Keywords: 1.hairpin Bends 2.IR Sensors 3.microcontroller 4.collision Prevention

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1.In this report the main idea is to prevent accidents in hairpin

bend zone at hilly areas.Accidents mainly occurdue to over
speeding of vehicles while driving through a sudden curve .In ghats
and hairpin bends ,first preference should be given to the vehicles
moving uphill.Here we use convex mirrors ,headlights and horn to
indicate the vehicle coming on the other side2.But the demirts in
that above process is that mirrors can be covered by mist or fogg
and reduces the visibility and headlight will not be effective during
daytime3.So the solution is the use of IR sensors,LED lights and
buzzers.The sensors can be installed on the road bumps and when
the car reaches the road bump it can give signals using LED
lights.4.This accident prevention system consist of four IR
sensors.Two sensors can be mounted on the uphill section and
other two sensors can be mounted on the downhill section.They are
controlled by ATmega328P microcontroller through wires.If two
vehicles approach near the hair pin bend zone ,the IR sensor senses
the vehicle and it shows the red signal for one vehicle and shows
green signal for another vehicle to pass the road.The
microcontroller works on a poer supply of 9V.5.In real time this
system works well but the only disadvantage is that sometimes it
senses the people who walks along it.6.This system proves the most
effective as it prevents most of the accidents and traffic by passing
the vehicles alternatively.7.finally this simple effective
methodology enables the driver to have a better sense of terrain
and will drastically reduce road accidents in the hairpin bend zone.
1.Hairpin Bends
2.IR sensors
4.Collision prevention
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