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Palangka Raya is situated between the cacies also come from the neighbour- and founded and managed

ded and managed by Lone named Baju Sangkaurut and tra-

Kayahan and the Sabangau rivers. The ing province of South Kalimantan. Soto Drøscher Nielsen. The centre featured ditional weapon of Dayak tribe like
closest airport serving the city is Tjilik Banjar and Ketupat Kandangan are on Animal Planet's award-winning Mandau, Duhung and the other tra-
ditional weapon. Besides that, it also
Riwut. In the local Dayak language, the two famous food from South Kali- series Orangutan Island, the BBC's
demonstrates goods as those types:
Palangkaraya means a holy container. mantan. Two main traditional markets Orangutan diary, Saving Planet Earth Ethnographical, Historical, Archeo-
Palangkaraya can easily reached from are available in Palangka Raya. Better and Growing Up... Orangutan (BBC/ logical, Numismatic / Heraldic foreign
Jakarta, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, known as 'Pasar Besar' or big market Discovery Channel), and in the 2008 ceramics and others.
Balikpapan and other points of the is- and Pasar Kahayan offer many types of Australian documentary-drama, The • Arboretum - Arboretum is protec-
land by air. goods. These markets are the place to Burning Season. tion place name of forest. It located in
go for people to get their food supplies side of Tahai Lake. There are various
History such as rice, meats, fishes, vegetables, New Capital of Indonesia birch’s stepped, it suitable for a re-
spices etc. There are also abundant search as well as place of various bird
Kalimantan Tengah (Central Kali- Since Soeharto leadership era, this
types and other animal. You can find
mantan) province was established on mini markets as well as super markets. city is proposed to be the new admin- a place in this location. Orang Utan
23 May 1957. It was Sukarno, the pro- The growing city also have a shopping istration centre of Indonesia (capital) rehabilitation that is located in side
claimer of Indonesian independence, mall named Palangka Raya Mall or [2], considering that Jakarta will be of the Arboretum, try to help to assist
who initiated construction of the city PALMA. The shopping mall is located focused only for business and financial the local animal returned and know
of Palangkaraya, the capital of the new right at the heart of the city which is at centre and its location in the centre of their annually habitat.
province. Initially, Palangkaraya was the Bundaran Besar. Indonesian archipelago. • Taha’i Lake - It is a nature lake
prepared as a new capital of Indonesia that accommodating the rainwater ef-
Languages Tourism Destinations fusing and as a water recreation place,
to replace Jakarta and this was, until
recently, still discussed. To support this Many people in Palangkaraya speak • Garden Tourism Tangkiling Hill suited for fishing devotee, can circle
- Tangkiling Hill is a group of eight the lake with boat that being rented.
idea, many iconic building were built to the Indonesian language as well as the
Batu hills that have beautiful scenery The Adrift houses, place of karaoke
reflect the Greater Indonesia. For ex- local dialects such as Dayak Ngaju, and some shelter to take a rest are
and very attractive to be visited. It is
ample, Bundaran Besar in downtown Dayak Maanyan etc. However, the us- available for visitor.
about 43 km from Palangkaraya and
Palangkaraya consists of eight cross- age or Banjar Language is more observ- located in Banturung village admis- • Kelinting - It is located in RTA.
roads that symbolize the eight great able than the local Dayak dialects. sion in Batu hill region. One of way to Milono Street, about 8 km from the
islands of Indonesia, namely Java, reach there, is use land transportation downtown. This can go through land-
Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Bali, Geography about 30 minutes from Palangka- line. This is a beautiful building in
Nusa Tenggara, and Papua. This makes raya, there is also a lake, 27 km from china design with typical ornaments
Close by the city, within the boundar-
Palangkaraya. The lake is hardly good of Kalimantan Tengah.
Palangkaraya one of the most well con- ies of the Nyaru Menteng Arboretum, for family recreation and fishing.
structed, planned cities in Indonesia. a 62,5 hectare lowland peat swamp for- • Bangkirai Lake Kereng - It is
• Culture Museum - The museum an exquisite lake and located across
est ecosystem, founded in 1988 by the
Markets and Agriculture that located in Central Kalimatan, Sebangau River, in Kereng Bangki-
Ministry of Forestry Regional office Raya Tjilik Riwut Street, 2 km rai village 12 km from Palangkaraya
The city is famous with its local dish of of Central Kalimantan, is the Nyaru Palangkaraya, is collecting many toward south. For towards to the loca-
Patin bakar (Grilled River Fish), Nasi Mentang Orangutan Rescue and Reha- kinds of public culture. There is the tion we can apply vehicle of land only
kuning (Yellow Rice), sop rotan(Rattan bilitation Centre, operated by the Bor- equipment of traditional fieldsman 15 minutes from common cab.
Soup). Some famous and popular deli- neo Orangutan Survival Foundation, named Mihing and traditional dress
Welcome to Palangkaraya
Palangkaraya, kotamadya (munici-
pality), capital of Central Kalimantan
propinsi (province), south-central Bor-
neo, Indonesia. Palangkaraya lies west
of the Kahayan River. It was occupied
by the Japanese during World War II
and was the principal city of Great
Dayak, an autonomous state (one of
five) created in 1945 that became part
of Indonesia in 1950.

The population consists mainly of the

native Dayaks together with Chinese
and Japanese settlers. Most of the Day-
aks have retained traditional religious
beliefs, although some have been con-
verted to Christianity. The city’s house-
hold industries include wood carving,
plaiting, weaving, and beadwork.

Riverine transport connects the city

with Kualakurun and Banjarmasin. An
airport links it with Sampit, Balikpa-
pan, and Pangkalangbuun. Palangka-
raya University (founded 1963) is lo-
cated in the city. Pop. (2005) 170,761.

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