Detailed Lesson Plan (Grade 10) - O. Henry

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Detailed lesson plan (Grade 10)

Uploaded by Joseph on Feb 05, 2018

A detailed lesson plan (The Last

Leaf) Full description

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

I.  Learning Competencies

Characterize the important characters in the story
Give emphasis to the values demonstrated by the characters.
Relate the values of the story to the present situation.
II.  Learning Content
Literature: The Last Leaf by O. Henry
Values Integration: Making sacrifices for the people we love and giving them hope is
the greatest legacy that one might leave.

III.  Learning Materials

Text: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature pp. 377 –  380

Materials: Picture of a vine for presenting the major point of the story, PowerPoint
 presentation for the vocabulary, background of the author.

IV.  Learning Procedures

Approach: Collaborative
Strategy: Jigsaw Method

Activity: TDAR (Think-Discuss-Act-Reflect)

Teacher’s Activity   Student’s Activity  

A.  Daily Routine

1.  Prayer
“May I ask everyone to please stand.” 

“Let’s have Isaiah to lead us in prayer”  “Our Heavenly Father, we thank you for
this new day that you have given us and for
giving us another opportunity to walk in this
world and be with our loved ones. Lord, we
are asking for your guidance as we move on
to our next topic. May you please use our
teacher as a channel of wisdom and we pray

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  that this lesson will be a blessing for all of

us. We give you all the glory and praise and

we ask all these in the mighty name of our

Lord and Savior Christ Jesus, Amen”. 
Lesson Plan in First Quarter A Semi Detailed 2nd Periodical 3rd QUARTER Detailed Lesson

1.  Greetings
English 10 Seco… Exam in English…“Good Lesson Plan in…
morning class!”  Exam-
“Good morning English
sir Joseph!”  10 English 10 Plan in Pronoun…
2.  Classroom Management
“Please pick up all the pieces of trash around The student will pick up all the piece of
you and arrange your seats properly”.  trash around them and arrange their chairs

“You may now take your seats”.  “Thank you sir”. 

3.  Checking of Attendance

“Ms. Secretary, is there any absent today

aside from those students who are in the

PISA review?”  “None sir!” 

4.  Review
“Remember the “Magic Number” activity that
we did yesterday? “Yes sir!” 
“How about these sentences class?”  “Yes sir! Those sentences sir are examples
of figures of speech.” 
“Exactly! Do you have any questions about
our previous topic? “None sir!” 

B. Lesson Proper
1. Vocabulary Enrichment

“Great! Before we go to our next topic for

today, let us first meet the unfamiliar word
that we will encounter in the story.” 

The teacher will present example sentences
and the students will determine the meaning
of the words presented. 

1. Scarcely
“‘Her voice is so low I can scarcely hear what
she is saying’”  “Sir! B. Scarcely means “only just or almost
“Good! Let’s have the next one.”  not”. 

2. Watchdog
‘He was a fierce, man who considered himself
as a watchdog and protector for the two
young artists living above him’  “A person that monitors someone or
something. The answer is letter C sir.” 
“Great! Let’s have the last word.” 

3. Bohemian
“Might as well look the part, since all artists
were considered strange and bohemian.”  “Letter A sir. Bohemian means socially
unconventional in an artistic way”. 
A. Socially unconventional in an artistic

B. Only just or almost not.

C. A person that monitors someone or

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Read books, audiobooks, and more2. Background of the Author
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“Yesterday, I gave you an assignment. What
have you researched about Mr. O. Henry? “William Sydney Porter is his original
“Moved to Austin Texas where he worked
as a bank teller, moved back to Houston in
1895 and became a newspaper columnist”. 
“In 1896, he was charged of fraud but he

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fled to Honduras and stayed there for 6

  “Upon his return, he had a trial and was
sentenced with 3 years at Ohio prison. That
is when he started to write short stories
under the pen name O. Henry”. 
“He was released in 1901, moved to New
Lesson Plan in First Quarter A Semi Detailed 2nd Periodical
York where he wrote many stories including 3rd QUARTER Detailed Lesson
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The Last Leaf, The Green Door, and his
most famous story The Gift of Magi.” 
3. Motivation
The teacher will present a short video clip that
shows what sacrifice is.

