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PART-1 GENERAL INTELLIGENCE Directions In Question Nos, 1 to 7, find the ous nies Ficcainrgae Fazentie |g ¢ [ev | from the given alternatives. ke “© ® © © 1. (A) Respiration Baik ep nea * SiN [2/9] i (©) Diseas 1 oo o ® © © ey ©) Blood pressure Directions : (Question Nos. 8:9) Which one Of the given responses can be added to al the tho 2) aze () AzBY siven levers 1o make meaningful words ? ® cxpw © GTHR 7 a aoe tory © Evru ane @ Plot 3 @ BeDE (3) Publishing ®) Azo @) 1.23.45 @ 61253 © outx 41,245, © 143.255 ®) RNWx ©) 41.23) eae es 2 © Ye © we OF Sue + Coton yA) ee ©) Groth , pea ey ) 2.1.45,3 @y 245,13 © 28-4 4.8 Picea © 2415.3 » @) 20-11 © 1235.4 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK Directions : (Question No. 10) Which one | 13. 62,57,068,52, 74,47, 80,2 set of leters when sequentially placed atthe 41.83 {aps inthe given leer series sall complete @ a8 n © 48s ©) 45,88 10. _ab_a_bab__bbabb_ serch G) bbbbas (Ay subbas 14. Question Figures (©) aabaab i ©) bbaaba IIL A series of figures is given which can be grouped ino classes, From the tesponses, select the groups into whieh the figures can be classified o WEE Ber | a seen ae | eleleL (A) 124) 369/578 Answer Figures (B) 157 | 248 | 369 Q © weiss lwe ®/@/|@|® (D) 369 | 257| 142 ao eo © Directions : (Question Nos. 12 to 15). A Series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series, 12, NOM,OPN,PQO,? ted (a) ROP w (8) 0QP 8 (© QRP oO ©) RPO © 112 MN2 4 Directions : in Question Nos. 16 t0 23, select the related leters / word / number figure from the given alternatives, lion : scoop :? duck hen ect SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK CA-201041 17. Anarchy: Lawlessness : : Anaemia? | 21, 3:28:15: (A) Fearlessness @ 19 @) 126 (B) Colouriessness © 2m © ns (©) Shaptessnss (©) Bloodiesness 2, a> « 6 18, Optician: Eyes: Gesatre:? © 96 w ¥. © ms ae ©) 209 ©) Needy (©) OW Ase 23. Question Figue (©) New Bom ir ey ; L 19. BYDW: FUHS : : Azcx ; > Answer Figures () evar Ke) 4la © Fer D “ao ® © @M L (© Fver SD) EYEE 24. Ina row of boys, Sachin is 21° from the i left and Rahul is 12" from right On imerchanging their places, Rahul 28. BOQD:ERTG:: aNPC:? becomes 178 from right How Rant speek boys are therein a row? el 6 a ®) 38 (©) suPU on (©) DsQF ©) 35 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WOR 112MN2 6 CA-2010-1 25. 4 after amiving at a place of ‘appointment on Sunday, found that he vas 3 days earlier than “BY who was > days late. ICA had reached there on the following Thursday, how many days early or late would A have been ? FA) 2 days early «B) 2days tte (©) eays tate (D) days arty 5 In group of 26 persons, 15 ike tex While 18 like coffee, there is none wha dislikes both. The number of persons who like both tea and cottee is wo (B) 7 os 3 Directions : In Question No. 27 fiom the given altematives, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word 27. ENGINEERING (A) GINGER (B) ENGINE (©) NEARER () RING 2MN2 Direetions : In Question Nos, 28 o 30, select, ‘missing number from the” given siternatves, a “w ® © o “ @) © o 2 st 84 6 2 47 aw 5 6 7 8 PrAAA 4 2 36 0) 12 6) 33 Oss ey 20 CA-20104 n2MN2 DPBaoQ a VBVOSQ@ tor multiplication and x — for a Sen a . 35. How many triangles are there in the one cun be formed from the cut out ee -™ L Pieces given below in the question Xl 7 a SAS on (ay (B) Co) ©) () 4 pee _ e *ACE FOR ROUGH WORK CA.2010-1 Directions : (Question No, 36) A piece of Paper is folded and cut as shown belovr in the uestion figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when ‘opened. 