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Kindergarteners investigate forces and use

engineering to corral an unpredictable robot.

By Pamela Lottero-Perdue, Kathryn Grabia, and Cody Sandifer

46 Science and Children

n a kindergarten classroom, exclamations like “Oh together to develop and teach this engineering-infused 5E
no!” may be causes for concern. However, when the lesson, with input from Mr. Sandifer on lesson content.
students in Mrs. Grabia’s classroom shouted “Oh no!”
and “Uh oh!” during an engineering-infused 5E lesson, it
meant that a persistent little robot had pushed its way out
of the fences they had created. It also meant that students The read-aloud engagement involved reading the first 10
had an opportunity to learn by discussing the problem, re- pages of Oscar and the Cricket (Waring 2006) in an inter-
creating their fence, and gaining a deeper understanding active way, supporting speaking and listening standards
of big ideas in kindergarten physics. within the Common Core State Standards in English Lan-
In this article, we describe this engineering-infused guage Arts (CCSS; NGAC and CCSSO 2010). Students
lesson for kindergarten learners that follows a 5E format learned about how Oscar, a cat, pushed a ball, causing it
(Bybee 1997). The 70-minute lesson, which was aligned to roll on different surfaces. Mrs. Grabia emphasized the
with the science and engineering practices, crosscutting pushes and pulls in the story, and paused to ask questions
concepts, and disciplinary core ideas within the Next like: “What will happen to the ball now?” or “Why did
Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States 2013), that happen?” Near the end of the book, the ball was mov-
consisted of a read-aloud engagement, a student-centered ing toward a tree. Mrs. Grabia asked students to predict:
physics investigation, an engineering design extension “What do you think will happen when the ball hits the
(Lottero-Perdue et al. 2015), and multiple evaluation mea- tree?” Some predicted that the ball would stop, but most
sures. Prior to this lesson, students had learned how dif- thought it might bounce off. They learned with a turn of
ferent strengths of pushes affect the motion of objects; for the page that the ball bounced off, changing its direction.
example, a stronger push on a hockey puck made it slide Mrs. Grabia asked: “Why didn’t the tree move when the
further. They also observed how the direction of an object ball bounced into it?” Students shared that the tree was
can change when it collides with something else. Two edu- “a lot bigger” and had “roots stuck into the ground.” The
cators—Mrs. Grabia and Mrs. Lottero-Perdue—worked ball, in comparison, was “light” and had “nothing to hold
it down.” These ideas prepared students for what was to
come in their exploration.

For the exploration part of the activity, students were al-
lowed to figure out for themselves what happens when
objects collide. To do this, students conducted tests and
collectively made sense of their findings. First, however,
Mrs. Lottero-Perdue explained the setup of the apparatus
and the testing procedures.

Track setup.

Students explore what happens when objects collide.

