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Analysing different types of writing Page 1

By Adisa Nicholson Unit 46

P4: Use examples to describe the different styles of
writing used in health and social care.

Discursive writing is personal and opinionated writing written
from a first person perspective, which can be biased.
Discursive writing shows people's opinions and should not be
confused with reflective, where someone's experiences are
written about. This sort of writing can be found on blogs and
newspaper columns.

The main argument against stem cells is that by experimenting

with embryonic stem cells, the scientists are being murderers
as these stem cells, as embryonic stem cell research relies
upon the destruction of a young human embryo by taking some
stem cells from it.

The style of writing uses facts to state that using embryonic

stem cells is murdering because embryos have rights too. In
their writing, they make us humans look selfish and like

There is even a scientific report on nosebleeds. Nosebleeds
are usually nothing serious, which can get caused if someone
is crying, colds, allergies, gets bumped into, hurts
themselves or picks their nose too much. Most nosebleeds can
be treated at home.

I could include extracts of the text, but what has to be

explained is that this journalistic writing is a journal as
it’s the sort of article that a journalist could use if they
were to make a report on nosebleeds. It concentrates on giving
facts and explanations. It does tell what causes them and how
they can be treated, but what the reader wants to do with that
information is up to them.

Analysing different types of writing Page 2
By Adisa Nicholson Unit 46
An anonymous person used the internet to post about their
local hospital treated them after having their first asthma
attack. The person boasts the good points of the hospital by
stating how quick he was taken to hospital, the efficient,
friendly and helpful staff, immediate treatment, good food and
the cleanliness of the place is praised at Whipps Cross
University Hospital. Only positive praise is used.

The positivity is enforced by being described as a good stay

with friendly and helpful staff and would have no hesitation
of recommending it to anyone telling them about the good times
he’s had.

The person describes it as a good experience. How quick he was

taken to hospital, the efficient, friendly and helpful staff,
immediate treatment, good food and the cleanliness of the
place is praised at Whipps Cross University Hospital.

Change4life is a campaign designed to get people more active
and eating healthily. The only reason seemingly given why
people should do so by the advert is that doing so lets us
live longer. This is predominant in the logo, the slogan, and
when it says “which means that 9 out of 10 kids today
could grow up with dangerous amounts of fat in their
bodies”, which is in the television advert, the website all
the promotional handouts and documents available.

It uses scare tactics to emphasise the great need to become,

and encourage others to become healthier. Even parents and
organisations are targeted to follow the campaign rather than

Opinion is divided over whether passive smoking actually
kills. According to the government, 5800 people died from
passive smoking in 2005. According to Imperial College London,
some 3600 people die from illnesses caused by passive smoking
and a further 749 die yearly from passive smoking at work.
According to the London Health Observatory, 10,500 people aged
over 35 every year in London and that smoking causes 22-27% if
all male deaths. Here’s a quote from the LHO, *A smoking ban
in public places would save more lives than are lost every
year in road accidents, campaigners say. “A ban in pubs, bars
and offices would save 4,800 lives a year in England, Wales
and Scotland against 3,400 road deaths.” It is linked to cot
deaths and increases the risk of cancer by 24%. This is why we
have gone “smokefree”. However the tax on cigarettes brings
in £7 billion a year.

All this scientific writing is interested in is using findings

of research to show facts and figures. What it then does is
state action that can be done with those findings such as
“stop smoking” or “fund more research”.
Analysing different types of writing Page 3
By Adisa Nicholson Unit 46
M4: Use examples to analyse the different types of
writing used in health and social care.

Text on abortion and euthanasia is pretty much written in the
same way. It's written in the same factual style. What's
different is that euthanasia is much a bigger issue than
abortion, so the debate is less divided. People know where
they stand with abortion, but not so much when it comes to
euthanasia. The abortion text I used also goes more political.
Here's a quote from the text. “Moves to cut the abortion time
limit from 24 weeks have been resoundingly rejected by MPs
after a highly-charged Commons debate”. It's still an ethical
topic though, otherwise the MPs wouldn't have to think about
reconsidering the abortion time limit cut. The pro-life
supporters are so extreme that they're working in abortion
clinics for the sole purpose of refusing people abortions. It
works, otherwise it wouldn't be on Times Online, and it makes
it harder for a person to get an abortion locally.

Both articles talk about human rights and ethical issues.

About how life is precious, that it's a gift from God, and
that we should not choose to take it away.

I'm using a Food 4 Thought campaign run by the British Heart
Foundation and supported by The Guardian to compare against t
the Sky's letter. Its aim is to make parents get their kids
eating right. It uses positive and encouraging language. It
uses words such as try this, give the kids, even if it's just
once a week and “”We all know” that a healthy well-balanced
diet should include at least five-a-day fruit and vegetables.”
Everything is made to be as user friendly as possible.

For one, one is corporate, one is not. One wants you to part
with your money, one does not, it instead wants you make some
lifestyle changes.

The Food 4 Thought campaign gives no criticism, implied or

not. It also is a very positive article, and doesn't attempt
to make light out of a bad situation. It focuses onto the
future, looking ahead, and making the right lifestyle choices
such as signing a petition, or using extra lean beef with
spaghetti bolognese. It does not say that if you don't make
these choices, your kids may get heard disease; as we all know
what the British Heart Foundation campaigns against.
Everything said is meant at face value and should be taken
that way.
Analysing different types of writing Page 4
By Adisa Nicholson Unit 46







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