36. Question Directions : (Question No. 38) In the following diagram, rectangle represents Hindi Announcers, circle English Announcers, Squate French Announcers and. triangle represents German Announcers. Study the diagram, ao ® © © 37. A transparent sheet with a pattern is given. How the pattem would appear When the sheet is folded at the dotted lines ? Question Figure Fl [Slee SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK ‘38. Which area represents those announcers ‘who can present programmes in Hindi French and German only ? at ® 2 © 3 o4 39. Which of the following correctly illustrate the relationship among the clases Carrot, Food, Vegetable 2 CA-201041 In Question Nos. 40 to 41, | 43. Question Figure Which answer figure will eomplete the pattern inthe question figure ? a 40. Question Figure lar) . — “oO ® © © [S|[a [wa] ) @ @) © o to form a sensible word, what will be ‘Answer Figures B® L 4 B# © w Answer Figures + AE Nea | Al S) © bm SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 112 MN2 “4 CA-2000-1 46. A and B start together from one point. ‘They walk 10 km towards north. A tums left and covers 5 km whereas B tums right and covers 3 km. A turns left again and covers 15 km whereas B tums right and covers 15 km. How far is AfromB? & 18km ®) 10km (©) Skm ©) 8km 47. If “PRICE” is coded as 11.9 18 24 22, then HIGH is coded as @ 19201819 ®) 17182017 © 8978 ©) 19182019 48 If ‘EDUCATION’ is coded as 2D5C1T34N, how can “AUTOMOBILE’ be coded ? (&) ISTaM4B3L2 (®) 14T3M3B2L5 © 2Uso10314E (©) 3172M2B4L5 Directions : In Question Nos. 49 and $0, fone / two statements are given followed by ‘wo conclusions / Assumptions I and Il. You hhave to consider the two statements to be tre even if they seem to be at variance from ‘commonly known facts. You have to decide Which ofthe given conclusions. / Assumptions, if any, follow from the given ‘statements, 49. Statements 1. All players ae cedcated, 2. All educated ae cultured So Conclusions: I. All players are cultured. 1 All cultured_persoas are players (A) Only 1 follows. (B) Only Il follows. (C) Both Land I follows. (D) Neither Inor I follows. Statement: Educaion of te Imaies leads (04 Steady) tos of de fold of caste inthe society Assumptions: Thre is a dist Feaion “betwen tceatont) progien fd decline ot 1 Gasca can make considerble Contribution to soy (A). Only sumption fi impli. (B) Only sssumpoon Hie mpc (©) Both “assumptions Il ae impli @) Nether assumption 1 nor Ii impli ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 112 MN2 CA-20101 a PART-11 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Directions : In Question Nos. 51 t0 55, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and blacken the rectangle { M_] corresponding to the appropriate leer (A, B, ©). If there is no cerror, blacken the rectangle [ Ml] corresponding to (D) in the Answer Sheet. ‘SI, The Secretary and the Manager a) _g08s t0 London next week, ® © 52, Lsuggest you to hecome_anenginer ao” ® © Noenor, ‘53, The courées in an autonomous college ‘ay ae diferent from a non autonomous college @ of the fi to sn autonomous colle © No ror. . ©) 54, The jury as unanimous a) @) in the Verdict, No error © @) 55. Youwill be suspended unless you @ @) do not pay your fees. No error © @) 12. MN2 Directions : In Question Nos. 56 10 60, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with appropriate words. Four altematives sre suggested for each question. Choose the ccomrect altemative out of the four and indicate it by blackening the appropriate rectangle [MM] in the Answer Sheet. 