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Borr No., [T.f:l


Time : 3.00 hours MM:100

This paper is divided into three sections'



(Textbooks & Long Reading Text - Novel) (40 Marks)

I Ceneral lnstructions-

1. This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All the

sections are comPulsorY.

Z. Separate instructions are given with each section and question,

wherever necessary.

3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the



1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that
follow: eO Marks)
zuAA-1201 2

. ,* i;;t";;Ai*"s "sr*;ll;;;iffi; t* Cec= h*E

demanded that merit be the sole criteria for admission

medical and engineering colleges. Then, how is it that they

haven't objected either to the N Rl quota or candidates who
procure admission on the basis of capitation fee?Does this not
affect quality? Reservation was introduced in the Kolhapur state
as early as in 1go2 and in the state of Mysore in 1921.1n Tamil
Nadu, where the human health index is much better than

other states, there is as much as 69 per cent reservation. Let

us take for a moment that upper caste doctors are meritorious.
But is this of any help to the nation when many of them use
elite institutes as springboard to go abroad for higher wages'
Nearly 70 per cent of doctors from AIIMS go abroad' How

these elite institutes. under such circumstances, serving the

interests of the common people? On the other hand, it has
been in Tamil Nadu that a good number of sc/sT/oBC doctors,
who procured admission into colleges due to the reservation
policy, stick to their state or hometown, resulting in better
healthcare service

Reservation is not a phenomenon exclusive to our country.

American MNC, lBM, voluntarily introduced reservations for
Blacks in1g30.ln Malaysia there are reservations not
just in jobs
but also in contracts, licenses and company shares for Malays'
Reservation for the depressed and weaker sections exists in
many countries like Brazll, South Africa, Japan, Netherland and
lreland. There is 50 per cent reservation for Blacks and women
in the medical faculty of Harvard University. And the Whites
have never made an issue of being eligible only for 50
per cent
of the seats. ln fact, it is the handful of anti- reservationist
doctors, who talk of disintegration of society on account of
reservation, who are really responsible for creating dissension
and obstaclcs in the ways of social justice of the OBCs. The
media have, of course, played a negative role. But it is a
reatity that lndian society is constituted on caste lines.lf the
anti-reservations are so concerned about the disintegration of
society on caste lines, they should first lead the struggle against
social discrimination.

3. Reserved candidates get a job or admission even if they get

less percentage of marks. ln one of the cases, a person WaS
in lndian Revenue Service. He saw that candidates getting high
marks in a competition were not necessarily successful in the
field. Merit, as it is being presently understood, does not include
honesty, hard work and patriotism. ln the American school
system, besides the syltabus, students have to undergo practical
training in social services, etc. and marks are added in the
certificate based on performance in this area. The only people
talking of merit today are those who have studied in public
schoots or whose children study in such schools.

4. The expenditure incurred on education in public schools is 50 to

100 times more than those of corporation/ government schools.
There is a vast difference in quality between the teachers of
public and government schools. Parents who can afford to send
their children to public schools are mostly educated. They not
only teach the children themselves at home but also provide
coaching for them. On the other hand, parents who send their
children to corporation/ government schools are mostly
uneducated. These children have to lend a helping hand to their
parents after schools hours. Under such circumstances, what is
wrong if such students ask for concession of a few marks?


Reservation will bring unitY and iintegration in
society' Reservation
social strata
in elite institutes will enable peopre from different
to come together and establish bonhomie among them'
lt is
to the vexed
true that reservation is not a permanent solution
problem of our society. As and when equal and compulsory
education is introduced in the country, Dalits
and oBCs will not
stake their claims to reservation'
6. Reservation is not a panacea for the economic
of the country. For this purpose, the government has

launched many schemes. Reservation is only

a concession given
that they may
to socially and educationally backward people, so
if the poor
integrate with the mainstream. We have no objection
reservations. But the problem here is that most
among them
start taking advantage of the policy'
1.1 Answer each of the questions given below by choosing the
most apProPriate oPtion:

