Acid Abscisic

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Renato Paiva 2 and Patrícia Duarte de Oliveira 3

Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Lavras, UFLA, CP

37, Lavras, MG, 37200-000, Brazil.
ABSTRACT- It is well established that the Bradford & Trewavas, 1994). High levels of ABA
phytohormone abscisic acid plays an important role present during embryo development possibly block
during different processes of plant development such precocious ger mination, thus allowing seeds to
as seed maturation and germination. Advances in the complete maturation (Quatrano, 1986; Lelu & La-
field of plant growth and development have shown the bel, 1994). In contrast to increased levels of endo-
involvement of abscisic acid at different signal genous ABA during late stages of seed
transduction pathways. Recent findings of the effects development, mature dry seeds contain reduced
of abscisic acid during processes of embryo ABA levels. Hetherington & Quatrano (1991) have
development that lead to inhibition of precocious
reported that in embryos of mature wheat seeds,
germination, a process also known as vivipary, are
tissue sensitivity to ABA is reduced, and as a result
summarized in this review.
these seeds are able to germinate upon imbibition.
Additional index terms: embryo, viviparous mutant Accumulation of ABA during seed development
with high peaks preceding developmental arrest
FUNÇÃO DO ÁCIDO ABSCÍSICO NO has been reported in maize (Quatrano, 1986) and
PROCESSO DE GERMINAÇÃO PRECOCE cacao (Pence, 1991). In tomato seeds, ABA levels
increase during embryo growth and decrease as
RESUMO- O fitohormônio ácido abscísico tem the seeds mature and dehydrate. During the late
importante função em diferentes processos do stages of tomato seed maturation, both embryo
desenvolvimento da planta como a maturação de and endosperm ABA levels decrease. The ABA de-
sementes e germinação. Avanços na área de crease in the tomato seed appears necessary to
crescimento e desenvolvimento de plantas têm ensure germination, while simultaneous seed dehy-
mostrado o envolvimento do ácido abscísico em dration prevents precocious germination (Hocher et
diferentes rotas de transdução de sinal. Nesta revisão al., 1991). Groot & Karseen (1992) reported that in
são apresentadas as recentes descobertas sobre os
tomato, endogenous ABA is able to induce dor-
efeitos do ácido abscísico no desenvolvimento do
mancy during seed development but precocious
embrião inibindo o processo de germinação precoce,
ger mination in these seeds is supressed by os-
processo este também denominado de viviparidade.
motic stress rather than by elevated levels of ABA.
Termos adicionais de indexação: embrião, mutante Both ABA and sucrose are reported to be required
vivíparo. for the initiation of embr yo maturation in cacao
seeds. In these seeds, ABA mediates the uptake of
sugars which are required for normal cotyledon de-
The phytohor mone abscisic acid (ABA) is be- In many seeds, desiccation terminates the matu-
lieved to regulate many of the activities of late em- ration phase of development. Many studies suggest
br yogenesis that are associated with that this drying plays an important role in changing
developmental arrest (Robichaud & Sussex, 1986; the developmental process to germination (Ker-
mode & Bewley, 1988; Black, 1991; Voesenek,
1 Received in 08/09/1994 and accepted in 10/02/1995. 1994). Premature desiccation during seed develop-
2 PhD, Professor of Plant Physiology. ment leads to germination upon subsequent rehy-
3 Graduate Student. dration and this germination is accompained by a

R.Bras.Fisiol.Veg., 7(2):175-179, 1995.