December 2017 47
Mrs. Lottero-Perdue directed students’ attention to-
F IG URE 2 . ward a simple Hot Wheels track that had one angled
piece of track attached to a horizontal piece along the floor
Materials list. (see Figure 1, p. 47). She showed the students how a Hot
Materials for the Entire Activity: Wheels car rolled down the angled ramp onto the hori-
Block sets: zontal piece of track and then continued on the floor (See
• An EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) foam block set Figure 2 for materials list.) Mrs. Lottero-Perdue then re-
(one set of 131 blocks, enough for 18 groups, is vealed that students would allow the car to roll down the
about $23) angled track to collide with a block sitting on the horizon-
tal part of the track. In the first trial, the car would collide
• Two wooden block sets (two 60-piece sets, with a wooden block. In the second trial, the car would
enough for 12 groups, is about $100) collide with a foam block, which was the same size as the
wooden block. She had students pass around the wooden
Exploration Materials: and foam blocks and asked students to describe the blocks.
Track Apparatus and Car: They said the wooden block was heavy and hard and that
• Two sections of Hot Wheels or similar track and the foam block was light and soft. She asked students to
a track connector (one 15-piece track set, with predict: “What will happen to the wooden block when the
connectors and a car, costs about $10) car rolls into it? The foam block?” Students predicted that
• One toy car (e.g., Hot Wheels or Matchbox) the wooden block would stop the car or that the car would
push the wooden block a little bit; they predicted that the
Two Blocks:
car would push the foam block a lot farther. This process
• Wooden block (from block set) that fits on the
of describing and predicting further supported speaking
track (e.g., 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm x 7 cm)
and listening standards with regard to the presentation of
• Foam block (from block set) with same
knowledge and ideas (NGAC and CCSSO 2010).
dimensions as the wooden block
Mrs. Grabia and Mrs. Lottero-Perdue had previously
Tape: assigned half of the students to be “wooden block testers”
• One roll of masking tape (about $2 from home by placing a piece of standard masking tape on their shirts
improvement store) when they entered the room earlier. The other half had
• One roll of painter’s tape or decorative craft been similarly assigned to be “foam block testers” with
tape (color should match foam block; about $3 tape matching the color of the foam block placed on their
from home improvement or craft store) shirts.
Mrs. Lottero-Perdue called up the first wooden block
Preparation note: Cut each piece of tape to be as
tester and asked her to release the car from the top of the
long as the longest dimension of the block. Cut one
track and observe how far the block moved. Stu-
piece for each test.
dents should sit a safe distance away and keep their
fingers away from the car-block collision point. She
Engineering Extension Materials:
then asked the student to take the tape from her shirt and
• 10 wooden blocks (from block sets, above) of
stick it on the floor to indicate where the wooden block
various shapes and sizes
came to rest. Mrs. Lottero-Perdue helped her determine
• 10 foam blocks (from block sets, above) of where to place the tape. This process was repeated for all
various shapes and sizes of the wooden and foam block testers.
• One Hexbug Nano robot per group ($5-$7)
Examples of Where to Purchase:
• Blocks and Hexbugs are available from online In keeping with the Explain section of a 5E lesson, Mrs.
and brick-and-mortar superstores (e.g., Amazon. Lottero-Perdue asked the students to explain their find-
com, Walmart) and at toy stores (e.g., ToysRUs). ings, this time emphasizing comprehension and col-
laboration related to speaking and listening (NGAC and
• Masking, painter’s, and colored tape are
CCSSO 2010). She asked: “What did we learn from our
available at most craft and home improvement
investigation?” Students explained that the car always
stores (e.g., Home Depot, Lowes, Michaels,
pushed the blue foam block farther than the wooden block.
JoAnn Fabrics).
Mrs. Grabia and Mrs. Lottero-Perdue asked the students
how they knew this, and in response the students referred

48 Science and Children

Oh No, Henrietta Got Out!

