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(3 - Years Course)






Gen. 111 Islamiat and Pakistan Studies 1 0 1

Eng. 122 English 2 0 2

Math. 113 Applied Mathematics-I 3 0 3

Phy. 122 Applied Physics 1 3 2

Ch. 112 Applied Chemistry 1 3 2

Comp. 122 Computer Application 1 3 2

PT 132 Engineering Drawing 0 6 2

PT 144 Applied Thermodynamics 3 3 4

PT 151 Renewable Energy Resources and Utilization 1 0 1

PT 163 Workshop Practice 0 9 3

Piping and Metal Work

Welding Arc/ Gas
Machine Shop

TOTAL 13 27 22


2nd year


Gen 211 Islamiat and Pakistan Studies 1 0 1

Math 212 Applied Mathematics-II 2 0 2

PT 223 Applied Electricity and Electronics 3 0 3

PT 234 Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics 3 3 4

PT 242 Metallurgy and Heat Treatment 2 0 2

PT 252 Fuels and Lubricants 1 3 2

PT 263 Pumps and Compressors 2 3 3

PT 275 Boiler and Steam Systems 2 9 5

PT 285 Diesel, Gas and Dual Fuel Engine Operation 3 6 5

TOTAL 19 24 27


3rd year


Gen 341 Islamiat and Pakistan Studies 1 0 1

Math 311 Industrial Management and Human Relations 1 0 1

PT 322 Electrical Machines and Power Transmission System 2 0 2

PT 332 Nuclear Power Generation 2 0 2

PT 342 Marine power plants and equipments 1 3 2

PT 354 Gas Turbine Power Plant Operation 2 6 4

PT 365 Thermal Power Plant Operation 3 6 5

PT 373 Power Station Control Room and Equipments 2 3 3

PT 383 Power Plant Maintenance and Repairs 2 3 3

TOTAL 16 21 23

CODE: Eng-112 P T C
2 0 2
Theory 64
Practical 0

At the end of the course, the students will be equipped with cognitive skill to enable them to present
facts in a systematic and logical manner to meet the language demands of dynamic field of commerce and
industry for functional day – to - day use and will inculcate skills of reading, writing, and comprehension.

Paper A:
1. Prose/Text 16 Hours
1.1 First eight essays of Intermediate English Book –II

2. Cloze Test 04 Hours

2.1 A passage comprising 50 to 100 words will be selected from the text. Every 11 th word or any
word for that matter will be omitted. The number of missing word will range between 5
and10.The chosen word may be or may not be the one used in the text, but it should be an
appropriate word.

Paper B
3. Grammar 26 Hours
3.1 Sentence structure
3.2 Tenses.
3.3 Parts of Speech.
3.4 Punctuation.
3.5 Change of narration.
3.6 One word for several.
3.7 Words often confused
4. Composition 08 Hours

4.1 Letters/Messages.
4.2 Job application letter.
4.3 Application for Character Certificate/grant of scholarship.
4.4 Telegrams, Cablegrams and radiograms, Telexes, Facsimiles, e-mails.
4.5 Essay Writing.
4.6 Technical Education, science and our Life, computers, Environmental pollution, Duties of

5. Translation 10 Hours

5.1 Translation from Urdu into English.

For foreign students: A paragraph or a Dialogue.


1. Intermediate English Book-II
2. An English Grammar and Composition of Intermediate level.
3. A Handbook of English Students by Gatherer


1. Demonstrate Better Reading, Comprehension, and Vocabulary

1.1 Manipulate skimming and scanning of the text.
1.2 Identify new ideas.
1.3 Reproduce facts, characters in own words.
1.4 Write summary of stories.
2. Understand Facts of the Text
2.1 Rewrite words to fill in the blanks recalling the text.
2.2 Use own words to fill in the blanks.


3. Apply the Rule of Grammar in Writing and Speaking

3.1 Use rules of grammar to construct meaningful sentences containing a subject and a predicate.
3.2 State classification of time i.e., present, past, and future tense and use verb correctly in different
forms to denote relevant time.
3.3 Identify function words and content words.
3.4 Use makes of punctuation to make sense clear.
3.5 Relate what a person says in direct and indirect forms.
3.6 Compose his writings.
3.7 Distinguish between confusing words.
4. Apply the concept of composition writing to Practical Situations
4.1 Use concept to construct applications for employment, for character certificate, for grant of
4.2 Facsimiles.
4.3 Describe steps of good composition writing.
4.4 Describe features of a good composition.
4.5 Describe methods of composition writing.
4.6 Use these concepts to organize facts and describe them systematically in practical situation.
5. Apply the Rules of Translation
5.1 Describe confusion.
5.2 Describe rules of translation.
5.3 Use rules of translation from Urdu to English in simple paragraph and sentences.

CODE: Math-113 P T C
3 0 3
Theory 96
Practical 0

PRE-REQUISTE: Must have completed a course of Elective Mathematics at Matric level.
After completing the course, the students will be able to:
1. Solve problems of Algebra, Trigonometry, Vectors, Mensuration, Matrices, and Determinants.
2. Develop skill, mathematical aptitude, and logical perception in the use of mathematical instruments
required in the technological fields.
3. Acquired mathematical clarity and insight in the solution of technical problems.

1. Quadratic Equations 6 Hours.

1.1 Standard form.

1.2 Solution.
1.3 Nature of Roots.
1.4 Sum and product of roots
1.5 Formation.
1.6 Problems.

2. Arithmetic Progression and Series 3 Hours.

2.1 Sequence.
2.2 Series.
2.3 nth term.
2.4 Sum of the first n terms
2.5 Means.
2.6 Problems.

3. Geometric Progression and Series 3 Hours.

3.1 nth term.

3.2 Sum of the first n terms.
3.3 Means.
3.4 Infinite Geometric Progression.
3.5 Problems.

4. Binomial Theorem 6 Hours

4.1 Factorials.
4.2 Binomial expression.

4.3 Binomial Coefficient.

4.4 Statement.
4.5 The general term.
4.6 The Binomial series.
4.7 Problems.

5. Partial Fractions 6 Hours.

5.1 Introduction.
5.2 Linear distinct factors case I.
5.3 Linear repeated factors case II.
5.4 Quadratic distinct factors case III.
5.5 Quadratic repeated factors case IV.

6. Fundamentals of Trigonometry 6 Hours.

6.1 Angles.
6.2 Quadrants.
6.3 Measurements of angles.
6.4 Relation between hexadecimal and circle system.
6.5 Relation between length of a circular arc and the radian measure of its central angle.
6.6 Problems.

7. Trigonometric Functions and Ratios 6 Hours.

7.1 Trigonometric functions of any angle.
7.2 Signs of trigonometric functions.
7.3 Trigonometric ratios of particular angles.
7.4 Fundamental identities.
7.5 Problems

8. General Identities 6Hours.

8.1 The fundamental law.
8.2 Deductions.
8.3 Sum and difference formulae.
8.4 Double angle identities.
8.5 Half angle identities.
8.6 Conversion of sum or difference to products.
8.7 Problems.

9. Solution of Triangles 6 Hours

9.1 The law of Sines.
9.2 The law of Cosines.
9.3 Measurement of heights and distances.
9.4 Problems.

10. Mensuration of Solids 30 Hours

10.1 Review of regular plane figures.
10.2 Prisms.
10.3 Cylinders.
10.4 Pyramids.

10.5 Cones.
10.6 Frusta.
10.7 Spheres.

11. Vectors 9 Hours

11.1 Scalars and Vectors.
11.2 Addition and Subtraction.
11.3 The unit vectors I, J, K.

11.4 Direction Cosines.
11.5 Scalar or Dot Product.
11.6 Deductions.
11.7 Dot Product in terms of orthogonal components.
11.8 Vector or cross products.
11.9 Deductions.
11.10 Analytical expression for a x b.
11.11 Problems.

12. Matrices and Determinants 9 Hours

12.1 Definition of matrix.
12.2 Rows & columns.
12.3 Order of a matrix.
12.4 Algebra of matrices.
12.5 Determinants.
12.6 Properties of determinants.
12.7 Solution of linear equations.
12.8 Problems.

1. Ghulam Yasin Minhas, “Technical Mathematics” Vol-I, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.
2. Riaz Ali Khan, “Polytechnic Mathematic Series”, Vol-I and II, Majeed Sons, Faisalabad.
3. Sana Ullah Bhatti, “A Text Book of Analytic Geometry and Calculus”, Punjab Text Book Board

1. Understand Different Methods for the Solution of Quadratic Equations.

1.1 Define a standard quadratic equation.
1.2 Use method of factorization and method of completing the square for solving the equations.
1.3 Derive quadratic formula.
1.4 Write expression for the discriminant.
1.5 Explain nature of the roots of quadratic equations.
1.6 Calculate the sum and Product of the roots.
1.7 Form a quadratic equation from the given roots.
1.8 Solve problems involving quadratic equations.

2. Understand Apply Concept Of Arithmetic Progression and Series

2.1 Define an arithmetic sequence and a series.
2.2 Derive formula for the nth term of an A.P.
2.3 Explain Arithmetic Mean between two numbers.
2.4 Insert n arithmetic means between two numbers.
2.5 Drive formulas for summation of an Arithmetic series.
2.6 Solve problems on arithmetic Progression and Series.
3. Understand Geometric Progression and Series.

3.1 Define a Geometric Progression and a series.
3.2 Drive formula for the nth term of a G.P.
3.3 Explain geometric means between two numbers.
3.4 Insert n geometric means between two numbers.
3.5 Drive a formula for the summation of geometric series.
3.6 Deduce a formula for the summation of an infinite geometric series.
3.7 Solve problem using these formulas.

4. .Expand and Extract Roots of a Binomial.

4.1 State binomial theorem for positive integral index.
4.2 Explain binomial coefficients: (n,0), (n,1),……..(n,r)……,(n,n).
4.3 Derive expression for the general term.
4.4 Calculate the specified terms.
4.5 Expand a binomial of a given index.
4.6 Extract the specified roots.
4.7 Compute the approximate value to given decimal place.
4.8 Solve problems involving binomials.

5. Resolve a Single Fraction into Partial Fraction using different Methods.

5.1 Define a partial fraction, a proper and improper fraction.
5.2 Explain all the four types of partial fractions.
5.3 Setup equivalent partial fractions for each type.
5.4 Explain the methods for finding constants involved.
5.5 Resolve a single fraction into partial fractions.
5.6 Solve problems involving all the four types.

6. Understand the Systems of Measurement of Angles.

6.1 Define angles and the related terms.
6.2 Illustrate the generation of an angle.
6.3 Explain hexadecimal and circular systems for the measurement of angle.
6.4 Drive the relationship between radian and degree.
6.5 Convert radians to degrees and vice versa.
6.6 Derive a formula for the circular measure of a central angle.
6.7 Use this formula for solving problems.

7. Apply Basic Concepts and Principles of Trigonometric Fractions.

7.1 Define the basic trigonometric functions/ ratio of an angle as ratios of the sides of a right
7.2 Derive fundamental identities.
7.3 Find trigonometric ratios of particular angles.
7.4 Draw the graph of trigonometric functions.

7.5 Solve problem involving trigonometric functions.

8. Use Trigonometric Identities in Solving Technological Problems.

8.1 List fundamental identities.
8.2 Prove the fundamental law.
8.3 Deduce important results.
8.4 Derive sum and difference formulas.
8.5 Establish half angle, double angle, and triple angle formulas.
8.6 Convert sum or difference into product and vice versa.

8.7 Solve problems.

9. Use concepts, Properties, and Laws of Trigonometric Functions for solving Triangles.
9.1 Define angle of elevation and angle of depression.
9.2 Prove the law of Sine and law of Cosines.
9.3 Explain elements of triangle.
9.4 Solve triangles and the problem involving heights and distances.

10. Use principal of Mensuration in Finding Surfaces, Volumes, and Weights of Solids.
10.1 Define mensuration of plane and solid figures.
10.2 List formulas for perimeters and area of plane figures.
10.3 Define pyramid and cone.
10.4 Define frusta of Pyramid and cone.
10.5 Define a sphere and a shell
10.6 Calculate the total surface and volume of each type of solid.
10.7 Compute weight of solids.
10.8 Solve problems of these solids.

11. Use the concept and Principles of vectors in solving Technological Problems
11.1 Define vector quantity.
11.2 Explain addition and subtraction of vectors.
11.3 Illustrate unit vectors I, J, K.
11.4 Express a vector in the component form.
11.5 Explain magnitude, unit vector, direction cosines of a vector.
11.6 Derive analytic expression for dot product and cross product of two vectors.
11.7 Deduce conditions of perpendicularity and parallelism of two vectors.
11.8 Solve problem.

12. Use the Concept of Matrices & Determinants in solving Technological Problems.
12.1 Define a matrix and a determinant.
12.2 List types of matrices.
12.3 Define transpose, adjoint, and inverse of a matrix.
12.4 State properties of determinants.
12.5 Explain basic concepts.
12.6 Explain algebra of matrices.
12.7 Solve linear equations by matrices.
12.8 Explain the solution of a determinant.
12.9 Use Grammars Rule of solving linear equations.

CODE: Phy-123 P T C
2 3 3
Theory 64
Practical 96


The students will be able to understand the fundamental principles and concepts of physics, use these to
solve problems in practical situations/technological courses and understand concepts to learn advance physics
and technical courses.

1. Measurements 2 Hours
1.1 Fundamental units and derived units.
1.2 Systems of measurement and S.I Units.
1.3 Concept of dimensions, dimensional formula.
1.4 Conversion from one system to another.
1.5 Significant Figures.

2. Scalars and Vectors 4 Hours

2.1 Revision of head to tail rule.
2.2 Laws of parallelogram, triangle, and polygon of forces.
2.3 Resolution of a vector.
2.4 Addition of vectors by rectangular components.
2.5 Multiplication of two vectors, dot product and cross product.

3. Motion. 4 Hours
3.1 Review of laws and equations of motion.
3.2 Law of conservation of momentum.
3.3 Angular motion.
3.4 Relation between linear and angular motion.
3.5 Centripetal acceleration and force.
3.6 Equations of angular motion.