switch in the metabolism of the seed. The switch 1984a). In contrast, the suppression of germination
from a developmental process to one of germina- by ABA in rapeseeds seems to be more effective
tion as result of premature drying induces the syn- dur ing ear ly stages of seed development. Low
thesis of enzymes and proteins essential for water content, rather than ABA, prevents germina-
ger mination (Bewley et al., 1989; Chandler & tion at the later stages of development. Exogenous
Robertson, 1994). Since most seeds undergo des- ABA is also able to suppress germination at later
iccation during the final stages of maturation, it is stages, but higher concentrations are required.
logical to consider loss of water and increased ABA Such exogenous treatment results in abnormal lev-
levels as causative events leading to a change from els of endogenous ABA and necrosis of embryos
a seed developmental process to one of germina- (Finkelstein et al., 1985). High levels of ABA pre-
tion (Ker mode et al., 1986; Ker mode & Bewley, vents germination in rapesseds by inhibiting water
1989). uptake (Finkelstein & Crouch, 1986)
Precocious germination can be induced in soy- The aleurone layer of cereal seeds contains hydro-
bean seeds after a slow dr ying treatment which lytic enzymes that upon ger mination hydrolyze
causes a decrease of its endogenous ABA (Acker- seed reser ves that are conver ted to energy re-
son, 1984b). Conversely, if immature seeds are ex- quired at the initial stages of germination. The best
posed to high levels of ABA, desiccation tolerance characterized hydrolytic enzyme of the aleurone
is induced. Meurs et al. (1992) were able to induce layer is α-amylase, a starch hydrolyzing enzyme
desiccation tolerance in immature seeds of Arabi- whose synthesis is induced by gibberellic acid
dopsis thaliana by treating them with elevated con- (Zeevart & Creelman, 1988; Karssen et al., 1989).
centrations of ABA and sucrose. The authors The phytohormone gibberellic acid produced at the
suggest that a possible action of ABA is to stimu- onset of germination induces the synthesis of en-
late the release of sugars which may protect dehy- zymes whose function is to breakdown seed stor-
dration sensitive str uctures from desiccation age products (Kuhlemeier et al., 1987; Folker,
damage. Crowe et al. (1989) have proposed that, 1994). ABA has been repor ted to inhibit the gib-
during dehydration, sugars are able to protect sen- berellic acid induction of α-amylase synthesis and,
sitive structures such as membranes by replacing consequently, prevent seeds from initiating germi-
bound water molecules. Blackman et al. (1995) re- nation (Garcia-Maya et al., 1990; Oishi & Bewley,
port that accumulation of the ABA-responsive late 1990; Gallie, 1993). In respone to abscisic acid,
embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins increases complementary α-amylase mRNA is expressed in
desiccation tolerance in soybean seeds. barley aleurone tissue causing the repression of α-
Accumulation of ABA preceding developmental amylase gene expression and consequently, the
arrest strongly supports its role as an inhibitor of synthesis of the enzyme (Rogers, 1988). Gilroy &
seed growth (Quatrano, 1986). In soybean, when Jones (1992) reported an increase in cytosolic free
endogenous ABA of immature embryos is reduced, calcium at the barley aleurone layers, preceeding
precocious ger mination is induced (Ackerson, the gibberellic acid induction of α-amylase synthe-
1984b). Studies in cotton led to the initial observa- sis. The effect of gibberellic acid on calcium con-
tions that ABA played a role in suppressing preco- centration is reversed by treatment with ABA, which
cious ger mination. Exogenously-supplied ABA has also been reported to inhibit ethylene action in
prevented germination of excised immature cotton seeds of Townsville stylo ( Stylosanthes humilis ).
embryos and embryos placed on ABA-free medium Stylosanthes germination is promoted by ethylene
exhibited precocious ger mination (Ihle & Dure, and in these forage seeds, ABA prevents germina-
1970). Similar results were obtained when imma- tion by inhibiting the conversion of 1-aminocyclo-
ture embryos of maize were cultured in the pres- propane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) to ethylene
ence of ABA (Robichaud & Sussex, 1986) and (Vieira & Barros, 1994).
either ABA or sucrose (Kriz & Schwar tz, 1986).
ABA has also been reported to inhibit embryonic
germination in wheat (Walker-Simmons, 1987; Ried ABA AND VIVIPARY
& Walker-Simmons, 1990) and barley (Wang et al., Additional evidence supporting the suppression
1995). of precocious ger mination by ABA comes from
The developmental stage of the embryo is also studies of mutants defective in ABA metabolism
important for the effect of ABA in preventing germi- (Black, 1991; McCarty, 1995). During seed develop-
nation. Whereas mid-stage soybean embryos cul- ment, embryos of monocot and dicot plants may
tured in the absence of ABA exhibit precocious fail to complete maturation and germinate while the
germination, young embryos undergo normal em- immature seed is still attached to the maternal tis-
br yogenesis in the presence of ABA (Ackerson, sue. This phenomenon is referred to as vivipary or
R.Bras.Fisiol.Veg., 7(2):175-179, 1995.