“Who would like to share his or her insight

about the video?”  “It’s a heartwarming video about a father
who is willing to do everything for his
“Yes! Okay another?”  “The father is willing to sacrifice everything
for her daughter’s life”. 
“Thank you for sharing your thoughts and

ideas class.” 
“In this lesson that we will have today, we
will see the greatest art, a person can do and
its effect to those who see it."

4. Presentation of the Lesson

“Do we have an artist here in the class?” 

“Cool!”  “Sir! I play musical instruments”. 

“Look at this picture class.”  “I draw portraits sir!” 

“What does this art says to you class?”  “This art represents the present situation sir,
that most or some people help someone just
 because of fame or likes that they will get
on their social media accounts.” 
“The artist who made that is called Banksy
class. He’s a famous graffiti artist whose aim
is to open the eyes of the people, not just to be
a famous artist”.

“Based on your perspective, what is a

masterpiece?”  “Masterpiece is a person’s greatest work
“Good! As we go deeper to our discussion,
we will see the greatest masterpiece a person
can do”. 

Selected students will go in front and present
a short role play that shows the exact scenario
about the short story “The Last Leaf”.   Narrator: Greenwich Village, which is a
section of New York, is a place for people
who are interested in art. Among those
artists are Johnsy and Sue. Both of them had
recently come to New York to make their
living. However, In November, Johnsy had
 pneumonia and was stuck at her bed looking
through the small window at the black wall
of the opposite building. One morning, the

doctor talked to Sue and said:
Doctor: “She has about one chance in ten to This document is...
live,” “And that one chance depends upon
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her desire to get better. But your little friend

Scribd, Inc INSTALL has made up her mind that she is going to
die. Is she worrying about something?” 
Sue: “She wanted to paint a picture of the
Bay of Naples someday,”
Doctor: “No, something more important---a
man perhaps?” 
Sue: “No.” 

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Doctor: “Well, perhaps it is a result of her

  fever and her general physical weakness.
But when a patient begins to feel sure that
she is going to die, then I subtract 50
 percent from the power of medicines. If you
can succeed in making her interested in
something, then I can promise you a one-to-
Lesson Plan in First Quarter A Semi Detailed 2nd Periodical
five chance for her instead of one-to-ten.” 3rd QUARTER Detailed Lesson
 Narrator: After the doctor had gone, Sue
English 10 Seco… Exam in English… Lesson Plan in… Exam- English 10
went into her own room and cried. Later, English 10 Plan in Pronoun…
trying not to show her sadness, she went
into Johnsy’s room, whistling.

Johnsy: “Twelve,”... “eleven,” ... , “ten”...

“nine”... “eight”... “seven.” 
Sue: “What is it dear?”
Johnsy: “Six,” “They are falling faster now.
Three days ago there were almost a
hundred. It makes my head ache to count
them. But now it’s easy. There goes another

one. There are five left now.” 

Sue: “Five what, dear? Tell me!”
Johnsy: “Leaves. The leaves of that  vine.
When the last leaf of that vine falls. I must
go, too. I’ve known that for three days.
Didn’t the doctor tell you?” 
Sue: “The doctor didn’t say such thing. That
is pure foolishness,” “What connection have
those old leaves with your getting well?
And you used to love that old vine so much.
Please, don’t be silly! The doctor told me
this morning that your chances of getting
well soon were excellent. Now try to take
some of your soup and let me get back to
work so that I can make money to buy you
some good port wine.” 
Johnsy: “There’s no use buying any more
wine,” “There goes another leaf. That leaves
 just four. I want to see the last one fall
 before it gets dark. Then, I’ll go, too.” 
Sue: “Jonhsy, dear,”, “will you promise me

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  to keep your eyes closed not to look out of

the window until I have finished working? I
must deliver these drawings tomorrow. I
need the light; otherwise I would pull down
the curtain.” 

