SCRA 464, The Supreme Court Said That: Just Compensation

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Invoking Ministerio v. City of Cebu, 40
SCRA 464, the Supreme Court said that
suit may lie because the doctrine of State
G.R. No. 143944, July 11, 2002
immunity cannot be used to perpetrate an
injustice. This ruling was reiterated in De FACTS: The accused was convicted of
los Santos v. Intermediate Appellate Court, violation of Section 16, Article III of
223 SCRA 11, where it was held that the Republic Act No. 6425 (Dangerous Drugs
“public respondents’ belief that the Act). The antecedent facts of his conviction
property is public, even if buttressed by are as follows:
statements of other public officials, is no
Evidence for the prosecution shows that on
reason for the unjust taking of petitioner’s
March 11, 1999, an interisland passenger
property”; after all, the TCT was in the
ship, M/V Super Ferry 5, sailed from
name of the petitioner.
Manila to Iligan City. At about 3:00 a.m.
WHETHER MARINE MAMMALS, on March 13, 1999, the vessel was about
THROUGH THEIR STEWARDS, HAVE to dock at the port of Iligan City when its
LEGAL STANDING TO PURSUE THE security officer, Diesmo, received a
CASE; complaint from passenger Canoy about her
missing jewelry. Canoy suspected one of
her co-passengers at cabin no. 106 as the
As to standing, the Court declined to culprit. Diesmo and four (4) other members
extend the principle of standing beyond of the vessel security force accompanied
natural and juridical persons, even though Canoy to search for the suspect whom they
it recognized that the current trend in later found at the economy section. The
Philippine jurisprudence “moves towards suspect was identified as the accused,
simplification of procedures and facilitating Basher Bongcarawan. The accused was
court access in environmental cases.” Id., informed of the complaint and was invited
p. 15. Instead, the Court explained, “the to go back to cabin no. 106. With his
need to give the Resident Marine Mammals consent, he was bodily searched, but no
legal standing has been eliminated by our jewelry was found. He was then escorted
Rules, which allow any Filipino citizen, as by 2 security agents back to the economy
a steward of nature, to bring a suit to section to get his baggage. The accused
enforce our environmental laws.” took a Samsonite suitcase and brought
this back to the cabin. When requested by
the security, the accused opened the
suitcase, revealing a brown bag and small
plastic packs containing white crystalline the enforcement of the law. Thus, it could
substance. Suspecting the substance to be only be invoked against the State to whom
“shabu,” the security personnel the restraint against arbitrary and
immediately reported the matter to the unreasonable exercise of power is imposed.
ship captain and took pictures of the
In the case before us, the baggage of the
accused beside the suitcase and its
accused-appellant was searched by the
contents. They also called the Philippine
vessel security personnel. It was only after
Coast Guard for assistance.
they found “shabu” inside the suitcase that
But the accused countered this by saying they called the Philippine Coast Guard for
that the Samsonite suitcase containing the assistance. The search and seizure of the
methamphetamine hydrochloride or suitcase and the contraband items was
“shabu” was forcibly opened and searched therefore carried out without government
without his consent, and hence, in intervention, and hence, the constitutional
violation of his constitutional right against protection against unreasonable search
unreasonable search and seizure. Any and seizure does not apply.
evidence acquired pursuant to such
There is no merit in the contention of the
unlawful search and seizure, he claims, is
accused-appellant that the search and
inadmissible in evidence against him.
seizure performed by the vessel security
ISSUE: WON the conviction was valid
personnel should be considered as one
HELD: YES conducted by the police authorities for like
the latter, the former are armed and tasked
The right against unreasonable search and
to maintain peace and order. The vessel
seizure is a fundamental right protected by
security officer in the case at bar is a
the Constitution. Evidence acquired in
private employee and does not discharge
violation of this right shall be inadmissible
any governmental function.
for any purpose in any proceeding.
NOTE: In a prosecution for illegal
Whenever this right is challenged, an
possession of dangerous drugs, the
individual may choose between invoking
following facts must be proven beyond
the constitutional protection or waiving his
reasonable doubt, viz:
right by giving consent to the search and
(1) that the accused is in possession of the
seizure. It should be stressed, however,
object identified as a prohibited or a
that protection is against transgression
regulated drug;
committed by the government or its agent.
(2) that such possession is not authorized
The constitutional proscription against
by law; and
unlawful searches and seizures applies as
(3) that the accused freely and consciously
a restraint directed only against the
possessed the said drug.
government and its agencies tasked with
The things in possession of a person are subject to the rules and regulations of said
presumed by law to be owned by him. To educational institution. Political meetings
or rallies held during any election
overcome this presumption, it is necessary campaign period as provided for by law are
to present clear and convincing evidence to not covered by this Act.
the contrary. In this case, the accused SEC. 5. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS.
