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542 2015

Temporary onshore accommodation –

Design, layout, accommodation,
facilities and services

responsible environment
Safety Committee

Temporary Onshore Accommodation Task Force

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542 2015

Temporary onshore
accommodation –
Design, layout, accommodation,
facilities and services

Revision history


1.0 December 2015 First release

Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 4

1. Background 6

2. Purpose and scope 7

3. Camp design and layout 8

3.1 Minimizing environmental impact 9
3.2 Areal footprint 9
3.3 Layout plans 10
3.4 Security 11
3.5 Access/egress/walkways 11
3.6 Roads and parking areas 12
3.7 Durability 12
3.8 Stability of buildings and structures 12
3.9 Maintenance 13
3.10 Mobility 13
3.11 Utilities 14
3.12 Drainage 14
3.13 Earthquake zones 15
3.14 Workscope changes 15

4. Accommodation, facilities and services 16

4.1 Sleeping areas 16
4.2 Toilet and sanitary facilities 17
4.3 Wastewater management 18
4.3.1 Drainage of rain water 18
4.3.2 Sewage treatment 19
4.3.3 Disposal of wastewater 20
4.3.4 Disposal of solid residues of sewage treatment plants and septic tanks 21
4.4 Water supply 24
4.4.1 Water quality testing 25
4.4.2 Arsenic contamination 25
4.4.3 Water distribution 25
4.4.4 Management of water consumption 26
4.5 Kitchens and mess 29
Dining rooms 29
Food storage 30
Bakery 30
4.6 Laundry 31
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 5

4.7 Electricity 31
4.7.1 Sources of electrical power 31
4.7.2 Electricity system design 34
4.7.3 Materials 35
4.7.4 General protective devices 35
4.7.5 Switchgear 36
4.7.6 Cables and wires 37
4.7.7 Outlets 38
4.7.8 Earthing 39
4.7.9 Power supply to trailers, transportable buildings, containers and tents 40
4.7.10 Power supply to wet areas 40
4.8 Use of gas 40
4.8.1 Gas supplies 40
4.8.2 Gas system design 41
4.8.3 Materials 41
4.8.4 General protection devices 41
4.8.5 Exhausts and ventilation 41
4.9 Fire safety 42
4.9.1 Fire Safety Strategy 42
4.9.2 Fire safety design guidelines 43
4.9.3 Fire detection 44
4.9.4 Firefighting 44
4.10 Fuel storage and fuel transfer 45
4.10.1 Location of fuel storage areas 46
4.10.2 Transfer of fuel to camp storage 46
4.10.3 Fuel storage arrangements 47
4.11 Waste management facilities 49
4.11.1 Waste Management Plan 49
4.11.2 Waste storage 49
4.11.3 Waste segregation 50
4.11.4 Land fill 51
4.12 Recreation and wellbeing 52
4.13 Places of worship 52
4.14 Camp commissary 53
4.15 Health and hygiene (including insect and pest control) 53
4.15.1 Hygiene 53
4.15.2 Health care 53

Pest and insect control 54

Appendix A: Trailer/portacabin stabilization requirements 56

References 59
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 6

1 Background

The upstream sector of the oil and gas industry utilizes temporary
accommodation for staff living and working in a wide variety of project
activities, including seismic operations, drilling, pipeline and facilities
construction and geological field studies.

The scale and duration of use of such accommodation varies from a few
people for a few days to hundreds or thousands of people for in excess of
a year. Standards for such accommodation vary greatly from country to
country and from contractor to contractor.

Temporary accommodation generates significant issues in the areas

of health, safety, security, social and environmental impact yet there
are no globally accepted published standards to cover the minimum
requirements for such accommodation.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 7

2 Purpose and scope

This report is part of a series that provides guidance on health, safety,

security, social and environmental impact aspects of temporary
accommodation and related facilities for upstream oil and gas projects.

It is applicable to onshore operations in a wide range of remote

environments including desert, jungle, swamp and Arctic.

The design and layout of a temporary camp are fundamentally important

aspects of providing a good standard of temporary accommodation
together with the all associated facilities and services.

This report addresses each of the following aspects of a temporary

onshore accommodation facility:
• the design and layout of temporary camps including living areas,
recreational areas and essential camp services
• health, hygiene and welfare considerations
• environmental and social impact considerations
• selection, design, and installation considerations for essential
camp facilities.

The companion Report 541, Temporary onshore accommodation – Selecting

the camp type provides guidance on the selection of camp type and the
selection of camp sites.

This guidance in this report can be applied to temporary accommodation

that is required for both very short periods of time (less than three
months) as well as for longer periods of up to 60 months.

It might be necessary for advance teams to be deployed for very short

durations, e.g. to set up temporary accommodation facilities or to set up
and occupy fly camps. In these cases, be follow this guidance where it is
realistic to do so. 

This report does not address the following aspects of a temporary onshore
accommodation facility:
• engineering design, construction and decommissioning methods
• camp operation and maintenance
• the design and layout of work areas such as offices, workshops and
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 8

3 Camp design and layout

Personal privacy, food quality and variety, recreation and connectivity to

home are important considerations when deciding on camp design and
camp layout.

Factors that should be considered during the camp design and layout of a
camp include:
a) minimizing environmental impact
b) areal footprint of the camp
c) layout of camp accommodation and facilities
d) provision of appropriate security
e) access and egress to all parts of the camp
f) vehicle access and parking areas
g) durability and stability of all buildings and structures
h) maintenance of camp facilities during the life of the project
i) design of facilities to provide the required degree of mobility
j) provision of essential utilities including water and electricity
k) drainage requirements
l) earthquake zones
m) work scope changes.

The consequences of selecting a remote location for the camp site should
be considered during camp design and layout.

This might necessitate a ‘larger than normal’ footprint capable of

accommodating larger areas for storage (e.g. for food and fuel), additional
medical facilities, and transport-related facilities (e.g. access road,
helipads and airstrips).

Provision should be made for adequate telecommunications for routine

operational and emergency voice communications with at least one level
of redundancy in emergency communications.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 9

3.1 Minimizing environmental impact

An Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment study (ESHIA)
should be completed.

See IOGP Report 529, Overview of IOGP’s Environmental–Social–Health Risk

and Impact Management Process.

The environmental risk mitigation measures identified in the ESH Impact

Assessment should be integrated into the camp design and layout. This
should include waste management, minimizing noise disturbance and the
use of appropriate lighting schemes to reduce light pollution.

3.2 Areal footprint

Where possible, the footprint of temporary accommodation should be
minimized to reduce the impact on the local environment.

The areal footprint should be determined by the capacity of the temporary

accommodation facility and the available land area.

Standard camp sizes do vary but as a general guideline, the following

camp sizes should allow adequate space for all of the required
accommodation and associated facilities and services:
• 150 man camp: 120 metres × 120 metres
• 300 man camp: 200 metres × 200 metres
• 500 man camp: 400 metres × 400 metres.

These camp sizes should be sufficiently large enough to accommodate all

the required camp facilities, including transport requirements
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 10

3.3 Layout plans

The layout of the accommodation, together with all the associated
facilities and services should ensure that:
a) adequate space is allocated for accommodation, medical, catering,
dining and recreation facilities
b) catering and accommodation facilities are segregated from utility
equipment including generators, water treatment plants, sewage
treatment plants, workshops and waste management areas.
c) firebreaks exist between buildings
d) a safe distance is maintained from the tree line especially in freshly
cleared and earthquake zones
e) adequate muster point areas are available
f) vehicular and pedestrian movement is safe and dually separated
g) where there is H2S or flammable gas sources, or large volumes of
inflammable gases, the temporary accommodation should always
be located a safe distance upwind of the source. Safe distances
should be determined by dispersion calculations
h) emergency escape routes are located upwind wind of hazardous areas
i) other high risks and/or harmful equipment are identified and
located downwind and well away from high occupancy areas of the
camp. This will include:
1. main sources of fuel (e.g. petrol station, diesel-oil storage for
power generation, interim combustible waste, laundry, and
paints and solvents storage)
2. main sources of ignition (e.g. power generation, boilers and
3. harmful substances: chemical storage, carcinogenic materials,
radioactive sources, etc.
4. noisy equipment: power generation, heavy trucks park lot, etc.
5. bad smells: black sewage, interim waste, sanitary landfill, and
evaporation pond, sulfur components from plant in operation, etc.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 11

3.4 Security
Practical security measures should reflect the level of any local security
threats. Camp boundaries should be defined with adequate barriers to
prevent casual access from the local populace and from domestic and
large wild animals.

Physical barriers that may be considered include:

a) berms
b) ditches
c) fencing
d) razor wire
e) concrete T-Wall for high risk areas.

Towers may need to be considered for watch keeping.

3.5 Access/egress/walkways
A controlled, single point of access should be used to control vehicle
and pedestrian traffic. Access should be arranged in order to minimize
exposure to local traffic.

A second access point should be provided for emergency use.

All temporary accommodation facilities should have adequate access

and egress for both vehicles and pedestrians. Pedestrians and vehicular
traffic should be separated.

Walkways of an appropriate width should be provided from the access

points to all buildings/tents and from all buildings/tents to muster points.

Signage should be written in appropriate languages as required and

should be prominently displayed.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 12

3.6 Roads and parking areas

Roads should:
a) provide access to parking areas, kitchens, refuelling areas, waste
management areas, clinic and utility systems
b) be of adequate width for the types of vehicles used.