Johnsy: “Can’t you draw in your room?”
Sue: “I’d rather stay here with you,” This document is...
“Besides, I don’t want you to keep looking
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at those silly leaves.” 
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Johnsy: “Tell me soon as you have

Scribd, Inc INSTALL finished,” “Because I want to see the last
leaf fall. I’m tired of waiting. I’m tired of

 Narrator: Old Mr. Behrman was a painter

h li d h fi fl b h h
who lived on the first floor beneath them.
He was more than 60 years old. Behrman
was a failure in art. He had always wanted
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to paint a masterpiece, but he had never yet
 begun to paint it. He drank much whisky
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and when he was drunk always talked about
the great masterpiece he was going to paint.
He was a fierce, intense little man who
considered himself as a watchdog and
 protector for the two young artists living
above him, of whom he was very fond. Sue
told him of the strange idea which Johnsy
had concerning the last leaf, and Sue said
that she feared that Johnsy would really die
when the last leaf fell.

Old Berhman: “Are there people in the
world who are foolish enough to die simply
 because leaves fall from an old vine? I have
never heard such a thing. Why do you
 permit such silly ideas to come into her
mind? Oh, that poor little Miss Johnsy!” 
Lesson Plan in First Quarter A Semi Detailed 2nd Periodical
Sue: “She is very ill, very weak,” “and the
fever has left her mind full of strange
3rd QUARTER Detailed Lesson
English 10 Seco… Exam in English… Lesson Plan in… Exam- English 10
ideas.”  English 10 Plan in Pronoun…
 Narrator: When
morning, she Sue
found wokewith
Johnsy up dull,
the wide

  open eyes, looking at the window.

Johnsy: “Put up the curtain. I want to see,”
 Narrator: After the heavy rain and the
strong wind, one leaf was still hanging on
the vine. The last leaf. Still dark green, it
hung from a branch some twenty feet above
the ground.
Johnsy: “It is the last one,” “I thought it
would surely fall during the night. I heard
the wind and the rain. It will fall today and I
shall die at the same time.” 
Sue: “Dear Johnsy,” “Think of me if you
won’t think of yourself. What shall I do?” 
 Narrator: The day passed slowly, and then,
with the coming of the night, the wind
 began to blow again, and the rain began to
fall heavily. But the next morning when
Johnsy commanded that the curtain be
raised again, the leaf was still there. Johnsy
lay for a long time looking at it. And then
she called to Sue.
Johnsy: “I’ve been a bad girl, Sue,”
“Something has made the last leaf stay
there just to show me how bad I was. It was
a sin to want to die. You may bring me a
little soup now — and then put some pillows
 behind me I will sit up and watch you
Johnsy: “Sue, someday I want to paint a
 picture of the Bay of Naples.” 
Doctor: “You are doing fine,” “In another
week or so, you will be perfectly well. And
now I must go to see another patient
downstairs. His name is Behrman. He is

some kind of artist, I believe. Pneumonia,

too. He is an old, weak man, and the attack
is very severe. There is no hope for him, but
I am sending him to hospital in order to
make him more comfortable.” 
 Narrator: The next day, Sue came to the bed

  where Johnsy lay.

Sue: “The doctor tells me that soon you will
 be perfectly well again,”
Sue: “Isn’t it wonderful?” “But now I have
something important to tell you. Old Mr.
Behrman died in the hospital this morning

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of pneumonia. He was sick only two days.
They found him in his room the morning the
first day, helpless with pain and fever. His
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shoes and clothing were completely wet and

icy cold. They couldn’t figure out where he

Scribd, Inc INSTALL had been on such a terrible night. And then
they found a lantern, still lighted, a ladder,

and some other things which showed that,

during the wind and rain, he climbed up and
i t d l f th ll f th h
 painted a green leaf on the wall of the house
opposite. Didn’t you think it was strange
that the leaf never moved when the wind
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 blew? Ah, darling, it was Behrman’s real
masterpiece — he painted it there the night  
that the last leaf fell.” 
“Did you understand the story class?”  “Yes!” 
“Who are the characters in the story?”  “Johnsy, Sue, Old Berhman and the doctor”. 
The teacher will present pictures that
represent the characters.
“Who is Sue in the story?”  “Sue is a young artist and Johnsy’s best
friend who’s always there for her especially
at times when she got ill”.

Lesson Plan in First Quarter A Semi Detailed

“How about Johnsy?” 
2nd Periodical
“Sue’s friend and also a young artist who
3rd QUARTER Detailed Lesson
English 10 Seco… Exam in English… Lesson Plan in… Exam- English 10
wants to travel to Italy to paint the Bay of
 Naples. However, she got pneumonia and
English 10 Plan in Pronoun…

was convinced that her life would end once

the last leaf falls”. 