36. He sat___ the table, writing a eter, (A) across B) over © wy © « 7. My sister_me when I was il. (A) calledon ®) callow (©) called of ©) calledin ‘58. The patient was so __ by the soft ‘music that he cooperated with the doctor inspite of acute pain (A) caried over (B) camied away ©) camied on ©) carted out CA20104 PART-II ENGLISH LANGUAGE Directions : In Question Nos. 51 to $5, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error und blacken the rectangle {Ml ] corresponding to the appropriate letier (A, B, C). If there is no certor, blacken the rectangle [ Il) corresponding to (D) in the Answer Sheet. ‘SL. ‘The Secretary and the Manager a) 068 to London next mes 8) © 52 [suggest you to become_an engine. «a ®) © ©) 453, Thecoures in an autonomous loge @ sre ifn fom an atonomons cle ® because of the freedom allowed to © Nocrrr, o 54, ‘The jury vas unanimous (A) (B) in the Verte, No error. oOo o 58, Youwill he suspended unless you (A) @) donot pay your fees, No emo © o) 112 MN2 18 Directions : In Question Nos. 56 to 60, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with appropriate words. Four altematives sre suggested for each question. Choose the cconrect altemative out of the four and indicate it by blackening the appropriate rectangle IMM) in the Answer Sheet. 36. He sat___ the table, writing a leter. (A). across B) over © wy © « 57. My sister __me when Iwai (A) calledon called out (©) called off ©) caltedin ‘58. The patient was so ___ by the soft ‘music that he cooperated with the doctor inspite of acute pain, (A) caried over (®) cared away ©) camied on () carted out CA20101 85, sie ait ones Faure wae “ ® © ) a4q i fide wer eer 86 @ 90 3 fet Re Met 2 Pee ere ae se et 8 afer frwee ar ag er feed ater aren ve | 86. a0 88. a a ® © © 4443 por A) FI @) #2 © at O) FH ae @ ® © o agié rte: mea don 91 3 95 Het ge me = 1. atte fre heen mE ee Baer fewer we wh ge aE Be he rer amet nega ATT wre save (A) areca (B) sree (C) rece ©) sre @ ® © o “ @) © o 103. Row @ ®) © o 102. Which of the following the processor of a computer? nota part of ALU cu Registers RAM ion of crop is essential for increasing the quantity of minerals. for increasing the quantity of proteins for getting different kinds of crops. for increasing the fertility of the soil 4 104, The major component in CNG is @ ®) © © { “ @) a‘ © © : 112MN2 ethane Propane butane ‘methane 108. World Environment Day is celebrated June $ February 28 November 14 July 15 106. Earth is protected from ultra-violet radiation by means of 107, 108. 109. 110, PART-II GENERAL AWARENESS 101, SQL in Computer Science stands for Sorted Query Language Structured Quick Language wa Structured Query Language ® ‘Structured Quick Launch © o Oxygen layer Ozone layer Nitrogen layer Carbon dioxide layer The highest policy-making body in national planning in India is “a ® © Oo) ‘Administrative Reforms Commission Finance Commission Inter-State Council National Development Council Which one of the following is an ‘example of fixed cost? w @ © oO The Price of raw material Fuel and power charges Rent for building ‘Wage for casual labour principle of population was propounded by w ® © © Gardener Odum Darwin ‘Malthus The public, private, cooperative and Joint sectors exist in a w ®) oO o Mixed economy Socialist economy Communist economy Capitaistc economy CA-2010-1 IL, The State which stands first in software exports from India is (A) Maharashera (B) Tamil Nada (©) Kamatiake (©) Andhra Piadesh 112. Panchayats were given constitutional status by the amendment 10 the Constitution, 7" ae © ne ©) 72 113. The President can declare a national emergency on (A) his own (B) the written recommendation of the Prime Minister (©) the basis of the report of the Governor ofa State, (D) the waitten recommendation of the Union Cabinet, 114, Sarkaria Commission was set tip for reviewing the relations between (A) Centse and States (B) _Legistatare and Executive (©) Executive and Judiciary () The Prime Minister and the President 4118, To rise a discussion in the House on a ‘matter of urgent public importance, Which motion is used ? (A) Censure (8) Adjoumment (C) Calling attention (©) Cut motions 112 MN2 116, Who spoke in Hindi for the first time inthe UNO General Assembly ? (A) Indira Gandhi (B) PLY. Narasimha Rao (C) Atal Bihari Vajpayee ) Rajiv Gandhi 117, How many expeditions did Babur lead to occupy Delhi ? - (A) Three ®) Four ©) Fie ©) six 118 Which “one of the following monuments