Roads and parking areas should be:

a) set out to facilitate roll in/roll out vehicle movements
b) compacted where practical
c) equipped with adequate lighting.

Parking areas should be sloped to provide water run off to prevent flooding.

3.7 Durability
All camp facilities and utilities should be designed for the intended life
of the camp. All structures should be weather tight and be provided with
adequate insulation, ventilation and temperature control for the climate in
which they are to be used.

3.8 Stability of buildings and structures

All buildings and structures should be designed and installed to maintain
stability in the strongest expected wind speeds.
a) Where the wind velocity is not expected to exceed 20 m/s,
containers, Portacabins and trailers should be installed according
to the installation procedures as specified by the manufacturer.
b) Where the maximum wind velocity is expected to reach 30 m/s, the
following precautions should be considered:

1. The units and trailers should be stabilized by means of concrete

slabs or large bags of sand. Where up to 12 trailers are closely
spaced in a row, then only the two outer trailers need to be stabilized.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 13

2. With trailers, large bags can be attached, via cables, to the

chassis or strong points on the cabin. The preference is to attach
them to approved strong points on the cabin. The large bags
should be filled with rock or sandbags. The weight will ensure
the stability of the units and prevent them from rolling over.

3. Units and trailers should be connected in pairs to increase

stability. Alternatively the units could be placed as a combination
of three units on a steel sub-frame.

Appendix A contains examples of stabilization methods for different

expected wind speeds.

Where the maximum wind velocity is expected to exceed 30 m/s, a

detailed evaluation of rolling/overturning and sliding stability should be
conducted to establish tie down arrangements.

3.9 Maintenance
All buildings/structures and utility systems should be designed to allow
onsite maintenance.

Utility systems should be designed to include redundant critical and non-

critical spare parts to avoid service interruptions.

3.10 Mobility
In addition to the selection of a camp type that lends itself to the mobility
requirements of the project, electrical cables, water distribution pipes and
sewage distribution pipes should be designed to be laid above ground and
be fitted with quick connect/disconnect joints and connectors.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 14

3.11 Utilities
Safe and efficient operation of the temporary accommodation is very
dependent upon well-designed and installed utilities.

Utilities should be designed for:

a) ease of installation, maintenance and decommissioning
b) the maximum capacity, and peak period usage, of the
accommodation facility.

See section 4 (Accommodation, facilities and services) for more detail

on utilities.

3.12 Drainage
Prevention of flooding and pooling of rainwater is an important
consideration during the site selection and the site preparation process.

Although every effort should be made to select a site that is not likely to
flood, in some circumstances this may not be possible in which case, the
following precautions should be considered:
a) installation of berms/ditches to protect against floodwaters
b) raising of the site and/or installations to allow for excess water
c) installation of site drainage
d) installation of non-return valves on sewage lines
e) provision of roofing over bunded areas
f) provision of fixed pathways
g) full treatment of effluent (due to lack of soakage).
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 15

3.13 Earthquake zones

If the area where the facility is to be located is in a known area of
earthquakes, the following precautions should be considered:
a) the design of buildings and corresponding safety systems should
ensure minimal exposure to personnel in the event of an earthquake
b) the use of single-storey buildings
c) the reinforcement of buildings particularly living areas to prevent
d) the use of suitable materials and design for services (water sewage
electricity) to prevent disruption and contamination in the event of
an earthquake event
e) the use of suitable materials and design for critical items, e.g. bunds,
hazardous material storage that will maintain integrity at all times
f) the establishment of a safe shelter location for people during or
immediately following an earthquake event
g) where appropriate, the installation of Tsunami warning and
evacuation systems
h) ensure any items stored at height that could potentially fall are
properly secured.

3.14 Workscope changes

Changes in work scope may require an expansion of the temporary
accommodation facilities. Possible future expansion should always be
taken into consideration when selecting a camp type, design and layout.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 16

4 Accommodation, facilities
and services
Whichever type of camp is selected, and wherever it is sited, there is a
requirement to meet recommended minimum standards for temporary
living accommodation and related facilities and services.

Separate facilities should be provided for female workers as appropriate.

General considerations for all areas should include the provision of:
a) natural light during the daytime and adequate artificial light
b) outside lighting for safe movement at night
c) ventilation to ensure sufficient movement of air in all conditions of
weather and climate
d) air conditioning (heating and/or cooling) as appropriate. Where gas
heaters are used, minimum requirements should include:
• outside storage for gas supply
• adequate airflows, with venting to the outside
• carbon monoxide detectors
e) supplies of safe potable water
f) sanitation facilities. See 4.3 (Wastewater management).
g) waste management
h) furniture for each worker to secure his or her belongings (such as a
ventilated clothes locker), which can be locked
i) pest and mosquito control.

4.1 Sleeping areas

Sleeping areas should always be located well away from sources of noise
generation, e.g. generators, kitchens and noisy recreational areas.

As far as practicable, sleeping rooms or areas should be arranged so that

shifts are separated and that no workers working during the day share a
room with workers on night shifts.
a) Each worker should have a separate bed.
b) Beds should not be arranged in tiers of more than two. Tiered beds
(or bunk beds) should only be considered for small footprint camps.
c) Bedding materials should be reasonably comfortable.
d) Bedding and bedframe materials should be designed to deter vermin.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 17

e) Signage in rooms or tents should indicate the permitted number of

f) In workers’ sleeping areas and for floor-level beds, the floor areas
(as recommended by ILO in the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006)
should not be less than:
• for two persons: 7.5 square metres
• for three persons: 11.5 square metres
• for four persons: 14.5 square metres
• for more than four persons: the floor area should be at least 3.6
square metres per person
g) In cases other than tents, adequate headroom, providing full and
free movement, of not less than 203 cm.
h) The minimum inside dimensions of an individual sleeping space
should be at least 198 cm by 80 cm.

Where two-tier beds are used, the floor space is calculated for the floor-
level tier only.

4.2 Toilet and sanitary facilities

Suitable and sufficient washing and sanitary facilities and consumables
should be provided with separate facilities provided for men and women.

Toilet and sanitary facilities should be designed and constructed to meet

the following:
a) non-slip and washable floors
b) one toilet, wash hand basin and shower per 15 camp occupants,
pro-rated for male and female personnel. In addition, the provision
of urinals should be considered to reduce waiting times during
periods of peak usage
c) good ventilation to the open air, independently of any other part of
the accommodation
d) all toilets and sinks connected to the water and sewage systems
e) drainage systems in each room
f) shower and toilet block fitted with a non-return valve to prevent
back flow of wastewater
g) hot and cold water to wash basins and showers in base camps
h) exhaust gases from heating systems vented to the outside
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 18

i) all electrical installations rated for use in wet areas

j) soap, hygienic paper and/or hygienic water supply to be supplied to
all communal sanitary conveniences
k) adequate privacy including lockable doors to toilets and shower

4.3 Wastewater management

Wastewater is considered to be non-chemical liquid waste generated in
accommodation and is usually collected in piped systems.

There are two categories of wastewater:

• rain water which does not require any treatment other than
channelling and disposal in an appropriate manner. Volumes
of rainwater are likely to exceed the capacity of regular sewage
treatment plants or septic tanks
• sewage, mostly human generated with an organic load that requires

4.3.1 Drainage of rain water

Drainage of rainwater or other naturally occurring water in or around
temporary accommodation is important in order to:
a) protect people from discomfort and health hazards associated with
humidity and being wet
b) protect materials and equipment from water damage
c) avoid mud, puddles and the like in or around the accommodation,
walkways, parking areas and roads
d) avoid pest-breeding opportunities (such as malarial mosquitoes),
mould and animals attracted by water/humidity.

Effective drainage can usually be easily achieved with simple engineering

methods such as gutters, piping channels and the like. Where heavy
water loads are anticipated, pumping might be necessary.

Drainage water needs to be channelled to natural bodies of water or

other recipient areas, far enough away from the accommodation to avoid
undesirable impacts such as mosquito breeding etc.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 19

In case of discharge to bodies of clear water, some settling of the

sedimentary load may be warranted before discharge, but no further
treatment should be necessary. Because of this absence of treatment,
measures should be in place to prevent contamination of drainage waters.

Care should be taken to ensure that the disposal of drainage water does
not cause any inconvenience to any local population.

4.3.2 Sewage treatment

Sewage is usually divided in two categories:
• grey water
• black water.

A range of sewage treatment systems is available to treat grey and black water.

Different types of sewage treatment systems and their applicability are

described in Table 1.

Sewage treatment plants, septic tanks and pits produce a relatively

harmless liquid output and some solid residues. Where there are no
significant impacts, it is wasteful to treat wastewater before discharge.

In general, grey water volumes will be much greater than the amounts
of black water produced, while needing less treatment. For this reason,
the two flows should be kept and treated separately. Sewage treatment is
usually limited to dealing with organic load.

Grey water

Grey water is made up of domestic wastewater with a relatively low

load of organic or chemical material. Typically this will be water coming
from domestic equipment other than toilets, e.g. sinks, kitchen sinks,
showers, dishwashers and laundry machines. It is important that soaps
and detergents used are biodegradable otherwise flows containing such
products will need to be considered chemical waste.