“And Old Berhman?”  “He was described as a failure artist who
wants to do a masterpiece but can’t even

initiate to do it. He’s also described as the

watchdog who’s there to protect Johnsy and
Sue. On the latter part of the story, he
created his masterpiece, the last leaf which
gave hope to Johnsy”. 

“Good observation class. If we analyze each

characters, What do you think made Johnsy

consider that her possible death would be
simultaneous with the last leaf to fall? What is
its connection with her illness? “The fact that she has pneumonia made her
feel depressed because she will not be able
to fulfill her dream and that is to paint the
Bay of Naples”. 
“What helps Johnsy recover from her illness?
Do you think it is psychological in nature?
Why? “Yes sir. The fact that the last leaf did not
fall helped her psychologically to feel
“To whom does Johnsy’s analogy of the death
of the vine happen?”  “To Mr. Berhman sir. He created a
masterpiece and that masterpiece saved
someone else’s life.” 
“Great! Do you have any questions about our
story class?”

“Let us now put everything you have learned
into action. The class will be divided into 3
groups according to the groupings that we had

on our last activity.

Group 1  –   Compose a song that shows you Group 1 will present a song.
appreciation about someone else’s kindness to
your life. You can sing it with the tune of
your favorite song or using an original one.

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Group 2  –   Create your own masterpiece Group 2 will present and explain their
(drawing) and explain why. masterpiece.

Read books, audiobooks, and moreGroup 3 –   Role play: You have a friend who
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Group 3 will present a scenario about the

is depressed and you found out that this made situation given to them.
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her think of ending his/her life. How would
you encourage his/her?
You will be graded according to this rubric:
Score Description

20 The presentation was flawless.
Creativity and clarity of the content   
was clearly shown in the
15 The presentation has some flaws.
Creativity and clarity of the content
was not too clear in the

10 The presentation has some flaws.

Creativity and the content was not
clear in the presentation.

“Very good class!” 

“Let’s go back to our main characters, Johnsy,
Lesson Plan in First Quarter AMr.Semi
Sue and BerhmanDetailed
is a representation of 2nd Periodical
“Johnsy is like me. There are times that I’m
3rd QUARTER Detailed Lesson
English 10 Seco… Exam in English… Lesson Plan in… stubborn
someone in our lives.” 
Exam- English 10
and don’t want to listen to
English 10 Plan in Pronoun…

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  someone else’s advice and the pneumonia

represents the trials that I encounter in life.” 
“How about Sue?”  “Sue represents my best friend  or my
relatives who’s always there to support me
in times of trouble and Mr. Berhman is like
my parents. They are willing to sacrifice
everything just to make me feel better and

me. is the like
Just greatest
we saw inthey
thegave to
“Let me end our discussion with this
quotation that I heard from our Pastor:
 A woman who lost his husband is called a
 A man who lost his wife is called a widower,
 A child who lost his parents is called and
 But there is no word to describe a parent that
loses a child,
 Because no words can explain how great a
 parent’s love is to his/her child.

V. Evaluation
Directions: Write if the following statements below show the character of Sue, Johnsy, or Mr.
 _______1. A parent who works day and night just to provide the needs of his child.
 _______2. A supportive brother that encourages you to be the best person that you can be.
 _______3. A student who lost his will to study.
 _______4. A father who works abroad and suffer the pain of being separated to his child just to
give them a good life.
 _______5. A friend who is willing to listen to her friend’s cry. 
VI. Assignment
Make a promise to your parents regarding positive changes in your life. Write the specific
traits which you want to change on the upper portion of the diagram, the plan/methods of
changes which you have to do on the wider portion, and your vision of yourself as a truly
transformed individual at the bottom. 
e.g. Stubbornness
e.g. I will follow the advice of my parents.
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e.g. I envision myself as a leader of our youth group.

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Lesson Plan in First Quarter A Semi Detailed 2nd Periodical 3rd QUARTER Detailed Lesson
English 10 Seco… Exam in English… Lesson Plan in… JOSEPH EDWIN
Exam- English 10 T. AGLIONES
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M.T.I., English Department/Cooperating Teacher
Dasmariñas National High School 

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