4. Torque, Equilibrium , and Rotational Inertia 4 Hours

4.1 Torque.
4.2 Center of gravity and center of mass.
4.3 Equilibrium and its conditions.
4.4 Torque and angular acceleration.
4.5 Rotational inertia.

5. Wave Motion. 4 Hours

5.1 Review Hook‟s law of elasticity.
5.2 Motion under an elastic restoring force.
5.3 Characteristics of simple harmonic motion.
5.4 S.H.M and circular motion.
5.5 Simple pendulum.
5.6 Wave form of S.H.M.
5.7 Resonance.
5.8 Transverse vibration of a stretched string.

6. Sound 4 Hours
6.1 Longitudinal Waves.
6.2 Intensity, loudness, pitch, and quality of sound.
6.3 Units of intensity of level and frequency response of ear.
6.4 Interference of sound waves, silence zones, beats.

6.5 Acoustics.
6.6 Doppler Effect.

7. Light 5 Hours
7.1 Review law of reflection and refraction
7.2 Image formation by mirrors and lenses.
7.3 Optical instruments.
7.4 Wave theory of light.
7.5 Interface, diffraction, polarization of light waves.
7.6 Applications of polarization in sun glasses, optical activity and stress analysis.

8. Optical Fiber 2 Hours

8.1 Optical communication and problems.
8.2 Review total internal reflection and critical angle.
8.3 Structure of optical fiber.
8.4 Fiber material and manufacture.
8.5 Optical fiber –Uses.

9. Lasers 3 Hours
9.1 Corpuscular theory of light.
9.2 Emission and absorption of light.
9.3 Stimulated absorption and absorption of light.
9.4 Laser principle.
9.5 Structure and working of lasers.
9.6 Types of lasers with brief description.
9.7 Applications, basic concepts.
9.8 Material processing.
9.9 Laser welding.
9.10 Laser assisted machining.
9.11 Micro matching.
9.12 Drilling, scribing and making.
9.13 Printing.
9.14 Laser in medicines.

10. Heat 4 Hours

10.1 Review of calorimetery and gas laws.
10.2 Thermal expansion of solids, liquid, and gases.
10.3 Heat of fusion, vaporization.
10.4 Humidity, absolute and relative.
10.5 Law of cooling.
10.6 Thermoelectricity.
10.7 Thermocouple.

11. Thermodynamics 4 Hours

11.1 Heat energy and internal energy.
11.2 First law of thermodynamics.
11.3 Isometric and adiabatic processes.
11.4 Efficiency of heat engine.
11.5 Second law of thermodynamics (both statements).
11.6 Heat engine and refrigerator.

12. Transfer of Heat 5 Hours
12.1 Review modes of transfer of heat.
12.2 Emission and absorption of heat.
12.3 Black Body Radiation.
12.4 Laws of energy distribution.
12.5 Plank‟s Quantum Theory.
12.6 The photoelectric effect.
12.7 X-rays, production, properties, and uses.

13. Electromagnetic Waves 3 Hours

13.1 Magnetic field around a current carrying conductor.
13.2 Electric field induced around a changing magnetic flux.
13.3 Moving fields.
13.4 Types of electromagnetic waves.
13.5 Generation of radio waves.
13.6 Spectrum of electromagnetic waves.

14. Atomic Nucleus 5 Hours

14.1 Structure of the nucleus.
14.2 Radioactivity.
14.3 Radioactive series.
14.4 Transmutation of elements.
14.5 The fission reaction.
14.6 The fusion reaction.
14.7 The nuclear reactor.

15. Nuclear Radiations. 5 Hours

15.1 Properties and interaction with matter.
15.2 Radiation detectors.
15.3 Radiation damage and its effects.
15.4 Radiation therapy
15.5 Radioactive tracers.
15.6 Application of radiation techniques in archeology, agriculture, chemical industry,
polymerization, sterilization, food preservation, gauging and control, radioactivity.

16. Artificial Satellite 2 Hours

16.1 Review law of gravitation.
16.2 Escape Velocity.
16.3 Orbital Velocity.
16.4 Geosynchronous and geostationary satellites.
16.5 Use of satellites in data communication.

17. Magnetic Materials 2 Hours

17.1 Magnetism.
17.2 Domains theory
17.3 Para, Dia, and Ferromagnetism and magnetic materials.
17.4 B.H. Curve and hysteresis loop.

18. Semiconductor Materials 2 Hours

18.1 Crystalline structure of solids.
18.2 Conductors, semiconductors, insulators.

18.3 P-type and N-type materials.
18.4 P-N junction.
18.5 P-N junction as a diode.
18.6 Photovoltaic cell (solar cell).

96 Hours

1. Draw graph representing the functions:

a) y = mx for m = 0, 0.5, 1, 2.
b) y = x2
c) y = 1/x
2. Find the volume of a given solid cylinder using vernier calipers.
3. Find the area of cross-section of the given wire using micrometer screw gauge.
4. Prove that force is directly proportional to (a) mass (b) acceleration, using Flectchers‟ Trolley.
5. Verify law of parallelogram of forces using Grave-sand apparatus.
6. Verify law of triangle of forces and Lami‟s Theorem.
7. Determine the weight of a given body using.
a) Law of parallelogram of force.
b) Law of triangle of force.
c) Lami‟s theorem.
8. Verify law of polygon of force using Grave- sand apparatus.
9. Locate the position and magnitude of resultant of like parallel forces.
10. Determine the resultant of two unlike parallel forces.
11. Find the weight of a given body suing principle of moments.
12. Locate the center of gravity of regular and irregular shaped bodies.
13. Find young‟s Modulus of Elasticity of a metallic wire.
14. Verify Hook‟s Law using helical spring.
15. Study of frequency of stretched string with length.
16. Study of variation of frequency of stretched sting with tension.
17. Study resonance of air column in resonance tube and find velocity of sound.
18. Find the frequency of the given tuning fork using resonance tube.

19. Find velocity of sound in rod by Kundt‟s tube.

20. Verify rectilinear propagation of light and study shadow formation.
21. Study effect of rotation of plane mirror on reflection.
22. Compare the refractive indices of given glass slabs.
23. Find focal length of concave mirror by locating center of curvature.
24. Find focal length of concave mirror by object and image method.
25. Find focal length of concave mirror with converging.
26. Find refractive index of glass by apparent depth.
27. Find refractive index of glass by spectrometer.
28. Find focal length of converging lens by plane mirror.
29. Find focal length of converging lens by displacement method
30. Find focal length of diverging lens using converging lens.
31. Find focal length of diverging lens using concave mirror.
32. Find angular magnification of an astronomical telescope.
33. Find angular magnification of a simple microscope (magnifying glass).
34. Find angular magnification of a compound microscope.
35. Study working and structure of camera.

36. Study working and Structure of Sextant.
37. Compare the different scales of temperature and verify the conversion formula.
38. Determine the specific heat of lead shots.
39. Find the coefficient of linear expansions of a metallic rod.
40. Find the heat of fusion of ice.
41. Find the heat of vaporization.
42. Determine relative humidity using hygrometer.

1. Tahir Hussain, “Fundamentals of Physics” Vol-I and II.
2. Farid Khuwaja, “Fundamentals of Physics” Vol- I and II.
3. Wells and slusher, “ Schaum‟s Series Physics”
4. Nelcon and Oyborn “Advanced level practical Physics”.
5. Mehboob Ilahi Malik and Inam-ul-Haq “Practical Physics”.
6. Wilson “lasers –Principles and Applications.
7. M. Aslam Khan and M. Akram Sandhu “ Experimental Physics Notes”


1. Use concepts of Measurement to Practical Situations and Technological Problems.

1.1 Write dimensional formulae for physical quantitates.

1.2 Derive units using dimensional equations.
1.3 Convert a measurement from one system to another.
1.4 Use concepts of measurement and significant figures in problem solving.

2. Use Concepts of scalars and Vectors in Solving Problems involving these Concepts.
2.1 Explain laws of parallelogram, triangle, and polygon of forces.
2.2 Describe method of resolution of vector into components.

2.3 Describe method of addition of vectors by rectangular components.

2.4 Differentiate between dot product and cross product of vectors by rectangular components.
2.5 Use the concept in solving problems involving addition, resolution, and multiplication of
3. Use the law of Conservation of Momentum and Concepts of Angular Motion to Practical
3.1 Use law of conservation of momentum to practical/ technological problems.
3.2 Explain relation between linear and angular motion.
3.3 Use concepts and equations of angular motion to solve relevant technological problems.

4. Use Concepts of Torque, Equilibrium, and Rotational Inertia to Practical Situations/ Problems.
4.1 Explain Torque.
4.2 Distinguish between center of gravity and center of mass.
4.3 Explain rotational equilibrium and its conditions.
4.4 Explain rotational inertia giving examples.

4.5 Use the above concepts in solving technological problems.

5. Use concepts of Wave Motion in solving relevant Problems.

5.1 Explain Hook‟s law of elasticity.
5.2 Derive formula for motion under an elastic restoring force.
5.3 Derive formula for simple harmonic motion and simple pendulum.
5.4 Explain wave form with reference to S.H.M to solve relevant problems.
5.5 Explain resonance.
5.6 Explain transverse vibration of a stretched string.
5.7 Use the above concepts and formulae of S.H.M to solve relevant problems.

6. Understand Concept of Sound.

6.1 Describe longitudinal wave and its propagation.
6.2 Explain the concepts; Intensity, Loudness, Pitch, and Quality of sound.
6.3 Explain Units of intensity of level and frequency response of ear.
6.4 Explain phenomena of silence zone, beats.
6.5 Explain acoustics of buildings.
6.6 Explain Doppler Effect giving mathematical expressions.

7. Use the Concepts of Geometrical Optics to Mirrors and Lenses and Understand waves Theory of
7.1 Explain laws of reflection and refraction.
7.2 Use mirror formula to solve problems.
7.3 Use the concepts of image formation by mirrors and lenses to describe working of optical
instruments, e.g microscopes, telescopes, camera, and sextant.
7.4 Explain wave theory of light.
7.5 Explain phenomena of interference, diffraction, polarization of light waves.
7.6 Describe uses of polarization given in the course contents.

8. Understand the Structure, Working and Uses of Optical Fiber.

8.1 Explain the structure of the optical fiber.
8.2 Explain its principle of working.
8.3 Describe uses of optical fiber in industry and medicine.

9. Understand the Structure, Working, and Uses of Lasers

9.1 Explain the stimulated emission of radiation.
9.2 Explain the laser principle.
9.3 Describe the structure and working of lasers.
9.4 Distinguish between types of lasers.
9.5 Describe the applications of lasers in the fields mentioned in the course contents.

10. Understand Concepts of Heat.

10.1 Explain calorimetry
10.2 Explain gas laws giving mathematical expressions.
10.3 Explain thermal expression of solids, liquids, and gases.
10.4 Distinguish between heat of fusion, vaporization.

10.5 Distinguish between absolute and relative humidity.
10.6 Describe law of cooling.
10.7 Explain basic concepts of thermoelectricity.
10.8 Describe thermocouple giving its principle, structure, and working.

11. Understand Laws of Thermodynamics

11.1 Distinguish between heat energy and internal energy.
11.2 Explain first law of thermodynamics giving its applications.
11.3 Distinguish between isometric and adiabatic processes.
11.4 Explain second law of thermodynamics describing alternate statements.
11.5 Distinguish between work of heat engine and refrigerator.

12. Understand Laws of Energy Distribution and Emission of Radiation

12.1 Explain modes of transfer of heat.
12.2 Explain Black Body Radiation and laws of energy distribution.
12.3 Describe Plank‟s Quantum Theory.
12.4 Explain photoelectric effect.
12.5 Explain production, properties, and uses of X-rays.

13. Understand Natural , Types, Generation, and Spectrum of Electromagnetic Waves

13.1 Explain magnetic field due to current, and electric field due to changing magnetic flux.
13.2 Explain moving fields.
13.3 Describe types of electromagnetic waves.
13.4 Explain generation of Radio waves.
13.5 Explain spectrum of electromagnetic waves.

14. Understand the Structure of the Atomic Nucleus and Relevant Activities.
14.1 Describe the structure of the nucleus.
14.2 Explain radioactivity and radioactive series.
14.3 Explain transmutation of elements.
14.4 Distinguish between fission reaction and fusion reaction.
14.5 Explain the structure and working of the nuclear reactor.

15. Understand Nuclear Radiations, Their Effects, and Uses.

15.1 Describe properties of nuclear radiations and their interaction with matter.
15.2 Explain working of radiation detectors.
15.3 Explain damaging effects of nuclear radiations.
15.4 Explain radiation therapy.
15.5 Describe radioactive tracers.
15.6 Describe applications of radiation techniques in course contents.

16. Understand Types and Uses of Artificial Satellites

16.1 Explain escape velocity.
16.2 Explain orbital velocity.
16.3 Distinguish between geosynchronous and geostationary satellites.
16.4 Describe uses of artificial satellites in data communication.

17. Understand Basic Concepts and Classification of Magnetic Materials.
17.1 Explain domains theory of magnetism.
17.2 Distinguish between Para, Dia, and Ferro-magnetism and magnetic materials.
17.3 Distinguish between B and H.
17.4 Describe B.H. Curve.
17.5 Describe hysteresis loop.

18. Understand Basic Concepts of Semi- Conductor Materials and Their Uses.
18.1 Explain crystalline structure of solids.
18.2 Distinguish between conductors, semiconductors, insulators.
18.3 Describe semiconductors giving examples with reference to their structure.
18.4 Distinguish between P-type and N-type materials.
18.5 Explain working of P-N junction as a diode.
18.6 Explain working of solar cell.

CODE: Chem-133 T P C

2 3 3


Theory 64

Practical 96


The student must have studied the subject of Elective Chemistry at Secondary School level.


After studying this course the students:

1. Understands the significance and role of chemistry in the development of modern technology.
2. Becomes acquainted with the basic principles of chemistry.
3. Knows the scientific methods of production, preparation, and use of materials of industrial and
technological significance.
4. Gains skill for the efficient conduct of practical‟s in a chemistry laboratory.