to the data on the floor. In this way, students demonstrat-

ed their ability to make a claim (i.e., that the foam blocks F IGU RE 3.
traveled farther than the wooden blocks) and to support
that claim with evidence (i.e., the tape on the floor), ad- Hexbug Nano mini robots.
dressing NGSS Practice 7 – Engaging in Argument From
Students said that the blue block went farther because
it was “softer” or “lighter.” Similarly, students shared
that the wooden block did not go very far because it was
“harder” or “heavier.” Mrs. Grabia prompted them to ex-
plain what “softer” and “harder” meant, and guided them
toward the terms lighter and heavier.
From the investigation, students were able to observe
that the toy car was able to change the motion of the foam
or wooden block, both of which were initially sitting still and
then moved as a result of the collision. This supported stu-
dents’ developing knowledge of DCIs: (1) PS2.A Forces and
Motion, i.e., that “pushing … an object can start or stop it;”
and (2) PS2.B Types of Interactions, i.e., that “when objects
… collide, they push on one another and can change motion.”
Engineering Extension
Next, Mrs. Lottero-Perdue shared that she had a challenge
for the students involving a very small robot, which we
named Henrietta. She took out a Hexbug Nano mini robot
(Figure 3), turned it on, and allowed it to move for about
20 seconds on the non-carpeted floor. Mrs. Lottero-Perdue
asked: “Does Henrietta move in a straight line?” Students
responded that she did not—she moved all around. Indeed,
Henrietta moved in relatively random way.
Mrs. Lottero-Perdue asked the students, many of
whom live on or near farms in their rural community, how
farmers keep animals from wandering off. Students re-
sponded enthusiastically: “a fence!” Mrs. Lottero-Perdue
shared that each team would create a fence to try to keep
Henrietta from wandering off. They could try and try
again to create their fence. In this way, students would be
addressing NGSS PE K-PS-2: “analyzing data to deter-
mine if a design solution works as intended to change the
… direction of an object [Henrietta] with a push or a pull.”
Mrs. Grabia placed students into teams of two or three,
and teams went to their stations around the room. At each
station was a basket of blocks and a Hexbug Nano (a Hen-
rietta). The blocks were of a variety of shapes. We found
that it is ideal for each team to have 10 wooden and 10
foam blocks for use in this activity. Students should be re-
minded to be careful when walking so as not to trip
over other students’ fences. Also, students should
be told not to put the mini robots in their mouths.
Mrs. Lottero-Perdue and Mrs. Grabia watched closely
as students communicated, collaborated, and created their
Tape indicated distances traveled. fences (NGAC and CCSSO 2010). For their first try,
many teams lined up their foam and the wooden blocks in

December 2017 49
a single layer. Others did some stacking but still had fence
sections that were only made of foam blocks. Henrietta
quickly broke through the foam blocks, followed by cries
of: “She got out!” Mrs. Lottero-Perdue and Mrs. Grabia
approached the teams and asked why that might be, refer-
ring to the earlier toy car investigation: “Which kind of
blocks are easier to move? How do you know?” Gradually,
students’ second and third attempts used more wooden
blocks than foam blocks as fence materials. Learning from
multiple tries is evidence of DCI ETS1.C: Optimizing the
Design Solution: “Because there is always more than one
possible solution to a problem, it is useful to compare and
test designs.” One team weighed down the foam blocks
by stacking wooden blocks on top; other teams used foam
blocks to adorn the top of their wooden blocks. All teams
eventually met the challenge and were able to fence Hen-
rietta in, showing and telling us that while Henrietta could
push the foam blocks around, she could not push wooden
blocks around. Instead, the wooden blocks kept her inside.
To assess students’ understanding, we asked one stu-
dent in each team to draw her or his team’s successful
fence and another student in the team to draw a fence that
could not contain Henrietta. We explained that both draw-
ings were very important! Although some drawings were
difficult to interpret, some clearly showed successful or
unsuccessful aspects of the fences. For example, Henri-
etta’s escape route by a foam block was evident in Figure 4.
The following day, Mrs. Grabia reviewed the previous
day’s investigation and design challenge. She had created
a slide show containing digital photos of students’ fences
and drawings. When a photo was displayed, Mrs. Gra- Students compared wooden blocks to foam blocks.
bia asked the corresponding team to describe what hap-
pened. In response to one photo of an unsuccessful fence,
a student said: “Henrietta came out!” Mrs. Grabia asked,
F IG URE 4 . “Where?” The student pointed to a foam block. Mrs. Gra-
bia then asked: “What did you do to fix it?” The student
Student drawing of how the robot replied that she and her partner “struggled two times,”
escaped. but “we kept trying!” Ultimately, this team used wooden
blocks as a base for their fence.
Conversations like these continued as the class ana-
lyzed other photos. Throughout these conversations, Mrs.
Grabia encouraged students to connect fence results to the
investigation where they learned that the car could easily
push and move foam blocks but not wooden blocks. This
supported the NGSS crosscutting concept Cause and Ef-
fect. Mrs. Grabia also applauded students for their per-
severance and elicited from students that each fence was
unique and ultimately effective.