has the second largest dome in the world? (A) Quwvat-ul-islam Masjid ®B) Gol Gumbaz (©) Jamat Khana Masjid ©) Alsi Darwaza 119. During whose reign Fa-Hien visited India? (A) Sei Gopia B) Samudragupta (©) Chandragupta 1 (©) Chandragupta tt 120. The slave king who got the title “Lakh Baksh was (A) Thutmish B) Razia (©) Quibudin Aibake D) Balban CA-2010-1 121, Who was the first Indian soldier to | 126. The largest number of Cotton refuse to use the greased cartidge ? Weaving mills are located in (A) Nana Saheb (A) Tamil Nedu (B) Bahadur Shah (B) Uutar Pradesh (©) Mangal Pandey (©) Maharashtra | (©) Tantia Tope D) Gojarat 122, Vasco da Gama discovered sea route o (A)_N. America 121, Hibeation phenomenon is noticed in (A) Cosmonauts 8) S.America ®) Avian (©) India (©) Mammalians ©) Australia (©) Amphibians 123, Tepti river rises in mountains. 128. Dengoe is a i (A) Eastern Ghat : (A) vin infection i (B)_ Westen Goat fungal infection (©) Sapora (©) bacterial infection { ©) Vindhya () protozoan infection 124, The major goal of the Green | 129, Cockroaches, prawns and crabs Revolution has been to possess (A) Decrease the use of modem (A) Simple eyes farm machinery (B) Decrease Population growth, (C) Increase agricultural output. | (D) Increase the number of traditional farms. B) Compound eyes (©) Parietal eyes ©) Noeyes 130. Biodiesel, a kind of non-conventional source of energy, which is obtained 125. The world’s most important renewable ae ‘energy resource is (A) Natural vegetation (A) Sugarcane ®) Water . (®B) Jatropha (©) Solar radiation (©) Castor plant (D) Tidal waves ©) Mostard plant 412 MN2 8 CA-2010-1 BL. Photosynthesis occurs (A) only in leaves (B) only in stems (©) _inall green pars of plants ©) inthe roots 132, Banana leaves on maturity tear into ribbons to avoid (A) desiccation @) airresistance (©) scorching sunlight (D) mutual shading. 133. The substance which changes. from solid to vapour state at normal ‘atmospheric pressure without being Tiquefied is (A) kee (B) Mercury (©) Camphor (D)_Bismath 134, Which energy comes from Sun ? (A) Wind energy (B) Thermal energy (©) Tidal energy (©) Hyeel energy 135, The tungsten wire in coiled form in electric bulb has (A) lower melting point and lower resistance (B) lower melting point and higher resistance (C) higher melting point and lower (D) higher meting point and higher resistance 12 MN2 136. 137. 138, 138, 140. 1. ‘The tides in the ocean are due 10 (A) Wind over the Oceans ® G © (©) Revolution of the Earth il-ftes are extinguished by (A) Sods-acid fire extinguisher (B)_Foam-type fire extinguisher (©) Carbon-tetrachloride fire extinguisher (D) © Simply by water ‘The apparatus used for measuring the heat change is called (A) Thermometer (B) Voltameter (©) Voltmeter ) Calorimeter Plaster of Paris hardens by (A) combining with water ) giving out water (© . giving out CO, () combining with CO, German Silver isan alloy of (A) Silverand Copper (8) Silverand Aluminium (©) Copper, Zine and Nickel (©) Nickel and Aluminium ‘What was the name accorded to the Miltary Operation in Kargil in 1999 ? (A) Operation Pavan (B) Operation Poomalai (C) Operation Vijay (©) Operation Brasstacks CA-2010-1 142, The film ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ is based on the book ‘Question & Answer" written by a e © © Bhisham Swarup Vikas Swarup Viral Swarup Vinay Swarup 143. The International Hockey Tournament jn which only the top six nations (Gudged by their rankings) are invited to take par is “ ® © Oo) Champions Trophy Aalan Shah Cup World Cup Champions Challenge Trophy. 4144, Pankaj Advani has Won the World Professional Billiard Championship, 2009 defeating in the final a ® © i) Geet Sethi Robert Frost (Om Agarwal Mike Russe! 