1. Fundamental Concepts of chemistry 6 Hours

1.1 Chemistry in petroleum and chemical industry.

1.2 Elements, compounds, and mixtures.

1.3 Atom, atomic weight, molecule, valency, molecular weight.

1.4 Symbols, formulae, and equations.

1.5 Molecular formula, and Empirical formula.

1.6 Physical and chemical changes.

1.7 Physical and chemical properties.

1.8 Acids, bases, and salts.

1.9 Law of conservation of mass.

1.10 Law of constant proportion.

1.11 Law of reciprocal proportion.

1.12 Law of multiple proportion.

2. Structure of Atom and Chemical Bonding 8 Hours

2.1 Fundamental particles of atom.

2.2 Bohr‟s model of atom and its defects.

2.3 Energy levels, sub-energy levels and orbitals.

2.4 Electronic configuration.

2.5 lonization potential, electronegativity, and electron affinity.

2.6 Ionic bond with examples.

2.7 Covalent bond (polar and nonpolar), Sigma and Pi bonds with examples.

2.8 Coordinate covalent bond with examples.

3. Physical States of Matter 6 Hours

3.1 Physical states of matter, explanation with the help of kinetic molecular theory.
3.2 Properties of liquids; surface tension, viscosity, capillary action, diffusion.
3.3 Behavior of gases, kinetic theory of gases.
3.4 Boyle‟s and Charles law, general gas equation, problems relating to these laws.
3.5 Graham‟s low of diffusion, Dalton‟s law of partial pressures and Gay Lussac law.
3.6 Isomorphism and polymorphism.
3.7 Amorphous solids.

4. Metals and Alloys 5 Hours

4.1 Metals and non-metals
4.2 Important ores; properties and uses of Cu, AL, Zn, and Fe Metals.
4.3 Corrosion; Definition, causes and control.
4.4 Alloys; introduction.
4.5 Compositions, properties, and uses of bell metal, stainless steel, and brass.

5. Water 4 Hours
5.1 Sources, chemical nature, and properties of water.
5.2 Impurities of water.
5.3 Hardness of water.

6. Solutions and Colloids 5 Hours

6.1 Types of Solutions.

6.2 Concentration.

6.3 Solubility.

6.4 Colloids.

7. Acid and Base 5 Hours

7.1 Concept of acid and base.

7.2 Properties of acid and base.

7.3 Strength of acid and base.

8. Halogens 4 Hours
8.1 Introduction to halogens.
8.2 Preparation, properties, and uses of Chlorine.
8.3 Preparation, properties, and uses of HC1.

9. Thermo chemistry 4 Hours

9.1 Introduction.

9.2 Exothermic and endothermic reactions.

9.3 Heat of reaction.

9.4 Heat of formation.

9.5 Heat of combustion.

9.6 Heat of neutralization.

9.7 Hess‟s law of constant heat summation.

10. Electrochemistry 4 Hours

10.1 Theory of ionization.

10.2 Solubility product.

10.3 Electrolytes and electrolysis.

10.4 Faraday‟s laws of electrolysis.

10.5 Conductivity of electrolytes.

10.6 pH of solutions and pH scale.

10.7 Measurement of pH.

11. Organic Chemistry 12 Hours

11.1 Introduction to Organic Chemistry.

11.2 Classification of hydrocarbons (Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Naphthenes, Aromatics).

11.3 Introduction to Alcohols.

11.4 Introduction to Alkyl Halides.


1. To study the working of Bunsen burner.

2. To study some elementary operations in glass blowing.

3. To weigh the chemicals on an analytical balance use of sensitive analytical balance)

4. To separate the ingredients of the given mixtures (sand and NaCl, alcohol and water, etc.)

5. To obtain distilled water from river water.

6. To determine the hardness of water.

7. Preparation of crystals of CuSO4, and KN O3.

8. To determine the Melting Points of given solids.

9. To determine the Boiling Points of given liquids.

10. To determine the specific gravity of given liquids such as different oils and other chemical compounds.

11. To determine the viscosity of given liquids by a viscometer.

12. To determine the solubility of common salt in water at room temperature.

13. To determine the effect of temperature on solubility.

14. To separate the mixture by sublimation.

15. To obtain alcohol from a mixture of alcohol and water by distillation. .

16. To determine the equivalent weight of magnesium and (to verify the law of constant Composition)

17. To determine the standard solutions of alkalis and acids e. g., NaOH, KOH, oxalic acid etc.

18. Prepare approximate solution of H2SO4 and determine its exact molality by titrating it against standard
N/ 10 NaOH. .

19. To determine surface tension of given liquids by torsion balance.

20. To verify the Faraday‟s law of electrolysis

21. To determine pH of given solutions.

22. To separate the salts by.

 Sublimation process
 Filtration process
 Sedimentation process

23. To study the analysis scheme.

24. Detection of acidic and basic radicals of salts.


1. Dr. Rehman Chaudhry, Dr. Zafar Iqbal, Dr. M.Munawar Iqbal, etc. “Text Book
of Chemistry for class XI” , Chohan Book Depot, Urdu bazaar Lahore.
2. B.S. Bhal, G.D. Tuli; “Essentials of Physical Chemistry”.
3. “Vogel‟s Textbook of Quantitative Analysis , Including Elementary Instrumental Analysis”,
Forth Edition, ELBS/Longman, England.


1. Understand Basic Concepts of Chemistry.

1.1 Describe the importance of chemistry in petroleum and chemical industries.
1.2 Distinguish between element, compound, and mixture.
1.3 Define atom, molecule, valency, variable valency, atomic weight, and molecular weight with
examples of each.
1.4 Define symbol, formula, and equation with examples of each. Give chemical formula of some
common compounds used in petroleum industry.
1.5 Distinguish between molecular formula and empirical formula.
1.6 Write molecular formula of different compounds.
1.7 Write empirical formula of different compounds.
1.8 Distinguish between physical changes and chemical changes.
1.9 Differentiate between physical properties and chemical properties.
1.10 Define acid, base, and salt with examples of each.
1.11 State the law of conservation of mass, law of constant proportion, law of reciprocal
proportion, law of multiple proportions, and solve problems based on these laws.

2. Understand Structure of Atom and Chemical Bonding.

2.1 Describe the characteristics properties of fundamental particles of atom

2.2 Explain the various aspects of Bohr‟s model of atom and defects of this model.

2.3 Define energy levels, sub-energy levels, and orbitals.
2.4 State the rules for the distribution of electrons. Write the electronic configuration of atoms of
different elements.
2.5 Define ionization potential, electronegativity, and electron affinity with examples of each.
2.6 Define chemical bond and give its types.
2.7 Describe ionic bond, covalent bond, and coordinate covalent bond.
2.8 Differentiate between polar bond and nonpolar bond, sigma and pi bond with examples of

3. Understand the Physical States of Matter and Properties of Gases, Liquids, and Solids

3.1 Explain the kinetic molecular theory.

3.2 Explain the physical states of matter with the help of kinetic molecular theory.

3.3 Explain kinetic theory of gases.

3.4 Describe temperature effect on gases.

3.5 State Boyle‟s law.

3.6 State Charle‟s law.

3.7 Describe absolute temperature.

3.8 Derive gas equation.

3.9 Solve problems based on gas equation.

3.10 State Graham‟s Law of Diffusion.

3.11 Explain Dalton‟s law of partial pressures.

3.12 State Gay Iaussac law.

3.13 Solve problems based on Graham‟s law of diffusion and Gay Iaussac law.

3.14 Enlist important properties of liquids.

3.15 Define viscosity.

3.16 Give units of viscosity in different system of units.

3.17 Enlist methods of measurement of viscosity of liquids.

3.18 Explain method of measurement of viscosity by Oswald‟s Viscometer.

3.19 Describe temperature effect on viscosity.

3.20 Describe surface tension.

3.21 Name the units of surface tension.

3.22 Enlist methods for the measurement of surface tension.

3.23 Explain measurement of surface tension by Torsion Balance.

3.24 Explain capillary action of liquids.

3.25 Explain diffusion of liquids.

3.26 Explain density and give units of density.

3.27 Describe effect of temperature on volume of solids.

3.28 Define isomorphism, polymorphism, lattice energy, and amorphous solids.

4. Understand the Nature and Importance of Metals and Alloys

4.1 Define metals.

4.2 Distinguish between metals and non-metals giving examples of each.

4.3 Describe the properties and uses of Cu, Al, Zn, and Fe.

4.4 Define corrosion.

4.5 State the causes of corrosion and methods to control corrosion.

4.6 Define ores.

4.7 Enlist the important ores of Cu, Al, Zn, and Fe.

4.8 Define alloys.

4.9 Give examples of alloys with their composition.

4.10 Enlist general properties of alloys.
4.11 State uses of alloys.
4.12 Give composition and uses of German silver, bronze, stainless steel, and Nichrom.
4.13 Define Amalgam and Solder.
4.14 Give composition and uses of Bell Metal and Solder.

5. Understand the Chemical Nature and Impurities present in water

5.1 Enlist water sources.

5.2 Describe water and state its physical and chemical properties.
5.3 Name the common impurities (minerals) present in water.
5.4 Define hard water.

5.5 Define soft water.
5.6 Explain causes of hardness.
5.7 Explain removal of permanent hardness by different methods.
5.8 Explain removal of temporary hardness by different methods.

6. Understand the solution and colloidal state of Matter

6.1 Describe solution and its properties.

6.2 Name types of solutions.
6.3 Give examples of different types of solutions.
6.4 Describe various units of concentration.
6.5 Explain ideal and non-ideal solutions giving examples of each.
6.6 Define solubility.
6.7 Describe the factors affecting solubility.

6.8 Distinguish between colloids and true solutions.

6.9 Describe types and general properties of colloids.

7. Understand acids and bases

7.1 Define acid.

7.2 Distinguish between acid and base
7.3 Describe general properties of acids
7.4 Give examples of strong and weak acids
7.5 Give examples of strong and weak bases
7.6 Define acidity
7.7 Define basicity
7.8 Calculate acidity and basicity

8. Understand the Halogens

8.1 Define halogens.

8.2 Describe preparation, Properties, and uses of chlorine.
8.3 Describe preparation, Properties, and uses of HC1.

9 Understand Thermo chemistry

9.1 Define thermo chemistry
9.2 Distinguish between exothermic and endothermic reactions
9.3 Give examples of exothermic and endothermic reactions
9.4 Explain heat of reaction
9.5 Enlist factors affecting heat of reactions
9.6 Describe heat of formation
9.7 Explain heat of combustion.
9.8 Enlist applications of heat of combustion.
9.9 Describe heat of neutralization.

9.10 State Hess‟s Law of constant heat summation.
9.11 SoIve problems based on Hess‟s Law.

10. Understand Electrochemistry

10.1 Describe electrolytes.

10.2 Describe the main postulate of Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation.
10.3 Describe solubility product.
10.4 Describe conductivity of electrolytes.
10.5 Explain effect of dilution on conductivity.
10.6 Explain the process of electrolysis with examples.
10.7 State and explain the faraday‟s law of electrolysis
10.8 Use Faraday‟s laws to solve related numerical problems
10.9 List the application of electrolysis
10.10 Describe electroplating
10.11 Explain pH of solutions and pH scale
10.12 Describe the methods to measure pH of solutions
10.13 Explain the buffer solutions.

11. Organic Chemistry

11.1 Give introduction to Organic Chemistry.

11.2 Give Sources of Organic Compounds and their Applications.
11.3 Give Classification of Organic Compounds with their General Formula and Functional Groups.
11.4 Enlist main classes of hydrocarbons and their nomenclature according to
IUPAC system.

11.5 Describe the following classes of hydrocarbons.

11.5.1 Paraffin series.
11.5.2 Olefin series.
11.5.3 Naphthalene series.
11.5.4 Aromatic series.
11.5.5 Diolefin.
11.5.6 Isomeric compounds.
11.6 Give introduction to Alkyl Halides.
11.7 Give Introduction to Alcohols.


CODE: Comp-122 T P C

1 3 2


Theory 32

Practical 96


This subject will enable the student to be familiar with the operation of a microcomputer. He will also
learn DOS, BASIC language, and word processing to elementary level.


1 Electronic Date Processing (EDP) 6 Hours

1.1 Basics of computers.
1.2 Classification of computers.
1.3 Block diagram of a computer system.
1.4 System of binary numbers.
1.6 Input and output devices.
1.7 Secondary storage media detail.
1.8 Processors and their types
1.9 Using computers for system software.
1.10 Using computers for application software.
1.11 Common types of software and their application


2.1 Internal commands.

2.2 External commands.

2.3 Batch files.

2.4 Advance features.

3 Basic Language 10 Hours

3.1 Introduction to high level languages.
3.2 Introduction to BASIC.
3.3 REM statement.
3.4 Assignment statement.
3.5 Input statement.
3.6 Read data statement.
3.7 IF-THEN statement.
3.8 IF-THEN ELSE statement.
3.9 FOR-NEXT statement.
3.10 DIM statement.

3.11 LPRINT statement.
3.12 STOP Statement.
3.13 END statement.
3.14 Logic of a BASIC program.
3.15 Running a BASIC program.
3.16 Saving and retrieving a program.
3.17 Advance features.

4. Word Processing 7 Hours

4.1 Starting word processing session.
4.2 Opening a document.
4.3 Saving a document.
4.4 Ending word processing session (Temporarily).
4.5 Retrieving a document.
4.6 Spell check.
4.7 Margins and tab setting.
4.8 Aligning Paragraph.
4.9 Printing a document.
4.10 Advance feature.

5. Computer Graphics in BASIC 3 Hours

5.1 Graphics fundamental.
5.2 Points and Lines.
5.3 Dots in space.
5.4 A lightning blot.
5.5 Shapes.
5.6 Expanding circles and rectangles.