Grey water flows from kitchens need to be equipped with grease traps as a
first stage. These will capture large solid components and collect grease.

Black water

Black sewage is made up of waste flow from toilets, urinals and other
sources with high organic load. Leakage into fresh water supply systems
should be prevented.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 20

When designing sewage treatment facilities, the following should

be recognized.
a) Liquid output from sewage treatment plants and septic tank systems
needs to meet a number of criteria and specifications. Usually such
criteria and specifications are given in local regulations.
b) Sewage is a health hazard for those who come into unprotected
contact with it. It can produce skin irritation and bacterial, fungal,
amoebic or parasitic infections.
c) Storage and septic tanks should be marked as confined spaces
as methane gases can accumulate and produce explosion and
asphyxiation risk.
d) Parasitic eggs (e.g. from hookworm, ankylostoma) are usually the
components most resistant to decomposition and most difficult to
eliminate and where these might be present, longer decomposition
times will be needed.
e) Sewage can produce adverse health impacts on the environment
through dispersal of infections.
f) Care should be taken ensure that output and discharged products
have been sufficiently decomposed before disposal and that disposal
should take place at a safe distance from water aquifers, water
wells or open bodies of water which are being used by the public.

4.3.3 Disposal of wastewater

With all wastewater disposal, the impact of such disposal should be
considered. Waste should not:
• impact present or future human activities
• attract animals (wild or domestic) or pests (e.g. flies and mosquitos)
• contaminate surface water bodies or water courses, or groundwater

Disposal of liquid output can be achieved through:

a) collection and transport to disposal facility (undesirable transport
b) local discharge
c) soak away through septic tank walls
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 21

d) soak away or evaporation (pond or spray) dispersal areas

e) vertically drilled boreholes
f) reed beds for camps intended to be used for more than six months
g) further treatment and subsequent re-use for selected usage
methods as industrial water, e.g. toilet flushing, vehicle washing
and dust control.

Local discharge infrastructure and natural soakway should be carried

out at least 100 metres away from the accommodation facility, local
population and watercourses and where possible downwind from it.

Where spraying is used for evaporation, spray areas should be moved

regularly to prevent ponding on the surface. Where soakways are used, it
is generally the case that vertical boreholes facilitate better percolation
than surface ponds. In the simplest case, a vertically drilled borehole
hole can be very effective in dispersing fluids into surrounding rock.
Precautions should be taken to ensure that such boreholes do not
contaminate any aquifers.

The discharge of large amounts of organic material (decomposed or

not) can lead to a condition called ‘Eutrophia’ where an unnatural and
excessive amount of food is offered to the local ecosystem. This can, for
example, produce algal blooms (explosions of algal growth) in bodies of
water. These algae then in turn consume all oxygen present in the water,
leading to high mortality of all organisms needing oxygen (e.g. fish).

4.3.4 Disposal of solid residues of sewage treatment plants and

septic tanks
Disposal of solid output can be achieved through:
a) collection and transportation to a disposal facility. This introduces
additional transport exposure
b) discharged in situ in tanks or pits and backfill after usage
c) discharge into large bodies of water (e.g. lakes, fast flowing rivers and
open sea) can allow for rapid dispersal of loads to acceptable levels.
Table 1: Sewage treatment systems

Type of sewage Brief description of Suitability of system for Advantages Disadvantages Remarks
treatment system system Grey and/or Black water
treatment. Yes = Suitable,
No = unsuitable

Grey water Black water

Public sewer system Public sewer collection Yes Yes Where available and usage Risk of overloading public systems.
transport and treatment is permitted, only a piping and
system connection system is required, or
removal and transport by vacuum

Sewage Treatment Mobile or fixed local Capacity Yes High degree of treatment and High cost of equipment. May need storage tanks
Plant (STP) treatment system may be output can be easily disposed of. High operating cost and energy to buffer peak discharge
exceeded Output suitable for local disposal consumption (including fuel and to match daily
transport) and atmospheric pollution sewage production with
(CO2, etc.). steady STP capacity
(including outages for
Subject to break down, requiring
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services

maintenance or even
back-up plan (redundant units or
break down).
vacuum truck removal to public

Requires substantial transport.
Moving mobile units difficult as
these are heavy with high centre
of gravity and require time to re-
establish decomposition function at
each site.
Solid/sludge residue needs to be
transported for disposal.

Septic tanks Collecting tanks Yes Yes Relatively simple system. May need dismantling on site Could be of use for local
Aerobic in which organic No need for transport of large abandonment. community.
decomposition takes components. Can be locally built. Solid residue build up, may need to Minimum distance from
place in various stages. be removed and disposed of. water wells (WHO) 50 m
Output harmless enough for local
Aerobic, meaning
disposal. Confined spaces!
oxygen is present (often
through aeration). May be allowed to partly drain Cannot be used in floodable
water directly through “soak away” location!
(porous) construction.
Type of sewage Brief description of Suitability of system for Advantages Disadvantages Remarks
treatment system system Grey and/or Black water
treatment. Yes = Suitable,
No = unsuitable

Grey water Black water

Septic tanks Collecting tanks Yes Yes Relatively simple system, but a little May need dismantlement on site Could be of use to local
Anaerobic in which organic more complicated than aerobic type. abandonment. community.
decomposition takes No need for transport of large Solid residue build up, may need to Minimum distance from
place in various stages. components. Can be locally built be removed and disposed of. water wells (WHO) 50 m.
Anaerobic, meaning
Output harmless enough for local Confined space risk.
no oxygen is present
disposal, but needs oxygenation May need accelerator to start up
(sealed through water
before disposal. and will need some time before it is
fully functional.
Can be designed for us in floodable
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services

Pits Simple dug pit or For small Yes Very simple system, but not Odours. Minimum distance from
borehole, which after volumes suitable for large population or long May need addition of lime. water wells (WHO) 50 m
use, is backfilled. duration.

Confined space risk.

Can usually be built entirely with
Solid residue may not be allowed to
locally available materials.
be left on site and may need to be
Particularly suitable for fly camps. collected and disposed of.

Evaporation by boiling An option used in small Yes No Where discharges are produced, Very energy intensive.
Arctic or other sensitive storage and transport are
environments is impracticable.
evaporation by boiling.

Incinerate Incinerator toilets, No Yes Where discharge, storage and Incinerator toilets are very energy
or dry encapsulating transport are impracticable. intensive. Dry toilets are suitable in
toilet with separate combination where incineration of
incineration. other waste is on site.

Collect and transport Sewage is piped and For small Yes No local disposal of any kind. Odours.
out collected in a container amounts. May be limited to Black water only, Transport exposure.
and then pumped into while grey water is locally treated Dismantling on site abandonment.
trucks for transport and and disposed of.
Can be a quick, temporary solution.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 24

4.4 Water supply

Water is essential for temporary accommodation. It will be used for a
variety of purposes with different quality requirements.

Water can be classified into three categories:

• industrial water: used for cooling or cleaning of equipment,
firefighting reserve, etc. As long as this does not involve contact with
human skin, relatively low quality requirements need to be met.
• semi-industrial water: used for toilet flushing, laundry, dish
washing and similar applications. Semi-industrial water should be
safe for contact with human skin but it does not have to meet the
stringent requirements for ingestion
• drinking water: used for food preparation and possibly as drinking
water. It is desirable that water for hand washbasins and showers
be of drinking water quality and fit for ingestion, but not absolutely
necessary. If it is not, this should be clearly signposted.

The consumption of pure industrial water is very site-activity dependent.

Consumption of semi industrial and drinking water of between 150–350
litres per person per day should be expected, depending on climate
conditions and operational considerations. About 10% of this needs to be
drinking water quality.

Unless the supply is ample and wholly reliable, a buffer capacity,

depending upon logistical arrangements, should be kept, as running out
of water in an accommodation facility is unacceptable. Where appropriate,
this same stock may also be considered to cover possible firefighting
contingency requirements.

There are many possible sources of supply of water. Each has its own
advantages and disadvantages. These are summarized in the Table 2
(Sources of water supply).

Depending upon the quality of water available, it may be necessary to

treat the water to render it suitable for semi industrial use or for drinking.
Possible methods of water treatment are summarized in Table 3 (Water
treatment methods).
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 25

4.4.1 Water quality testing

When deciding on where to obtain drinking water, supplies should first be tested
for chemical and bacteriological contamination:
a) at source
b) at distribution points, outlets, taps and showers.

Chain of custody for planned production, transportation and distribution should be

robust with critical points identified.

For more guidance on water testing, refer to IOGP Report 397, A Guide to Food and
Water Safety for the oil and gas industry.

4.4.2 Arsenic contamination

A special case of water contamination is pollution with Arsenic. This occurs
naturally in water wells in certain regions of the world.

Global arsenic occurrence is shown in the map at

Arsenic is very detrimental to human health. Water containing this chemical can at
best be used as industrial.

Processes designed to remove arsenic can be used to render the water usable.
Arsenic removal can be done by using special filters (aluminium oxide) or putting
the water through a reverse osmosis process.

In areas where Arsenic is endemic, wells should be regularly monitored, as clean

wells may turn Arsenic after some time of use.

4.4.3 Water distribution

Distribution from storage or pumping system should be by suitable piping. Care
should be taken that no contamination can take place in the piping system.