(i) The admission in the medical and engineering college

should occur on the basis of
(a) health
(b) wealth
(c) merit
(d) social status
(ii) The people of reserved category
(a) take wrong advantage of the policy'
(c) do not want it-

(d) want another PolicY' tp.T.o.I

(iii) Reservation will bring unity and integration in society

(a) they are getting chance in elite institutes

(b) they are getting chance to learn others culture
(c) their race is not rich in culture
(d) their aim is to go abroad
(iv) What is not true about Harvard University-?
(a) 50' per cent reservation for Blacks and women
(b) The Whites have no objection to 50 percent of
the seats
(c) obstacles in the ways of social justice of the
(d) All of the above
(v) No reservation will be there
(a) if the students go abroad
(b) if equal and compulsory education is introduced.
(c) if equal distribution of wealth is introduced.
(d) if OBCs are given financial aids in education.
1 .2 Ansv,rer the following questions briefly: (1x6=6)
(i) Why were the lnd ian doctors claiming against
(ii) Where does the passage hint at the brain drainage?
(iii) What ideas do you know about reservations in
Malaysia and Harvard UniversitY?
(iv) What is the fact about the lndian society?
(v) What is merit, according to the author?
(vi) When will the Dalits and OBCs lose their claims to
1.3 Answer any three of the following questions in 25-30 words
each: (2x3=6)
(i) How do the SC/ST/OBC doctors in Tamil Nadu differ
from the doctors from AIIMS?
(ii) What are the salient features of the American school
(iii) How will Reservation bring unity and integration in
(iv) Why is it justified if the students belonging to the
uneducated parents ask for concession of a few
1.4 Pick out the words/phrases from the passage which are
similar in meaning to the following: (1x3=3)
(i) obtained with great effort (Para 1)
(ii) friendliness (Para 5)
(iii) a universal remedy (Para 6)
Read the passage and answer the questions given below:

({ 0 Marks)
The most alarming of man's assautts upon the environment is
the contamination of aiI earth, rivers, and sea with lethal
materials. This pollution is for the most part irrevocable; the
chain of evil it initiates is for the most part irreversible. ln this
contamination of the environment, chemicals are the sinister
partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world;
radiation released through nuclear explosions into the air, comes
to the earth in rain, lodges into the soil, enters the grass or
Corn, or wheat grown there and reaches the bones of a human
being, there to remain until his death. Similarly, chemicals
sprayed on crops lie long in soil, entering living organisms,
passing from one to another in a chain of poisoning and death.
Or they pass by underground streams until they emerge and
combine into new forms that kill vegetation, sicken cattle, and
harm those who drink from once pure wells.

It took hundreds of millions of years to produce the life that

now inhabits the earth and reached a stage of adjustment and
balance with its surroundings. The environment contained
elements that were hostile as well as supporting. Even within
the light of the sun, there were short wave radiations with
power to injure. Given time, life has adjusted and a balance
reached. For time is the essential ingredient, but in the modern
world there is no time.

The rapidity of change and the speed with which new situations
are created follow the heedless pace of man rather than the
deliberate pace of nature. Radiation is no longer the
bombardment of cosmic rays; it is now the unnatural creation of
man's tampering with the atom The chemicals to which life is
asked to make adjustments are no longer merely calcium and
silica and copper and all the rest of the minerals washed out
of the rocks and carried in the rivers to the sea; they are the
synthetic creations of man's inventive mind, brewed in his
laboratories, and having no counterparts in nature.
(a) On the basis of your understanding of the above passage,
make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use
recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary-minimum

four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an
appropriate title to it. (5 Marks)
(b) Write a summary of the passage in about 100 words
(5 Marks)



3. You are Sandeep/Sunita of G.D.G.Public School, Pune. Your

school has decided to organize a cultural programme to raise
funds for the victims of floods in Karela. Draft a notice in not
more than 50 words for your school notice board. (4 Marks)

You are Pradeep/Pratima, ?o electronics engineer who has

recently returned from the U.S. and looking for a suitable job
in lT industry. Draft an advertisement in about 50 words for the
'situations Wanted' column of a national newspaper. Your contact
number is 8812345678.

