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 Present
o Present Tenise ( S + V-1 )
Ex : He Talk with my friend
o Present Continous ( S + Is/Am/Are + V-ing )
Ex : He is talking with my friend
o Present Perfect ( S + Has/Have + V-3 )
Ex : He has already talked with my friend
o Present Perfect Continous ( S + Has/Have + been + V-ing )
Ex : He has been talking with my friend
 Past
o Past Tense ( S + V-2 )
Ex : He talked with my friend
o Past Continous ( S + Was/Were + V-ing )
o Ex : He was talking with my friend
o Past Perfect ( S + Had + V-3 )
Ex : He had talked with my friend
o Past Perfect Continous ( S + Had + Been + V-ing )
Ex : He had been talking with my friend
 Future
o Future Tense ( S + Will + V-1 )
Ex : He will talk with my friend
o Future Continous ( S + Will + Be + V-ing )
Ex : He will be talking with my friend
o Future Perfect ( S + Will + Have + V-3 )
Ex : He will have talked with my friend
o Future Perfect Continous ( S + Will + Have + Been + V-ing )
Ex : He will have been talking with my friend

Active Question
Aux + S + etc
Ex : Does he talk with my friend?
Passive Question
Be + S + etc
Ex : is the engine repair by he?

Adalah struktur yang menyerupai kalimat
Ex : if I life in bekasi

Adjective Clause
Adalah clausa yang berfungsi sebagai modifier (penjelas benda), hanya keterangan
atau pendambah informasi dan bisa dibuang
Ex : the water on the table, the water akan tetap memiliki arti walaupun on the table dibuang

Noun Clause
Adakah clausa yang berfungsi sebagai benda dan tidak bisa dibuang
Ex : I know where you life, tidak bisa dibuang

Adverb Clause
Adalah clausa yang menerangkan situasi kondisi
1. Conditional Sentence Type 1.
If + S + verb-1, S + will + V-1
Ex : If I have a money, I will buy a car
2. Conditional Sentence Type 2.
If + S + V-2 , S + would + V-2
Ex : if I were student, I would study hard
3. Conditional Sentence Type 3.
If + S + had + v-3, S + would + have + V-3
Ex : if I had repaired the engine, I would have used a tool box

Adalah penjelas orang atau benda dan bisa dihilangkan
 Present Participle (V-ing)
Ex : the man operating the forklift is anton
 Past Participle (V-3)
Ex : the unit operated by anton is oht
 Preposition (kata depan)
Ex : The unit at the workshop is forklift

Senin 23 September 2019

 3 V-3
o Pasif ( be + V-3)
 The unit was repaired yesterday
o ….Perfect
 I have repaired the unit
o Modifier (Past Participle)
 The unit repaired by the team us challenger
 3 V-ing
o Benda/noun (geruned)
 Repairing units needs skill
o …Continous
 I will be repairing the unit tomorrow morning
o Modifier (Present Participle)
 The team repairing the unit is my seniors
Senin 23 September 2019
Skill 7: Subject Taking a Singular Verb
1. Subject followed by prepositional phrases. When taking the test, you must check
the subject and verb to be sure they agree. However, sometimes it is difficult to
decide exactly what the subject is if the subject and verb are separated, such as
subject-verb separated by prepositional phrases. In this case, subject-verb
agreement is not influenced by the prepositional phrases:
The boys in the room are studying.
prep. phrase
The study of languages is very interesting.
prep. phrase
The effects of that crime are likely to be devastating.
prep. phrase
2. Also, subject with the following expressions takes a singular verb. So, the
expressions have no effect on the verb:
as well as together with along with in addition to
among accompanied by
The actress, along with her manager and some friends, attends the party.
Agus, accompanied by his wife and children, is arriving tonight.
NOTE: If the conjunction and is used instead of one of these expressions, the verb would
then be plural.
The actress and her manager attend the party.
3. Some words are always plural in form but singular in meaning. These words
require singular verbs.
Academic subjects: mathematics, physics, economics, statistics, civics
Disease: measles, mumps, herpes
Abstract nouns: news, ethics, politics
Mathematics is a difficult subject.
The news was very good.
4. Titles of books and movies, even in plural form, take singular verbs.
The New York Times is a good newspaper.
Star Wars was a good movie.
5. Expressions stating one amount of time, money, weight, volume, etc are plural in
form but take a singular verb.
Two weeks is enough time for a nice vacation.
Five hundred dollars is required as a down payment.
Ten extra pounds is a lot to lose in a week.
Twenty gallons of gasoline costs a lot of money.
6. When the words below are used as subjects, they take a singular verb:
One each any (+ singular noun) some (+singular noun) every
nobody either anybody somebody everybody
no one neither anyone someone everyone
nothing anything something everything
Everybody who has not purchased the ticket should be in this line.
Something was under the house.
One of the most enjoyable parties was given by Mr. Badu.
7. Introductory it. When it introduces a sentence, it takes a singular verb.
It was her poems that amazed everyone.
It was the dogs which awakened me.
It is his grades that worry him.
Noun clause and infinitive phrases are often found in sentences beginning with the
subject it.
Noun Clause : It is nice that you came. (it means “That you came is nice”)
Infinitive phrase : It is nice to see you. (it means “To see you is nice)