1. Identify keyboard, mouse, CPU, disk drives, disks, monitor, and printer.

2. Practices for booting up of a computer system with DOS system disk and power off.

3. Practice for CLS, VER, VOL, DATE & TIME commands.

4. Practice for COPY, REN commands.

5. Practices for DEL, TYPE, PATH, PROM, COPY CON, MD, CD, RD commands.

6. Practices of the practical at Sr. No. 3, 4, 5,

7. Practice for FORMAT command with /s, /4, /u, switches.

8. Practice for DISKCOPY, DISKCOMP commands.

9. Practice for SCANDISK, XCOPY, DELTREE, TREE, LABLE commands.

10. Practice for PRINT, UNDELETE, commands.

11. Practice for the practical at Sr.No 8, 9, 10, 11.

12. Practice for creating a batch file.


1. Practice for loading and unloading BASIC software and identify role of function keys in BASIC.

2. Identify role of various keys in continuation with ALT key in BASIC programming.

3. Practice for CLC, LOAD, SAVE, FILE, RENUM, and command by loading any existing BASIC
4. Practice for editing any existing BASIC program
5. Prepare BASIC program to display sum of two numbers using INPUT.
6. Prepare BASIC program to display sum of two number using RAED DATA.
7. Prepare BASIC program multiply two numbers.
8. Prepare BASIC program to calculate area of rectangle when length and width are given.
9. Prepare BASIC program to calculate area of circle when radius\diameter is given.
10. Prepare very simple BASIC program using IF-THEN-ELSE and NEXT statements.
11. Identify DIM statement.
12. Practice for LPRINT statement for various program hard copy output.

Word Processing

1. Practice for loading and unloading a word processor.

2. Practice for creating document and saving it.
3. Practice for spell-check facility of the word processor.
4. Practice for editing an existing document.
5. Practice for various word processing Menu Option.
6. Practice for printing a document.
7. Practice for margin and TAB setting and document alignment.
8. Practice for some advance features.


1. Syed Shahid Afzal, „‟Teachers Notes on Computer Application‟‟, Technical education Project Sindh.
2. Syed Shahid Afzal „‟TLRs on Computer Applications‟‟, Technical Education Project, Sindh.
3. Ron S. Gottfirid, „‟Programming with BASIC‟‟.
4. Any Word Processor Latest Release, e.g., Word, Word perfect, etc.
5. ABC‟s of DOS (latest release).
6. Judd Robbins, „‟Mastering DOS 6.0 and 6.2


1. Understand Electronic Data Processing (EDP)

1.1 Describe basics of computers.
1.2 Describe classification of computers.
1.3 Explain block diagram of a computer system.
1.4 Describe system of binary numbers.
1.5 State the terms used in computers such as BIT, BYTE, RAM, ROM, EROM, EPROM.
1.6 Identify input and output devices.
1.7 Describe secondary storage media.
1.8 Explain processors.
1.9 Name different type of processors.

1.10 Explain the use of computers for system software

1.11 Explain the use of computers for application software
1.12 Enlist common types of software and their application.
1.13 Explain various application of above software mentioned.

2. Understand Disk Operating System (DOS)

2.1 Explain the use of various internal commands of DOS.
2.2 Explain use of various external commands of DOS.
2.3 Describe batch files.
2.4 Identify advance features.

3. Understand Basic Language

3.1 Explain high level language.
3.2 Explain BASIC language.
3.3 Describe REM statement.
3.4 Describe Assignment statement.
3.5 Explain input statement.
3.6 Explain read-Data statement.
3.7 Explain IF-THEN statement.
3.8 Explain IF-THEN-ELSE statement.

3.9 Explain FOR-NEXT statement.
3.10 Explain DIM statement.
3.11 Explain LPRINT statement.
3.12 Explain STOP statement.
3.13 Explain END statement.
3.14 Describe logic of a BASIC program.
3.15 Describe running a BASIC program.
3.16 Describe saving and retrieving a BASIC program.
3.17 Describe some advance features of BASIC program.

4. Understand Word Processing

4.1 Describe word processing.
4.2 Name command to be entered on DOS-prompt to load word processor.
4.3 Identify initial screen.
4.4 Describe the command to open a document.
4.5 Describe a procedure naming the document.
4.6 Explain importance of giving extension to the document.
4.7 Describe saving and retrieving a document.
4.8 Explain importance of saving the work at regular interval.
4.9 State temporarily Ending word processor session and document retrieval.
4.10 State procedure to re-enter word processor.
4.11 State procedure to re-open word processor and editing.
4.12 Describe spell check facility.
4.13 Describe Margin and Tab setting
4.14 Describe to align paragraph.
4.15 Describe re-editing techniques.
4.16 Describe procedure to set-up printer.
4.17 Describe command for printouts.
4.18 Explain multiple copy printouts.
4.19 Explain some advance feature.
4.20 Describe procedure of condensed printing.

4.21 Describe procedure of change of fonts.

5. Understanding programming Instructions for Computer Graphs in Basic language

5.1 Identify graph graphics fundamentals in BASIC language.

5.2 Explain to draw points and lines.

5.3 Explain to draw dots in space.

5.4 Explain to draw lightning blot.

5.5 Explain to draw shapes.

5.6 Explain to draw expanding circles and rectangles.


CODE NO. P.T. 132 0 6 2

Related Information:

Basic theory and principle involved in engineering drawing.

AIMS: At the end of this course the student will be able to:

 Develop an understanding of engineering drawing.

 Draw Geometric constructions and necessary views of given objects and engine/machine parts.


1. Draw Geometrical constructions; inscribed figures described figures ratio proportion and division

of areas.

2. Construct ellipse, cycloidal curves involutes and spinals.

3. Draw projections of straight lines .

4. Draw projections of perpendicular and oblique planes; square pentagon and circle.

5. Draw projections of solids; cylinder pyramid and cone.

6. Draw the surfaces of cylinder pyramid and cone.

7. Draw the projection from intersection of surfaces of solids such as two cylinders cones and sphere.

8. Draw three views of a given block object through first and third angle projection.

9. Draw three views from the given pictorial view of engine machine boiler parts.

10. Draw sectional views of engine machine boiler parts.

11. Draw isometric views of an object from the given two views.

12. Draw missing lines and views to complete the given orthographic projection.

13. Draw international matric threads and three views of square Hexagonal nuts and bolts.

14. Draw front and top views of single and double riveted lap/ butt joints.

15. Draw free hand sketches of keys cotters lack nut and foundation bolts.

16. Draw the required assembled views of a coupling from its parts.

17. Draw the required views and assembly drawing from the given detailed drawing of wooden joint


18. Draw the assembly detail drawing of engine, machine and boiler parts.

19. Draw single line circuit diagrams of power house/ substation.

20. Draw drawing of projects assigned by the subject teacher.


 First Year Engineering Drawing by Gupta

 Intermediate Engineering Drawing by A.C Parkinson.


CODE NO. P.T. 144 3 3 4


1. Units and Common Terms 06 Periods

General Objective:
Understand the units and common terms.

Specific objectives:

1.1 Define the common terms such as mass, force, gravity, work power, energy and mechanical efficiency.
1.2 Explain the terms pressure ,gauge pressure, absolute pressure,vacuum, volume, specific volume,
temperature and absolute temperature.
1.3 Convert pressure and temperature into absolute multiple and sub multiple units.
1.4 Explain the construction and working of pressure gauge barometer and manometer.
1.5 Conversion of pressure into mmHg and mmH2O.
1.6 Solve problems related with the above topics.

2. Heat 06 Periods

General objective:
Understand the concept of heat and its applications.

Specific objectives:

2.1 Define and explain the terms related to heat.

2.2 Derive the equation related to heat transfer.
2.3 Solve problems related with the above topics.

3. Thermal Expansion 06 Periods

General objective:

Understand the effects of increasing the temperature in expansion of metals and liquids.

Specific Objectives:

3.1 Derive the equation for finding the new length of metal.
3.2 Derive the equation for finding the increase in area of metal.
3.3 Derive the equation for finding the increase in volume.
3.4 Solve problems related with above topics.

4. Heat Transfer 06 Periods

General objective:
Understand the three mode of heat transfer.

Specific objectives:

4.1 Explain the three mode of heat transfer.

4.2 Define the terms coefficient of thermal conductivity and emissivity.
4.3 Derive the equation for finding the quantity of heat transferred by conduction through simple composite
and cylindrical walls.
4.4 Derive the equation for finding the quantity of heat transferred from one fluid to another through a
dividing wall.
4.5 Determine the amount of heat transferred in heat exchangers.
4.6 State Staffen- Boltzman law.
4.7 Solve problems related with above topics.

5. Laws of Perfect Gases 06 Periods

General Objective:

Understand the laws of perfect gases.

Specific Objectives:

5.1 State and explain Boyle‟s and Charle‟s laws with the help of P.V diagram.
5.2 Derive the equation P1V1/T1=P2V2/T2, by combining Boyle‟s and Charle‟s laws.
5.3 Derive the characteristic equation of a perfect gas.
5.4 State and explain Avagadro‟s law and Dalton‟s laws of partial pressure and partial volume.
5.5 Define specific heats of gases and ratio of specific heats.
5.6 Explain the relationship between heat energy supplied and workdone.
5.7 State and explain the law‟s of thermodynamics.
5.8 Solve problems related with the above topics.

6. Expansion and Compression of Perfect Gases 06 Periods

General objective:
Understand the behavior of perfect gases during compression and expansion processes.
Specific objectives:
6.1 Explain isothermal adiabatic and polytrophic compression and a expansion processes with the help of
compression and expression curves on PV diagram.
6.2 Explain ratio of expansion and compression.
6.3 Derive relationship between temperature area of rectangle area under the polytrophic and isothermal
curves on PV diagram.
6.4 Explain work transfer and work done by representing area of rectangle area under the polytrophic and
isothermal curves on PV diagram.
6.5 Derive the equation for finding heat supplied by equating the relationship between heat supplied and
work done.
6.6 Solve problem related with above topics

7. Ideal Cycles 10 Periods
7.1 Draw and explain constant volume cycle on PV diagram.
7.2 Draw and explain constant pressure cycle on PV diagram.
7.3 Draw and explain dual combustion cycle on PV diagram.
7.4 Derive equations for finding the ideal thermal efficiencies of above cycles.
7.5 Explain the terms o.c.p, indicated power, brake power and mechanical efficiency for I.C engines.
7.6 Solve problem related with above topics.

8. Reciprocating Air Compressors 8 Periods

General objective:
Understand the behavior of air during compression and expansion in reciprocating air compressors.

Specific objectives:

8.1 Illustrate and describe PV diagram of reciprocating air compressor.

8.2 Describe the effect of clearance on work done ( including and neglecting clearance).
8.3 Describe the effect of multi-stage compression on PV diagram.
8.4 Solve problem related with above topics.

9. Steam 12 Periods
General Objective:
Understand the formation of steam and steam properties

Specific Objectives:
9.1 Define common terms such as dry saturated, wet saturated and super heated steam.
9.2 Explain the formation of steam.
9.3 Derive the equation for finding enthalpy of steam. By using steam tables solve problems on steam,
mixing of steam, water throttling of steam and air in steam condensers.

10. Entropy 03 Periods
General Objective
Understand entropy and its use in calculations.
Specific Objectives
10.1 Explain the term entropy with the help of T – Ø diagram.
10.2 Find entropy of water and steam from steam tables, T – Ø chart, Enthaply-Entropy chart by using
10.3 Solve fundamental problems in finding entropy of steam.

11. Steam Reciprocating Engines 09 Periods

General Objective
Understand the construction and working of steam engines.

Specific Objectives
11.1 Describe the basic construction of engine.
11.2 Describe Rankine cycle and derive its efficiency.
11.3 Solve problems on Rankine efficiency and indicator diagram, referred mean pressure and
indicated power.
11.4 Explain the methods of compounding.
11.5 Enlist advantages of compounding.

12. Turbines 12 Periods

General Objective
Understand methods for solving problems in finding efficiency of steam turbines and gas turbines.

Specific Objective
12.1 Describe briefly the basic principle of impulse and reaction turbines.
12.2 Describe the basic types of nozzles.
12.3 Explain the flow theory of nozzles.
12.4 Solve problems in finding thermal efficiency, isentropic efficiency, reheat and
power loss.
12.5 Solve problems by using vector diagrams in finding blade angles, working etc.

12.6 Solve problems on thermal ratio of heat exchangers.
12.7 Explain the elementary principle of working of gas turbines.
12.8 Solve problems in finding theoretical efficiency of gas turbines.

13. Refrigeration 06 Periods

General Objective:
Understand the basic principle of refrigeration.

Specific Objectives:

13.1 Explain the basic Principles of refrigeration.

13.2 Illustrate and explain the essential components of the vapor compressions system
13.3 Describe the Brine circulation system.
13.4 Explain the circuit of refrigerant.
13.5 Define the terms capacity and performance
13.6 Solve problems on the above.



Contact Hours: 96 T P C

Code No. P.T. 144 3 3 4

PRE-REQUISTE: Knowledge of Physics and mathematics

AIMS At the end of this course, the student will be able to:

 Develop an understanding of basic laws applied to Boilers, Engines, Compressors and Refrigeration.
 Solve problems by applying Principles of Thermodynamics.

1. Units and common terms

1.1 Mass, Force, weight, work, power, and energy.
1.2 Pressure, gauge pressure, absolute pressure, vacuum.
1.3 Volume, specific volume, temperature, absolute temperatures
1.4 Problems Solving.

2. Heat
2.1 Specific heat, Mechanical equivalent of heat and latent heat
2.2 Fusion and evaporation
2.3 Problems solving

3. Thermal Expansion
3.1 Expansion of metals: linear, superficial and cubical
3.2 Expansion of liquids.
3.3 Restricted thermal expansion.
3.4 Problems solving

4. Heat Transfer
4.1 Conduction, coefficient of thermal conductivity, composite wall and co-efficient of heat transfer.
4.2 Convection
4.3 Radiation, Steffendfan and Brltzman law.
4.4 Problems solving
4.5 Laws of perfect gases
4.6 Boyles and Charles law.

5. Laws of perfect gases

5.1 Boyles and Charles laws.
5.2 Characteristic equation, gas constant.
5.3 Avogadro‟s law.
5.4 Dalton‟s law of partial pressure and partial volume.
5.5 Relationship and ratio of specific heats
5.6 Laws of Thermodynamics
5.7 Problems Solving

6. Expansion and Compression of Perfect Gases

6.1 Isothermal, adiabaticand polytropic processes.

6.2 Relationship between pressure, temperature and volume
6.3 Work transfer; relationship between heat supplied and workdone.
6.4 Problems solving.

