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1. It refers to a package of transnational flow of people, production, investment, information, ideas and authority.
A. Transnationalization B. internationalization
C. inter-border D. globalization
2. Its primary concern is to support the different police agencies in the world particularly the member-countries in term of intelligence-sharing,
investigative assistance and other police matters. This organization known as INTERPOL which is principally aimed to fight transnational crime and
terrorism is based in ____.
A.Lyons, France C. New York City
B. Lyons, Australia D. ScotlandYard
3. INTERPOL stands for:
A. International Police
B. International Criminal Police Organization
C. International Police Organization
D. International Criminal Police Organization League
4. This term best captures the profound transformation of the world economy since the beginning of the 1980s. It refers primarily to the progressive
elimination of barriers to trade and investment and unprecedented international mobility of capital.
A. Liberalization C. Globalization
B. Economic cooperation D. Capitalization
5. The Ministry of Public Security is the principal police authority of this country.
A. China C. Italy
B. United Kingdom D. Israel
6. It is a crime which is now pervasive around the world and said to be the modern equivalent of “slavery”?
A. Human trafficking C. Exploitation
B. Human smuggling D. Money-laundering
7. The INTERPOL is focused in investigating what classification of crime?
A. Public crime C. Cross-border crime
B. Private crime D. Sensational crime
8. It is the blurring of geo-political boundaries between nations so that the world has flattened facilitating greater mobility of people and other
resources from one geographical location to another making the world as one village.
A. World modernization C. Global adventurism
B. Economic prosperity D. Globalization
9. Its motive is chiefly ideological and/or a desire for political change.
A. Organized crime C.Criminal syndicate
B. Terrorism D. MAFIA
10. It is known as the Philippine Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
A. Republic Act 9165 C. Republic Act 9160
B. Republic Act 9208 D. Republic Act 6423
11. The deliberate killing of top-ranking government officials and/or prominent personalities is known as ____.
A. Hostage-taking C. Assassination
B. Kidnapping D. Hijacking
12. In the world of organized crime, ____ is the ultimate motive.
A. Fame C. Profit
B. Change of government D. Vanity
13. Which among the following terms is not associated with “Terrorism”?
A. Violence C. Fear
B. Coercion D. Protection racket
14. “Right-wing” as a political party refers to the ____.
A. Military C. Communists
B. Ruling government D. Religious groups
15. Which among the following is a transnational organized crime group?
A. Pentagon group C. Kuratong-Baleleng group
B. Lexus carnapping group D. Triads
16. It is the Philippine law that defines and penalizes human trafficking.
A. RA 9208 C. RA 8043
B. RA 6955 D. RA 9194
17. The primary objective of Globalization as conceptualized by Advocates is ____.
A. To combat transnational crime and terrorism
B. To integrate economies of different countries leading to a world economy
C. To adopt to American culture
D. To focus on industrialization rather than agriculture
18. The law that established the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency.
A. Republic Act 6423 C. Republic Act 9165
B. Republic Act 6975 D. Republic Act 9160
19. It refers to a package of transnational flow of people, production, investment, information, ideas and authority.
A. Transnationalization B. internationalization
C. inter-border D. globalization
20. The fastest growing criminal industry in the world.
A. Human Trafficking B. Exploitation
C. Bonded labor D. Forced labor
21. The threat of global terrorism indicates the growing power of globalization as a perimeter of;
A. Financial networks B. Islamic fundamentalism
. transnational ideology D. political actions
22. This is a crime, consisting of an intentional act of political violence to create an atmosphere of fear.
A. Terrorism B. Political crime
C. Hostage taking D. Transnational crime
23. This is a very broad category, encompassing everything from illegal immigration to international prostitution, slavery, and child pornography.
A. Flow of people B. Migration
C. Human trafficking D. Sex slavery
24. This is the kind of policing system where police control is under direct control of the national government:
A. Fragmented B. Centralized
C. Integrated D. None of these
25. It is the science and art of investigating and comparing police system of nations and it also covers the study of police organizations.
A. International criminal justice
B. Comparative criminal justice system
C. Comparative police method
D. Comparative police system

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26. It requires a historical perspective since the phenomena under the study seen as having historical perspective since the phenomena under study
are seen as having developed under unique social, economic, and political structures.