Skill 8: Subject taking a Plural Verb

1. When subjects are joined by and or both …and, the verb is plural.
Both her mother and father were proud.
2. The word several, both, many, and few always take a plural verb.
Many were amazed by her talent.
Both are going to attend Tarumanagara University
Only few have passed the exam.

Skill 9: Subject Taking Either a Singular or a Plural Verb

1. Some nouns use the same form for both singular and plural meanings. The pronouns
and modifiers with these words will indicate whether they are singular or plural in
Always with s: species, series, etc.
Never with s: sheep, deer, etc.
That species is rare. Those species are common.
That deer is young. Those deer are young.
2. A number of takes a plural verb, but the number of takes a singular verb.
A number of students were at UPT MKU room.
The number of students at UPT MKU room was five.
3. The words below take a singular or plural verb depending on the noun that follows
none all most any
no some half majority
All of students passing TOEFL test are clever.
All of work is important.
4. When each or every comes before singular subjects joined by and, a singular verb is
Every man and woman is eligible to vote. Each student and teacher has a locker.
5. When subjects are joined by either….or, neither….nor, or not only….but also, the
verb is singular or plural depending on the subject nearest to it.
Not only her master but also her mistress was proud of her.
Not only her mistress but also the literary works were influenced by her talent.

Exercise Review: Skill 7-9

1. The man _______ the Mechanbical Engineering workshop..
(A) leads (B) have lead (C) was leading (D) are leading
2. The lowland of Brantas area is quite fertile_______is alluvial.
(A) because it (C) which is because
(B) because of which (D) and because
3. Neither Jane nor her brothers ___________ a consent form for tomorrow’s field trip. (A)
need (B) needs (C) is needing (D) has need
4. This book________50 years of the excellent services in Indonesia
(A) celebrates (C) is Celebrates
(B) will celebrate (D) has celebrated
5. Life in Bandung_________ generally considered to be more amenable than in Jakarta at that
time. (A) was (B) is (C) has been (D) have been
6. ________versatile performer, soprano Kathleen Battle has often concluded a program
of art songs and arias with selections from ragtime or popular music
(A) A (B) Which (C) So (D) Because
7. Most amphibians hatch from eggs laid in water or moist ground, and begin life
_________water-dwelling larvae.
(A) such (B) as (C) to be (D) are
8. ______, the Mauritius parakeet, and the Japanese crested ibis are among the most
endangered of the world’s birds.
(A) Including the Marianas mallards (B) Being the Marianas mallard
(C) There are the Marianas mallard (D) The Marianas mallard
9. ________first settled the Hawaiian Islands between A.D. 300 and 750.
(A) The Polynesians (C) The Polynesians arrived
(B) Because of the Polynesians (D) It was the Polynesians
10. In the Stone Age, stone tools______ with other rock materials.
(A) polishing (C) they polished
(B) for polish (D) were polished
11. NASA’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center_______ control center for the Mercury,
Gemini, and Apollo space flights.
(A) it was at the (B) it was the (C) was the (D) the
12. Half of students in the class ________ early.
(A) arrive (B) arrives (C) arriving (D) were arrived
13. ________ grow close to the ground in the short Arctic summer.
(A) Above tundra plants (C) Tundra plants are found
(B) Tundra plants (D) For tundra plants
14. _________ radio as the first practical system of wireless telegraphy.
(A) Marconi’s development (C) Developing Marconi
(B) The development by Marconi (D) Marconi developed
15. The two biggest resort ________Alabama are Hot Springs and Eureka Springs.
(A) in (B) towns are (C) towns in (D) towns are in
16. There has not been a great response to the sale,__________?
(A) does there (B) hasn’t there (C) hasn’t it? (D) has there
17. Captain Henry,____________crept slowly through the underbrush.
(A) being remote from the enemy (C) attempting to not encounter the enemy
(B) trying avoid the enemy (D) not involving himself in the enemy
18. Mr. Roberts is a noted chemist___________
(A) as well as an effective teacher (C) and too a very effective teacher
(B) but he teaches very good in addition (D) however he teaches very good also
19. _________variety of flowers in the show, from simple carnations to the most
exquisite roses.
(A) A wide (B) There was a wide (C) Was there (D) Many
20. ________being in the public eye appears to be eminently desirable.
(A) For many Priangan girls (C) They are many Priangan girls