7. Ideal Cycles
7.1 Constant volume cycle
7.2 Constant pressure cycle.
7.3 Dual combustion cycle.
7.4 Carnot cycle and reversed Carnot cycle.
7.5 Problem solving

8. Reciprocating Air Compressors
8.1 PV diagram
8.2 Effect of clearance
8.3 Workdone per cycle: neglecting and including clearance
8.4 Multi stage compression
8.5 Problems solving

9. Steam
9.1 Saturated steam dry and wet
9.2 Dryness fraction
9.3 Superheated steam
9.4 Steam table and its use.
9.5 Effect of throttling, throttling and separating calorimeters.
9.6 Air in condensers.
9.7 Problems solving.

10. Entropy
10.1 Entropy of water, evaporation and superheated steam.
10.2 Temperature-entropy diagram and charts
10.3 Isothermal and isentropic processes
10.4 Problem solving

11. Reciprocating Engines

11.1 Introduction, general construction, working and classification
11.2 Indicator diagrams, mean effective pressure, power
11.3 Rankine cycle
11.4 Compounding; types and advantages
11.5 Problems solving

12. Turbines
12.1 Elementary principle and types of impulse and reaction turbines used in thermal power
12.2 Nozzles types of nozzles.
12.3 Compounding and methods of compounding
12.4 Gas turbines: elementary principle and types
12.5 Problem solving

13. Refrigeration
13.1 Basic theory and principle
13.2 Working cycle
13.3 Brine circulation and insulation
13.4 Circuit of refrigerant
13.5 Capacity and performance
13.6 Problems solving


 Read‟s Marine Engineering Series Volume 3

Heat and Heat engines for Engineer s by William Embleton

 Thermodynamics applied to heat Engines by E.H. Lewit.


List of Practical’s

1. Study of thermometer, mercuric vapour pressure.

2. Study of pressure gauge; Bourdon tube, slack diaphragm and bellow gauge.

3. Study of manometer.

4. Study of pyrometers and thermocouples; different types

5. Study of Barometer

6. Study of working of petrol engine, Diesel engine and steam engine on models.

7. Study of working of reciprocating compressor

8. Study of refrigeration cycle.

9. Study of steam turbine

10. Problems solving practice related with theory class teaching throughout the course.


 Steam/ its generation and used Babcock & Wilcox

 Reads Marine Engineering series Volume- 3 Heat and heat engines by William Embleton.


Contact Hours: 32 T P C

Code No. PT 151 101


1. Introduction to the World Energy Crises and Issues.

General Objective:
Understand the world energy crises, policies and issues.

Specific Objectives:
1.1 Describe the energy needs of the world demand and consumption.
1.2 Describe the world energy crises.
1.3 Describe the international energy issues.
1.4 Describe the effect of energy crisis.

2. Hydel Energy
General Objective:
Understand the Hydel Energy & its use.

Specific Objectives:
2.1 Describe the classification of Hydel plants such as Run-off River, valley dam, Diversion canal, high
head diversion, pumped storage plants.
2.2 Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of Hydel plants.
2.3 Describe the function and classification of dams.
2.4 Enlist the factors to be considered in selecting sits and choice dams.
2.5 Describe the types of spillways.
2.6 Describe the penstock and accessories arrangement, water hammer and surges, intake canal and tunnels.
2.7 Describe the classification and constructional features of Hydraulic turbine, Francis, Pelton, Propeller,
Kapran and Deriaz turbines.
2.8 Solve speed, velocity and efficiency.
2.9 Summarize total world hydel energy resources and production.

3. Tidal Energy

General Objective:
Understand the Principle of Tidal energy.

Specific Objectives:
3.1 Explain the basic principle of tidal energy
3.2 Explain the types of Tidal energy plants.
3.3 Describe the layout arrangement of tidal plants.
3.4 Explain the developments for utilization of tidal energy.
3.5 Enlist the advantages and disadvantages.
3.6 Summarize the total tidal energy resources and production.

4. Wave Energy
General Objective:
Understand the principle of Wave Energy

Specific Objectives:
4.1 Explain the principle of Wave energy
4.2 Explain the types of wave energy plants.
4.3 Describe the flow diagrams and layout arrangements of wave energy plants.
4.4 Explain the developments for utilization of wave energy.
4.5 Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of wave energy plants.
4.6 Summarize the research and development made in research centre.

5. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)

General Objective:
Understand the OTEC Plants.

Specific Objectives:
5.1 Describe the basic Principle of OTEC Plants
5.2 Describe the flow diagrams of OTEC Plants.
5.3 Explain the developments in OTEC System
5.4 Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of OTEC Plants

5.5 Describe the effects made by world research and development centers for utilizing OTEC System

6. Solar Energy
General Objective:
Understand the Solar Energy resources and utilization.
Specific Objectives:
6.1 Describe the basic principle of solar energy
6.2 Describe the different types of solar power plants such as central receiver, photovoltaic and solar pond.
6.3 Describe the developments of solar power plants.
6.4 Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of solar plants
6.5 Summarize the world‟s solar energy resources.

7. Geothermal Energy
General Objective:
Understand the geothermal energy resources and utilization.
Specific Objectives:
7.1 Explain the basic principle of geothermal energy.
7.2 Explain the types of geothermal energy.
7.3 Explain the layout arrangement of geothermal electric power generation.
7.4 Explain the development of geothermal power plants.
7.5 Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of geothermal plants.
7.6 Summarize the world‟s geothermal resources and production.

8. Wind Energy
General Objective:
Understand the Wind Energy resources and utilization.
Specific Objectives:
8.1 Explain the basic principle of wind energy plants.
8.2 Explain the types of wind energy plants
8.3 Explain the layout and arrangement of wind power plants.
8.4 Explain the construction of wind turbines and their materials.
8.5 Enlist the characteristics of wind turbines.
8.6 Explain the developments of wind power plants.
8.7 Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of wind power plants.

8.8 Summarize the world wind energy resources and production.

9. Research and Development of other Methods.

General Objective:
Understand the research and development of other methods published in journals from time to time.

Specific Objectives:
9.1 Describe magnetic hydro dynamics method (MHD)
9.2 Describe the development of fuel cell
9.3 Describe the utilization of thermionic converter.
9.4 Describe other methods.
9.5 Enlist their advantages and disadvantages.



Contact Hours: 32 TPC


AIMS: At the end of this course, student will be able to:

 Develop on understanding of world energy crises, polices and issues.

 Understand the renewable energy resources and their utilization for power generation.

1. Introduction to the World Energy Crises and Issues. 3 Period

1.1 World energy needs demands and consumption.
1.2 World energy crises.
1.3 International energy issues.
1.4 Effect of energy Crises.

2. Hydel Energy 5 Periods

2.1 Classification of Hydel plants.
2.2 Advantages and disadvantages
2.3 Basic components of Hydel plants, dams, types of dams, spill ways their types Penstock, intake canal
and tunnels.
2.4 Hydraulic turbines, types and construction
2.5 Layout arrangement of Hydro-electric power plants.
2.6 Advantages and disadvantages. World hydel energy resources
2.7 Problem solving

3. Tidal Energy 3Periods

3.1 Basic principle
3.2 Types of tidal power plants.
3.3 Description and layout arrangement.
3.4 Developments of tidal energy resources
3.5 Advantages and disadvantages
3.6 World tidal energy resources.

4. Wave Energy 3 Periods
4.1 Basic principle
4.2 Types of wave power plants.
4.3 Description and flow diagrams.
4.4 Development of wave energy
4.5 Advantages and disadvantages
4.6 World wave energy resources.

5. Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)

5.1 Basic principle
5.2 Types of OTEC Plants
5.3 Description and flow diagrams
5.4 Development of OTEC. Advantages and disadvantages
5.5 World OTEC resources research canters efforts.

6. Solar Energy 5 Periods

6.1 Basic principle
6.2 Types of solar power plants. Central receiver, photovoltaic pond
6.3 Description and layout arrangements of different types.
6.4 Solar power developments. Advantages and disadvantages
6.5 World solar energy resources.

7. Geothermal Energy 4 Periods

7.1 Basic principle
7.2 Types of geothermal energy
7.3 Description and layout arrangement
7.4 Development of geothermal power plants. Advantages and disadvantages
7.5 World geothermal resources.

8. Wind Energy 4 Periods
8.1 Basic principle
8.2 Types of wind power plants
8.3 Layout and arrangement
8.4 Types of turbines
8.5 Characteristics of wind turbines
8.6 Development of wind power plants. Advantages and disadvantages
8.7 World Wind Energy resources.

9. Research and Development for other methods 3 Periods

9.1 Magneto Hydro Dynamics.
9.2 Fuel Cells
9.3 Thermionic Converter
9.4 Other methods
9.5 Advantages and disadvantages


 Water Power Engineering by Sharma

 Power Plant Technology by El-Wakil
 Handbook of Energy Systems by Martin
 Power Plant Engineering by Nagpal


Contact Hours: 288

Code No. 163

AIMS: At the end of this course, the student will be able to:

 Demonstrate basic skills in piping and metal work

 Demonstrate basic skills in Arc and Gas Welding
 Demonstrate basic skills in Machine shop
 Acquaitance with the related theory and knowledge of the selected workshop courses.


1. Identify hand tools, measuring tools and other tools used in piping and general metal works.
2. Demonstrate skills in cutting, threading, bending and fitting of pipes.
3. Identify industrial piping color codes.
4. Select pipe sizes according to schedule rating.
5. Demonstrate skills in using Micrometer and Varnier calliper.
6. Demonstrate skills in hacksawing, power sawing and other operations such as filing, chiseling,
scraping, drilling and sharpening of tools.
7. Demonstrate skills in cutting and bending sheet metal.
8. Demonstrate skills in using taps and dies.
9. Make suitable projects assigned by the teacher.

1. Show skill in power setting of the regulators.
2. Demonstrate the proper sequence in lightening and adjusting the flame.
3. Show skill in making straight uniform beads.
4. Show skills in making lap joints.
5. Show skills in making butt joints.
6. Show skills in making tee joints.
7. Show skills in making corner joints.
8. Show skills in making straight lines and bevel cuts on flate plate using Oxy-acetylene cutting torch
9. Make suitable project assigned by the teacher.


1. Demonstrate skill in making proper current setting on transformer.

2. Demonstrate the proper sequence in setting up of Arc welding.
3. Show skill in striking the arc and making short stringer beads.
4. Show skills in making continuous stringer beads.
5. Show skills in making weaved beads on flat plate.
6. Show skill in welding a lap joint
7. Show skill in welding a Butt joint
8. Show skill in welding a Tee joint
9. Make suitable projects assigned by the teacher.


1. Practice for centering the job.

2. Practice for Path cutting tool
3. Practice for simple and step turning
4. Practice for taper turning
5. Practice for tool grinding
6. Make suitable projects assigned by the teacher.


 Machine Fundamentals by John R. Walker.



CODE: Math-213


3 0 3

Theory 96

Practical 0

PRE-REQUSITE: Must have completed Math-113 Applied Mathematics-I


After studying this course the students will be able to:

1. Solve problems of Calculus and Analytic Geometry.

2. Develop mathematical skill, aptitude, and logical perception in the use of Mathematical instruments.

3. Apply principles of Differential Calculus to work out rate measures, velocity, Acceleration, maxima
and minima values.

4. Use principles of Integral Calculus to compute areas and volumes.

5. Acquire proficiency in solving technological problems with mathematical clarity and insight.


1. Functions and Limits 6 Hours

1.1 Constant and Variable Quantities.

1.2 Functions and their classification.

1.3 The concept of Limit

1.4 Limit of a Function. .

1.5 Fundamental Theorems on Limit.

1.6 Some important Limits. -

1.7 Problems.

2. Differentiation 6 Hours

2.1 Increments.

2.2 Differential Coefficient or Derivative.

2.3 Differentiation ab-initio or by First Principle.

2.4 Geometrical interpretation of Differential Coefficient.

2.5 Differential Coefficient of Xn (ax+ b)n .

2.6 Three important rules.

2.7 Problems.

3. Differentiation of Algebraic Functions 9 Hours

3.1 Explicit Functions.

3.2 Implicit Functions.

3.3 Parametric forms.

3.4 Problems.

4. Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions 6 Hours

4.1 Differential Coefficient of Sin-x, Cos-x, Tan-x from First Principle.
4.2 Differential Coefficient of Cosec-x, Sec-x, Cot-x.
4.3 Differential Coefficient of Inverse Trigonometric Functions.
4.4 Problems.

5. Differentiation of Logarithmic & Exponential Functions 6 Hours

5.1 Differentiation of Ln x.
5.2 Differentiation of Log ax
5.3 Differentiation of ax.
5.4 Differentiation of ex.
5.5 Problems.

6. Rate of Change of Variables 6 Hours
6.1 Increasing and Decreasing Functions.
6.2 Maxima and Minima Values.
6.3 Criteria for Maxima and Minima Values.
6.4 Methods of Findings.
6.5 Rate the Measure.
6.6 Slope of a line.
6.7 Velocity and Acceleration.
6.8 Problems.