A. Safari method B. Collaborative method
C. two-culture studies D. Historical-comparative method
27. It involves crimes against humanity that may or may not involve multiple countries.
A. Transnational crime B. International crime
C. Crimes against humanity D. Genocide
28. It is characterized by facilitating, for a fee, the illegal entry of a person into a foreign country.
A. Human trafficking B. illegal recruitment
C. Human smuggling C. Arms trafficking
29. It is characterized by facilitating the entry of one person from one country to another through an unauthorized or unlicensed agency?
A. Human trafficking B. illegal recruitment
C. Human smuggling C. Arms trafficking
30. It is characterized by subsequent exploitation after the illegal entry of one person from one place to another or one country to another
A. Human trafficking B. illegal recruitment
C. Human smuggling C. Arms trafficking
31. It is the “Expanded anti-trafficking in persons act of 2012” which was signed on July 23, 2012.
A. RA 9208 B. RA 10364
C. RA 9028 D. RA 10634
32. It refers to a person below 18 years old or one who is over 18 but is unable to fully take care of or protect himself from abuse, neglect, cruelty,
exploitation or discrimination because of a physical or mental disability or condition.
A. Child B. Minor
C. Youth D. Delinquent
33. It refers to the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right or ownership are exercised.
A. Slavery B. Forced labor
B. Sexual exploitation D. Involuntary servitude
34. It refers to participation by a person in prostitution, pornography, or the production of pornography, in exchange for money, profit or any other
consideration or where the participation is caused or facilitated by any means or intimidation or threat.
A. Slavery B. prostitution
B. Sexual exploitation D. Sex tourism
35. It refers to a condition of enforced and compulsory service induced by means of any scheme, plan or pattern, intended to cause a person to
believe that if he or she did not enter into or continue in such condition, he or she or another person would suffer serious harm or other forms of
abuse or physical restraint, or threat of abuse or harm, or coercion including depriving access to travel documents and withholding salaries, or the
abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process.
A. Slavery B. Forced labor
B. Sexual exploitation D. Involuntary servitude
36. The process of taking the proceeds of criminal activity and making them appear legal.
A. Money Laundering B. Placement
c. Integration D. Layering
37. It is the process of disguising the proceeds of crime and integrating it into the legitimate financial system
A. Money Laundering B. Placement
c. Integration D. Layering
38. It represents the initial entry of the dirty cash or proceeds of crime introduce into the financial system.
A. Money Laundering B. Placement
c. Integration D. Layering
39. It involves the frequent series of money transfer and transactions used to cover the tracks of the illegal funds.
A. Money Laundering B. Placement
c. Integration D. Layering
40. It involves the movement of previously laundered money into the economy through the banking system and thus such money appears to be
normal business earnings.
A. Money Laundering B. Placement
C. Integration D. Layering
41. Which of the following is not a basic reason why we compare systems and issues in criminal justice system? outline the similarities and dissimilarities of one police system to another in order to discover insights in the field of international
B. To benefit from the experience of others
C. To broaden our understanding of the different cultures and approaches to problems
D. To help us deal with the many transnational crime
42. Which of the following is an effect of globalization?
A. Development of new strategies to deal with international organized crime is a must.
B. Facilitation of transnational crimes and criminals cannot be easily achieved.
C. There is a need for transnational policing
D. The cooperation among police organizations in the world is vital
43. Which of the following country is not practicing continental theory of police service?
A. France B. Italy
C. Spain D. England
44. Which of the following words is not connected to the modern concept of police service?
A. Prevention B. Pro-active
C. Repression D. traditional
45. Which of the following is not a broad category of transnational crime?
A. Illicit goods B. Illicit services
C. Penetration of business C. Infiltration of businesses
46. Which of the following activities is not an effect of transnational crime?
A. Illegal business ventures B. Weaken economies
C. weakens financial system D. undermine democracy
47. Who signed into law the “Expanded Anti-trafficking in persons act of 2012”?
A. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo B. Benigno S. Aquino III
C. Rodrigo R. Duterte D. Cory Aquino
48. Which of the following is not an act of an accessory to the crime of human trafficking?
A. profiting themselves or assisting the offender to profit by the effects of crime
B. knowingly abets, aids and cooperates in the execution of the offense by the previous or simultaneous acts of trafficking.
