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Script forum “Does video game brings more harm or good”

Wani : Assalamualaikum and a very a good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome
to the evening forum of today. First of all, I would like to thank to all of the audience
in front of me. Thank you very much for attending the forum for today. Our issue for
today is “Does video game brings more harm or good ”. Okay, me introduce to all of
you about our panels for today because most of them have a lot of knowledge and
also experiences about this topic that we will discuss. Left on my right is our specially
invited Professional Gamers which is Mr Amiruddin as known as ‘Dragon ’. He had
win many international award in Dota 2 game. Beside her is Dr Ain Maisarah from
Psychologist’s department of Hospital University Kebangsaan Malaysia. She is
currently a consultant and at the same time part time lecturer. Next to her is Dr
Daniel the Head Of Department of Psychiatry at KPJ Specialist Hospital. At the end
of the corner is ……………... Welcome to our forum for today. Hopes all of you was in
pink of health. Video games are a pastime for masses of adolescents worldwide. The
unprecedented technological advancements to this entertaining culture have caused
many gamers, especially adolescents, to acknowledge it as the ultimate fantasy. As
we know, video games bring both positive and negative impact so for further detail of
this topic, I would like to seek an information from the first panel which is Dr Daniel.
Without wasting our time, Dr Daniel, can you tell us about your opinion in video

Daniel :

Ain :

Wani :Thanks to the Panel 1 & 2 . …….,Based on my opinion,…………………….. Next

we move to other panel which is Mr Amiruddin,so,as professional gamers, what
you …………………

Amir: Thank you Madam Moderator. I agree with Dr Ain about video game bring
harm than good But as a Professional Gamers, game also bring good to us. In my
experience as gamer Video games can enhance mental skills. For example, The
players learns to manage resources that are limited, and decided the best use of
resources, the same way as we do in real life. We can see the study from American
Planning Association that claimed SimCity games has inspired a lot of its players to
take a career in urban planning and architecture. Beside that, according to study by
the University of Rochester, action game train the player ’s brain to make faster
decisions without losing accuracy. This is important to gamer to enhance their skill
for tournament.

COUNTER: Actually play Too much video game makes your kid socially isolated.
Also, he may spend less time in other activities such as doing homework, reading,
sports and interacting with the family and friends. Beside that, Gamers can pick up
bad language and behaviour from other people and may make gamers vulnerable to
online dangers.

Amir: Thank you miss Moderator I has read article from author Mark Griffith:
Washington post it say video games can be put to educational and therapeutic uses.
This is because Video games can improve reaction times and hand-use
coordination, Research by Vikranth from National Academy of Science by playing
action video games, player show improvement in their perception, attention and
cognition. Beside that, Video games can be fun and stimulating; it means easy to get
people attention. Their interactivity can stimulate learning. Video games also can use
for therapeutically. Studies show that when children play video game following
chemotherapy, they need fewer painkiller. From this point of view we know that Video
game can bring more goods than harm.

COUNTER: Thank you to Mr Amir for given his point of view, but I want to say that
pay too much attention on video game can harm our eyesight. Gamers can probably
suffer from myopia. What is? Myopia is related to eye-illness. Video game also can
bring violence towards people. The R-18 video games usually have content about
violence and sexual and this kind of game are some factors that can lead someone
to become aggressive. The most I see the harm for video game are Play video game
bring bad competitive among people. People will get depress if lose to someone in
video games. This thing always happen in kid nowadays ..
Counter-argument anas : well, it is common for person to spent money on things they love. For
example, collector can spend thousands ringgit for one piece of art.

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