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Defending Life 2010


Americans United for Life



Americans United for Life (AUL) is the nation’s foremost public interest law and policy organi-
zation working to pass pro-life laws in state legislatures and defend those laws in court.

AUL’s experts work hand in hand every day with state legislators, policy makers, and activists,
helping pass laws that:

• Reduce abortion.
• Address current and emerging bioethical issues.
• Defend those people at the end-of-life.
• Protect the right of conscience of all healthcare providers.

Once a state passes a new pro-life law, AUL works with the state’s Attorney General to defend
the law in court.

Founded in 1971, Americans United for Life is the oldest national pro-life organization in the
country. Over the past 39 years, AUL has been a leader in the fight to overturn Roe v. Wade and
restore to the people the right of self-government on the issue of abortion. AUL has been in-
volved in every United States Supreme Court case on abortion since Roe was decided in 1973.

AUL’s work promotes a culture of life through the law. For assistance on legislation, questions
about litigation, or to have AUL host a briefing for legislators and policy makers in your state,
please contact:

Americans United for Life

Washington DC
655 15th St NW, Suite 410
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 289-1478

310 South Peoria Street, Suite 500
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 568-4700

Defending Life 2010



AUL’s annual publication, Defending Life: Proven Strategies for a Pro-Life America, is the de-
finitive legal guide to abortion, bioethics, healthcare rights of conscience, and the end of life. 
Cutting through the murky cloud of media chatter and controversy, Defending Life provides
comprehensive, timely, and thought-provoking information to anyone who wants to understand
key pro-life issues and utilize proven strategies to address them. 

For convenient online access, Defending Life 2010 is available at In addition to
the entirety of the contents in the volume edition, the online version includes supplementary ma-
terial and resources, as well as periodic updates.

Americans United for Life



When Roe v. Wade is ultimately overturned, the abortion issue will change from being a signifi-
cantly federal issue to a largely state issue, and state supreme courts will have the final say in
challenges to abortion-related laws. Instead of focusing on one national President, one Senate,
and one Supreme Court, the pro-life movement will need to focus on 50 state governors, 50 state
legislatures, and 50 state supreme courts.

Detailed information of state supreme courts and their judges/justices will provide the insight
necessary for pro-life forces to write life-affirming laws tailored to meet the needs of a particular
state. Information on state supreme courts will also provide the guidance necessary to formulate
the most effective plans for enacting life-affirming laws that will be upheld by specific state su-
preme courts.

In addition, retention elections for state supreme court judges/justices take place every year. As
such, voters need to be as informed as possible about the ideology, judicial demeanor, and vot-
ing record of every judge/justice who stands for retention. Unlike federal judges with lifetime
appointments, state supreme court members are subject to regular retention elections and are ac-
countable to the voters in their states/districts. Thus, state supreme court judges/justices face the
possibility of being voted off the bench for their records while on the bench. As voters become
more informed about their state’s judiciary, more activist judges would likely see their tenures
cut short by the voters.

To that end, Americans United for Life initiated the State Supreme Court Project, an in-depth
look at the 50 state supreme courts’ treatment of life issues and an examination of judicial re-
straint and/or activism at the state level. We commissioned 50 white papers, covering the status
of each state’s supreme court, examining their record on life issues, and examining judicial re-
straint and/or activism within that state.

AUL’s State Supreme Court Project website has compiled all 50 state supreme court white papers
into an online pro-life reference on the status of state supreme courts around the country. Sum-
maries of all white papers are also available in PDF format.

All white papers and summaries, as well as analyses and other resources, can be accessed at:

The AUL State Supreme Court Project is just one way that Americans United for Life is prepar-
ing for the day after Roe. We invite you to explore our main website,, for more
information on our work.

Defending Life 2010


Americans United for Life


The time to Fight FOCA is now.

The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) would eliminate every restriction on abortion nationwide.

• FOCA will do away with state laws on parental involvement, on partial birth abortion,
and on all other protections for women and the unborn.
• FOCA will compel taxpayer funding of abortions.
• FOCA will force faith-based hospitals and healthcare facilities to perform abortions.

FOCA would erase these laws and prevent states from enacting similar protective measures in
the future. is a project of AUL Action. In addition to providing resources and analyses on

the threat of FOCA, enables concerned pro-life citizens with the means
to make their voices heard and stand against the threat of FOCA.


Washington DC
655 15th St NW, Suite 410
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 289-1478

310 South Peoria Street, Suite 500
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 568-4700

AUL Action, 501(c)(4) organization, is the legislative arm of Americans United for Life (AUL).

Defending Life 2010


With several competing bills in Congress aiming to reform America’s health care system, it is
imperative that those who value life from conception to natural death make their voices heard in
Washington. features the AUL legal team’s expert analysis on the health
care reform plans currently in the House and Senate. Learn how these plans would mandate
taxpayer-funded abortions, deprive medical providers of their rights of conscience, and possibly
result in denial of care for the elderly and the disabled. In addition to providing resources and
analyses on health care reform, enables concerned
pro-life citizens with the means to make their voices heard. is a project of AUL Action.


Washington DC
655 15th St NW, Suite 410
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 289-1478

310 South Peoria Street, Suite 500
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 568-4700

AUL Action, 501(c)(4) organization, is the legislative arm of Americans United for Life (AUL).

Americans United for Life



Every summer, students from across the country apply for a limited number of openings in the
Americans United for Life Fellows Program. Law students and undergraduate students with an
interest in pro-life law come to Washington, D.C., for a summer internship that is unparalleled.

Law Students
AUL accepts select 1L and 2L students for up to eight weeks each summer at the AUL headquarters
in Washington, D.C. Mentored by an AUL attorney, each fellow is tasked with a special legal
project. During their summer, they meet regularly with AUL staff in conjunction with their work.
All law student fellows receive a salary.

Undergraduate Students
AUL accepts select undergraduate students for work in the communications and research
departments. Areas assigned depend upon each fellow’s talents, interests, and specific organization

Qualifications for becoming an AUL Fellow include a firm commitment to life issues and
demonstrated excellence both inside and outside the classroom. Additionally, we look for
individuals who stand out to the faculty of their school.

For more information, contact Americans United for Life at (312) 568-4700, by email at, or by visiting

Defending Life 2010



Each year, AUL accepts highly-qualified and motivated law students to serve as legal externs
during the Fall and Spring semesters.  

Externs work closely with AUL attorneys in researching, drafting, and editing scholarly articles.
These articles are published in a variety of resources and venues, including AUL’s Defending
Life, law reviews, national magazines, and websites. Externs also undertake legal research and
drafting of amicus briefs, model legislation and public policy educational material on life issues
including abortion, bioethics, healthcare rights of conscience, and the end of life.

Candidates are not required to be in the Washington, D.C., or Chicago areas, but must be avail-
able by telephone and email. The externships are unpaid and may be undertaken for credit (as
approved by the extern’s law school) or to fulfill other graduation requirements.

Qualifications include excellent legal research and writing skills, demonstrated initiative and at-
tention to detail, and an ability to work with minimal direct supervision.

For more information, contact Americans United for Life at (312) 568-4700, by email at, or by visiting

Americans United for Life

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