148. To whom did India beat to lift the ‘ONGC Nehru Cup, 2009 ? “ ®) © o Japan Somalia Syria Afghanistan 146. The recipient of the 42 Jnan Pecth ‘Avvard this year is “ ® © o 112MN2 Manohar Shashi Satya Vrat Shashtri K. Kaushal Panda Mahavie Shashtsi 147, Who has won the 100 metres sprints at the British Grand Prix recently ? 148, 14s, 150, “ ® © o The World Badminton Fede ‘Tyson Gray Usain Bolt Kim Collins Mario Bums eclared the Indian Shutter, Seine Nehwal, as “ @ © o ‘The most promising player of 2008 ‘The leading player of 2008 ‘The most popular player of 2008 ‘The emerging player of 2008 ‘The first sister from India 10 be conferred the Sainthood by Pope Benedict XVI is cy ® oO o Sister Desouza Sister Niemala Sister Alphensa Sister Madorana ‘The three countries in serial order which won the highest number of Gold Medals in the Beijing Olympics CS) ® © ” China, U.S.A, Russia China, U.S.A, Germany China, Germany, Australia China, Australia, Canada CA-201041 PART-IV NUMERICAL APTITUDE 151. The boys of a class are made to stand in a queue. Amit is standing at 15 place from both ends: How many boys are there inthe queue ? @) 31 ®) 3% © » © 2% 152. Ifthe sum of a rational number and its reciprocal is 13/6, then the number is wt ot o? oi 153. In a group of students; 30 students play Cricket, 20 play Tennis and in all 35, play ether Cricket or Teanis, How er 184 Simple ae EAE OSAP, (a) 4068 ®) ~1016 © 4064 ©) 5080 15S. Simplified value of (0.361) + 0.639) (03617-0361 x 0.639 + O69 @ a ®) 361 © «9 @) “1000 156, If the sum of one-half, one-third and ‘one-fourth of a number exceeds the number by 12, then the number is @ % @) 44 © 184 @) 174 many students play both Cricket and 5 sequal 0 Tennis’? @ 0 ish ®) 12 ie © 1s © 3% © 8 1 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 412 MN2 CA20104 a_s 158. If $=} and 8a + Sb = 22, then ais | 462, > Iaxf3yP3 is equal to aval to 3 2 wo @ 4 2 os @ * ps © * 5 (698+ 198) (698-1987 = vy, 82 E198 © # 2 me 36s, 2553523525 25%25— 10% 10x (©) 9854 ©) seg a ® 160. The cube rot of © 0027 +0.068 +3 x0.120.7is © 0 «030 @) 040 © ox ©) 070 BsV8 Vivi (a) 3.466 @ 2828 ©1 1 © 0 BG ‘SPACE FORROUGH WORK aa 112 MN2 36 cA20104 1 165. (74 2Y13+\7=2Y incqual co | 169 The sum of all even numbers upto 100 (A) 4 oat (@) 1000 as @) 2000 © 68 (©) 2500 h . @) 2550 166. The smallest perfect square number, which is divisible by each $ tak and 6, is a 6A, 34S 10. at Gxt i (@) 60 ome @) 80 a 2 \ (©) 900 oe ©) to os 3 | 161. © 7 4 4 ‘ oF ATL. The average of all odd numbers less ; tha 10018 ot os Q ® 9% ok © 31 ® 2 an D) ; 172 A batsman has ceri average of na h 168. The sum of the ist 51 tems of the 1D mings he toed 90 ns, tec f avithmetic progression, whose 26° tem csnaied ea tou or oes sree : sethne 26% decreased his average of runs by 5. Hs iszois © fverage of rns for 2 inings 4 (B) 15,300 eae ? © 15300 eS ie (D) 15,700 oe @) 127 i i ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 173. The average of monthly salaries of A, B and C is Rs. 40,000 and that of B.C and D is Rs. 50,000. If D's monthly salary is Rs. 60,000, then A’s monthly salary is (A) Rs. 30,000 (B) Rs, 40,000 © Rs.50,000 @) Rs.60,000 174. The selling price of a commodity is reduced by 25%. As a result its daily sale is increased by 30%%. Due to this effect the revenue collected, compared tothe previous daily sal, will be (A) 5% more @B) Swless (© 25% more ©) 25% ess 17S. In an examination, a student got 30% ‘marks out of 180 in the first paper of a subject. How much must he get in the second paper out of 150 so that he gets ‘509% marks in the subject” 176, im. 178, Let us suppose that when water freezes in the form of ice, its volume is increased by 10%. What percent decrease will there be when ice melts in the form of water ? (a) 10 ® 9 © nt 1 © oF A: B=2:3andB:C=4:5,then SA:3Cis @ 8:9 @) 5:8 © 1:9 ©) 6:7 ‘The ratio af two numbers is 5: 8 and their difference is 69. The smaller of the two numbers is (A) 184 ®) 140 © us ©) 108 ‘The incomes of A and B are inthe ratio 3:2 and their expenditures in the ratio. 