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Cloud Computing Architecture – Elective

Technology Infrastructure


Ing. Luis Fernando González de la Calle

David Mauricio Contreras Martínez 1401180

Universidad Militar Nueva Granda
Bogota D.C
1. Create a new bucket (object storage) in your selected region. use this bucket in the
following exercises
2. Upload a new object to your bucket. make this object public and view the object in
your browser. You will then rename the object and finally delete it from the bucket
3. Enable version control on your newly created bucket
4. Delete an object in your bucket (object storage) and then restore it
5. Explore the various options for lifecycle management
6. Enable static hosting on your newly created bucket


1. Activating the AWS account. the AWS website shows us this interface

To create a new bucket, the first thing to do is choose a region where you want to save the
After choosing the region, we select the storage option S3.

Being on Amazon S3 we created the bucket.

2. we load an object to our bucket; in this case we choose an image file with .jpg

To make the loaded object public, you must first enable the option to make public
in the amazon S3 console.
Then the option of making public is discussed in the object's properties.
As we verify that the object is public, copying the URL of the object and pasting in the

when changing the name of the object the URL will also change.
3. To enable version control, you enter the bucket properties.

The activation of this is so that if the object is modified, save the past versions. As you
can see below in the images.
4. to restore an object it is necessary to have previously activated the version control,
as explained above this function performs a backup of the objects and their
modifications, in addition to this we can recover the object by discharging the
object or any of its versions and returning to load the object..
5. To activate the life cycle options we must enter the bucket administrator options.

The life cycle serves to take the objects to an S3 or glacier storage, and cannot be stored
for more than 2147483647 days.
It is important to say that this option has an additional cost.
6. You can host a static website in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).
On a static website, each website includes static content. They can also contain
client-side scripts.

By default, objects in an S3 bucket are available through URLs with the structure To offer resources from the root URL (for example,/index.html),
you will need to enable website hosting in the bucket. By doing so, your objects will be
available at the link point of the specific website of the AWS region of the bucket: .s3-
When you enter the URL or link point, the index document will be loaded.

If you change the URL or link point, the error document will be loaded.

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