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Integrity –A way of life

There is a famous saying which perfectly describes integrity: “Honesty is telling the truth to other
people and integrity is telling the truth to myself” .The word integrity has originated from the Latin
word “INTEGER “which means the sense of completeness or to feel whole .In short it refers to the
completeness and togetherness one enjoys once he lives his life morally and honestly.

Integrity can be classified into different spheres of life .The most important of
them are academic integrity and professional integrity .Academic integrity is important to lay down
the foundation for a student to follow certain principles for rest of his life .It develops leadership
quality and trust building among friends which is very essential to become a successful human being
.On the other hand professional integrity is one of the essential value that employer seeks in his
employees .Sound morals and ethical beliefs are high valued characteristics in an employee .Acting
with integrity and honesty is an actual advantage in workplace and people are drawn towards such
personality .Integrity in workplace promotes a positive environment that encourages higher
productivity .

Integrity is a trait that everyone should strive for .It’s a trait that goes a long way in
making people a better version of themselves .It should be practiced not for recognition or praise
but for personal values. A person with integrity is kind in nature and respects everyone that deserves
their respect .They take responsibility for their actions and exhibit humility.

Integrity and success go hand in hand .An act of honesty in one area of life leads to
more dishonesty in other areas of life. So, integrity is an important virtue to become successful in life
and more importantly a man with values who is respected across all spheres of life. If I could teach
only one value to live by, it would be this: Success will come and go but integrity is forever. Integrity
means doing the right thing at all times and in all circumstances whether or not anyone is watching
.It takes having the courage to do the right thing, no matter what the consequences will be .Building
a reputation of integrity takes years but it takes only a second to lose .So one should never allow
himself or herself to ever do anything that would damage his or her integrity.

In conclusion, integrity is a vital part of all our lives .Without a basic human integrity,
we are all animals .Integrity defines how we live and who we are .Are we good people? Is our
neighbourhood safe? Is our society a good place to live in? When trying to answer all these
questions, first thing we look for is integrity .In life or death, a man will always be defined by his

Name: Biplab Kumar Mondal

Designation: MMG || (Branch Manager) Branch: Tirol Phone Number: 9578414307

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