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Paths of Glory (GMT) 237

Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage (AH/Valley Games) 225
Here I Stand (GMT) 222
Crusade and Revolution (Compass Games) 164
Flat Top (AH) 158
Advanced Squad Leader (AH) 152
Virgin Queen (GMT) 145
Twilight Struggle (GMT) 135
Combat Commander Series (GMT) 122
World in Flames (Australian Design Group) 113
The Russian Campaign (AH) 110
Successors III (GMT) 99
Third Reich (AH) 88
For the People (GMT) 76
RAF (West End Games) 76
Commands and Colors: Ancients (GMT) 69
Conflict of Heroes (Academy Games) 66
Combat Commander: Europe (GMT) 66
EastFrontII (Columbia Games) 66
Hearts and Minds: Vietnam 1965-1975 (Worthington Games) 65
No Retreat: The Russian Front (GMT) 65
Carrier (Victory Games) 64
Russian Front (AH) 58
Empires in Arms (Australian Design Group) 56
A victory lost (MMP) 55
Maria (Histogame) 55
Pursuit of Glory (GMT) 55
War of the Ring (Nexus) 52
Fire in the Lake (MMP) 51
The Guns of Gettysburg (Mercury Games) 51
Vietnam 1965-1975 (Victory Games) 50
Axis Empires: Totaler Krieg (Decision Games) 49][/b]
Sword of Rome (GMT) 48
Unconditional Surrender (GMT) 47
Sekigahara (GMT) 46
Campaign Commander: Roads to Stalingrad (B3G) 44
Triumph and Tragedy (GMT) 44
Storm over Arnhem (AH) 43
Fire in the Sky (MMP) 41
Great Battles of History: SPQR (GMT) 41
War in the Pacific (Decision Games) 41
Enemy Action: Ardennes (Compass Games) 40
Hammer of the Scotts (Columbia Games) 38
D-Day at Omaha Beach (Decision Games) 37
La Bataille Series: La Bataille des Quatre Bras (Clash of Arms Games) 37
Operational Combat Series: Reluctant Enemies (MMP) 37
Lock 'n Load Series (Maxis/Lock and Load Publishing) 36
Great Campaigns of the American Civil War Series (AH/MMP) 35
Tactical Combat Sistem: Canadian Crucible (MMP) 35
Unhappy King Charles (GMT) 34
FAB The Bulge (GMT) 33
Pax Romana (GMT) 33
Struggle of Empires (Warfrog Games) 33
Thunder at Cassino (AH) 33
Washington's War (GMT) 33
Wilderness War (GMT) 32
Air Force (AH) 32
Napoleon's last Battles (SPI) 31
Rommel in the Desert (Columbia Games) 31
WWII: Barbarossa to Berlin (GMT) 30
Napoleon's Triumph (Simmons Games/Histogames) 29
Great Campaigns of the American Civil War: Stonewall Jackson's Way II (MMP) 28
Turning Point: Stalingrad (AH) 28
Ambush (Victory Games) 27
Standard Combat Series: Stalingrad Pocket (MMP) 27
Empire in the Sun (GMT) 26
Napoleon against Europe (Hexasim) 26
Napoleonic 20 (Victory Point Games) 26
The Siege of Jerusalem (AH) 26
¿Resiste Stalingrado? (NAC) 25
Age of Muskets: Tomb for an Empire (B3G) 25
Ardennes '44 (GMT) 25
Europe Universalis (AWE) 25
Operational Combat Series: Guderian Blitzkrieg II (MMP) 25
Shifting Sands (MMP) 25
Flying Colors (GMT) 24
The Civil War (Victory Games) 23
Battletech (FASA) 22
Breakout Normandy (AH) 22
Great Battles of History: The Great Battles of Alexander (GMT) 22
Memoir 44 (Days of Wander) 22
Close Action (Clash of Arms Games) 20
La Bataille Series (Clash of Arms Games) 20
Pacific War (Victory Games) 20
Space Empires: 4X (GMT) 20
1775: Rebelion (Academy Games) 19
Panzer (GMT) 19
The Spanish Civil War (GMT) 19
DAK2 (MMP) 18
Labyrinth (GMT) 18
Operational Combat Series (The Hunters/MMP) 18
Operational Combat Sistem: Enemy at the Gates (The Gamers) 18
Squad Leader: Cross of Iron (AH) 18
Europe Engulfed (GMT) 16
Imperios del Mediterráneo (B3G) 16
John Prados' Third Reich (Avalanche Press) 16
Grand Tactical Series: Where Eagles Dare (MMP) 15
Le Grande Guerre (AWE) 15
Red Winter (GMT) 15
Russia Beiseged (L2 Design Group)) 15
Stellar Conquest (AH) 15