Buried systems should be free of any leakage and if at all possible be kept under
constant pressure to avoid ingress of contaminants. If for any reason pressure has
not been maintained, it is advisable to flush the system.

Different types of water distribution system are summarized in Table 2.

Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 26

4.4.4 Management of water consumption

Where only a limited supply of water is available or where water is
transported by tanker transport, it might be advisable to manage
consumption and reduce this to a reasonable minimum.

Consumption management may include the following:

a) ensuring the integrity of the system, no leakage
b) self-closing taps
c) economizing showerheads
d) urinals and toilets with small/large flush capability
e) recycling wastewater for industrial use
f) limiting industrial use, e.g. washing vehicles.
Table 2: Sources of water supply

Source of supply Brief description Suitability of source Advantages Drawbacks Remarks

Y=Suitable, N=unsuitable,
YM=suitable in most cases
Industrial Semi Drinking
water Industrial water
Public water supply From public water supply Y Y YM If available, easily obtained May overload the public Opportunity to work with
network through a connection with system and cause shortages community: Invest in
the public network. Further for other users. increasing public supply
treatment may be necessary to for temporary use for
achieve drinking water quality. accommodation.
Capture natural Somewhere in the Y Y YM Where available it can be May take water from other Opportunity to work with
water source vicinity of the temporary relatively easy to implement. users or natural environment. community, supply system
accommodation there may Build capture point / intake Will in general need some might be shared with, or later
be a source of water that can and piping system, possibly treatment, depending on the handed over to, community
be captured e.g. creek, river, pump assisted. quality of the source
fresh water lake.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services

Water well dug Water well from natural Y Y YM Where clean aquifer is near May take water from other As above.
aquifer, dug by hand or the surface this can be users or natural environment. Observe minimum distances
simple machines. Usually relatively easily built. Requires

Digging a water well is an from septic tanks (50 m at

possible near rivers or other little maintenance if properly excavation and requires least) and other sources of
bodies of water or in areas built. substantial safety precautions. contamination
with regular rain water intake
Water well drilled As above, but drilled with a Y Y YM Relatively easy and well May take water from other As above
drilling rig with casing set at understood technology. Can users or natural environment.
the right intervals. reach deeper aquifers than Requires access for heavy
dug wells. truck mounted drilling rig.
Water from most deep natural Drilling may take a few weeks.
aquifers is of drinking water
Trucking in Using water trucks to Y Y YM Quick solution, provided Significant road transport
transport water from supply source and access available. exposure and possibly
source elsewhere nuisance to environment.
Requires large volume of
buffer storage tanks.
Seawater Use desalination plant to Y Y Y Can produce high quality Expensive to build and operate.
produce water from sea water. Requires substantial electrical
power or quantifies of fuel.
Bottled water Purchase bottled water and N N Y Can provide safe reliable Cost, transportation, recycling
transport to location drinking water. of plastic.
Table 3: Water treatment methods
Note that usually several methods need to be used sequentially to progressively improve water quality.

Treatment method Brief description Suitability of treatment method Advantages Drawbacks

for different water types
(Y = suitable, N= unsuitable)
Industrial Semi Drinking
Settling Leave the water for some time in a Y Y Insufficient Simple Requires several tanks for settling and
settling tank to allow solids to settle. without storage.
Flocculation Add chemical products to flocculate Y Y Insufficient Simple Requires several tanks for settling and
solids, followed by settling. without storage.
Chemical Use chemicals to neutralize naturally Y Y Insufficient Simple Chemicals should be handled with care
neutralizers present substances. without and accurate dosage (and control) may
further be needed.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services

Chlorine Add chlorine to eliminate pathogens. Y Y Generally Simple and relatively cheap. Remains Dosage should be precise and controls
Yes present in the water and hence provides checks needed (Liquid chlorine requires

protection during storage and up to specialist storage and handling procedures).

delivery from outlet. Tablets are safer for handling.
Chemical disinfection Add chemicals to eliminate pathogens, N N Y Relatively easy for small volumes. Dosage should be precise and controls
followed by neutralizers. Easy to transport and apply in remote checks needed.
locations and fly camps
Filters Use filters to remove bacteria etc. N N Y Relatively easy to install in water piping Throughput limited and should not be
For example, coal filtering of lake and to upgrade semi-industrial water to exceeded.
river water. drinking water. Mobile treatment units Require regular replacement and can be
are available (regularly used by the expensive.
military in operational areas).
UV treatment Use UV light to eliminate bacteria etc. N N Y As above Throughput limited and should not be
Reverse osmosis Reverse osmosis filtering. N Y Y Capable of removing both biological and Expensive to purchase and operate.
chemical contamination. Heavy machinery that requires transport.
Desalination Desalination plant to treat salt water N Y Y As above As above
from sea or salty water wells.
Boiling Boiling water. N N Y Simple and reliable method to eliminate Cost and effort. Needs cooling before
bacteriological contamination. Also consumption.
leads to settling of remaining solids in Requires chlorination or specific care to
solution. avoid re-contamination during transport
and handling.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 29

Table 4: Water distribution systems

Water distribution method Brief description Advantages Drawbacks

Supply pressure Public system may have Simple No buffer available in case of
sufficient pressure for direct interruption of supply.
distribution through the
accommodation facility.
Gravity storage tank Tank placed sufficiently high Relatively simple and Requires pumping system to
enough to produce natural reliable, also provides some tank, but pumps need not be
pressure for the distribution buffer storage. capable of delivering peak
system. consumption rates.
Hydro pneumatic Water is stored under Simple to implement. Does Cost of purchase. Difficulty
pneumatic pressure for not require construction of regulating pressure and
distribution with pumps. large overhead tank. meeting peak consumption

4.5 Kitchens and mess

Mess areas should be scaled to allow at least 30% of the on-shift camp population
to be served at one sitting where practicable.

The number of persons, cultural variety, and shift model should be adequately
provided for in the catering arrangements including reasonable eating conditions
and timing.

Dining rooms

Dining rooms should meet the following.

a) They should preferably be located close to the centre of the camp in order to
minimizing pedestrian moving between accommodation areas and dining room.
b) They should be located within easy reach of hand wash and toilet facilities.
c) They should be air-conditioned and ‘non-smoking area’.
d) Self-service access to food should be available.

Changing areas close to the dining room should be provided. (Personnel wearing
working overalls and shoes are not allowed in dining areas.)

Kitchen design

The layout of kitchen(s) and associated facilities should take into consideration the
following criteria,
a) Areas for food handling and waste disposal should be segregated to avoid
b) The kitchen should be designed and equipped to provide:

1. well-ventilated and air-conditioned working areas

2. hand washing facilities

3. floors and surfaces that can be easily and effectively cleaned

Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 30

4. easily accessible dry food and cold storage facilities

5. areas/surfaces for hot and cold food preparation

6. cooking facilities

7. efficient hot and cold food distribution

8. adequate washing up facilities for cooking equipment, crockery

and cutlery. The two-sink method should be used (one for
washing, one for rinsing), or automatic dishwashers (not
practical in fly camps)

9. storage of kitchen pots, utensils and all dishes/cutlery

10. waste handling capability.

Food storage

Suitable food storage facilities should be provided to ensure that all food
served is properly preserved and fit for consumption.

The following food storage facilities and equipment should be provided:

a) freezers capable of maintaining food at a temperature of –18°C.
b) be freezers capable of being opened from the inside and be
equipped with a means of raising an audible alarm
c) refrigerators capable of maintaining food at a temperature range of 1–4°C
d) dry stores areas capable of maintaining food at 21°C and not
accessible by vermin.

A monitoring system should be in place to monitor frozen and other food

storage temperatures.


In large camps, consideration should be given to the bakery being set up

in a separate building. Particular attention should be paid to the specific
risks of the storage and handling of flour (whose dust can form an
explosive atmosphere), the kneading machine and the ovens. The bakery
should be a non-smoking area.

For more guidance on food safety, refer to IOGP Report 397, A Guide to
Food and Water Safety for the oil and gas industry.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 31

4.6 Laundry
An easily accessible camp laundry should provide facilities for washing,
drying, ironing and storage of house hold-linen (e.g. bed linen, towels and
pillowcases) and personal clothes including working overalls.

The laundry should have the capacity to deal with an average of 5 kg of

dirty linen and clothing per person per week.

The design of the laundry should enable the segregation of laundry categories
at all times, including dirty and clean laundry, and dry and wet laundry.

The design of the laundry should enable the following tasks to be

efficiently carried out:
a) dropping off of items to be laundered
b) tagging and marking
c) sorting
d) washing
e) drying
f) ironing (roll ironing for bed sheets, steam press and electric flat irons)
g) storage
h) return of washed and pressed linen to residents.

The interim storage of clothes should be considered as storage of

combustible products and should therefore be minimized.

4.7 Electricity
Electricity is an essential service in any temporary accommodation. If not
properly managed, it can cause fires and fatal accidents from electrocution.

4.7.1 Sources of electrical power

The provision of electrical power should be sized for the total temporary
accommodation facility capacity, and should provide 20% additional power
capacity for contingencies.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 32

Redundancy and backup systems should be provided as appropriate. In

case of loss of the main power source, a reliable backup system should
be provided to feed at least the essential services (clinic, communication,
IT networks, emergency and escape lighting, main switchgear auxiliaries,
etc.) for a defined period of time.

