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Types of tissue cells and their parts

By Adisa Nicholson

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Everything in the human body is made up of
cells. In fact, cells are the building blocks of
all living things.

The cell membrane is the borders the cell.

The cell membrane is selectively permeable

allowing things to move in and out it to
travel around the body.

Below is another diagram of an animal cell.

Cell membrane 1
The cell membrane borders the cell and controls which
substances move in and out of it.

The nucleus 2
The nucleus is the brain and identity of the cell. This
contains DNA and also holds information on the formation of

Cytoplasm is a jelly like substance which holds all the
things in the cell together. Chemical reactions happen

Organelles 4
Organelles are parts of a cell, such as the nucleus and

Mitochondria Endoplasmic Reticulum 5

Mitochondria is a plural term, so you'll not find two of
these in a cell. Their purpose is to produce energy. They contain
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) together with enzymes that are
involved in the metabolic activities of the cell.
Types of tissue cells and their parts
By Adisa Nicholson

Golgi Apparatus 6
A Golgi apparatus is to proteins what a Post Office is to
letters. It stores and transfers proteins and consists of a
collection of vesicles and folded membranes. These are usually
connected to an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as the golgi apparatus
stores and then transports the proteins produced in the ER.

Lysomes 7
Lysomes are little enzyme packages holding enzymes
which are created by the cell. The purpose of Lysomes is
to digest things. They might be used to digest food

Label the above components of a cell 8

Types of tissue cells and their parts
By Adisa Nicholson

Place in the table

Organelle or Structure Function or Description
Nuclear Pore
DNA or the nucleus Control the inheritance of
Rough ER Has ribosomes attached to the
surfaces of the endoplasmic
Smooth ER Has no ribosomes attached to
the surfaces of the endoplasmic
Grow spindle fibres before
nuclear division
Lysosomes Hold enzymes
Control exchange between cells
and their environments
Modify proteins before transport
or secretion
Cell Membrane Move substances outside the
cell, or cause cells to move
Chloroplasts Found in plant cells and help
generate chlorophyll
Large sap vacuole Found in the large central
vacuole of many plant cells.

What does a prokaryotic cell look 11

Types of tissue cells and their parts
By Adisa Nicholson
Give definitions and examples for: 12
Tissue - Any group of specialized cells that make up part
of a plant or animal. Such as muscle tissue and
connective tissue.

Organ – A functioning unit of the body which has a purpose and

does its job.

System – A collection of organs which work together to perform a

specific task or purpose. Such as respiration, digestion or the
skeletal system.

How is squamous 13
epithelium important?
Squamous epithelial tissue is composed
of thin plate-like or scale-like cells forming a mosaic
pattern. This tissue is found in the tympanic
membrane (eardrum) as a single layer of cells, or in
the free skin surface in multiple layers. Squamous tissue is the main
protective tissue of the body. Squamous cells have the appearance
of thin, flat plates. They are important because they form the lining
of cavities such as the mouth, blood vessels, heart and lungs and
make up the outer layers of the skin.

How is ciliated epithelium important? 14

Many epithelial surfaces in the body are ciliated -
covered in cells which contain tiny hair-like structures
beating in synchrony to move secretions or objects around.

How important are these cells? Well, they are the primary target of
infection for "common cold viruses" such as coronaviruses, influenza
virus and rhinoviruses. These viruses may kill the ciliated cells or
simply stop the cilia beating. In either case, mucus builds up and
forms a good site for secondary bacterial infections, resulting in the
gooey green nasties we are all familar with when we have a cold.
This show how important healthy cilia are!

How is xylem tissue important? 15

Types of tissue cells and their parts
By Adisa Nicholson
Xylem is the part of the vascular
system that moves water and
minerals through the plant. It
conducts water and mineral salts,
taken in by roots, throughout the
plant, essentially the woody part
of the stem or trunk. Xylem
transport tissue found in vascular
plants, whose main function is to
conduct water and dissolved
mineral nutrients from the roots to
other parts of the plant. The water is ultimately lost by transpiration
from the leaves (see leaf).

How is phloem tissue important? 16

Tissue found in vascular plants. Its main function is to
transport sugars and other food materials such as amino
acids from the leaves, where they are produced, to all other parts of
the plant. This could be from the leaves to the roots to provide the
chemicals needed for growth. However, it could be from a leaf and
up to a developing fruit that is rich in sugars. The sugars are made
by photosynthesis, which occurs in green parts of plants, such as
leaves. Without it, plants would have no food.

What is a plasmid? 17
Small, mobile piece of DNA found in bacteria that, for
example, confers antibiotic resistance, used in genetic
engineering. Plasmids are separate from the bacterial chromosome
but still multiply during cell growth. Their size ranges from 3% to
20% of the size of the chromosome. Some plasmids carry ‘fertility
genes’ that enable them to move from one bacterium to another
and transfer genetic information between strains. Plasmid genes
determine a wide variety of bacterial properties including resistance
to antibiotics and the ability to produce toxins.

What is a plan diagram? 18

Types of tissue cells and their parts
By Adisa Nicholson
A diagram that you plan with such as a gannt chart or a flowchart.

What type of tissue lines the trachea? 19

Pseudostratified epithelia lines the trachea. A Pseudostratified

epithelium is a type of epithelium that, though comprising only a
single layer of cells, has its cell nuclei positioned in a manner
suggestive of stratified epithelia.

Where would you find a tonoplast? 20

The cytoplasmic membrane surrounding the vacuole,
separating the vacuolar contents from the cytoplasm in a
cell. As a membrane, it is mainly involved in regulating the
movements of ions around the cell, and isolating materials that
might be harmful or a threat to the cell.


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