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a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.


Conflict in a narrative is created when the main character wants something. When something else gets
in the protagonist's way, a conflict arises. All stories contain conflict, and some people disagree about
how many types of conflict there are. These discrepancies depend on individual narrative circumstances,
but there are cases in which you should recognize a total of seven different types of narrative conflict.

1. In Hamlet, Hamlet has a conflict with his uncle, whom he suspects of murdering his father in order to
be king. 2. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout is the young protagonist, and she faces conflict as she tries to
understand prejudice and how it leads to the death of Tom Robinson.

2. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout is the young protagonist, and she faces conflict as she tries to
understand prejudice and how it leads to the death of Tom Robinson.

3. In Star Wars, Luke Skywalker's conflict is with the Emperor's forces, and specifically with Darth Vadar.


Stopping a Fight
Acknowledge the other person's concerns. If she has instigated the fight, or has responded irrationally
to your concerns, verbalize this. For example, say, "I realize this issue is really important to you," or "I
know you don't think my idea is any good, but I do."

 If the fight starts off heated or quickly escalates, remove yourself from the situation. Tell her that you
need a break before returning to discuss the issues.
Preventing Conflict
Continue being a good listener. Never stick to an inflexible opinion. Instead, constantly listen carefully
what the other thinks, or has to say. If she mentions something that's bothering her, take it seriously
and respond or apologize.
 Actively listening and responding to the other person will make overall communication easier.
Preventing Workplace Conflict
Respond to problems before they become fights. If you begin having problems with a co-worker,
immediately begin fixing your relationship. Don't wait for the issue to clear up on its own or it may
worsen and become a conflict.
 Waiting and dwelling on issues only worsens the problems. Before you know it, you might have blown
the concern out of proportion, making it harder to resolve.

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