(B) Many Priangan girls (D) There are many Priangan girls
21. The first three scholars leaving for Britain in 1949__________Miss Roesad, Dr.
Sutomo Tjokronegoro and Dr. G.A. Siwabessy.
(A) were (B) was (C) is (D) are
22. _________from Karang Tengah to Kebon Jeruk.
(A) Few kilometers (C) It’s not far
(B) Not far (D) There is not far
23. _________Albert Einstein who developed the theory of relativity.
(A) It was (B) He is (C) That it was (D) That he was
24. _______unsuccessful attempts were made to sail through the northwest passage.
(A) There were several (C) Several valiant but
(B) Although several (D) They were several
25. In February 1950 the office________ to the top floor of the DENIS building on Jl.
Braga, Bandung.
(A) was moved (C) moved
(B) is moving (D) are moving
26. _________the legendary lost continent of Atlantis may someday be found.
(A) The belief (C) It is believed
(B) Believing (D) That belief
27. Arman’s house__________ in Wednesday’s floods.
(A) was swept in (C) was swept away
(B) was swept up (D) was swept down
28. The flood __________a 3 a.m.
(A) comes early (C) goes early
(B) came early (D) went early
29. The water level____________ to three meters in Cililitan Kecil, East Jakarta.
(A) reaches (B) reached on (C) reached up (D) reached down
30. It _________most of Arman’s house.
(A) destroying (B) destroyed (C) destroys (D) destroy
31. __________victim was electrocuted.
(A) An (B) A (C) The (D) Some
32. Thousands of other Jakartans__________ to leave their homes.
(A) are being force (C) are forcing
(B) were forced (D) forced
33. ____________some residents insisted on staying on their roofs.
(A) Therefore (B) However (C) Furthermore (D) Frankly
34. Diamonds__________ an unstable form of carbon.
(A) which are (B) being (C) although they are (D) are
35. A laser beam___________ a concentration of pure light.
(A) consists of (C) which consists of
(B) it consists of (D) consisting of
36. Lightning rarely___________ twice in the same place.
(A) is striking (C) strikes
(B) does it strike (D) it strikes
37. Jakarta____________78 areas that are prone to flooding.
(A) have (B) is having (C) had (D) has
38. __________not only generate energy but also produces fuel for other fission reactors.
(A) a nuclear breeder reactor (C) it is a nuclear breeder reactor
(C) does a nuclear breeder reactor (D) is a nuclear breeder reactor
39. The compound microscope has not one _____ two lenses.
(A) and also (B) but (C) and there are (D) but there are
40. Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon and Rick Blame in Casablanca _____ of Humphrey
Bogart’s more famous roles.
(A) they are two (C) two of them are (B) two of them (D) are two
41. Samuel Clemens, ________ under the pen name Mark Twain, created characters that
reflected purely American traits and habits.
(A) and he wrote (B) who wrote (C) wrote (D) he wrote
42. Both the lantern fish and the deep sea angler _________ a luminous gland system in
their bodies.
(A) have (B) had (C) having (D) they have
43. Technology_________ negative and positive impacts
(A) will cause (B) must to cause (C) can cause (D) causing
44. __________1960, computers were rarely used in business
(A) prior to (B) therefore (C) due to (D) although
45. Blood in vessels just under the nasal lining____ up its heat to warm the air.
(A) gives (B) it gives (C) giving (D) is given
46. Physically, computers………..hardware and software
(A) consists of (B) consisted of (C) consisting of (D) will consist
47. Scientists……research about level of pollution next August
(A) do (B) will do (C) will do (D) done
48. Henry Ford, _________, was an outstanding innovator.
(A) founded the Ford Motor Company (C) who founded the Ford Motor Company
(B) the Ford Motor Company founded (D) he founded the Ford Motor Company
49. Dow Jones and Company, _______, computes averages for each trading hour of every
business day.
(A) is a financial publishing firm (C) that is a financial publishing firm
(B) a financial publishing firm (D) it is financial publishing firm
50. During the 1970s, Thomas G.Stockham, Jr., a U.S. electrical engineer, _____ digital
(A) that developed (C) that he has developed
(B) developed (D) he developed
51. In 1776, Thomas Paine’s popular and influential pamphlet Common Sense _______
the American colonists to declare their independence from English rule. (A) to urge
(B) to be urged (C) that urged (D) urged
52. In 1850 _________ established one of the first detective agencies in the United States.
(A) it was detective Allan Pinkerton (C) detective Allan Pinkerton who
(B) when detective Allan Pinkerton (D) detective Allan Pinkerton
Senin 23 September 2019