The Hunters: German U-Boats at War, 1939-43 (Consim Press) 15
Tokyo Express (AH) 15
Wacht am Rhein (SPI/Decision Games) 15
War and Peace (AH) 15
Britannia (AH/FFG) 14
D-Day at Tarawa (Decision Games) 14
Hellenes (GMT) 14
Musket and Pikes Series (GMT) 14
Angola (MMP) 12
Battle for the Ardennes (SPI) 12
Black Cross/Blue Sky (Blue Sky Enterprises) 12
Central America (Victory Games) 12
Friedrich (Histogame) 12
Hornet Leader (GMT) 12
Nuklear Winter '68 (Lock and Load Publishing) 12
Okinawa (International Team) 12
Pacific Victory (Columbia Games) 12
Stalin's War (GMT) 12
Ukraine 43 (GMT) 12
Waterloo 1815: Fallen Aagles (Hexasim) 12
Grand Tactical Series: No Question of Surrender (MMP) 11
Next War: Korea (GMT) 10
Andean Abyss (GMT) 10
D-Day at Peleliu (Decision Games) 10
Fading Glory (GMT) 10
Le Vol de l'Aigle (Pratzen Editions) 10
Lock 'n Load: Heroes of the Pacific (Lock and Load Publishing) 10
Monty's Gamble Market Garden (MMP) 10
Nations in Arms: Valmy to Waterloo (Compass Games) 10
Peloponnesian War (Victory Games) 10
Silent War (Compass Games) 10
Strike of the Eagle (Academy Games) 10
Patton's Best (AH) 9
1914: Twilight in the East (GMT) 8
A las barricadas (War Storm Series/Compass Gamess) 8
Asia Engulfed (GMT) 8
Battles of the American Revolution: Pensacola (GMT) 8
Cuba Libre (GMT) 8
Great Battles of History: The Siege of Alesia (GMT) 8
Manoeuvre (GMT) 8
Mosby's Raiders (Victory Games) 8
The Battle of Britain: Eagle vs Lion (Decision Games) 8
The Napoleonic Wars (GMT) 8
Victory in the Pacific (AH) 8
World at War Series (Lock and Load Publishing) 8
B-17: Queen of the Skies (AH) 7
Fighting Formations (GMT) 7
7 Ages (Australian Design Group) 6
Advanced European Theater of Operations (Decision Games) 6
Age on Napoleon (Phalanx Games) 6
Blocks in the East (VentoNouvo Games) 6
Cobra (SPI) 6
Combat Commander: Pacific (GMT) 6
Cuba: The Splendid Little War (Victory Point Games) 6
Field Commader: Napoleon (DVG) 6
Flight Leader (AH) 6
Imperium Romanum II (West End Games) 6
Kingmaker (Ariel Games/AH) 6
Napoleon: The Waterloo Campaign, 1815 (Gamma Two Games/AH) 6
Panzer Leader (AH) 6
PQ-17 (GMT) 6
Ring of Fire (Moments in History) 6
Standard Combat Series: Afrika II (MMP) 6
The Dark Valley (GMT) 6
The Struggle of Nations (AH) 6
El Zorro del Desierto (NAC) 5
Battle over Britain (TSR) 4
Campaign Commander: Coral Sea (B3G) 4
Commands and Colors: Napoleonics (GMT) 4
Grand Illusion (GMT) 4
Great Battles of the American Civil War: The Three Days of Gettysburg (GMT) 4
Julius Caesar (Compas Games) 4
Kutuvoz (GMT) 4
Liberty Roads (Hexasim) 4
Napoleon at Leipzing (OSG) 4
Warriors of God (MMP) 4
Won by the Sword (GMT) 4
Le retour de l'Empereur (Pratzen Editions) 3
A week in Hell: The Battle of Hue (Battles Magazine) 2
Battle of the Bulge (AH) 2
Der Weltkrieg (SPW) 2
El Duelo de las Águilas (NAC) 2
Pax Baltica (GMT) 2
Reds! (GMT) 2
Tomb for an Empire (B3G) 2
Victory at Midway (XTR Corp) 2
Wings of War (Nexus/Ares Games) 2
We are the People (AH)
A House Divided (GDW Games) 1
A World at War (GMT) 1
Axis and Allies Annisersary Edition (Hasbro) 1
Battleline (GMT) 1
East Front Series Barbarossa: Kiev to Rostov (GMT) 1
Grand Tactical Series: Devil's Cauldron (MMP) 1
Maquiavelli (AH) 1
Risk (Parker Brothers) 1
Space Marine (Games Workshop) 1
Tactical Combat Series: Black Wednesday (The Games) 1
Tactical Combat Sistem Series (The Gamers/MMP) 1
The First Battle Series: The Sand of War (GSW Games) 1
The US Civil War (GMT) 1
Vitoria 1813 (Vae Victis) 1
France 1944 (VG)
« Última modificación: 10 de Febrero de 2016, 00:35:06 por flOrO »

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