C. Concealing or destroying the body of the crime or effects or instruments in order to prevents its discovery.
D. Harboring, concealing or assisting in the escape of the principal of the crime
49. The following persons may file cases of trafficking in persons, except one;
A. Ascendants/descendants B. Victim itself
C. Spouse D. None of these
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50. Trafficking in persons can be filed within how many years after they are committed?
A. 12 years B. 10 years
C. 15 yeas D. 5 years
51. Which of the following act in violation to RA 10364 is punishable by life imprisonment and a fine of 2 million to 5 million?
A. Accomplice liability B. Violation of confidentiality
C. Qualified trafficking D. Use of Trafficked person
52. What agencies of the government is responsible for the efficient implementation of passporting system to protect the integrity of Philippine
53. Which of the following act in violation to RA 10364 is not punishable by 15 years of imprisonment and a fine of P500, 000 to 1 million?
A. Accomplice liability B. attempted trafficking
C. Accessories D. Acts of trafficking
54. What agencies of the government is responsible for the training of special prosecutors who are handling and prosecuting trafficking cases?
55. What agencies of the government is responsible for the standardize guidelines for monitoring trafficking in persons in every port?
56. This is when a financial institution, such as banks is owned or controlled by unscrupulous individuals suspected of conniving with drug dealers and
other organized crime groups.
A. Bank complicity B. currency exchanges
C. Security brokers D. Currency smuggling
57. This is the physical illegal movement of currency nad monetary instruments out of a country?
A. Bank complicity B. currency exchanges
C. Security brokers D. Currency smuggling
58. It is done by facilitating the process of money laundering through structuring large deposits of cash in a way that disguises the original source of
A. Bank complicity B. currency exchanges
C. Security brokers D. Currency smuggling
59. It is the sale of property to integrate laundered money back into the economy. For instance, many criminal groups use shell companies to buy
property ; hence proceeds from sale would be considered legitimate.
A. Front companies and false loans B. Foreign bank complicity
C. Property dealing D. False import/export invoices
60. Which of the following is not an objective of money laundering?
A. Conceal B. Invest
C. Move D. Fame
61. Which of the following is not a unit of the Anti-money laundering council of the Philippines?
A. Securities and exchange commission group
B. Compliance and Investigation group
C. Legal services group
D. Administrative and Financial Division
62. It protects the integrity and confidentiality of bank accounts and to ensure that the Philippines shall not be used as a money laundering site for
the proceeds of any unlawful activity.
63. What law created the Anti-money Laundering Council (AMLC)?
A. RA 10927 B. RA 10167
C. RA 9160 D. RA 10365
64. Which of the following is an example of an International crime?
A. Genocide B. Prostitution
C. sex slavery D. sex tourism
65. Which of the following is not true about Illegal recruitment?
A. Usually does not involve coercion, but uses more deception, promises and fraud
B. Characterized by facilitating entry of one person from one country to another country to another through an unauthorized or unlicensed
C. Mere recruitment without license is punishable, no need to prove the consequential exploitation
D. Considered a human rights issue
66. Which of the following is not true about Human Smuggling?
A. usually does not involve coercion
B. Characterized by subsequent exploitation after the illegal entry of one person from one place to another
C. Considered a migration concern
D. Proof of illegal entry by none compliance with the necessary requirements for travel
67. If trafficking is committed by a syndicate or on a large scale or against a child , cases can be filed within how many years after the commission of
the act?
A. 20 years B. 10 years
C. 30 years D. 15 years
68. What agency of the government is responsible in addressing issues on trafficking of children through policy and program interventions?
69. The purpose of this stage of money laundering is to make it more difficult to detect and cover a laundering activity.
A. Layering B. Placement
C. Spin dry D. Integration
70. Who shall be the chairman of the Anti-money laundering council?
A. Commissioner of the Insurance Commission
B. Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission
C. Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
D. Chief of the PNP
71. What agency of the government id responsible for the formulation and implementation of preventive measures to stop sex tourism packages and
other activities of tourism establishments which contribute to trafficking in persons?
72. Which of the following acts is punishable by imprisonment of prision correctional or 6 months and 1 day to 6 years and P50, 000 to P100,000 fine?
