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Tense Form Uses Example Sentences

Repeated actions.
Facts or generalizations. I play football.
Present Verb + s/es in Scheduled events in the Cats like milk.
Simple[1] third person. near future. The match starts at 2 o'clock.
Now (non-continuous I am here now.

Now. I am sitting.
Longer actions in I am studying to become a doctor.
Am/is/are +
Present progress now. I am meeting some friends after
Continuous Near future. work.
Repetition and irritation She is always coming to class
with "always". late.

I saw a movie yesterday.

Completed action in the
I finished work, walked to the
beach, and found a nice place to
A series of completed
Past Verb + ed, or actions.
I lived in Brazil for two years.
Simple[3] irregular verbs. Duration in the past.
I studied French when I was a
Habits in the past.
Past facts or
She was shy as a child, but now
she is very outgoing.

I was watching TV when she

Interrupted action in the
Last night at 6 PM, I was eating
Specific time as an
Was/were + dinner.
Past interruption.
present I was studying while he was
Continuous[4] Parallel actions.
participle. making dinner.
The sun was shining.
Repetition and irritation
She was always coming to class
with "always".

Present Has/have + Unspecified time before I have seen that movie twenty
Perfect[5] past participle. now. times.
Duration from the past I have had a cold for two weeks.
until now (non-continuous

They have been talking for the

Present Has/have + Duration from the past
last hour.
Perfect been + present until now.
Recently, I have been feeling
Continuous[6] participle. Recently, lately.
really tired.

Completed action before You had studied English before

something in the past. you moved to New York.
Past Had + past
Duration before By the time Alex finished his
Perfect[7] participle.
something in the past studies, he had been in London
(non-continuous verbs). for over eight years.

Duration before They had been talking for over an

Had been +
Past Perfect something in the past. hour before Tony arrived.
Continuous[8] Cause of something in the Jason was tired because he had
past. been jogging.

"Will" to express a
I will send you the information
voluntary action.
when I get it.
Will + verb. "Will" to express a
I will call you when I arrive.
Simple Am/is/are + promise.
He is going to spend his vacation
Future[9] going to + "Be going to" to express a
in Hawaii.
verb. plan.
The year 2222 will be a very
"Will" or "be going to" to
interesting year.
express a prediction.

1. "Simple Present" .
Retrieved 18 March 2014.
2. "Present Continuous" . Retrieved 18

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