7. Integration – Simple Basic Rules 9 Hours

7.1 Concept.
7.2 Fundamental Formulas.
7.3 Important Rules.
7.4 Problems.

8. Methods of Integration 9 Hours

8.1 Integration by Substitution.
8.2 Integration by parts.
8.3 Problems.

9. Definite Integrals 6 Hours

9.1 Properties.
9.2 Application to Area.
9.3 Problems.

10. Differential Equations 6 Hours

10.1 Introduction.
10.2 Order and Degrees.
10.3 First Order Differential Equation.
10.4 Solution.
10.5 Problems.

11. Plane Analytic Geometry & Straight Line 6 Hours

11.1 Coordinate System.
11.2 Distance Formula.
11.3 The Ratio Formulas
11.4 Inclination and slope of a line.

11.5 The slope formula. .

11.6 Problems

12. Equations of Straight Line 6 Hours

12.1 Some important forms.

12.2 General form.

12.3 Angle formula.

12.4 Parallelism and perpendicularity.

12.5 Problems.

13. Equations of Circle 6 Hours

13.1 Standard forms of equation.

13.2 Central form of equation.

13.3 General form of equation.

13.4 Radius and coordinates of center.

13.5 Problems.

14. Statistics 9 Hours

14.1 Concept of Mean, Median, and Mode.

14.2 Standard Deviation.

14.3 Laws of Probability.

14.4 Problems.


1. Thomas Finny, “Calculus and Analytic Geometry”.

2. Ghulam Yasin Minhas, Technical Mathematics, “Vol-I & II‟‟ Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.

3. Riaz Ali Khan, Polytechnic Mathematic Series, “Vol 1 & 11", Majeed Sons, Faisalabad.

4. Sana Ullah Bhatti, “Calculus and Analytic Geometry‟‟, Punjab Text Book Board, Lahore.


1. Use Concept of Functions and their Limits in Solving Simple Problems

1.1 Define a function. .

1.2 List all types of functions.

1.3 Explain the concept of limit and limit of a function.

1.4 Explain fundamental theorems on limits.

1.5 Derive some important limits.

1.6 Solve problems on limits.

2. Understand the Concept of Differential Coefficient

2.1 Derive mathematical expression for a differential coefficient.

2.2 Explain geometrical interpretation of differential coefficient.

2.3 Differentiate a constant, a constant associated with a variable and the sum of finite number of

2.4 Solve related problems.

3. Use Rules of Differentiation to Solve Problems of Algebraic Functions

3.1 Differentiate ab-initio xn and (ax + b)n.

3.2 Derive product, quotient, and chain rules.

3.3 Find derivatives of implicit functions and explicit functions.

3.4 Differentiate parametric forms, functions w. r. t. another function, and by rationalization.

3.5 Solve problems using these formulas.

4. Use Rules of Differentiation to Solve Problems Involving Trigonometric Functions

4.1 Differentiate from first principle sin x, cos x, tan x.

4.2 Derive formulas for Derivatives of sec x, cosec x, cot x.

4.3 Find differential coefficients of inverse trigonometric functions.

4.4 Solve problems based on these formulas.

5. Use Rules of Differentiation to Logarithmic and Exponential Functions.

5.1 Derive formulas for differential coefficient of logarithmic and exponential functions.

5.2 Solve problems using these formulas.

6. Understand Rate of Change of One Variable with respect to another

6.1 Derive formulae for velocity, acceleration, and slope of a line.

6.2 Define an increasing and a-decreasing function, maxima and minima values, and point of

6.3 Explain criteria for maxima and minima values of a function.

6.4 Solve problems involving rate of change of variables.

7. Use Rules of Integration in Solving Relevant Problems

7.1 Explain the concept of integration.

7.2 State basic theorems of integration.

7.3 List some important rule of integration.

7.4 Derive fundamental formulas of integration.

7.5 Solve problems of integration based on these rules/ Formulas.

8. Understand Different Methods of Integration

8.1 List standard formulas of integration.

8.2 Integrate a function by substitution method.

8.3 Find integrals by the method of integration by parts.

8.4 Solve problems using these methods.

9. Understand Methods of Solving Definite Integrals

9.1 Define definite integral

9.2 List properties of definite integrals.

9.3 Find areas under the curves using definite integrals.

9.4 Solve problems of definite integrals.

10. Use Different Methods of Integration to Solve Differential Equations

10.1 Define a differential equation, its degree and order.

10.2 Explain method of separation of variables to solve differential equation of first order and
first degree.
10.3 Solve differential equations of first order and first degree.

11. Understand the Concept of Plane Analytic Geometry

11.1 Explain the rectangular co-ordinate system.
11.2 Locate points in different quadrants.
11.3 Derive distance formula.
11.4 Prove section formulas.
11.5 Derive slope formula.
11.6 Solve problems using these formulas.

12. Use Equations of Straight Line in Solving Problems

12.1 Define straight lines.
12.2 Write general form of equation of a straight line.
12.3 Derive slope intercept and intercept forms of equations of straight lines.
12.4 Derive expression for angle between two straight lines.
12.5 Derive conditions of perpendicularity and parallelism of two straight lines.
12.6 Solve problems involving these equations/formulas.

13. Solve Technology Problems Using Equations of Circle

13.1 Define a circle.
13.2 Describe standard, central, and general forms of the equation of a circle.
13.3 Convert general form to the central form of equation of a circle.
13.4 Derive formula for the radius and the coordinates of the center of a circle from the
general form.
13.5 Derive equation of the circle passing through three given points.
13.6 Solve problems involving these equations.

14. Understand the Basic Concept of Statistics

14.1 Define mean, median, and mode.

14.2 Explain standard deviation.
14.3 State laws of probability.
14.4 Calculate the above mentioned quantities using the proper formulas.


CODE: Mgm-211 T P C

1 0 1


Theory 32

Practical 0

PRE-REQUISITE: The students shall already be familiar with the language concerned.


The course has been designed to enable the students to.

1. Develop communication skills.

2. Understand basic principles of good and effective business writing in commercial and Industrial fields.

5. Develop knowledge and skill to write technical report with confidence and accuracy.


1. Communication Process 6 Hours

1.1 Purposes of communication.

1.2 Communication process.

1.3 Distortions in communication.

1.4 Consolidation of communiqués

1.5 Communication flow

1.6 Communication of self-development.

2. Communication Skills 6 Hours

2.1 Significance of speaking.

2.2 Verbal and non-verbal messages.

2.3 Strategic steps of speaking.

2.4 Characteristics of effective oral messages.

2.5 Communication trafficking.

2.6 Oral presentation.

3. Questioning Skills 3 Hours

3.1 Nature of question.

3.2 Types of questions.

3.3 Characteristics of a good question.

3.4 Questioning strategy.

4. Listening Skills 5 Hours

4.1 Principles of active listening.

4.2 Skills of active listening.

4.3 Barriers to listening.

4.4 Reasons of poor listening.

4.5 Giving feedback.

5. Interviewing Skills 3 Hours

5.1 Significance of interviews.

5.2 Characteristics of interviews.

5.3 Activities in an interviewing situation.

5.4 Types of interviews.

5.5 Interviewing strategy.

6. Report Writing

6.1 Goals of report writing.

6.2 Report format.

6.3 Types of reports.

6.4 Report writing strategy

7. Reading Comprehension 2 Hours

7.1 Reading problems.

7.2 Four reading skills.

8. Group Communication 4 Hours

8.1 Purposes of conducting meetings.

8.2 Planning a meeting.

8.3 Types of meetings.

8.4 Selection of a group for meeting.

8.5 Group leadership skills.

8.6 Running a successful meeting.

8.7 Active participation techniques.


1. Sh. Ata -ur-Rehman, “Effective Business Communication and Report Writing‟‟.

2. Ulman J. N. Cloud J.R. “Technical Reporting‟‟.

1. Understand the Communication Process

1.1 State the benefits of two way of communication. ,

1.2 Describe a model of communication process.

1.3 Explain the major communication methods used -in organizations.

1.4 Identify the barriers to communication and methods to overcome these Barriers.

1.5 Identify misconceptions about communication.

2. Understand the process of Oral

2.1 Identify speaking situations with other people. .

2.2 Identify the strategic steps of speaking. 3

2.3 Identify the characteristics of effective oral messages. ;

2.4 State the principles of one-way communication.

2.5 State the principles of two-way communication.

2.6 Identify the elements of oral presentation skills.

2.7 Determine the impact of non-verbal communication on oral communication.

3. Determine the Uses of Questioning skills to Gather and Clarify Information in the Oral
Communication Process

3.1 Identify different types of questions.

3.2 Determine the purpose of each type of question and its application.

3.3 Identify the hazards to be avoided when asking questions. ,

3.4 Demonstrate questioning skills.

4. Demonstrate the Use of Active Listening Skills in the Oral Communication


4.1 State the principles of active listening.

4.2 Identify skills of active listening.

4.3 Identify barriers to active listening.

4.4 State the benefits of active listening.

4.5 Demonstrate listening skills.

4.6 Explain the importance of giving and receiving feedback.

5. Determine the Appropriate Interview Type for the Specific Work-Related

Situation and Conduct a Work-Related Interview

5.1 State the significance of interviews.

5.2 State the characteristics of interviews.

5.3 Explain the activities in an interviewing situation.

5.4 Describe the types of interviews.

5.5 Explain the interviewing strategy.

5.6 Prepare instrument for a structured interview.

6. Prepare a Report Outline Based on Subject Matter and Audience

6.1 Identify the different types of reports.

6.2 Determine when to use an informal or formal report presentation. '

6.3 Identify the stages of planning a report.

6.4 Identify the parts of a report and chose the parts appropriate for each type of Report.

6.5 Draft a report outline.

7. Demonstrate Reading Comprehension

7.1 Identify major reading problems.

7.2 Identify basic reading skills.

7.3 State methods of previewing written material.

7.4 Identify methods of concentration when reading.

7.5 Demonstrate reading comprehension.

8. Understand the Principles of Group Communication

8.1 State the purposes and characteristics of major types of meetings.

8.2 Explain responsibilities of a meeting/committee.

8.3 Identify problems likely to be faced at meeting and means to overcome these Problems. .

8.4 Distinguish between content and process at meetings.

8.5 Explain the key characteristics of a good group facilitator.


CODE NO. P.T. 223 3 0 3


1. Electric Current and Ohm’s Law

General Objective:
Understand the basic facts about Electric Current and Ohm‟s Law.

Specific Objectives:
1.1 Describe in brief the modern Electron theory of electricity.
1.2 Describe the idea of Electric Potential.
1.3 Define resistance and units of resistance
1.4 State 04 Factors on which the resistance offered by a Conductor depends.
1.5 Define the term resistivity and its units.
1.6 Define the terms conductance and conductivity.
1.7 List the effect of temperature on resistance.
1.8 State and explain Ohm‟s Law .

1.9 Characteristics of a series, parallel and series-parallel circuit.
1.10 Describe briefly the terms short and open circuits.
1.11 Derive equation for divisions of current in parallel circuits and solve basic problems.

2. Network Theorems

General Objective:
Understand the basic Network theorems in solving fundamental problems on network.

Specific Objectives:
2.1 State and explain Kirchhoff‟s Laws.
2.2 State and explain Thevenin‟s theorem.
2.3 State and explain Super position theorem.
2.4 State and explain Norton‟s theorem.
2.5 Solve fundamental problems in Network analysis.
2.6 Draw circuits and solve problems by using Delta/ Star and Star/ Delta transformation.

3. Work, Power and Energy

General Objective:
Understand the terms Work, Power and Energy and solve fundamental problems.

Specific Objectives:
3.1 State the effect of Electric Current and Joules Law.
3.2 Define the term Thermal Efficiency, Absolute and Gravitational units of force and work.
3.3 Solve fundamental problems of work, power and energy.

4. Magnetism and Electro-Magnetism

General Objective:
Understand the relationship between electricity and magnetism.

Specific Objectives:

4.1 Define magnetism, magnetic fields, flux density, poles, magneto motive force, saturation,
demagnetization, residual magnetism, reluctance.
4.2 Describe the creation of magnetic field by current around a conductor.
4.3 Discuss the magnetic materials and theory of magnetism.
4.4 Distinguish between temporary and permanent magnets.
4.5 Describe magnetic shield, induced voltage, magnetic quantities and units.
4.6 Define the terms permeability and relative permeability.
4.7 Describe the function of electromagnet, solenoid and relays.

5. Electromagnetic Induction.
General Objective:
Understand the elementary facts about electromagnetic induction.

Specific Objectives:
5.1 Explain how induced E.M.F. and current is produced.
5.2 State Faraday‟s Law.
5.3 Explain Flemings right band rule and Lenz‟s law.
5.4 Explain the types of Induced EMF; dynamically and statically induced.
5.5 Explain how mutual and self induction is produced.
5.6 Define the term self inductance, coefficients of self and mutual inductance.
5.7 Describe the basic principle of working of a transformer.

6. Capacitance
General Objective:
Understand Capacitance.

Specific Objectives:
6.1 Define the term capacitance and its units.
6.2 Describe basic capacitor action.
6.3 Discuss voltage rating

6.4 Discuss 04 factors for determining capacitance
6.5 Describe the types of capacitors.
6.6 Draw schematic symbols for capacitors.
6.7 Discuss capacitors in DC & AC Circuits.
6.8 Solve problems when capacitors are arranged in series and in parallel.
6.9 List the uses of capacitors.

7. Inductance
General Objective:
Understand inductance and inductors.

Specific Objectives:
7.1 Discuss the characteristics of inductance and unit of inductance.
7.2 Discuss the factors determining inductance.
7.3 Describe the types of inductors and rating of inductors.
7.4 Solve problems when inductors are connected in series and parallel.
7.5 Describe how mutual inductance is prevented.

8. Alternating Current and Voltage

General Objective:
Understand the characteristics of alternating current.

Specific Objectives:
8.1 Define the basic alternating current terminologies.
8.2 Distinguish between A.C. & D.C.
8.3 List the applications of A.C. & D.C.

8.4 Explain the working of a single coil A.C. generator.
8.5 Describe the three ways of representing alternating EMF.
8.6 Describe average value and effective value of alternating EMF
8.7 Discuss phase relations of current and voltage.
8.8 List advantages of alternating current.
8.9 Discuss the causes and effects of leading and lagging current.
8.10 Explain the generation of three phase A.C.
8.11 List advantages of three phase A.C
8.12 Solve problems when resistance/ inductance and capacitance are connected in A.C. Current.
8.13 Explain the term power factor, form factor, true power and apparent power.
8.14 Solve fundamental problems on power factor and power.

9. Chemical Effect of Current

General Objective:
Understand the chemical effect of current.

Specific Objectives:
9.1 State Faraday‟s Law of Electrolysis.
9.2 Define the term Polarization or back EMF.
9.3 Describe the parts of a lead acid battery.
9.4 List active materials of a lead acid cell.
9.5 Write chemical equations w.r.t. chemical changes i.e. discharging and charging of a cell
9.6 Give applications of lead-acid batteries.
9.7 Describe charging system of batteries i.e. constant current & constant voltage systems.
9.8 Discuss causes and cure of sulphation.
9.9 Discuss points for keeping the battery in good condition.
9.10 Describe the types of akaline batteries and their chemical changes.

