Otago Question

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釘o施m c4a/Jmge


Time allowed - 30 minutes Administration Day July 30

1・ Abby, Beth and cathy each play one spo競丘om temis・ netball and hockey, but not necessarily

in that order・ Abby doesn't play temis or netball, and Beth doesn't play temis・ What spo直

does each play?

2・ If Jason is eighth五〇m血e正ont ofthc queue and six心血om the back, how many people狐e in


3・皿e counting numbers甜e aⅡanged in A 8 C D E F G

colums in the pattern shown on the 1 4

2 3
正ght. 5 6 7

8 9 10 聞
12 13 14
Under what letter will the number 200

4・ At the supemarket cans of peaches come in three sizes :

A small can contains 180 grams of血uit and costs $3・50

A medium can contains 200 grams of缶uit and costs $4・00

A large can contains 220 grams of缶uit and costs $4・50・

What sized can gives the best value for money?

5. Four fhends, who work at pizza Hut have the following shifts : Corin works every 3rd day,
Mana works every 4th day, Jackie works every 5th day and Phillipa works every 6th day.

One day they were pleased to血d they were all working togethe工How many days later will

they next be wo血ing together?


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