External supply

Where available, power may be obtained from a public network or from

another nearby operating facility. Connection to such a network will
generally require a power line (overhead or buried) to the camp and a
transformer station, main switchgear and energy metering, to be installed
at the utility entry point for the camp.

Incoming equipment should preferably be provided and maintained by

the operator of the public network or by the maintenance department of
the nearby operating facility respectively. Beyond the metering point, the
electrical installation will be part of the temporary accommodation and be
installed, owned, operated and maintained by the camp operator.


Diesel generators are the most frequently used type and are to be
preferred because of their proven reliability and the relative safety of
diesel fuel. However, for small camps or backup systems, small petrol
engines might have to be used if a small diesel alternative is not available.
a) Generators should be located in an enclosure that has sound
attenuation and that provides weather protection, or be located at
an appropriate distance from the accommodation and be designed
to be suitable for outdoor service. The location should be downwind
of the camp if possible.
b) Generators and fuel storage tanks should be protected by bunding
to contain fuel or oil spills.
c) To achieve independent, continuous operations and fuel supply, day
tanks should be installed close by the generators.
d) Where multiple generators are required to be operated in parallel,
synchronizing, load sharing and preferably load shedding systems
should be installed.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 33

e) In situations where parallel operation of generators is not

required and/or not possible (e.g. due to absence of synchronizing
equipment), then the circuit breaker or isolator switch of the non-
running generator should always be locked in the 'OFF' position
and interlocked with the other generator circuit breaker or isolator
switch, either via a master key system or via break-before-make
mechanical interlock.
f) Generators should not be connected in parallel with the external
supply unless with agreement with the external power provider, or
an interlock should be provided to avoid parallel operation between
generator and external supply.
g) Three-phase generators should be star wired using the TN-S
arrangement. Delta wiring is strongly advised against. Where an
external supply is used, the incoming earthing would usually be
TN-C or TT depending on the country, with TN-S on the facility.
h) Depending on their use, generators should as a minimum be equipped
with the following protection, control and metering equipment:

1. short circuit protection

2. overcurrent (thermal) protection

3. under voltage and over voltage protection

4. reverse power protection *

5. manual or automatic and check synchronizing equipment *

6. automatic voltage control system, suitable for island and

parallel * operation

7. voltmeters for the three line-to-line voltages

8. ammeter for each phase

9. frequency meter

10. emergency stop push button, clearly displayed at the engine.

* when generators operate in parallel or synchronized to a transformer

supply source.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 34

Solar power

The use of solar power is encouraged for camps of longer duration in

climates suitable for solar power generation.

Uninterruptable Power Supplies

Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS) with ac or dc distribution should

be provided to guarantee essential loads important for the safety of the
people and for the control of the camp.

Examples of these loads are:

• escape and standby lighting
• infirmary lighting and vital medical equipment
• IT network
• external and internal communication systems
• switchgears auxiliaries (to allow the restart of the electrical system)
• fire detection and fire alarms.

4.7.2 Electricity system design

The design of a camp’s electrical system should include the following
a) An internationally recognised standard (such as IEC 60364 or NEC
NFPA 70) or derived national standard, should be selected and
systematically applied for the whole camp electricity system design
and construction.
b) A camp layout diagram should be provided showing the locations and
tag (ID) numbers of generators, distribution units, switchgear, and
power consuming units (offices, workshops, mess, equipment, etc.).
c) A camp single line (one line) diagram should be provided showing
source of electrical power, the supply and distribution system
with inter connections. The diagram should indicate cable sizes,
route lengths, switchgear ratings, protective device ratings and
other relevant data to ensure full documentation of the safety and
operability aspects of the system. System capacities, equipment
ratings and impedance, winding configuration and earthing
arrangements should also be shown.
d) The design of electrical systems and equipment in a temporary
camp should ensure that all operating and maintenance activities
can be performed as safely as with permanent installations.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 35

e) The system should be designed such that plant items can be

isolated from electrical power sources during maintenance and
that testing for dead of equipment can be carried out safely.
f) A wiring colour code should be adopted and consistently used
throughout the system. The use of phase number marking (L1, L2,
L3, N, earth symbol) is preferred over use of colour letter marking
(such as R-Y-B).

4.7.3 Materials
The insulating and dielectric materials used in all electrical equipment
and transformers should be non-toxic and should not contain compounds
that are persistent and hazardous environmental contaminants or capable
of producing these on combustion, such as polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs), asbestos, Halon, etc.

All applied materials and components should be suitable for the purpose
for which they will be used, tropicalized, protected against water ingress,
humidity, corrosion and damage, taking into account the prevailing
weather conditions.

Due care should be taken of the effect of direct sunlight (UV radiation and
heating) on outdoor equipment.

4.7.4 General protective devices

The electrical system should be equipped with reliable automatic
protection to provide safeguards in the event of electrical equipment
failures or system malfunction.
• thermal fuses to protect against overload currents. The thermal
fusing protection should be cascaded down from maximum allowable
currents at main switchboard to as low as practicable at the stage of
individual consumer sectors such as buildings and trailers. At this
end stage fusing should normally be 16 Amp four convenience outlets
and low power consumption appliances such as lighting
• Residual Current Devices (RCD, also known as Earth Fault Circuit
Breakers EFCB, Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers ELCB or Residual
Current Circuit Breakers, RCCB). RCD protection should be cascaded
as for thermal fusing above, with at the end stage units set at 30 mA
• emergency cut-off switches/push buttons located in strategic
• surge protection devices for sensitive equipment.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 36

These devices should provide isolation of faulted circuits with minimum time
delay on a selective basis avoiding blackouts of large sectors. The protection
functionality should cover, as a minimum, protection against the negative
effects of short circuit current, over-current and earth-fault conditions.

In any event, this protection should become active within a time corresponding
to the short circuit current withstand capability of equipment, system stability
operating limits and the maximum fault clearance times.

4.7.5 Switchgear
For switchboards rated ≤1000 V, the maximum permissible operating time
of circuit protection for a bus bar fault should not exceed one second.

The switchboard and its components should have adequate short circuit
capacity, designed for a minimum of three seconds.

Switchboard ratings should be based on the incoming power rating as

well as electrical circuit loading when all spare panels and circuits are
utilized to their maximum circuit rating, due regard given to the required
switchboard diversity factors. This rating is to be re-validated when a
higher rating generator/ transformer is connected to the board or when
new consumption sectors are connected.

Switching and protective devices should be suitable for continuous duty.

• single-phase systems: two-pole switches should be used
• three-phase systems: four-pole devices should be used.

Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCBs) are preferred.

Each Switchgear/distribution board should be provided with a copper

earth bar of adequate rating, duly grounded.

All circuits are to be clearly identified and labelled for maintenance and
safety purposes.

All distribution panels should be lockable with access restricted to

authorized persons only.

Each incomer should be provided with an 'on-off' switch. Outgoing units

should provide means of positive separation from the bus bar system to
allow for safe circuit and cable maintenance or repairs.

All switches on distribution boards should be lockable in off position, to

enable the use of Lockout Tagout (LOTO) systems.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 37

4.7.6 Cables and wires

For electricity distribution through the camp, there is a choice between
the use of overhead cabling and/or buried cabling. Overhead power lines
are cheap and easy to install, but create a permanent risk of accidental
contact by vehicles, cranes, ladders or other tall items of equipment.
They are also more prone to being struck by lightning. For these reasons,
buried cables are preferred for longer-term camps.

Where used, overhead cables should be clearly marked and they should
not cross vehicle access roads or do so at a defined clearance height. Low
voltage (≤1000 V) overhead cables should be insulated.

Where buried cables are used, they should be buried to a suitable depth
with markers to demarcate the cable route. Armoured cables should be
used for buried cabling and should be earthed at both ends.

All internal wiring should be concealed in the structure or installed in surface-

mounted, high impact PVC tubing/trunking or metallic conduit/trunking.

Sizing of cables should be based on the manufacturer’s data and take

account of:
a) thermal short circuit capacity
b) voltage drop
c) current rating.

The use of PVC wiring in indoor locations should be avoided and instead
XLPE (cross linked polyethylene) or fire retardant or LSZH (low smoke
zero halogen) cabling and wiring should be used.

All cables, which are likely to be frequently moved/re-located, should be flexible,

of the heavy-duty neoprene rubber type or equivalent or braid armoured.

All cables should have a 3rd or 5th core earth / ground conductor
depending on the nature of the supply, single or three phases. In TN-S
earthed systems, the earth conductor should be connected to the neutral
point of the power supply and grounded to earth.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 38

4.7.7 Outlets

Power outlets

Socket power outlets should be standardized for each rating and

type throughout the installation and should have an earth connection
incorporated. Accidental incorrect socket-plug connection between
incompatible systems should not be possible.

Connections for three-phase plugs should be made in such a way as to

retain the same order of the phases.

Each power outlet should be at least controlled and protected by an

MCCB, should be of the female type and should have a waterproof self-
closing cover.

Only plugs fitted with armoured cables may be inserted in these power outlets.

Convenience outlets

A sufficient number of convenience outlets should be provided to avoid the

use of further multiple connection extensions.

Convenience outlet circuits should be separately protected from area

lighting circuits.

Convenience outlets should have a standard supply voltage throughout

the camp, 230/220 V or 110 V.

