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Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future Scope


Alpana P. Adsul: Design and Performance Evaluation of Transmitted Reference Ultra Wideband Receiver 133
Chapter 7

Conclusion and Future Scope

In recent years, short-to-medium range personal wireless connectivity has played an

increasingly signicant role in wireless communications systems. Ultra wideband (UWB)
technology based primarily on the impulse radio paradigm has a huge potential for rev-
olutionizing the world of digital communications especially wireless communications.
Although the increasing need of high data rates in wireless communication applications
will require the use of wide band systems capable of handling several GHz in order to
accomplish the demands. Consequently, UWB technology has emerged as a solution
for high data rates system.
Furthermore, UWB is characterized by low power transmission, potential for low-
cost and simple transceiver design, high resolution, easier material penetration, im-
munity to multipath effects and robustness against eaves dropping. Hence it is very
challenging task to design UWB transceiver system which provides high-capacity, high-
data-rate, power-efficient and small transceiver design.
With this perspective the thesis deals with the analysis, the design and the sim-
ulation of a UWB system to suggest new architectures for UWB receiver. The UWB
receiver is non-coherent and uses the Energy Detection approach. The main peculiarity
of this research is the implementation of two types of LNAs in the CMOS technology
and its impact on the performance of various types pulse modulation schemes along
with more realistic channel model for UWB. This UWB system is intended as a low-cost
solution, by implementing its analog-front-end using the Energy Detection scheme, an
Integrate and Dump unit.
The theoretical receiver formation focusing on its main blocks is formulated for
coherent and non-coherent receiver. In the thesis theoretical analysis is prepared for
coherent as well as non coherent detection with BPSK, PPM and PPV modulation
schemes considering AWGN channel.
A detailed analysis for BPSK, PPM, and PPV is performed for bit error rate calcu-
lation. It is demonstrated that the performance is not only dependent on modulation

Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future Scope

scheme and detection method it uses but also on the normalized autocorrelation func-
tion of the received signal.
In UWB systems the LNA must provides a high voltage gain on a high impedance
output load given by a pulse detector. So the LNA is one of the most important analog
block of the receiver. To achieve low cost the LNA must be fully integrated and must
consume low power and low die area. In addition, a constant group delay is required
in the signal bandwidth to maintain the signal integrity of the pulsed wideband signal.
In this research firstly a basic LNA design is presented, secondly two types of LNAs
are designed one for low-band and another for wide-band application. In case of low-
band LNA, noise cancellation feature is added, and for wide-band LNA phase linearity
property is incorporated. These designs are tested Agilents ADS design tool.
A special attention is provided on the design on wide-band LNA. In this design
gain, flatness of the frequency response in the band of interest and Group-Delay vari-
ation is the major achievements.
A system simulation environment has been built in SIMULINK from the transmit-
ter through the UWB channel and analog frontend to receiver. The investigations have
been carried out for BPSK, PPM, and PPV modulation schemes. The effect of LNA
on the performance of the receiver is also evaluated in AWGN and SV channel models.
The first step for the investigation was to validate the simulation model. The val-
idation was performed by simulating the designed simulation model for PPM using
AWGN channel with the results of the analytical findings of the UWB receiver. It was
found that ρ = 0.68 matches with the simulated output.
A detailed investigation is carried for the designed receivers in terms of BER. From
all observations it can be concluded that the modulation scheme suggested for UWB
receiver using low-band LNA is BPSK and for UWB receiver using wide-band LNA
the modulation scheme is PPV.

This thesis work has opened numerous areas for future work which could be done to
better understand the performance of the UWB TR systems. In this thesis T-R based
schemes use an autocorrelation receiver which correlates the received reference pulse
with the received data pulse to detect the information symbols. A unique advantage
of the UWB autocorrelation receiver is its robustness to synchronization errors. The
theoretical analysis for T-R UWB is prepared with AWGN channel only.
The main drawback of this receiver is employing a noisy (dirty) template in de-
modulation. Another is the lower data rate because of the transmission of reference

Alpana P. Adsul: Design and Performance Evaluation of Transmitted Reference Ultra Wideband Receiver 135
Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future Scope

pulses. The research is vital in the area of the receiver architecture with high data
rate. Concurrently, the theoretical receiver formation can be prepared with the help
of S-V channel model.
In addition to the receiver implementation, the transmitter can also be designed
and integrated with the receiver to produce complete UWB transceivers that form the
core of commercially viable UWB wireless devices.

Alpana P. Adsul: Design and Performance Evaluation of Transmitted Reference Ultra Wideband Receiver 136

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