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Bixby Knolls Christian Church

(a Disciples of Christ Church)

(562) 426-0428
the Fellowship News

A prayer for
Bixby Knolls Christian Church:

Welcome to the Thanksgiving/Advent edi- Use me to bring wholeness to my

tion of the Fellowship News! We at Bixby Knolls neighbor.
Christian Church have much for which we are
Use my church to bring wholeness to
thankful. Even in our struggles, we have found
blessings that have strengthened us as a congre- our community.
gation and drawn us closer to one another and Show us how your kingdom of shalom
to God. can be made real on earth through
Our youth group had eleven in attendance at
its most recent event. That’s higher than it’s us.
been in some time, and is a sign that the youth
group is officially back! … Our boy scout troop
(and yes, it is “our” troop; our church’s name is
even on the troop flag) honored four scouts in With the beginning of Advent, CWF will begin
the past year for attaining the rank of Eagle, their annual collection of toys and clothing for the
scouting’s highest rank. Only a small percentage children at Eastmont Community Center. The toys
of scouts achieve the rank of Eagle, and for and clothing will be distributed at Eastmont’s an-
those who do, it is a sign of strong leadership nual Christmas Party. The need is for all ages—
and character…. We’ve made changes to our infants to teenagers. The collection box will be in
the narthex in December with the deadline for do-
10:15 worship service which have created a
nations on Sunday, December 12th.
smoother, more meaningful experience on Sun-
day mornings…. Our 1:30 Khmer worship service Eastmont is one of our Disciples missions in East Los
continues each week with a dedicated group of Angeles and was founded in 1967. They serve the
worshipers, reaffirming our status as one of the greater LA area providing needed education, social
most diverse congregations in the nation....Our services, and health and wellness services that pro-
small but dedicated prayer circle which now mote personal development and self-sufficiency. In
meets twice a month is reinforcing the centrality addition to providing emergency services such as
of prayer in the life of our congregation….and food and clothing, housing, and job search counsel-
with our plans for Advent and Christmas now ing, Eastmont also offers child development ser-
coming together, we are looking forward to a vices. For more information, check out
joyous and meaningful season to come.
For all this and so much more, I am thankful.
I invite you to join me in giving thanks to God for
the ministry we share. SAVE THE DATE
See you in worship! “NIGHT OF THE FATHER’S LOVE”
a choir cantata
Blessings, Pastor Danny
DECEMBER 12, 2010
Bixby Knolls Christian Church

Advent Workshop & Alternative Christmas

Sunday, December 5

Join us after our 10:15 worship service for this special annual event! The Advent Work-
shop will include crafts, music and a light lunch. There will also be plenty of
“alternative” shopping experiences for folks of all ages.

There will be 6-7 vendors for the Alternative Christmas. What do we mean by
“alternative?” Well, profits from the sale of these gifts support peace and justice
throughout the world. We will have arts and crafts that were made by indigenous
people around the world; every purchase supports their livelihoods. Do you have
friends and family who have everything? You can buy a chicken, goat, or even a cow
in their honor, which will be given to a poor family in a developing country.

Why give gifts that have little meaning, and which do little to bring wholeness to a
fragmented world? At the Advent Workshop and Alternative Christmas, you can help
spread the good news of Christmas to people in need around the world while showing
your love to your family and friends.

Mark your calendar for these other upcom-

ing Advent events at Bixby Knolls Christian
Dec. 12 Christmas Cantata, followed by
Advent Tea
Dec. 19 Children’s Christmas pageant,
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve worship, 5:30
This years Christmas Pageant
is titled "Love Came Down at
Christmas" and will be held
during the 10:15 worship ser-
vice on December 19. We are
looking for kids 12th grade and
younger to participate, and
adults to support the pageant. There are reading
parts for those that want it and plenty of roles for
anyone wanting to be in a costume. There are no
lines to memorize! Please let me know if you are
available. I will be looking for you on this coming
Sunday. There will for sure be a dress rehearsal
Saturday December 18. Other rehearsal dates,
times and information will be coming soon.
Look forward to seeing you,
The education we choose reflects who we want Gretchen
to become. More and more, students who want to
make a difference in the world are choosing Disci-
ples higher educational institutions.
At the 21 theological institutions, universities,
and colleges related to the Christian Church
Scrip! Place your orders by Dec. 19
(Disciples of Christ), students discover vast opportu- to arrive in time for Christmas. Remember,
nities to educate the heart, the mind, and the soul. the early bird gets the scrip they want before
Student and campus ministry programs provide it runs out.
more than worship and Bible study – they welcome
students to the campus community, where they find
life-long friends. Students also create and join in op-
portunities that make them better leaders and stake-
Looking for something to do to help the
holders in the church, in the workplace, and in the
community. church that makes a difference but doesn’t re-
For students answering God’s call to ministry, quire too much of your time? Why not be in
Disciples theological institutions challenge imagina- charge of our church
tions and sharpen the skills needed to lead and minis- soda machine!
ter with congregations in the 21st Century. This year, the
Your support of Disciples higher educational soda machine has raised
institutions through the Thanksgiving Special Of- $2,000 for camp schol-
fering makes a difference in the lives of the more arships, enabling our
than 26,000 students who chose a Disciples educa-
young people to attend
camp. Your job would be
The Thanksgiving Offering will be received at
BKCC this Sunday, November 21. to keep the machine
stocked with soda, empty out the money and pre-
Movie night this Saturday night at 6:30 pare it for depositing, and arrange for the recy-
pm. We will be viewing "How to Train cling of used cans and bottles. Time commitment
is approximately one hour per week.
Your Dragon" in room 115.
If you are interested, talk to John Solan
or Danny Bradfield.
We hope to see you!
A note from the daughter of Ruth Beistle:

Church members and friends, I am writing to let you

all know that my beloved mother passed away on Oc-
tober 6.
Although I moved her to Bakersfield to be closer to
me these last two years, her heart stayed with all of
you at BKCC. She spoke of you often and missed be-
ing able to attend Sunday Services. BKCC was al-
ways at the center of her life.
As I was going through her pictures I found many
from various church activities, choir retreats at Loch
Leven, CWF meetings and holiday gatherings, choir
musicals, and one polishing the hand bells. Of
course, I found many of her with her dear friend,
Grace Smith.
Thank you for being such an important part of her
life. A special thank you to those of you that continued
to send Christmas cards. Those brought her joy to
know she was remembered.
The members of BKCC have always been very
In Christian love, generous. At this time of Thanksgiving we are
Marcia Pace especially grateful for all that we have and all
that we have been given.
During worship service on November 21 your
Thanksgiving food donations of canned and
non-perishable items will be received. Centro
a bible quiz Shalom will be the recipient of your GIVING
with THANKS from all.
1. What substance--probably very
bitter--did Moses make the people of Israel drink? Give us this day our daily bread, O Father in
Exodus 32:20 heaven, and grant that we who are filled with
2. What Egyptian official had a feast prepared for his
good things from Your open hand, may never
kinsmen from back home?
Genesis 43:16-34
close our hearts to the hungry, the homeless,
3. Where did Jesus heal a centurion’s servant? and the poor; in the name of the Father, and of
Matthew 8:13 the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
4. What older brother of David chewed him out for
coming to watch the Israelites fighting the Philis- - from the abbey of New Clairvaux, Viña, California
1 Samuel 17:28-30
5. Who was thrown into prison for criticizing the mar-
riage of a king? Don’t forget you are all invited to the to Lakewood Ma-
Matthew 14:3-4 sonic Center, 5918 E. Parkcrest St., Long Beach, 8:00
6. What king of Israel is mentioned as wearing a p.m. on Friday, November 19 as BKCC member, Miss
crown and a gold bracelet? Ashley Charboneau, Grand Bethel Guide for Jobs
2 Samuel 1:10 Daughter is honored. On-site parking is limited so get
7. Who anointed Jesus’ head with an expensive oint- there early!
ment known as spikenard?
John 12:3
8. Where was Moses buried?
Deuteronomy 34:5-6
9. Who found a ram caught in a bramble? LOST? USE God’s
Genesis 22:13
10. What apostle owed his life to a basket?
Plan for
Act 9:25 Salvation
and how many did you get right?
We were all caught by surprise when Nashville, TN flooded this spring. Neighborhoods
never before prone to flooding were caught off-guard. Houses were severely damaged. Families
waded through chest high waters to safety, leaving homes and precious keepsakes behind.
Week of Compassion not only teamed up with Nashville congregations to help bring relief to
folks in need, but we have teamed up with Disciples Volunteering and two congregations--Bellevue
Christian Church and Eastwood Christian Church--to set up mission stations for volunteers to help
with long term recovery efforts in the Nashville Metro Area.
Celebrate a Courageous Christmas by helping Week of Compassion work with our partners
to prepare for disaster response both here and abroad. Who knows? Your gift might reach a
neighborhood not far from your own.
Gifts to Week of Compassion can be made to Bixby Knolls Christian Church; please make
sure checks say “Week of Compassion” on the memo line.

FRIDAY, NOV. 26, 9:00 A.M.

group event will PLEASE COME.
be Sunday, No- following there will be an Advent
Orchestra rehearsal at 11:00 a.m.
vember 28, 6:30-
8:00pm. We
will meet at the church. IMPORTANT NOTICE:
Check us out on Facebook CHECK THAT ALL DOORS AND GATES
Pastor Daniel Bradfield David Rugh
CHRISTIAN CHURCH -Minister -Board President
(Disciples of Christ) Monica Lanz
-Church Secretary -Vice President
SUNDAY SCHEDULE: Barbara Neal-Peebles Pat Cohen
9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults -Music Director/Organist -Secretary
10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Children’s Church Christine Perkinson Angela Hillig
- Church Child Care - Treasurer
OFFICE HOURS: Suzie Romero Chrysan Naw
Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. - Custodian - Financial Secretary
Friday closed Phil O’Laughlin
-Church Clerk

The Fellowship News

A publication of
Bixby Knolls Christian Church of Long
Beach (a Disciples of Christ Church) UPCOMING SCRIPTURES
1240 E. Carson Street
Long Beach, CA 90807 Nov. 21 - Genesis 32: 22-28, 29b
Sermon: Blessings (guest preacher, Bill Thomas)
Monica Lanz
fax 562-426-0429
Newsletter Article
Daniel Bradfield
The Fellowship News is published
twice monthly. Sunday, November 30,
5:00 p.m.

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