The convenience outlet style adopted should be consistently used

throughout the camp and should be of a type consistent with the voltage

See IET publication Electrical Plugs and Wiring and World Electricity
Supplies1 or equivalent reference document.

All convenience socket outlets should include an earth connection.

Outdoor convenience sockets should be of splash proof design with RCD

protection and preferably of a robust type (IEC 60309 or similar).

Electricity Supplies. Prepared by IEE/BSI. ISBN 978-0-58045-158-4. 2005.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 39

4.7.8 Earthing
The low voltage (LV) electrical system neutral should be solidly earthed
in the vicinity of the generator skid/trailer and the associated LV system
should have separate neutral and protective conductors, i.e. a TN-S system.

For equipment operating at LV, earth fault loop impedance should be

capable of effecting circuit disconnection in a time not exceeding one
second under solid (negligible impedance) earth fault conditions.

For the purpose of earthing of the electrical system and equipment, the
installation should have one common earth grid connected to at least two
groups of earth electrodes.

The impedance to earth of this common earth grid should be as low as

practicable with a maximum value of 25 ohm.

Necessary arrangements like earth mat etc. should be installed to

achieve the lowest possible earth resistance to avoid any rise in potential
in the earthing system.

The common earth grid should extend throughout the installation in the
form of a main ring. The metal frames of mobile units such as trailers,
portacabins and containers should be interconnected by means of a
secondary earth loop.

All exposed conductive (metallic) parts and extraneous conductive parts of

equipment should be connected to the common earth grid.

The LV electrical system neutral should be solidly earthed in the vicinity of

the generator and the associated LV system should have separate neutral
and earth conductors.

All equipment should be capable of withstanding the effects of short

circuit currents passing through the system and the consequential
voltages arising in the event of equipment or circuit faults.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 40

4.7.9 Power supply to trailers, transportable buildings,

containers and tents
The provision of power supplies to trailer/container areas should take the
following into consideration:
a) All trailer, container and tent supplies should be 110 or 220/230 V
a.c. 50 Hz. Other than for three phase AC units, the supply should
use only a single one of the available phases.
b) If a plug and socket supply configuration is adopted, the receiving
inlet socket should be a male pin configuration and the supply
cable (trailing end) should have a female plug.
c) All units or groups of units should have strategically located
emergency shutdown switch or equivalent.
d) All circuits internal and external to the trailer should have an earth
conductor installed and terminated at the equipment. All metal parts of
the installation and equipment should be connected to the earthing loop.

4.7.10 Power supply to wet areas

Workshops, laundries, kitchens, showers and bathrooms should have wiring
and fittings suitable for wet and outdoors conditions and protected by RCDs.

Lights, switches and outlets should be at a safe distance from showers

and washbasins.

4.8 Use of gas

Gas may be used in a temporary accommodation facility for cooking,
heating or the provision of hot water.

Gas entails risks of fire and explosion as well as asphyxiation due to

oxygen depletion or poor combustion releasing carbon monoxide.

4.8.1 Gas supplies

Gas is usually supplied to individual user points by locally installed
bottles. In the rare case where a central supply from a public network or
large LNG tank is considered, specialist advice should be sought for the
installation of such tanks and the related distribution piping.

Only certified gas bottles should be used with a valid test mark. Gas bottles
showing signs of corrosion or mechanical damage should be discarded.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 41

4.8.2 Gas system design

A reputable standard (national or international) should be selected and
systematically applied for the camp gas systems design and construction.
Where the piping is local and easily visible between a single bottle and a
small number of user points, no piping diagram will be required.

4.8.3 Materials
Flexible hoses should be gas grade and less than three years old.

They should only be used for the connection to the gas bottles, be kept
outdoors, free of tension or sharp bends and not subject to any friction
or contact with sharp edges. The remainder of the gas ducting should be
fixed gas grade copper tubing.

The tubing should be fixed and supported at regular intervals such that
connections will not be subject to vibration or differential movement.

Valves and other fittings should be gas grade.

The tubing and installation should be pressure tested before commissioning

and not show any measurable pressure drop for 20 minutes.

4.8.4 General protection devices

There should be a pressure reduction device on the gas bottle.

Shut off valves should be placed at strategic locations.

Heaters, water heaters and ovens should have thermal protection,

shutting down the gas supply in case the flame is extinguished.

Areas where gas burners are present should have heat and carbon
monoxide detectors and alarms.

4.8.5 Exhausts and ventilation

Gas appliances should only be installed in well-ventilated areas to ensure
adequate supply of air for combustion.

Exhausts of gas heaters, ovens or gas powered water heaters should

be to the open air outside and never to an enclosed room or area. They
should be heat insulated so as to not present a risk of setting off a fire.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 42

Gas cooking stoves should be fitted with a suction hood, providing active
ventilation to the open air. As combustible grease tends to accumulate in
such hoods, they should be fitted with cleanable filters and fixed CO2 fire
suppression systems.

Piping should only be placed in well-ventilated spaces, such that leaks

developing will not result in the accumulation of explosive gas air mixtures.

Areas with gas boilers or heaters should be equipped with CO monitors

or detectors.

4.9 Fire safety

Fire Safety Management and Fire Protection strategies should always be
based on the premise that the protection of people and not assets is the
overarching principle.

Often a ‘burn-down policy’ is preferable to endangering lives fighting fires,

in which case, fire-fighting should be limited to containing the fire and
preventing it from spreading.

4.9.1 Fire Safety Strategy

A Fire Safety strategy should be developed. All aspects of the Fire Safety
strategy should be incorporated into the camp design and layout.

The Fire Safety Strategy should incorporate the following principles:

a) The camp should be designed with regard to eliminating,
controlling or reducing fire hazards.
b) All fire hazards including materials used in accommodation
construction should be identified.
c) Accommodation design and construction together with camp layout
should be reviewed to assess potential for the escalation and/or
spread of fire.
d) A minimum safe distance between accommodation units should be
determined and implemented.
e) Provision of early fire detection together with the raising of the
alarm and a well-managed muster procedure to prevent persons
becoming trapped in accommodation, e.g. cabins, trailers and tents.
f) The size and location of muster points should be incorporated into
the camp layout.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 43

4.9.2 Fire safety design guidelines

A fire safety risk assessment should be carried out. Based on the findings of
the assessment, adequate and appropriate fire safety measures should be
put in place to minimize the risk of injury or loss of life in the event of a fire.

The risk assessment should identify what could cause a fire to start, i.e.
sources of ignition (heat or sparks) and substances that burn, and the
people who may be at risk.

Once the risks are identified, appropriate action should be taken to control
them. Consideration should be given to whether the risk can be avoided
altogether or, if this is not possible, how the risk can be reduced and
managed. Consideration should be given to how to protect people if there
is a fire.

In all cases, the following fire risk reduction and fire protection principles should
be incorporated into the design of the temporary accommodation camps:
a) A preference should be given to the construction of cabins/
buildings to be made of fire-resistant materials
b) Tents, where used, should be made of fire-retardant materials.
c) Polyurethane products should be prohibited in mattresses,
cushions and chair upholstery. In the event of a fire, these produce
very toxic black smoke.
d) Insulation materials in sleeping areas that are non-flammable and
that do not have the potential to produce toxic vapours if subjected
to heat should be used.
e) Buildings should be provided with appropriate means of egress to
permit prompt exit. They should be arranged and maintained free
and unobstructed.
f) Every exit and escape route to reach exits should be indicated and
adequately illuminated (this lighting should have a battery supplied
back up).
g) Controls to reduce the potential of fire caused by faults in electrical
equipment in sleeping accommodation should be in place.
h) Controls to reduce the careless disposal of smoking materials in
designated smoking areas should be in place. Combustible materials
should be kept in designated locations away from buildings.
i) Combustible waste within the camp should be kept to a minimum
and stored away from buildings, preferably in a secure compound.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 44

j) Keep sources of ignition and flammable substances apart.

k) Consider how to detect fires and how to warn people quickly if they
start, e.g. installing smoke alarms, fire alarms and bells.
l) Have the correct fire-fighting equipment available for putting a fire
out quickly.

4.9.3 Fire detection

Fire detection systems should be required in all buildings, catering
facilities, workshops, storage areas and warehouses.

Detection systems should include:

a) the provision of heat detectors in appropriate areas, e.g. cooking
areas and workshops
b) the installation of smoke detectors with a loud audible single to
wake sleeping personnel and to enable the activation of a camp-
wide alarm using installed manual alarms systems e.g. break glass
units or manually operated air horns or sirens
c) audible fire alarm systems either locally or centrally located and
designed to be heard in all areas and all rooms of the camp and or
temporary facilities.

4.9.4 Firefighting
A specific fire safety plan should be developed and posted, including fire
water system, extinguishers, provided with sufficient quantity and type.

Firefighting equipment should include:

a) the establishment of fire points within the camp containing water,
CO2 extinguishers, sand buckets, etc.
b) creation of a specific Fire Safety Plan that includes fire water
systems and the quantity and type of fire extinguishers
c) the distribution of suitable, portable, fire extinguishers based on
the class, size, and degree of workplace fire hazards:
• fuel storage areas: foam fire extinguishers
• electrical rooms: CO2 fire extinguishers
• kitchens: foam and CO2 extinguishers
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 45

d) a mobile foam-mixing cart with a water pump should be considered

for use particularly at airstrips, helipads and fuel storage areas.
This would require water points to be available at these locations
e) the locating, mounting and correct labelling of extinguishers
ensuring that they are readily accessible in an emergency and will
not subject employees to potential injury. They should be located
out of direct sunlight and not in direct contact with the ground.