This engineering-infused lesson included multiple types
of formative assessment, such as when the teachers deter-

50 Science and Children

Oh No, Henrietta Got Out!

the other marking the end location of the block.

Third, the stations in the Engineering Extension
should be on non-carpeted sections of floor. Hexbug Nano
mini robots do not work well on carpet. If your classroom
is fully carpeted, you might use the hallway, cafeteria, or
another room. You might also use large, smooth tables as
stations; however, the mini robots are likely to fall off the
tables. Although the mini robots are durable, you might
want to avoid repeated drops—in part to protect the ro-
bots, and in part to reduce the distraction of students
needing to pick up the robots. Fourth, we recommend that
students work in teams of two or three on their fences, al-
lowing all team members to contribute to construction. If
you must use teams of four, increase the number of blocks
per team so that each child can participate.
Finally, in the Evaluation section, you might video record
Students work together to create the enclosure. student responses using an iPad or similar device and evaluate
student responses using the rubric at a later time. Be sure to
mined whether the students understood proper testing check student/parent permissions regarding video recording.
procedures for the (Exploration); could articulate their
claims and evidence (Explanation); and incorporated
what they had learned from the investigation into their
More With Henrietta
initial and later fence designs (Engineering Extension). To extend students’ learning even further beyond the
The lesson also contained multiple forms of summative 70-minute 5E lesson, Mrs. Lottero-Perdue and Mrs. Gra-
assessment. The fence challenge served as a performance- bia presented students with an additional engineering chal-
based summative assessment of the science knowledge lenge. This second challenge was more structured than the
learned earlier in the lesson (Flynn 2008). Additionally, fence challenge, as it explicitly taught an engineering de-
students’ final drawings of fences that did and did not sign process: Ask, Imagine, Try, and Try Again (Lottero-
work—enhanced with their explanations of those draw- Perdue et al. 2016). In this challenge, students used blocks
ings—further demonstrated their understanding. to create a maze for Henrietta (see NSTA Connection for
We have developed a summative assessment and rubric the design brief, which describes the problem, goal, and
for evaluating individual student learning. This involves rules for the challenge). Students’ participation in this ex-
constructing two fences: Fence 1, which contains foam tension further reinforced the need to use wooden blocks
blocks that would allow Henrietta to escape; and Fence as the primary means to change Henrietta’s direction and
2, constructed entirely of wooden blocks that would keep keep her moving through the maze.
Henrietta contained. Each student is asked: (1) “Which
fence would allow Henrietta to escape? Why do you think
that?” and (2) “Which fence would keep Henrietta in-
side? Why do you think that?” We have shared the rubric,
which evaluates the quality of students’ claims and evi-
dence-based reasoning, online (see NSTA Connection).

Teaching Tips
We have tips about timing, stations, teams, and evaluation
for those interested in teaching this engineering-infused 5E
lesson. First, this lesson can be divided into two 35-minute
segments: Segment 1 = Engage, Explore, and Explain; and
Segment 2 = Extend and Summative Evaluation. Second,
in the the Explore section, consider that it takes about one
minute per test. If possible, allow each student to do one
test. If time is a concern, and for larger classes, call stu-
dents up in pairs, with one student releasing the car and Henrietta is trapped inside!