preharvest sprouting (Fong et al., 1983). Many vi- tor in maize tissues is developmentally related. In-
viparous mutants of maize have been described in hibition of carotenoid and ABA accumulation in
the past (Robertson, 1955) and, for these mutants, seeds followed by induction of vivipary was only
embr yos homozygous for the recessive allele at obtained with fluridone treatment in seeds aged be-
any viviparous locus exhibit precocious germina- tween 9 and 11 days after pollination. This result
tion between 20 and 30 days after pollination. indicates the presence of a developmental clock in
seeds which regulates the fate of seed develop-
Maize viviparous ( vp ) mutants of the Class I type,
ment. Between the age of 9 to 11 days after polli-
including vp1 , exhibit normal levels of carotenoids
nation a decision is made in which seeds will
but no production of anthocyanin pigments
respond by either germinating precociously or fol-
(Dooner, 1985). Neill et al. (1987) repor ted that
lowing normal maturation processes.
ABA accumulation during development of wild type
and vp1 kernels were similar indicating that vivi- ABA AND EMBRYO GENE EXPRESSION
pary in this mutant is caused in part by a lack of
Recent studies have established that, in re-
response to growth inhibition by ABA. In addition,
sponse to preventing precocious germination, ABA
when immature embryos of both vp1 and wild type
induces the expression of embryo-specific genes.
were cultured in the presence of ABA, the mutant
Genes of the most abundant storage proteins of
embryos exhibit a reduced sensitivity to the inhibi-
maize embr yos (Globulin-1 and Globulin-2) are
tory effects of applied ABA (Robichaud & Sussex,
positively regulated by ABA (Kriz et al., 1990; Paiva
& Kriz, 1994). In maize embryos, the expression of
Viviparous mutants of the Class II which includes these genes is under the control of different factors
vp2 , vp5 , vp7 , and vp9 present carotenoids and which require specific endogenous ABA levels
chlorophyll synthesis inhibition (Robertson, 1955; (Paiva & Kriz, 1994; McCarty, 1995). Similarly Wil-
Neil et al., 1986). A correlation between ABA levels liamson & Scandalios (1994) have shown that dif-
and carotenoid content for Class II mutants has ferent factors in combination with ABA levels
also been reported. Seedlings of carotenoid-defi- control the expression of Cat1 gene in germinated
cient mutants (Class II) rescued from viviparous maize embryos.
kernels exhibit reduced ABA levels compared to
There is no doubt that ABA is involved on the ex-
wild type seedlings grown in the same way. Seed-
pression of many genes during processes of plant
lings of the Class I vp1 mutant contain normal lev-
development. Many researchers are now directing
els of carotenoids and ABA but reduced amount of
efforts in order to understand the role of ABA in sig-
chlorophylls (Neill et al., 1986). Apparently, the cor-
nal transduction pathways related to plant develop-
relation between carotenoid content and ABA lev-
ment. It is expected that the information obtained
els is due to the synthesis of ABA via the
with these studies will broad the understanding of
carotenoid biosynthetic pathway and each of Class
many molecular and physiological processes in
II mutants is defective at some step of the carote-
noid biosynthesis pathway (Fong et al., 1983). It
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