10. Phasor Algebra.

General Objective:
Understand the fundamentals of Phasor Algebra.

Specific Objectives:
10.1 Solve basic problems on addition and subtraction of Vector quantities.
10.2 Solve basic problems on Multiplication and division of Vector quantities.
10.3 Solve basic problems on powers and roots of vectors.

11. Series A.C. Circuits

General Objective:
Solve problems on series A.C. Circuits.

Specific Objectives:

11.1 Solve basic problems on A.C., R-L Circuit. Active and Reactive components of circuit currents.
Active , Reactive and Apparent Power.

11.2 Define the term power factor and solve problems on lagging and leading P.F.
11.3 Solve basic problems on AC, R-C circuit for calculating P.F. and average power.
11.4 Solve basic problems on AC, R-L-C series circuit.

12. Parallel A.C. Circuit

General Objective:
Solve problems on parallel A.C. Circuit.

Specific Objectives:
12.1 Solve basic problems by vector method
12.2 Solve basic problems by admittance method.


13. Semi-Conductors Devices; Diodes, Transistors and Integrated Circuits.

General Objective:
Familiarize with Semi-conductors devices and their functions.

Specific Objectives:

13.1 Define the terms conductors, Semi-conductors and insulators.

13.2 List the Characteristics of Semiconductors.
13.3 Describe the function of Semiconductors in control functions such as rectifiers, amplifiers, detectors,
oscillators and switching elements.

13.4 Describe the types of Semiconductors, pure and impure (N type and P type)
13.5 Describe the Semiconductors materials and impurities.
13.6 Explain the operation of semiconductor junction diodes.
13.7 Describe the construction, working and uses of PN Junction diode.
13.8 Draw the diode circuit diagrams with forward and reverse bias.
13.9 Discuss forward and reverse biasing of diodes.
13.10 Draw schematic symbols of different types of special diodes and explain briefly their function,
construction, operation and applications/ uses.
13.11 Describe the principle of working junction transistors (NPN & PNP)
13.12 Describe the principle of working junction transistor and NPN & PNP biasing.
13.13 Describe the basic construction, working and uses of JFET, FET (MOSEET)
13.14 Describe the term Rectification and discuss single three phase half-wave and full wave rectifier circuit.
13.15 Define an Oscillator and give its function, classification and uses of Oscillator.
13.16 List the advantages and drawbacks of ICs.
13.17 Describe the classification of ICs by function.
13.18 Write down the applications of ICs.
13.19 Explain what an OP-AMP is and describe its function & application.
13.20 Draw schematic symbol of OP-AMP.

14. Thyristor
General Objective:

Understand the construction, characteristics and uses of Thyristors.

Specific Objectives:
14.1 Draw the symbolic representation of uni and bi-directional thyristors
14.2 Describe the function of Thyristors.
14.3 Describe the construction of SCR, DIAC and TRIAC
14.4 Explain the principle of working of SCR, DIAC & TRIAC.
14.5 Describe the advantages of thyristor family devices.
14.6 Comparison of Thyristor and Uni-junction Transistor.

15. Time Delay Circuits

General Objective:
Understand the time delay action.

Specific Objectives:
15.1 Draw symbolic representation of UJT.
15.2 Explain the construction and working of UJT.
15.3 Describe the UJT time delay action.

16. Temperature Sensors:

General Objective:
Understand the principle of working of different types of temperature sensors used in industry.

Specific Objectives:
16.1 Describe the function of Thermistor
16.2 Explain the basic construction and working principle of thermistor.
16.3 Explain the working principle of thermocouple.
16.4 Describe the uses of thermo couple.

17. Photo Devices:

General Objective:
Understand the different types of Photo devices used in Electronics

Specific Objectives:
17.1 Discuss different effects when same materials are exposed to light.
17.2 Explain the Photo conduction operation.

17.3 List the advantages and disadvantages of resistive photo conductors.
17.4 Describe the principle of working of photo Voltaic devices, photo diodes, light activated PN Junction
devices, light emitting diodes,optically coupled isolators and liquid crystal displays.
17.5 Discuss the different applications of photo devices such as Light Activated Silicon Control Rectifier
(LASCR) ,Pin hole detection light failure etc.

18. Core Reactor and Relays

General Objective:
Understand the principle of working and applications of saturable core reactors and different types
of relays.

Specific Objectives:
18.1 Describe the construction and working of saturable core reactors.
18.2 Describe the principle of sequence timer.
18.3 Explain the principle of working of heat sensitive relay.
18.4 Describe the working principle of reflex photo electric relays.
18.5 Explain the working of resistance sensitive relay.

19. Pneumatic Controls

General Objective:
Understand different types of Pneumatic controls.

Specific Objectives:
19.1 Define terminology of Pneumatics.
19.2 Explain with the help of diagram a Pneumatic control system
19.3 Explain different types of controllers.
19.4 Explain different methods for pressure measurement.



CODE NO. P.T. 223 3 0 3

PRE-REQUISITE: Knowledge of applied physics and mathematics.


 To provide knowledge of principles of basic electricity and electronics.

 To provide knowledge in application of electricity and electronics principles in industries
and power plants.

1. Electric Current and Ohm’s Law 10 Hrs
1.1 Modern Electron theory of Electricity.
1.2 Electric Potential, Resistance, Electric currents and their units.
1.3 Laws of Resistance, Units of Resistivity.
1.4 Conductance and Conductivity.
1.5 Effect of temperature on resistance.
1.6 Ohm‟s law, resistance in series, parallel and series-parallel circuits.
1.7 Short and open in series and parallel circuits.
1.8 Solve fundamental problems on Ohm‟s law, series, parallel and series-parallel circuits.

2. Network Theorems 10 Hrs

2.1 Kirchhoff‟s current law and voltage law.
2.2 Application of Kirchhoff‟s law in solving fundamental problems.
2.3 Thevenin‟s theorem, explanation and solving fundamental problems.
2.4 Super position theorem, explanation and solving fundamental problems.
2.5 Delta/ Star and Star/ Delta transformation.
2.6 Norton‟s theorem, explanation and solving fundamental problems.

3. Work, Power and Energy

3.1 Effect of Electric Current
3.2 Joule‟s law Electric heating
3.3 Thermal efficiency
3.4 Absolute and gravitational units.
3.5 Solving fundamental problems on work, power and energy.

4. Magnetism and Electro Magnetism 6 Hrs

4.1 Magnetism and magnets
4.2 Magnetic fields, flux density and poles.
4.3 Electro magnetism.
4.4 Magnetic materials and theory of magnetism.
4.5 Magnetizing magnetic materials.
4.6 Magneto motive force, saturation, demagnetizing.
4.7 Residual magnetism, reluctance.

4.8 Magnetic shields, induced voltage, magnetic quantities and units: Permeability and relative
4.9 Electro magnets
4.10 Solenoids and relays.

5. Electromagnetic Induction 4 Hrs

5.1 Production of induced E.M.F. and current
5.2 Faraday‟s laws of electromagnetic Induction
5.3 Direction of induced EMF and current Flemings Right Hand Rule, Lenz‟s law.
5.4 Dynamically induced EMF. Statistically induced EMF – Mutually and self induced EMF.
5.5 Self inductance, Mutual inductance, Coefficient of Self and Mutual Inductance.
5.6 Basic principle of simple transformer.

6. Capacitance 6 Hrs
6.1 Terminology:- Capacitor, Capacitance, Basic capacitor action, voltage rating, unit of capacitance,
determining capacitance and types of capacitors.
6.2 Schematic symbols capacitors in D.C & A.C circuits.
6.3 Capacitors in series.
6.4 Capacitors in parallel uses of capacitors.
6.5 Fundamental problems.
7. Inductance
7.1 Characteristics of inductance, unit of inductance
7.2 Factors determining inductance
7.3 Types of inductors, ratings of inductors.
7.4 Inductors in D.C. & A.C. Circuits.
7.5 Inductors in series and parallel.
7.6 Preventing mutual inductance, undesired inductance.

8. Alternating Current and Voltage 12 Hrs

8.1 Basic terminologies:- Cycle, Time period, Frequency, Phase, Phase difference, Root Mean Square.
8.2 Wave forms, square value, average value and Form factor peak value.
8.3 Difference between A.C. & D.C.; Applications of A.C. & D.C. single coil A.C. generator. Wave form
in a cycle. Three ways of representing alternating EMF vector diagram, EMF Equation.
8.4 Average value of an alternating EMF

8.5 Effective value of an alternating EMF
8.6 Phase relations of current and voltage
8.7 Advantages of alternating current.
8.8 Resistance, inductance and capacitance in A.C. circuits.
8.9 Lagging current, leading current inductive reactance, a cause of lagging current. Capacitive reactance, a
cause of leading current.
8.10 Three phase alternating current and its advantage.
8.11 Power in A.C. Circuits.

9. Chemical Effects of Current 6 Hrs

9.1 Faraday‟s laws of Electrolysis
9.2 Back E.M.F.
9.3 Parts of lead-Acid, active materials of Lead-acid battery.
9.4 Active materials of a Lead acid cell, Nickel cadmium cells.
9.5 Chemical changes-discharging, charging Carbon-Zinc and Zinc Chloride cells.
9.6 Formation of plates of lead acid cells; plante process.
9.7 Faure process
9.8 Comparison of plante and Faure plates
9.9 Applications of lead-acid batteries.
9.10 Charging system – constant current and constant voltage system.
9.11 Sulphation – causes and cure
9.12 Maintenance of Lead-acid cells.
9.13 Alkaline batteries – Nickle iron, Nickle cadamium, silver-Zinc and chemical changes.

10. Phasor Algebra 4 Hrs

10.1 Mathematical representation of vectors; symbolic notation, Trigonometric, Exponential and Polar
forms. Significance of operator J.
10.2 Addition, subtraction ,multiplication and division of vector Quantities.
10.3 120° operator
10.4 Fundamental problems solving

11. Series A.C. Circuits 4 Hrs

11.1 A.C. through resistance and inductance
11.2 Power, Power factor, Active and reactive components of circuit current.

11.3 Active, reactive and apparent power.
11.4 A.C. through resistance and capacitance
11.5 Resistance, inductance and capacitance in series.
11.6 Solving fundamental problems n series A.C. Circuits.

12. Parallel A.C. Circuits 4 Hrs

12.1 Vector or Phasor method
12.2 Admittance method
12.3 Solving fundamental problems


13. Semi Conductor, Devices, Diodes, Transistor and Integrated Circuits 8 Hrs
13.1 Insulators, conductors and semi conductors.
13.2 Types of semi conductors, pure and impure (N type and P type)
13.3 Semi conductor materials and impurities.
13.4 P-N Junction forward and reverse biased .
13.5 P-N Junction diode construction, working and uses.
13.6 Diodes: Zener diode construction, configuration and applications. Pin diode construction, operation and
application uses. Shottky diode construction, operation and application. Function of Tunnel diode and
varactor diode.
13.7 Transistors, types of transistors; NPN & PNP construction and operation of transistors. Transistor
biasing, Field effect transistor.
13.8 Rectifiers, amplifiers and Oscillators.
13.9 Integrated circuits
13.10 Introductions and advantages of ICs, Drawbacks of ICs.
13.11 Classification of ICs by function.
13.12 Applications of ICs, OP-Amp, Symbol, Function and Application.

14. Thyristor 2 Hrs

14.1 Thyristor function
14.2 Advantages disadvantages and application of Thyristor.
14.3 Silicon controlled rectifier – construction working principle, SCR Characteristics. Uses of SCR.

15. Time Delay Circuits 2 Hrs
15.1 Delayed action circuits, time constant of resistance inductance circuits.
15.2 Uni-junction transistors, basic concepts.
15.3 Delay timer using UJT

16. Temperature Sensors 2 Hrs

16.1 Thermistor – Definition of Thermistor, construction, working principle and its uses.
16.2 Types of thermistors
16.3 Thermocouple, description and uses of thermocouple

17. Photo Devices 4 Hrs

17.1 Principle of operation of photo devices and effects when various materials are exposed to light,
photo conductive and photo voltaic devices.
17.2 Photo diodes
17.3 Light activated PN Junction devices
17.4 Light Emitting diodes (L.E.D.)
17.5 Application of photo devices
17.6 Optically coupled isolators
17.7 Liquid crystal displays (L.C.D.)
17.8 Illumination Control counter
17.9 Pin Hole Detection
18. Core Reactor and Relays 2 Hrs
18.1 Construction and working of saturable core reactors.
18.2 Principle of sequence timer
18.3 Principle of heat sensitive relay
18.4 Principle of reflex photo electric relays
18.5 Working of resistance sensitive relay
18.6 Pneumatic Controls

19. Pneumatic Controls 2 Hrs

19.1 Introduction of Pneumatic system
19.2 Terminology of Pneumatics
19.3 Pneumatic systems
19.4 Controllers – Pneumatic valves used in controller, motion balance, force balance controllers

19.5 Pneumatic time network – Integral action and three term controllers.
19.6 Pressure measuring devices.


 DC/AC Electricity
Victor F. Veley (Glencee Tech Series)

 Understanding Electricity and Electronics Technology Vth Edition

Buban, Schmitt Carter

 A text book of Electrical Technology by B.L. Theraja, A.K. Theraja (1960)

 Electricity Electronics Fundamentals 4th Edition

Paul B.Zbar. Joseph Sloop 1993. Mc-Graw Hill, Glencoe

 Element of Electricity
W.H. Timble

 Basic Electronics 7th Edition. Zbar

 Manual on Industrial Electronics

Karmani/ Wahida Bano

 Electricity, Principles and applications by Fowler.


3 3 4


1. Work, Power, Energy and Acceleration

General Objective:
Understand to solve fundamental problems on work, power, energy and watt governor machines.

Specific Objectives:

1.1 Torque, Centripetal and centrifugal forces.

1.2 Apply formula of workdone in solving simple problems

1.3 Apply basic formula in finding indicated power, brake power, rotary power and mechanical
1.4 Derive formula for finding transmission of Power by chain, belt or gears
1.5 Explain energy, potential and kinetic energy
1.6 Apply basic formula in finding kinetic energy rotation and torque.
1.7 Solve problems on Torque required to turn a flywheel and shaft, RPM, MASS of wheel.
1.8 Define and explain centripetal and centrifugal forces
1.9 Explain the effect of a conical pendulum and solve simple problems on Watt Governor.