A. acts of trafficking B. use of trafficked person
C. qualified trafficking D. attempted trafficking
73. Which of the following is true about human trafficking?
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A. Human trafficking is considered a migration concern?
B. There is a need to prove the presence of exploitation or that the recruitment was facilitated for the purpose of exploitation
C. It is usually does not involve coercion but uses more deception, promises and fraud
D. Proof illegal entry by none compliance with the necessary requirements for travel
74. Which of the following is an act of an accomplice of human trafficking?
A. profiting themselves or assisting the offender to profit by the effects of crime
B. knowingly abets, aids and cooperates in the execution of the offense by the previous or simultaneous acts of trafficking.
C. Concealing or destroying the body of the crime or effects or instruments in order to prevents its discovery.
D. Harboring, concealing or assisting in the escape of the principal of the crime
75. Where can we file cases for trafficking in persons?
76. The major purpose of this technique is to change the form of the proceeds from conspicuous bulk cash to some equally valuable but less
conspicuous form.
A. Asset purchase B. Security Brokers
C. Blending of funds D. Currency exchanges
77. A popular method used to launder cash in the placement stage, this technique involves the use of many individuals who exchange illicit funds for
highly liquid items such as travellers’ cheques.
A. Asset purchase B. Use of smurfs
C. Blending of funds D. Currency exchanges
78. When was the “Anti-money laundering act of 2001” signed into law by Gloria Macapagal Arroyo?
A. Sept 29, 2011 B. Sept 29, 2001
C. Sept 9, 2011 D. Sept 28, 2001
79. What agency of the government is responsible for the strict implementation and compliance with the rules and guidelines on local and overseas
For items 80-100, choose what category does the following acts fall in the “Expanded anti-trafficking in persons act of 2012”
80. To maintain or hire a person to engage in prostitution or pornography
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
81. To knowingly lease or sublease, use or allow being used any house, building or establishment
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
82. To adopt persons by any form of consideration for exploitative purposes or to facilitate the same for the purposes of prostitution, pornography,
sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or deptbondage
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
83. To undertake or organize tours and travel plans consisting of tourism packages or activities for the purpose of utilizing and offering persons for
prostitution, pornography or sexual exploitation
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
84. To organize or direct other persons to commit the offenses defined as acts of trafficking
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
85. To utilize his or her office to impede the investigation, prosecution or execution of lawful orders in a case
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
86. When the crime is committed by a syndicate or in a large scale
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
87. When the trafficked person is recruited to engage in prostitution with any member of the military or other law enforcement agencies
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
89. To knowingly benefit from, financial or otherwise, or make use of, the labor services of a person held to a condition of involuntary servitude,
forced labor or slavery.
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
90. When the trafficked person is a child or below 18 years old
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
91. To assist in the conduct of misrepresentation or fraud for facilitating the acquisition of clearances and necessary exit documents from
government agencies that are mandated to provide pre-departure registration and services for departing persons for the purpose of promoting
trafficking in persons.
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
92. To facilitate, assist or help in the exit and entry of persons from/to the country at international and local ports, territorial boundaries and
seaports who are in possession of unissued, tampered or fraudulent travel documents.
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
93. When the adoption is effected through RA 8043 and said adoption is for the purpose of prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation.
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
94. When the offender is a member of the military or law enforcement agencies
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
95. Knowingly abets, aids and cooperates in the execution of the offense by previous or simultaneous acts of trafficking
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
96. To recruit, obtain, hire, provide, offer, transport, transfer, maintain, harbour or receive a person by any means.
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
97. To offer or contract marriage, real or simulated, for the purpose of acquiring, buying, offering, selling or trading them to engage in prostitution,
pornography, sexual exploitation, etc.
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
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98. When by any reason or on occasion of the act of trafficking in persons, the offended party dies, becomes insane, suffer mutilation or is afflicted
with HIV and AIDS.
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
99. When the offender directs or through another manages the trafficking victim in carrying out the exploitative purpose of trafficking
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability
100. To abuse or threaten the use of law or legal processes.
A. Acts of trafficking in persons B. Acts that promote trafficking in persons
C. Qualified trafficking D. Accomplice Liability

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