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Assalamu’alaikum wr.

What I respect, judges in this competition.
As well as what I am proud of, my friends.
First let us give thanks to Allah SWT, because we have given grace health and other grace that
can not be counted.
Salawat and greetings let us give to our prophet Muhammad, because we can know Islam and
live the straight path.
ladies and gentlemen,
On this happy occasion, I am here to give a speech about QUR'ANIC GENERATION FOR THE
We are know that Islam has very beautiful sides and we can apply it in our daily lives. Muslims
live by referring to the Qur’an and the sunnah.
So,do you know what the qur'anic generation is?
Qurani'c generation is people who believing in al quran, people who care in alquran and people
who perform al quran value in our daily lives.
To be a quranic generation, at least we should Can read Alquran well, can be translated Alquran,
understand the contents of Alquran and apply alquran in everyday life.
In today’s , quranic genarasi much-needed to build glory of indonesia because To create a
society that safe and peace, needs to be realized first human that understand religion thoroughly.
A good human religion is the gold diligent worship,zakat, infak and sedekah, like to help, not
the drug, not gambling, no smoking, don’t drink alcohol, disciplined and loyal to both parents.
The best agent of change is the suitable frase to present qur'anic generation, with the value of
alquran we must return the golden of age islam and build glory of indonesia .
Islam is Rahmatan Lil Alamin, So Islam present to create peace in this earth.
Before i close my speech let's us say sahadah together
(Lailahailallah muhammadurrasulallah
There is no god but allah
Muhammad is massanger's of allah)2×
There are 5 pillar of islam
And first pillar is syahadah
I think this is my short speech on this occasion, hopefully what I say can be useful to us, thank
you for listening
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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