be increased up to 80–100% of
phases of acute illness described differ considerably measured energy expenditure (Grade 0);
between patients and the presented number of days is (5) If indirect calorimetry is used, isocaloric nutri-
only an approximate guide. The early period of the tion rather than hypocaloric nutrition can be
acute phase (usually 1–3 days after injury) is a period progressively implemented after the early phase
frequently associated with life threatening instability of acute illness (Grade 0);
(e.g. hemodynamic and respiratory) that was the (6) If predictive equations are used to estimate the
reason for initial ICU admission. It is hypothesized energy need, hypocaloric nutrition (below 70%
that full external energy supplementation at this stage of estimated needs) should be preferred over
may lead to detrimental overfeeding because endoge- isocaloric nutrition for the first week of ICU stay
nous glucose production cannot be completely sup- (Grade B).
pressed with exogenous energy provision [14]. In the
later period of the acute phase (usually days 3–7 but
there is considerable inter-individual variation) stabi- BODY WEIGHT FOR NUTRITIONAL
lization of metabolic disturbances is thought to occur CALCULATIONS
with continued substantial muscle wasting. In this The body weight of immobile critically ill patient is
phase, many patients gradually increase their capacity challenging to precisely quantify. For nutritional
to utilize exogenous calories, and nutritional support calculations, it is recommended to use preadmission
is thought to become increasingly important. Energy ‘dry’ weight (i.e. weight before fluid resuscitation, if
target should be progressively reached during the late known) [1 ]. If the precise body weight is unknown,
period of the acute phase. The post-acute phase (late/ it will need to be estimated. Calculation of ideal or
rehabilitation/recovery phase, usually after day 7) is normal body weight (weight related to the height) is
commonly an anabolic phase with improvement and useful but should probably not be used to calculate
rehabilitation of organ functions and metabolism. energy targets for critically ill patients who are
Nutritional support at this stage, adjusted to energy clearly underweight. In the literature, many options
expenditure and composed of balanced delivery of to calculate ideal body weight based on patient pre-
macro and micronutrients and vitamins, is thought to ICU height are available and it is easy to get con-
be crucial for optimal recovery [1 ]. It should, how- fused. The most frequently used height-related cal-
ever, be recognized that there is considerable inter- culation in the critical care nutrition literature is
patient variability: Some patients will have the maxi- Devine formula [16,17], which has been used in
mum period of instability later than day 3 of ICU trials of mechanical ventilation under the term
admission, some patients become stable before day 3. ‘predicted’ body weight [18]. It is important to be
Some patients will suffer from persistent inflamma- aware that ideal body weight has been used as a
tory and catabolic states, the so-called ‘persistent surrogate for lean body weight and does not neces-
critical illness’ [15], or may suffer secondary insults. sarily reflect ‘normal’ body weight for that patient
Therefore, this relatively simplistic linear model of [19]. To ensure consistency within each hospital, a
acute illness and recovery is a guide only and may not single approach for all calculations could be advo-
apply to some patients. cated. In our opinion, using ideal body weight for
Based on above-mentioned rationale, the fol- underweight (BMI < 18 kg/m2) and malnourished
lowing recommendations were made: patients increase the risk of both refeeding syn-
drome and overfeeding.
(1) If oral intake is not possible, early enteral nutri- For obese patients (BMI > 30 kg/m2), adjusted
tion (within 48 h) should be initiated rather body weight is recommended. It is calculated in
than delayed enteral nutrition (Grade B) or early two steps: ideal body weight related to height and
parenteral nutrition (Grade A); a proportion of actual body weight (20–33% of

318 Volume 25  Number 4  August 2019

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Translating the ESPEN 2019 guidelines into practice Reintam Blaser et al.

