GIRL Education

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Girls’ education is important from every perspective of life and society. Educated
women lead a healthier life compared to the uneducated women; they participate in
the family matters and in the formal labour markets too; earn well, marry at a
considerable age and plan a family in a better manner. Not only do they take right
decisions for themselves, but they also provide better education and health care
options to their children. All these factors together can help eradicate poverty, crimes
and disease rates. Girls’ education is an important element for the foundation of a
strong society as well as forging a sound national identity.

Poverty and lack of knowledge are important factors for depriving girls from
education. Different studies reveal that girl children in rural areas have to put up with
a host of disadvantages such as low family income, lack of education, living in remote
locations, inaccessibility to health and education canters, minority backgrounds, etc.
Violence and various forms of crimes against women deprive them of gaining sound
education and also living in a protected environment where they can gain an
uninterrupted progress.

Fortunately in the present times, girls are gradually overcoming every social as well as
psychological barrier. In fact, the government and NGOs are taking several steps in
promoting girl’s education and gender equality. The latest campaign ‘Beti Bachao,
Beti Padhao’ is one such example. It is also important that girls themselves come
forward and make a contribution towards the progress of girl’s education. However,
sadly most of the girls in rural areas still succumb to fate and accept whatever is
decided for them. They need to understand that only education can help them in
leading a better and empowered life. Education will not only change their way of
thinking, but will also help them in improving their life and the life of their family.

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