points to a certain Alican “Alex” Macapudi — ALL APPLICATIONS FOR A PERMIT
as the owner of the contraband, but GUIDELINES:
presented no evidence to support his
(a) The applications shall be in writing and
claim. No witnesses were presented to shall include the names of the leaders or
prove that there is such a living, breathing, organizers; the purpose of such public
assembly; the date, time and duration
flesh and blood person named Alex thereof, and place or streets to be used for
Macap[u]di who entrusted the Samsonite the intended activity; and the probable
number of persons participating, the
to the accused. Surely, if he does exist, he
transport and the public address systems
has friends, fellow businessmen and to be used.
acquaintances who could testify and (b) The application shall incorporate the
support the claim of the accused. Mere duty and responsibility of applicant under
Section 8 hereof.
denial of ownership will not suffice
especially if, as in the case at bar, it is the (c) The application shall be filed with the
office of the mayor of the city or
keystone of the defense of the accused- municipality in whose jurisdiction the
appellant. Stories can easily be fabricated. intended activity is to be held, at least five
(5) working days before the scheduled
It will take more than bare-bone
public assembly.
allegations to convince this Court that a
(d) Upon receipt of the application, which
courier of dangerous drugs is not its owner must be duly acknowledged in writing, the
and has no knowledge or intent to possess office of the city or municipal mayor shall
cause the same to immediately be posted
the same.
at a conspicuous place in the city or
municipal building.
permit shall be required for any person or
persons to organize and hold a public
assembly in a public place. However, no (a) It shall be the duty of the mayor or any
permit shall be required if the public official acting in his behalf to issue or grant
assembly shall be done or made in a a permit unless there is clear and
freedom park duly established by law or convincing evidence that the public
ordinance or in private property, in which assembly will create a clear and present
case only the consent of the owner or the danger to public order, public safety,
one entitled to its legal possession is public convenience, public morals or
required, or in the campus of a public health.
government-owned and operated (b) The mayor or any official acting in his
educational institution which shall be behalf shall act on the application within
two (2) working days from the date the KILOSBAYAN VS. ERMITA, ONG G.R.
application was filed, failing which, the NO. 177721 JULY 3, 2007 CITIZENSHIP,
permit shall be deemed granted. Should for NATURALIZATION
any reason the mayor or any official acting
DECEMBER 4, 2017
in his behalf refuse to accept the
application for a permit, said application FACTS:
shall be posted by the applicant on the
premises of the office of the mayor and Respondent announced an appointment in
shall be deemed to have been filed. favor of respondent Ong as Associate
Justice of the Supreme Court to fill up the
(c) If the mayor is of the view that there is vacancy created by the of Associate Justice
imminent and grave danger of a R. J. Callejo, Sr. Petitioners claim that
substantive evil warranting the denial or respondent Ong is a Chinese citizen, that
modification of the permit, he shall this fact is plain and incontestable, and
immediately inform the applicant who that his own birth certificate indicates his
must be heard on the matter. Chinese citizenship. Petitioners contend
that the appointment extended to
(d) The action on the permit shall be in
respondent Ong through respondent
writing and served on the application
Executive Secretary is patently
within twenty-four hours.
unconstitutional and issued with grave
(e) If the mayor or any official acting in his abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
behalf denies the application or modifies jurisdiction.
the terms thereof in his permit, the
applicant may contest the decision in an
appropriate court of law. ISSUE:
(f) In case suit is brought before the IS SANDIGANBAYAN JUSTICE ONG A
Metropolitan Trial Court, the Municipal NATURAL BORN FILIPINO CITIZEN?
Trial Court, the Municipal Circuit Trial
Court, the Regional Trial Court, or the
Intermediate Appellate Court, its decisions RULING:
may be appealed to the appropriate court
within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of No. It is clear from the records of the Court
the same. No appeal bond and record on that respondent Ong is a naturalized
appeal shall be required. A decision Filipino citizen. The alleged subsequent
granting such permit or modifying it in recognition of his natural-born status by
terms satisfactory to the applicant shall, be the Bureau of Immigration and the DOJ
immediately executory. cannot amend the final decision of the trial
court stating that respondent Ong and his
(g) All cases filed in court under this mother were naturalized along with his
section shall be decided within twenty-four father. Furthermore, no substantial change
(24) hours from date of filing. Cases filed or correction in an entry in a civil register
hereunder shall be immediately endorsed can be made without a judicial order, and,
to the executive judge for disposition or, in under the law, a change in citizenship
his absence, to the next in rank. status is a substantial change.
(h) In all cases, any decision may be
appealed to the Supreme Court.
The series of events and long string of
(i) Telegraphic appeals to be followed by alleged changes in the nationalities of
formal appeals are hereby allowed. respondent Ong’s ancestors, by various
births, marriages and deaths, all entail
factual assertions that need to be threshed
out in proper judicial proceedings so as to
correct the existing records on his birth
and citizenship. The chain of evidence
would have to show that Dy Guiok Santos,
respondent Ong’s mother, was a Filipino
citizen, contrary to what still appears in
the records of this Court. Respondent Ong
has the burden of proving in court his
alleged ancestral tree as well as his
citizenship under the time-line of three
Constitutions. Until this is done,
respondent Ong cannot accept an
appointment to this Court as that would be
a violation of the Constitution. For this
reason, he can be prevented by injunction
from doing so.

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