4. R.L.S. Public School, Chandigarh requires a post-graduate

teacher to teach English for which they have placed an
advertisement in The lndian Express, Chandigarh. You are
Sanjeev/Salma from 23, Sector-45, Chandigarh. Draft a letter
including CV for the advertised post. (120-150 words)

(6 Marks)


Lack of job opportunities in the rural areas is forcing people to

migrate to cities. Every big city thus has a number of slums in

it. Life in these slums is miserable. Write a letter in 120-15C
words to the editor of a national newspaper on how we can
lmprove the living conditions in these slums .You are Karamveer/
Kamini, M-115, Jail Road, Delhi.

5. You are AmiUAmisha, Head boy/girl of your school. You are

very much concerned about the indisciplined activities among
students in your school. You have decided to speak in the
morning assembly about it. Write a speech on 'Discipline shapes
the future of a student'. (150-200 words) (10 Marks)

'Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial

area of the city'. Write a debate in 150-200 words expressing
your views either for or against the motion

6. You are Ram/Devi. You have recently attended a healthcamp

on yoga. Write an article in about 150 - 200 words on the
benefits of yoga for holistic health and the need to practice it
daily. (10 Marks)

You are NavjoUNisha of Akash Public School, Jaipur. Your school

has organized an Inter House English Debate competition. Write
a report on it in 150-200 words for your school magazine.


7. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that
follow: 1x4=4

7Z.AA-12A1 10
when Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie
Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by'
The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.
(i) why are Aunt Jennifer's hands called 'terrified'?
(ii) What are they still ringed with?
(iii) Where did she design the tigers?
(iv) Which figure of speech has been used in the last


Far far from gusty waves these children's faces,

Like rootless weeds, the hair torn round their pallor;
The tall girl with weighed - down head.
(i) Who are these children?
(ii) Which figure of speech has been used in the second

(iv) What does the word 'Pallor' mean?
B. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each:

(i) Why was the Maharaja once in danger of losing his

(ii) Why did Jansie discourage Sophie from having dreams?
(iii) How can 'mighty dead' be the things of beauty?

11 zzt*-1241
(iv) What was the basic plot of each story told by Jack?
(v) What shocking experience' did Douglas have at YMCA
(vi) What kind of garden does M r. Lamb have?
L Answer any one of the following questions in 120454 words:

(6 Marks)
"For the children it is wrapped in wonder, for the elders
it is a means of survival". What kind of life do the rag-
pickers of Seemapuri lead?
(ii) The peddler thinks that the whole world is a rattrap. This
view of life is true only of himself and of no one else in
the story. Comment.
(iii) Every teenager has a hero/heroine to admire. So many
times they become role models for them. What is wrong
if Sophie fantasizes about Danny Casey and is ambitious
in life?

10. Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words:

(S Marks)
Untouchability is not only a crime, it is inhuman too. Why
and how did Bama decide to fight against it?
(ii) How is
Derry's and Mr. Lamb's behaviour and attitude
different towards people ?
Good human values are far above any other value system.
How did Dr. Sadao succeed as a doctor as well as a

72.A,A42A1 t2
11 . Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words:
(6 Marks)

(i) ls the ending of the novel "The lnvisible man" happy and
just? Elucidate.
(ii) How did Mrs. Hall show her excitement when Griffin came
to staY at Coach and Horses?
12. Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words:
(6 Marks)
(i) Why did Kemp turn out differently than Griffin? After all
both of them are scientists. ls Kemp Iess isolated than
Griffin? JustifY Your views.
(ii) Marvel is the only character in "The lnvisible Man" who
interacts with Griffin and gains something' Comment'


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