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Reporting_Month Vendor_TIN branchCode companyName surName firstName

08/31/2016 222111222 2 DELA CRUZ JUAN

07/03/2016 000123456 33 XYZ Company Inc.
09/03/2016 222111222 44 DELA CRUZ JUAN

08/31/2016 000123456 66 XYZ Company Inc.

Page 1
middleName address nature ATC
Nature of Income Payment is
optional. Leave it blank to use default
PONCE BIR description WC051
di makita street, nawawala ave. WC011
PONCE di makita street, nawawala ave. WC051
Nature of Income Payment is
optional. Leave it blank to use default
di makita street, nawawala ave. BIR description WC051

Page 2
income_payme ewt_rate tax_amount

300,000.00 15 45,000.00
20,000.00 15 3,000.00
690,000.00 15 103,500.00

8,000,000.00 15 1,200,000.00

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