December 2017 51
Connecting to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States 2013):
K-PS2 Motion and Stability
The chart below makes one set of connections between the instruction outlined in this article and the NGSS.
Other valid connections are likely; however, space restrictions prevent us from listing all possibilities. The
materials, lessons, and activities outlined in the article are just one step toward reaching the performance
expectation listed below.
Performance Expectation Connections to Classroom Activity
K-PS2-2. Analyze data to determine if a design • designed, created, tested, and redesigned fences to
solution works as intended to change the speed or the keep Henrietta contained as direction changed.
direction of an object with a push or a pull
Science and Engineering Practices
Engaging in Argument From Evidence • made claims about which blocks were easier for the
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions car to move and supported this claim with evidence
from the investigation.
Disciplinary Core Idea
PS2.A: Forces and Motion • observed that the toy car could push the heavier
• Pushing or pulling on an object can change the wooden block farther than the lighter foam block.
speed or direction of its motion and can start or • observed that when Henrietta pushed into a foam
stop it. block, it would move, and when Henrietta pushed
PS2.B: Types of Interactions into a wooden block, the wooden block would not
• When objects touch or collide, they push on one move, causing Henrietta to change direction.
another and can change motion. • tested, improved, and retested fences; observed
ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution different fence designs were able to contain
• Because there is always more than one possible Henrietta.
solution to a problem, it is useful to compare and
test designs.
Crosscutting Concept
Cause and Effect • observed that foam blocks are easier to move than
• Events have causes, some simple and some wooden blocks in the toy car investigation and in
multifaceted. Mechanisms can be tested across a new context with Henrietta and the fence design
given contexts and used to predict and explain challenge.
events in new contexts.

Connecting to the Common Core State Standards (NGAC and CCSSO 2010):
English Language Arts—Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening Standards
Comprehension and Collaboration
• Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers
and adults in small and larger groups.
• Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking
and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
• Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
• Describe familiar people, places, things, and events, and with prompting and support, provide additional
• Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.

52 Science and Children

Oh No, Henrietta Got Out!

(8): 32–35.
Lottero-Perdue, P.S., S. Bolotin, R. Benyameen, E. Brock, and E.
Metzger. 2015. The EDP-5E: A rethinking of the 5E replaces
exploration with engineering design. Science and Children
53 (1): 60–66.
Lottero-Perdue, P.S., M. Bowditch, M. Kagan, L. Robinson-Cheek, T.
Webb, M. Meller, and T. Nosek. 2016. An engineering design
process for early childhood: Trying (again) to engineer an egg
package. Science and Children 54 (3): 70–76.
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and
Council of Chief State School Officers (NGAC and CCSSO).
2010. Common core state standards. Washington, DC:
NGSS Lead States 2013. Next Generation Science Standards:
For states, by states. Washington, DC: National Academies
Students recorded results with drawings. Press.

This engineering-infused 5E lesson was rooted in the
NGSS practices, ideas, and concepts, and exemplified
best practices in 5E instruction. Students were engaged via
a read-aloud, and then they explored and explained scien-
tific ideas about the difference between pushing foam and
wooden blocks. Importantly, while teachers facilitated the
learning process, it was the students who conducted the
investigation and explained the results. To extend learn-
ing, students worked in teams to create a fence for Henri-
etta, considering which blocks to use and how to use them
to keep Henrietta from escaping. Student learning was
evaluated via formative and summative assessments, the
latter of which demonstrated that most students were able
to apply their scientific understandings to the engineer-
ing task. Finally, we must share that the students in Mrs.
Grabia’s room were genuinely excited to participate in the
ramp and block investigation, to share their ideas, and to
try and try again to create a fence for Henrietta. ■

Pamela Lottero-Perdue ( is a

professor in the Department of Physics, Astronomy, and
Geosciences at Towson University in Towson, Mary-
land. Kathryn Grabia ( is a
kindergarten teacher at Darlington Elementary School
in Darlington, Maryland. Cody Sandifer (csandifer@ is a professor in the Department of Phys-
ics, Astronomy, and Geosciences at Towson University.

Bybee, R. 1997. Achieving scientific literacy: From purposes to
practices. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. NSTA Connection
Flynn, L.A. 2008. In praise of performance-based assessments: Download a rubric and the maze design brief at
A teacher’s outlook on testing is changed after students are
assessed through hands-on tasks. Science and Children 45

December 2017 53

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