difference between actual and ideal body weight) is clinical practice guidelines on early enteral nutrition
added. Different options to calculate ideal and [5 ]. In the original ESICM document, such recom-
adjusted body weights are available and some also mendations were based on expert opinion and
presented in ESPEN guideline. The specific chapter graded 2D (a weak recommendation with very low
suggests using the following: confidence in the estimated effect). Of note, different
grading systems were used between these two guide-
(1) ideal body weight (Broca formula [20]): 0.9  lines. However, the Grade B (Table 1) recommenda-
(height in cm – 100) for men; 0.9  (height tions in the ESPEN guideline should be interpreted
in cm – 106) for women; with caution. An inherent limitation is the infre-
(2) adjusted body weight ¼ ideal body weight þ 20– quent number of patients presenting with the con-
25% of difference between actual and ideal body ditions that were listed as a reason to delay enteral
weight (actual body weight – ideal body nutrition. Such infrequent presentations mean that
weight). an adequately powered randomized controlled trial
(RCT) is not feasible. Accordingly, expert opinion
with strong consensus may be the highest level of
evidence achieved.
ESPEN guidelines evaluated some additional
COMMENCING ENTERAL NUTRITION specific conditions that were not assessed in ESICM
In the guidelines, meta-analyses of studies pub- guidelines as potential reasons to delay enteral
lished since year 2000 that compared enteral nutri- nutrition: dysphagia, frailty, sepsis, trauma, patients
tion to no nutrition, or to parenteral nutrition with complications after abdominal or oesophageal
within the first 48 h after ICU admission were pro- surgery and patients with high output stoma or
&& &&
vided [1 ]. Previous similar meta-analyses [5 ,21] fistula. Respective specific recommendations,
included many older studies, justifying repeating including consideration of parenteral nutrition,
analyses with only studies published since 2000. were issued for patients with dysphagia, bowel dis-
The time point for 2000 was arbitrary but based continuity and high output stoma/fistula, and are
on relevant changes in practice and science regard- summarized in Table 2.
ing composition of feeds, determination of energy
demands, clinical trials registration and higher qual-
ity standards for reporting of results of randomized HOW MUCH PROTEIN?
controlled trials that occurred around the turn of The optimal amount of protein to be administered
the millennium. to critically ill patients remains uncertain. The
The results of the meta-analyses were that early ESPEN guidelines recommend that eventually
enteral nutrition is associated with reduction of infec- 1.3 g/kg/day of protein should be delivered but this
tious complications but no statistically significant should be achieved gradually (Grade 0 – no direct
effect on mortality. Unlike the previous meta-analy- evidence). Recently, the concept of augmenting
ses [5 ] included studies were subdivided to ‘clearly protein administration has gained favour amongst
ICU’ and ‘unclear proportion of ICU’ patients. The experts [22], and was included in the most recent
benefit observed with early enteral nutrition vs. ASPEN guidelines recommending 1.2–2.0 g/kg/day
delayed enteral nutrition remained statistically sig- of protein [8]. This approach is based on promising
nificant only if studies enrolling also patients from results from observational studies and a physiologi-
outside of the ICU were added to ‘clearly’ ICU studies. cal rationale supporting the hypothesis that
Within the guidelines, the consensus was that increased protein intake is able to stimulate protein
early enteral nutrition in critically ill patients should synthesis and possibly improve outcomes [23–27].
always be started at a slow rate and advanced gradu- However, RCTs have not provided sufficient cer-
ally while monitoring for enteral nutrition tolerance, tainty that administration of protein more than
biomarkers of refeeding syndrome (electrolytes) and, 1.2 g/kg/day actually improves outcome and avoids
if appropriate, intra-abdominal pressure [5 ]. muscle wasting [16,28]. Most importantly, a nega-
tive impact on outcomes, including mortality, has
not been excluded [29,30]. Although awaiting
REASONS TO DELAY ENTERAL NUTRITION future data [31], the current ESPEN recommenda-
Reasons to delay enteral nutrition were not specifi- tion regarding protein dosage is a compromise
cally addressed during the evidence synthesis for the acknowledging potential beneficial effects but also
current ESPEN guidelines. Respective recommenda- possible negative effects of this approach. One small
tions were adopted and then expanded from the open-label single-centre RCT published since the
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) ESPEN guidelines provides preliminary data

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 319

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Metabolic support

supporting the recommendation for augmenting (GPP) are provided. Suggestions for monitoring to
protein delivery, with results suggesting that achiev- detect/suspect overfeeding are provided in a sepa-
ing 1.2 g/kg/day rather than 0.74 g/kg/day may rate article complementing ESPEN guidelines [2 ].
attenuate muscle loss and reduce malnutrition
[32]. Another small multicentre-blinded RCT
reported no obvious harm when delivering protein HOW TO MONITOR NUTRITIONAL
dosage up to 1.5 g/kg/day [33]. Recommending one THERAPY?
target dosage (1.3 g/kg/day), albeit one arbitrarily The main goals of monitoring of nutrition therapy
chosen, instead of a wide range, may facilitate in critical illness are [2 ]:
implementation at bedside.
(1) to assure that appropriate nutritional support is
chosen and provided as planned and prescribed;
WHEN TO ADD PARENTERAL NUTRITION? (2) to assure that estimated energy and protein
The dogma that parenteral nutrition per se is harm- requirements are gradually met;
ful has been challenged with recent trial results (3) to avoid or detect early any possible adverse
[34,35 ]. Early overfeeding because of endogenous effects related to feeding;
energy production, refeeding and electrolyte distur- (4) to assess response to feeding;
bances and suppression of autophagy are the major (5) to detect specific deficiencies in patients at risk.
underlying mechanisms whereby parenteral nutri-
tion applied early and at ‘full’ dosages may be harm-
ful [36,37]. Current ESPEN guideline recognizes
parenteral nutrition as a reasonable option to pro-
vide energy and protein in patients in whom enteral
nutrition is not successful or not possible. In The ESPEN guidelines provide the most recent inter-
patients who do not tolerate full dose enteral nutri- national consensus recommendations on nutrition
tion during the first week in the ICU, it is recom- therapy for critically ill adult patients. This current
mended that the safety and benefits of initiating review provides a short summary of the ESPEN
parenteral nutrition should be weighed on a case-by- guidelines to facilitate the implementation of these
case basis (Grade 0). In some situations, it may be guidelines into clinical practice.
appropriate to commence parenteral nutrition early
but this should be done cautiously. Even though the Acknowledgements
optimal timing, dosage and composition remains None.
unclear, it is intuitive that parenteral nutrition
should be commenced before very large iatrogenic Financial support and sponsorship
nutritional deficits occur in those patients who are ARB is a co-author of ESPEN guideline, and received
already malnourished and enteral nutrition cannot speaker and/or advisory board fees from Fresenius Kabi
be commenced or is unlikely to be adequately deliv- and Nestlé. University of Tartu (institution of both ARB
ered for some time. The guidelines state that early and JS) received a study grant from Fresenius Kabi. AMD
and progressive parenteral nutrition can be pro- or his institution has received honoraria or project grant
vided instead of no nutrition in case of contraindi- funding from Baxter, Cardinal Health, Fresenius Kabi,
cations for enteral nutrition in severely GSK and Takeda. JS has received speaker fees from B.
malnourished patients (Grade 0), whereas strongly Braun and Fresenius Kabi.
recommending against delivery of full caloric target
(via any route) within 48 h of admission (Grade A). Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
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