4.10 Fuel storage and fuel transfer

Fuel might have to be supplied and stored in temporary camps for a
variety of purposes:
• diesel for power generators
• fuel oil for heating
• petrol or diesel for locally used vehicle fleet
• aircraft fuels
• fuel for other small engines, pumps, lawn mowers and the like
• lubricants for the above
• bottled gas for kitchen stoves or heating.

Fuels are generally flammable products and some can produce explosive
gas mixtures. If spilled, they are harmful to the environment. If they come
into contact with human skin, they can cause allergic reactions or rashes.
In general, fuels have unpleasant odours.

For all of these reasons, the use of petrol should be minimized or

preferably eliminated.

To mitigate the risk of fuel related health, safety or environmental

incidents, fuel handling, transport and storage should be subject to the
following key, generic controls.

All fuel should be treated as flammable.

a) Open fire or smoking should not be allowed in the vicinity of fuel.
b) Fuel storage areas should be clearly signposted and/or fenced off.
c) Fuel storage areas should be located at a defined minimum
distance from accommodation and other work areas.
d) Pumps, hoses, couplings and nozzles used for fuel transfer should
be fuel grade and spark proof.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 46

Fuel should be kept outdoors and in well ventilated areas.

a) Fuel stores should have containment and spill control systems in place.
b) Fuel should be stored downwind from accommodation (or
downstream from accommodation or villages if it is stored on
barges or boats).
c) Fuel stores should be protected from sources of heat and from
direct sunlight.
d) Fuel stores should be made secure to minimize the risk of theft.

4.10.1 Location of fuel storage areas

Fuel storage sites should be located:
a) a suitable distance away (or downstream in the case of floating
accommodation) from accommodation or other parts of the camps
(minimum 50 metres)
b) on non-floodable terrain. If flooding cannot be wholly precluded,
significant extra precautions will be needed.
c) on terrain protected against fire, in particular bush fires: clear of
dry vegetation up to a certain suitable distance.
d) in an area accessible for fuel delivery or a suitable mode of
transport (piping, pumping etc.) should be arranged between bulk
delivery point and storage
e) close to delivery or consumption points, e.g. close to vehicle
refuelling points or generator day tanks.

Fencing is strongly recommended to avoid unauthorized access, sabotage

or petty theft.

4.10.2 Transfer of fuel to camp storage

Fuel products are usually delivered to temporary accommodation camps
by tanker, truck or in 50 gallons or smaller drums on flatbed trucks,
boats or barges, etc. Camps should have fuel transfer equipment and
procedures that enable fuel to be transferred to camp fuel stores safely
and without causing spills.
a) Fuel transfer should be by gravity or pumping.
b) Hoses used should be fuel grade as lower quality hoses may
dissolve and contaminate the fuels.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 47

c) Fuel nozzles should be grounded to avoid sparking.

d) Preference should be for self-closing couplings to minimize risk of
uncontrolled discharge.
e) Where only diesel and petrol are in use, hoses and pumps should
be provided that can be used for both as mixing small amounts of
such fuels is harmless.
f) Dedicated equipment, not used for other products, should be
provided for the handling of aviation fuel.
g) Where steel fuel tanks are refilled from above, the friction between
air and fuel may produce static electricity capable of causing
explosion under certain circumstances. Proper protection against
this should be provided inside the tank.
h) Drums used for storage should be fuel quality drums and properly
marked. With careful handling, they may be re-used. Aviation fuel
should not be stored in pre-used drums
i) Suitable and safe methods of handling and moving drums around
should be provided, such as small cranes, forklift trucks or trolleys.
j) Suitable methods of dispensing fuel from drums should be
provided (usually hand pumps or from drum faucets with the drum
placed in a horizontal cradle).
k) Spills control measures should be in place when transferring fuel.
l) Sufficient free airspace should be left in tanks to allow expansion
with changes in temperature without overflow.
m) Tops of storage tanks should have handrails and/or good
attachment points for lanyards and fall protection.
n) Fuels should be protected against contamination in particular
water and dust, especially during transfer and dispensing.
o) Metering devices should be considered to assist with stock control
and book keeping.

4.10.3 Fuel storage arrangements

Different types and grades of fuel should be stored separated and clearly
marked. (particularly important where drums are used). Consideration
should be given to having storage redundancy. Having the entire stock of
a given fuel type in one single storage tank could lead to problems in case
of the need for maintenance, failure of the tank, contamination, etc.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 48

In warm climates, the need for chemical additives (to avoid fungi from
developing in the fuel) should be considered when designing the storage system.

Fuel tanks and bladders should have a low point or sump, which can be
drained. Regular draining will remove residual water and settled dirt.

Gas bottles or cylinders should be stored upright, protected from sources

of heat, shaded from the sun and where appropriate, protected from
corrosion in wet environments. During storage the protective covers
should be kept on the valves.

When connected to user points (kitchens, heaters etc.), gas bottles should
remain outside in well-ventilated spaces and protected from the sun. A
clearly signposted closing valve should be available outside.

Examples of fuel storage types are listed in Table 5.

Table 5: Fuel storage types

Method Brief description Advantages Drawbacks

Fixed steel tank Steel tank(s) with piping Strong and reliable. High Transport and installation.
for filling and delivery. degree of fire resistance May be more than 2 m
May be connected directly possible. high requiring safe access.
to smaller ‘day’ tanks Can be raised from the Confined space risk.
near generators etc. ground so that delivery is
Will drain/spill by gravity,
Usually above ground, but by gravity.
so when not in use for
can be buried.
delivery an isolation valve
Should have vent valves to directly on the tank should
equalize pressure. be present and closed.
Movable steel tank Tanker truck or trailer used Strong and reliable. May be more than 2 m
(trailer, truck) for storage. Same may also Simple and mobile. high requiring safe access.
be used for transport. Confined space risk.
May be connected directly Isolation valve, as for fixed
to smaller ‘day’ tanks tanks.
near generators etc.
Flexible tank (bladder) Flexible tanks which can Mobile and relatively easy Relatively easy to puncture
be folded for transport. to install. or cut (prone to sabotage!)
Requires 110% bunding.
May require roofing to
protect against sun and/or
rain, also to prevent bunding
filling with rainwater.
Drums Steel or plastic (fuel Relatively easy to Content can easily
quality) drums. transport. be contaminated, in
When stored outdoors, particular by water.
drums should be kept More prone to leakage
horizontal, well off the than fixed steel tanks.
ground, with the bungs Requires 110% bunding.
aligned horizontally.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 49

4.11 Waste management facilities

Waste disposal is a common problem for temporary accommodation in
areas where waste disposal facilities do not exist. In most cases provision
should be made for waste disposal on site. A major concern should
always be the control of disease and infection, and the prevention of
contamination derived from waste.

4.11.1 Waste Management Plan

A Waste Management Plan should be prepared. The plan should identify
how waste should be managed including its classification, sorting,
handling and disposal.

The guidance provided in IOGP Report 413, Guidelines for waste management
with special focus on areas with limited infrastructure should be followed
wherever possible.

It will inevitably be necessary to store waste before it can be properly

disposed of. The volume of stored waste, and the length of time that
it is stored for, should be kept to a minimum. The remoteness of the
temporary accommodation from the disposal facility, or the lack of
approved disposal facilities in-country, and the frequency of collection,
will influence the size of waste storage areas. Access to waste storage
areas should be strictly controlled.

On temporary accommodation camps, chemical waste will usually

be collected and transported to specialist treatment facilities. This
will include used oils, paint and solvent remnants, but also water
contaminated with non-organic oils or other chemical load requiring
special treatment before disposal.

4.11.2 Waste storage

Wastes storage areas should be located sufficiently far enough away from
facilities, in order to:
a) minimize health risks to surrounding facilities and in particularly
between sleeping areas and unused raw food storage areas
b) minimize fire risk and its impact on other camp facilities.

Storage areas should be located downwind from the accommodation

areas, be equipped with suitable fire-fighting equipment and spillage
recovery equipment, such as shovels and absorbent materials, and be
clearly marked ‘no-smoking’ and access restricted/controlled.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 50

Waste storage areas should be designed to:

a) be kept under cover and if necessary in order to be protected from
direct sunlight, wind and rain
b) be well ventilated and protected from pests
c) be easy to clean, wash and disinfect; a drainage and collection
system should be considered
d) facilitate segregation.

4.11.3 Waste segregation

Depending on the Waste Management Plan developed for the temporary
accommodation site, waste should be segregated into the following
a) waste for recycling and transportation to an approved waste
recycling facility where practicable
b) waste for transportation to an approved waste handling facility
where practicable
c) burnable waste to be locally disposed of in an incinerator or burn pit
d) non-burnable waste to be disposed of in a landfill.

The following waste should not be disposed of in a landfill:

a) liquid waste
b) waste, which, in the conditions of a landfill, are explosive, corrosive,
oxidizing, highly flammable or flammable
c) medical waste, which might be infectious
d) radioactive waste
e) hazardous wastes such as greasy and oily material.

The disposal of untreated oily effluents and hazardous waste into pits,
either for burning (in burn pits) or burial should not be permitted.