I. Verb Form (Rubahlah bentuk kata kerja sesuai konteks)

In this centuary, people ________________________ (depend) on unlimited energy to
power their everyday lives. A wide range of energy-run devices and modern conveniences
______________________ (take) take for granted, and although it may seem that we will
never be in danger of ______________ (live) without those conveniences, the fact is that
many supplies of energy are dwindling rapidly. Scientists __________________ (search)
constantly for new sources of power to keep modern society _________________ (run).
Coal, oil, and natural gas ___________________ (supply) modern civilization with most
of its power. However, not only are supplies of these fuels limited, but they
________________ (be) a major source of pollution. If the energy demands of the future are
to be met without seriously ___________________ (harm) the environment, existing
Be Improved
alternative energy sources must ________________ (improve) or further explored and
developed. These __________________ (include) nuclear, water, solar, wind, and
geothermal power, as well as energy from new, nonpolluting types of fuels. Each of these
alternatives, however, _____________________ (have) advantages and disadvantages.
Nuclear power plants efficiently _________________ (produce) large amount s of
electricity without ___________________ (pollute) the atmosphere; however, they are costly
to build and maintain, and they pose the daunting problem of what to do with nuclear wastes.
Hydroelectric power is inexpensive and environmentally safe, but impractical for
communities ____________________ (locate) far from moving water. Harnessing energy
from tides and waves has similar drawbacks. Solar power __________________ (hold) great
promise for the future but methods of _________________ (collect) and
_________________ (concentrate) sunlight are as yet inefficient, as are methods of
harnessing wind power. Every source of energy has its advantages.
Senin 30 September 2019



Engine cooling system on the heavy equipment used to maintain engine operating
temperature, cooling system has several components, one of which is the radiator cores,
radiator cores as a place where liquid coolant in the capacity and functioning as weel as the
distribution of the liquid coolant into the engine block etc, if one of the components get
problem or damage and will reduce the performance of the system cooling itself, it is necessary
to note the good treatment planning, so that the damage can be detected early and later will
prolong the life and minimize preventive costs, Purpose of this analyze are (1) Identifying the
causes of damage to the radiator core (2) Provide to the same problem solving does not happen

Materials / components that we analyze is the radiator cores and fins on the genset
engines with 3516 models, SN 25z05443 begins by conducting case studies and visual analysis,
as well as use technical report of PT Trakindo.

Results of damage analysis with case studies and visual analysis of the components of
the radiator cores show that the environtment is very influential to corrosion, types of
corrosion found on the radiator core is corrosion or crevise corrosion on metals which huddled
with the other metals or non metals and such that there are gaps can withstand dirt and water
as a source of corrosion.

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