Rooms Monitoring and Designation System

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Rooms Monitoring and Designation System

Villarico, Lanz A.
Paulino, Christopher C.
Pacho, Angelo
11 - Antlia
Calumpit National High School
Senior High School

September 2019

I. Rationale:

This research will focus on building an automated Rooms Monitoring and Designation System to
be possibly used by Calumpit National High School. Every public high schools in the Philippines
uses a manual scheduling system for its building and facilities. Confusion in rooms and schedule
has been a long time and repetitive problem of any school which affects class functions usually
in the first month of the start of every school year. There also have been cases of the rooms being
scheduled to section but is unable to be used due to the troubling state of the room caused by the
lack of proper monitoring and maintenance of classrooms and its facility and supplies which
usually takes time to be sorted of fixed because there is no existing system that could help track a
classroom regularly.

To overcome the problems stated above, implementing a system designed to be a direct solution
for these problems will be very effective. Manual scheduling and monitoring of classroom and
facilities takes time and effort and in the modern time of technology should be easily automated
which is efficient, cost effective and uses an up-to-date software technology. This research paper
will describe the functions of the system to be created and its possible effects on lessening
confusion in scheduling classrooms and proper monitoring of the facilities.

II. Project Description:

This will be desktop application to be created a certain IT Professional which will be managed
by the school administration. This application will require minimal supervision because every
functions which is usually done manually, will be automated. This application can also be used
by the teachers or faculty which can help the system optimize its functions more. This will also
be a web-based application which means it can be accessed anywhere by the admin or the faculty
with proper access credentials to the system.

There will be an interactive and scalable map of the school that will show information about each
building and its rooms. This will automate the designation of rooms, keep track of each room's
schedule and which section is assigned to that room. This will monitor each classroom or

facility’s supplies and necessities such as tables or chairs. This application will also help record
incidents or faults in a room which can be tracked and be easily fixed.

III. Materials:

This application will require to be created by a developer with experience in creating efficient
systems and applications. This will need a paid website domain and database which will store the
data needed by the application to function. A desktop, laptop or a mobile phone with a good
internet connection is required to access the system.

IV. Action Plan:

The first step to an automated rooms monitoring and designation system is to conduct proper
research on the developer that will develop the system and web technologies needed that will
require payment. Have a mutual understanding with the developer, let the developer know of the
functions needed and goals of the system. If done, have the developer explain the interface of the
system to an employee or admin of the school which in turn will orient the system to other users
which are the faculty and teach them on how to use or operate the application.

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