The method of waste disposal for all waste types should be agreed with
local authorities.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 51

4.11.4 Land fill

Approved landfill sites are often used for the disposal of waste. Landfills
can be natural, topographic depressions and/or man-made excavations
formed of earthen material. A key consideration for a landfill site is the
need to provide long-term containment.

See IOGP Report 413, Guidelines for waste management with special focus
on areas with limited infrastructure should be followed wherever possible.

Several factors should be considered when choosing a suitable location

for a landfill site:
a) distances from the site boundary to residential, recreation areas
and waterways, water bodies and other agricultural or urban sites,
achieving a minimum separation of 0.5 km from residential areas
b) the existence of a superficial aquifer, coastal water or protected areas
c) the geological and hydrogeological conditions in the area
d) the risk of flooding and site instability
e) the need to protect the natural or cultural patrimony in the area
f) the need to ensure that wind-borne matter (dust, paper, etc.) from
landfill does not disperse onto public roads and the surrounding land.

The landfill should be authorized for use only after the environmental
risks related to the use of the landfill have been minimized and deemed to
be acceptable.

A landfill could accept both hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Should

both hazardous and non-hazardous waste need to be disposed of at the
same location, the landfill should contain separated cells, one or more for
each waste category.

Processes for minimizing or eliminating the use of landfill should be

considered. These include:
a) waste compaction with a compactor prior to disposal
b) incineration of waste using high temperature incinerators.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 52

4.12 Recreation and wellbeing

All camps should offer recreational facilities commensurate with the size
of camp and it’s duration. The size and capacity of recreational facilities
will vary according to camp size. Larger and less mobile camps should
provide more recreational facilities than smaller and more mobile camps.

The design of recreational facilities should achieve segregation between

noisy and quiet areas, and provide sufficient space for outdoor recreation
and sports activities.

Indoor recreation facilities should be considered as ‘clean areas’, in which

the wearing of work clothes should not be permitted.

Recreational facilities/activities that should be provided include:

a) a television room for distribution of local TV channels and satellite
TV channels
b) a reading area with books and newspapers
c) equipment and space for ‘stand-up’ games, e.g. table tennis, darts,
pool/snooker (located where it will not cause disturbance).
d) a non-smoking bar area with counter, small chairs and tables and
equipped with:
• ‘sit down’ games, e.g. card games, dice, chess and backgammon
• a music sound system
• cinema
• outdoor sports areas.
• gym/fitness equipment.

Suitable facilities for both men and women should be provided if applicable.

4.13 Places of worship

Suitable places of worship for the religions present on the camp should be
provided. This may include the need to also provide adjacent ablution facilities.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 53

4.14 Camp commissary

For a large camp population, a shop for the sale of goods including
toiletries, newspapers, cigarettes, soft drinks and snacks, telephone
cards and postage stamps should be provided.

4.15 Health and hygiene (including insect and

pest control)
Camp design should incorporate facilities and resources that ensure a
good standard of hygiene and suitable health care provision.

4.15.1 Hygiene
Recommendations for the design of healthy and hygienic facilities (kitchen
and mess, food storage, living areas, sanitary and toilets and waste
management) are contained in the respective sections of this document.

4.15.2 Health care

A Project Health Risk Assessment should be undertaken in which health
risk mitigations should be identified. Medical resources commensurate
with the location and size of camp should be provided and should include:
a) a suitably equipped clinic with at least one in-patient bed.
b) Competent Medical Personnel.

Guidance on managing health can be found in Managing health for field

operations in oil and gas activities, published by IPICEA and IOGP.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 54

Pest and insect control

Pest and insect control strategies should be developed and implemented.
These will vary greatly from region to region.

Windows and doors in all types of camp should be closeable and fitted
with high quality mosquito netting capable of providing an effective barrier
against even the smallest pests such as sandflies (phlebotomies).

Pests and insects that commonly need to be controlled on temporary

camps include bugs and mosquitoes, cockroaches, spiders, scorpions,
rodents (rats and mice) and snakes.

Bugs and mosquitoes

There is no panacea for protection against malaria. No single preventive

measure ensures total protection. An appropriate Malaria Control Plan
should be defined and implemented.

Suitable netting should be installed on the windows and doors in all areas
where people are working, eating, resting and sleeping.

Preventative measures taken to minimize the impact of mosquitoes will in

many cases minimize the harmful impact of other insect types that carry
other diseases.

An exception to this rule is phlebotomidae vectors of leishmaniaisis.

They are much smaller than the anopheles mosquitoes and they easily
pass through the mesh of a mosquito net. As phlebotomidae nets or
mosquito nets made of very fine netting are difficult to tolerate as they
restrict ventilation, impregnation of netting with an insecticide should be
considered. This will increase the level of protection although will not be
guaranteed to repel all insects.

Reduviidae (assassin bugs) or triatoma (hemetophagous bugs) transmit

the Chagas disease trypanosome (North and South America) and are not
sensitive to repellents. Insecticides should be used to control them.


Carbamate-based insecticides should be used to control cockroaches.

These should be regularly applied in all areas of the accommodation
where cockroaches are likely to be found.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 55


Spiders hunt at night. To avoid them, the recommendations are to sleep

under a mosquito net in an exposed area, to upturn and shake shoes
before putting them on in the morning (in camps), to carry a torch when
moving about at night and be wary of the toilet areas as spiders are
attracted to them because of the large quantities of prey which inhabit
these zones.


Scorpions hunt at night and only sting if disturbed or surprised. Shoes

should be upturned and shaken before putting them on in the morning (in
camps), and personnel carrying out earth works should be informed and
provided with boots and gloves.

Rodents (mice, rats)

Food storage areas should be made inaccessible to rodents. Where the

presence of rodents is evident, then the use of rodent traps and/or poison
should be considered.


Rodents attract snakes that feed on them. Rodent controls will

significantly reduce or eliminate the presence of snakes. Impregnating
the soil with chemicals is an effective barrier to snake movement.

Venom from dangerous species has mainly neurotoxic and haemolytic

effects or causes necrosis. The only appropriate response is to consult
the medical personnel of the temporary accommodation for medical care.
The clinic should consider all species encountered in the areas and any
required specific serums.

Instructions on the use and application of insecticides of all types should

be rigorously followed at all times.
Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 56

Appendix A: Trailer/portacabin
stabilization requirements
Example 1: Minimum foundation stability requirements for trailers with design
wind speed <20 m/s

Chocks Simple Footing

(concrete slab + gravel)

Example 2: Minimum foundation stability requirements for portacabin type

accommodation units and containers with design wind speed <20 m/s

Example 3: Minimum foundation stability requirements for trailers with design

wind speed between 20 m/s and 30 m/s
Stabilized Stabilized
Trailer Up to 10 intermediate units 1.5 m Trailer

Shore bars Big bags for stabilized trailer Alternative:

if needed Mass = 1.5 t cables to chassis
Four bags per trailer: two on each side
Cables to cabin
Appendix A 57

Example 4: Minimum foundation stability requirements for single portacabin type

accommodation units and containers with design wind speed between 20 m/s
and 30 m/s

Foundation slabs Foundation slabs Big bags

Fixed to unit Mass 1.5 t 1.5 t each
by anchors Four slabs per unit Four bags per unit

Example 5: Minimum foundation stability requirements for portacabin type

accommodation units and containers with design wind speed between 20 m/s
and 30 m/s
Wooden Spacer

Design, layout, accommodation, facilities and services 58

Example 6: Minimum foundation stability requirements for portacabin type

accommodation units and containers with design wind speed between 20 m/s
and 30 m/s

Stabilized Stabilized
Unit Up to 10 intermediate units 1.5 m Unit

Anchors, foundation slab Alternative using Big Bags

Weight = 1.5 t (2 on each side, 4 in total)
Weight = 1.5 t each

Example 7: Minimum foundation stability requirements for portacabin type

accommodation units and containers with design wind speed between 20 m/s
and 30 m/s

Steel Frame
Appendix A 59


IOGP reports are available from

IOGP Report 397, A Guide to Food and Water Safety for the oil and gas industry.
London: April 2009.

IOGP Report 413, Guidelines for waste management with special focus on areas with
limited infrastructure. Rev 1.1. London: March 2009.

IOGP Report 541, Temporary onshore accommodation – Selecting the camp type.
London: December 2015.

IOGP Report 529, Overview of IOGP’s Environmental–Social–Health Risk and Impact

Management Process. London: November 2014.

IPICEA–IOGP, Managing health for field operations in oil and gas activities. IOGP
Report 343. London: October 2011.
Registered Office
City Tower T +44 (0)20 3763 9700
40 Basinghall Street F +44 (0)20 3763 9701
14th Floor
London EC2V 5DE
United Kingdom

Brussels Office
Bd du Souverain,165 T +32 (0)2 566 9150
4th Floor F +32 (0)2 566 9159
B-1160 Brussels

The design and layout of a temporary

camp are fundamentally important
aspects of providing a good standard
of temporary accommodation
together with the all associated
facilities and services.
This report addresses each of the
following aspects of a temporary
onshore accommodation facility:
• the design and layout of temporary
camps including living areas,
recreational areas and essential
camp services
• health, hygiene and welfare
• environmental and social impact
• selection, design, and installation
considerations for essential
camp facilities.

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