5: 3. If each saves Rs, 10,000, A's A) 10% income is B) 14% (A) Rs. 30,000 B) Rs 40,000 ©) 16% ©) Rs.60,000 ) 80% @) Rs. 90,000 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORKS 112MN2 CA-2010-1 180, 181, 182, ‘A person took two equal loans for 2 ‘years and 3 years respectively cach at ‘8% simple interest. If atthe end of the terms, the difference of interests was Rs. 560, then the amount of each loan (A) Rs.7,000 ®) Rs.7,200 ©) Rs.7,500 ©) Rs.7,800 eda acl ae Senay oa times of itself in one year. The rate of interest per annum is (A) 10% ®) 8% © ow D 3% ‘A sum of money at compound interest ‘amounts to Rs. 10,648 in 3 years and to Rs, 9,680 in 2 years. The rate of interest per annum is (A) 20% B) 16% © 15% ©) 10% 183. Two successive discounts of 10% and *" 5% are equivalent to a single discount 184, 18s, of w @ © © 139% ‘The marked price of an anicle is 20% above its cost price. If the trader allows 20% discount on its marked price, he will get, “w ® © © 4% profit 4% loss 5% profit 59 loss ‘A man can complete one-third of @ work in 18 days. How many days will hhe need to complete 0.5 part of the work ? “ ® © © 36 27 ey a1 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 186, A and B together can do a piece of | 190. In going from station A to station B, a work in 12 days, B and C together in 15 distance of 100 km, a train moves with days and C and A together in 20 days speed 40 kwh and in retuming back In how many days ean A alone do the from B to A, it runs with. speed same work ? 60 kr. The average speed (in kan) (2 ofthe train forthe entre journey is ) 28 4s © w @ 4% (Dp) 40 © 50 @) 55 187. A is twice as good a workman as B and ‘together they complete a piece of work 191. A man walking at 3 knv/lir crosses a in 14 days. In how many days can’ A Square field diagonally in 2 minutes, alone complete the work ? ‘The area (in m?) of the field is (21 (a) 2500 ®) 28 8) 3000 © 3% (©) 000 ) 35 (D) 6000 188. If | man or 2 women or 3 boys can do a 192. A runs twice as fast as B and B runs piece of work in 55 days, in how many thrice as fast as C. In how many ioe aiiibett ce en ee minutes, wil the journey, covered by C toopsher do tha ee Seek? in42 minutes, be covered by A? @ 4 (a) 36 @) 36 @ © 3 © 4 ©) 30 ee 189. A car completes a certain journey in 10 The. toa aurtce ares. iot a salle hours. eovers ba te discs at hemp 1848 em? ts dames {Winns alert cotmieTe | (gon=2) : Jength of the journey is \ - (A) 420km A Bo ®) 400km @) 14Y6em © 384k ©) 7N6cm ©) 350km ©) em ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK eH 112MN2 CA-2010-1 194, Each of the radius of a sphere and that ofthe base ofa right cixcular cylinder is 3 em. If their volumes are equal, the 197, (65 more is gained by sellin a radio for Rs. 475, than by selling it for Rs, 451 ‘The cost price ofthe radio is eight (in em) of the cylinders sented (A 4 B) Rs. 400 ong © Rs.446.50 ae ©) Rs.42750 2 198. By sling an ancl for Rs. 258, « man incurs a loss of 15%. For what pce Should he sel itso that he males ¢ 195. The ratio of the area of an equilateral poton06? ingle nd that of equates 32.1 : the length of a diagonal of the square is (a) Beas Bow 60 cm, then the perimeter of the (C) Rs.375 (D) Rs. 360. tianglels ass 189. A productisn-house sells ter items a 20% profit I the production eos is (®) 1800m increated by 10%, but the sling pce © den ‘emsine unaltered the profits 1 ) 240cm A) 977% (B) 10% © 1% ©) 15% 196. The diference between the cireumference and the dame of Gicle is 15 em. The radius (in em) of | 200, A shop-kecper had 1o sell an ante a eco 20% lous. He could gain 5%, he had ——— sold the article for Rs. 200 more. The ie fest pce of the are was (A). Rs.700 @ 4s B) Rs.800 © 35 © Rs. 900 ©) 225 ©) s.1,000 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK CA-2010-1

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