2. Sliding Friction
General Objective:
Solve problems on sliding friction

Specific Objectives:
2.1 Define and explain the terms, friction, sliding friction and co-efficient of friction
2.2 State the law of sliding friction
2.3 Solve problems on pull along a horizontal plane, Force not parallel to horizontal plane and force
parallel to inclined plane.

3. Moments
General Objective:
Solve problems on First Moments

Specific Objectives:
3.1 Define the terms moment, clockwise and anticlockwise moments
3.2 State the conditions of Equilibrium
3.3 Solve problems in finding reactions at each end and movements lever safety valve, couple and
centre of Gravity.

4. Stress, Strain and Strength of Pressure Vessel

General Objective:
Understand stress, strain and solve related problems.

Specific Objectives:
4.1 Define and explain the terms, stress, strain and modulus of elasticity
4.2 Solve fundamental problems on stress, strain, modulus of elasticity and factor of safety
4.3 Derive the formula for finding stresses on longitudinal end Circumferential sections of Boiler Drum.
4.4 Solve problems on strength of pressure Vessels.

5. Bending of Beams
General Objective:
Understand to solve problems in bending of Beams

Specific Objectives:
5.1 Solve problems on fundamental cases of simply supported beams and cantilevers with concentrated
and /or Distributed loads.
5.2 Draw shearforce and bending moment diagrams
5.3 Solve standard example problems

6. Torsion
General Objective:
Understand to solve fundamental problems on Torsion.

Specific Objectives:
6.1 Derive the fundamental Torsion equation
6.2 Compare the strength and weight of two shafts and drive the relationship between torque and Power
6.3 Derive formula for finding torque Transmitted by bolts
6.4 Solve fundamental problems on the above

7. Hydraulics:
General Objective:

Understand the basic Principles of Hydraulics and by using basic formula, solve fundamental
problems in Hydraulics.

Specific Objectives:
7.1 Define and explain the Units and common terms used in Hydraulics
7.2 Solve density, volume and mass problems
7.3 Calculate output power of feed pump
7.4 Calculate air pressure in the duct of a manometer
7.5 Calculate load on immurned service, centre of pressure
7.6 State and prove Bernouilli‟s equation
7.7 Solve problems on flowing liquid through pipes
7.8 Solve problems on Bernouilli‟s theorem
7.9 Solve problems on venturimeter, meter coefficient, discharge through an Orifice
7.10 Solve problems on impact of water jet
7.11 Solve centrifugal pump problems for finding head, power and manometric efficiency.


Code No. P.T. 234 T P CH

Total Contact Hours 96 334
Theory 48
Practical 48

PRE REQUISITES: Knowledge of applied physics and mathematics

AIM: To enable students to solve basic problems of applied mechanics and hydraulics.

1. Work, Power, Energy and Acceleration 6 Hrs

1.1 Definitions of common terms
1.2 Work, graphical representation

1.3 Indicated power, brake power, rotary power
1.4 Mechanical efficiency
1.5 Transmission of power
1.6 Potential and kinetic energy
1.7 Centripetal, centrifugal forces and conical pendulum
1.8 Problems solving in work, power, energy and conical pendulum

2. Sliding Friction 4 Hrs

2.1 Coefficient of friction
2.2 Forces parallel and not parallel to horizontal plane
2.3 Forces parallel to inclined plane
2.4 Problem solving

3. Moments 3 Hrs
3.1 Introduction to moments, clockwise and anticlockwise moments
3.2 Moment of force and application, couple
3.3 Centre of gravity
3.4 Moment of Inertia
3.5 Problems solving

4. Stress, Strain and Strength of Pressure Vessel 4 Hrs

4.1 Stress, Strain, Modulus of Elasticity
4.2 Factor of safety
4.3 Thin cylinders, working pressure and effect of Beam strength
4.4 Problem solving

5. Bending of Beams 8 Hrs

5.1 Conditions of equilibrium
5.2 Simply supported beam and cantilevers
5.3 Concentrated and distributed loading
5.4 Shearing force and bonding moment diagram

5.5 Problem solving

6. Torsion 3 Hrs
6.1 Fundamental Torsion equation
6.2 Relationship between torque and stress, stress and power
6.3 Coupling bolts
6.4 Problem solving

7. Hydraulics 20 Hrs
7.1 Units and common terms
7.2 Volumetric expansion, mixing of liquid, apparent loss of weight of a submerged body,
floating bodies.
7.3 Pressure, head, manometers, load on immersed service
7.4 Flow of liquid through pipe
7.5 Bernouilli‟s theorem and equation, effect of friction
7.6 Venturimeter, meter coefficient
7.7 Discharge through an orifice, friction in pipes
7.8 Impact of water jet
7.9 Centrifugal pump manometric head, power pump and manomatric effiency
7.10 Problems solving

BOOK: Reed‟s Applied Mechanics for Engineers by Willam Embeton (1983)


3 3 4


1. Beams, Principles of moments, balance, weighing actions, reaction forces.

2. Parallel and non-parallel forces. Principles of moments
3. Potential and kinetic energy, simple pendulum, spring balance, flywheel
4. Verification of the direction of rotation of open and crossed belt drives and that the speed
of rotation of the two pulleys is inversely proportional to their diameters

5. Checking the speed rotation of a chain drive and measuring the efficiency of drive
6. Friction, sliding, inclined plane, angle of friction, wedge, bearings, antifriction
7. Investigation of the forces acting over an inclined plane
8. Investigation of the forces acting over an Horizontal plane
9. Impact of a jet upon surfaces, measuring the force exerted on different targets and
comparison with the forces predicted by momentum theory.
10. Flow over weirs, demonstrating the characteristics of flow over a rectangular and a vee
notch, determining the coefficient of discharge
11. Demonstration of Bernovilli‟s theorem and its limitation through a venture tube.
Determining the meter coefficient at various flow rates
12. Determining the contraction, discharge and velocity coefficients
13. Measuring the losses in the devices related the flow rates. Investigation the variation of
friction head along a circular stainless steel pipe
14. Demonstrating the phenomena associated with open channel flow
15. Establishing the characteristics of flow and pressure and determining efficiency of
hydraulic ram
16. Finding experimentally the coefficient of discharge for a small orifice with flow under
constant head and flow under varying head


List of Equipments


Applied mechanics universal set of mechanism. Edibon S.A. complete in all respect with all possibility
of experiments.

2. FME

Hydraulic Bench, Edibon, S.A. with all possibilities of experiments (FM 01 to FM 19), complete in
all respect in the catalog.

 Hydraulic bench
 Centrifugal pump; 0.5 cv. 1,5 1/sec, at 14m head
 Tank capacity: 165 Ltrs
 Short channel: 8 Ltrs
 Flow measurements: Calibrated volumetric tank, 0-71 for low floe and 0-401 for high flow
 Weight 70 kg


CODE NO. P.T. 223 3 0 3


1. Iron Manufacture

General Objective:
Understand the prospects for manufacture of Iron.

Specific Objectives:
1.1 Define metallurgy
1.2 Discuss the main fields of metallurgy

1.3 Illustrate the general scheme of iron manufacture
1.4 Describe the processes for manufacture of pig iron & cast iron
1.5 Explain briefly the construction and working of blast furnace and cupola furnace
1.6 Explain the types of Cast iron, white, grey and ductile
1.7 Enlist the properties of Pig iron and cast iron

2. Steel Manufacture

General Objective:
Understand the processes for manufacture of steel

Specific Objectives:
2.1 Describe the common steel making processes
2.2 Explain briefly the construction and working of Bassemer converter, open hearth and electric arc
2.3 Compare the Bassemer and open hearth processing
2.4 Describe the three types of steel, semikilled, rimmed and capped steel
2.5 Explain the quality of alloy steel used for boiler tubes
2.6 Explain steel of ingots

3. Atomic Structure of Iron

General Objective:
Understand the atomic structure of Iron.
Specific Objectives:
3.1 Draw space lattice diagram of Crystalline Structure
3.2 Explain the atomic structure of Iron

4. Physical Metallurgy of Steel

General Objective:
Understand the phase changes and transformation in steel & alloys.

Specific Objectives:

4.1 Explain the phase changes in iron-carbon
4.2 Discuss the critical points in steel
4.3 Explain the isothermal transformation in steel
4.4 Explain the effect of alloying elements on steel

5. Microscopic Examination
General Objective:
Understand the micro-structure changes in steel from alloy

Specific Objectives:
5.1 Explain briefly the microstructure of Austenite
5.2 Explain briefly the microstructure of Ferrite
5.3 Explain briefly the microstructure of Cementite
5.4 Explain briefly the microstructure of Bainite, Martensite

6. Specific Effect of Alloying Element

General Objective:
Understand the effects of alloying element

Specific Objectives:
6.1 Discuss the effects of Carbon, Silicon, Manganese
6.2 Discuss the effects of chromium, nickel, molybdenum
6.3 Discuss the effects of Tungsten, Vanadium, Aluminum
6.4 Discuss the effects of Titanium and Columbium and copper

7. Non Ferrous Metals and Their Properties

General Objective:
Understand the properties of Non ferrous metals.

Specific Objectives:

7.1 Enlist the properties of Aluminum, Tin, Lead, Nickel

7.2 Enlist the properties of Zinc, Molybdenum, Vanadium, Tungsten
7.3 Enlist the properties of Chromium and Manganese

8. Non Ferrous Alloys

General Objective:
Understand the properties of Non ferrous alloys.
Specific Objectives:
8.1 Enlist the properties of Brass, Bronze, Gunmetal
8.2 Enlist the properties of Aluminum bronzes, Duralumineus and stainless steel.

9. Heat Treatment Practices

General Objective:
Understand how the properties of steel can be changed by the heat treatment practices.
Specific Objectives:
9.1 Describe the purpose of annealing and Normalizing
9.2 Describe the purpose of Spheroidizing, Quenching, Tempering

10. Mechanical Working of Steel

General Objective:
Understand how the properties of steel can interchange into mechanical working.
Specific Objectives:
10.1 Describe the cold working process
10.2 Describe the hot working process
10.3 Explain the methods of hot working

11. Mechanical properties of Steel

General Objective:
Understand how the mechanical properties of steel can be assured and tested.

Specific Objectives:
11.1 Explain tensile test in brief
11.2 Explain Brinell hardness test in brief
11.3 Explain impact test in brief

12. High Temperature properties of steel

General Objective:
Understand how the high temperature properties of steel can be assured and tested.
Specific Objectives:
12.1 Define and explain creep.



Contact Hours: 64

PRE REQUISITE: Knowledge of Chemistry and Physics

AIMS: At the end of this subject, student will be able to:

I) Develop an understanding of manufacture of iron & steel

II) Gain knowledge of properties of metals

1.1 Definition of Metallurgy
1.2 Main fields of metallurgy
1.3 Extraction of iron from iron ores
1.4 General scheme of iron manufacture
1.5 Pig iron, properties of pig iron, pig iron manufacture in blast furnace
1.6 Cast iron, properties and uses of cast iron, cast iron manufacture in cupola furnace. Construction of
cupola furnace. White cast iron, grey cast iron, ductile cast iron.

2.1 General description of steel
2.2 Steel making processes, Bessemer, open hearth and electric processes.
2.3 Comparison of Bessemer and open hearth process
2.4 Quality alloy steel
2.5 Steel Ingots
2.6 Steel types, killed, semi killed, rimmed and caped


3.1 Physical Metallurgy of Steel
3.2 Phase changes
3.3 Critical points
3.4 Transformation in steel
3.5 Alloying Element

4.1 Austenite
4.2 Perlite
4.3 Gentits
4.4 Bainite


5.1 Carbon
5.2 Phoaphorous
5.3 Silicon

5.4 Manganese
5.5 Chromium
5.6 Nickel
5.7 Molybdnium
5.8 Tungsten
5.9 Vanadium
5.10 Alaminats
5.11 Mobios
5.12 Copper


6.1 Aluminium
6.2 Tin
6.3 Lead
6.4 Nickel
6.5 Zinc
6.6 Vanadium`
6.7 Molybdnium
6.8 Tungsten
6.9 Chromium
6.10 Manganese


7.1 Brass
7.2 Bronze
7.3 Gunmetal
7.4 Aluminum Bronzes
7.5 Duraluminous
7.6 Stainless steel etc.


8.1 Annealing
8.2 Normalizing

8.3 Spheroidsing
8.4 Quenching
8.5 Tempering
8.6 Casehardening processes


9.1 Cold working and hot working
9.2 Forging
9.3 Boiling
9.4 Production of plates


10.1 Tensile test
10.2 Hardness test
10.3 Impact test


11.1 Creep test
11.2 Creep rupture test
11.3 Factors effecting creep.


 Steam / Its generation and use (1978)

Babeok and Wilcox Co.

 Engineering Materials 6th revised edition

By Surendre Singh






General Objective:
Understand the fuel and their uses in Power Generation

Specific Objectives:
1.1 Define fuel and constituents of fuel
1.2 Describe the importance of fuel in Power Generation
1.3 Describe how energy from fuels is being utilized in generating power


General Objective:
Understand the types of Solid, liquid and gaseous fuels
Specific Objectives:
2.1 Describe formation of coal
2.2 Describe types of coal in respect of their rank
2.3 Explain liquid fuels


General Objective:
Understand the quantity of fuel reserves in Pakistan.

Specific Objectives:
3.1 Describe coal reserve in Pakistan
3.2 Describe production of coal in Pakistan

General Objective:
Understand the quantity of production of crude petroleum in Pakistan
Specific Objectives:
4.1 Describe production of crude petroleum in various fields and places in Pakistan
4.2 Explain quantities of fuel consumption in Pakistan


General Objective:
Understand quantity of gas reserves and their types.

Specific Objectives:
5.1 Describe different gas field and reserves in Pakistan
5.2 Explain about natural and artificial gas
5.3 Explain advantages and disadvantages of gaseous fuels over solid and liquid fuels


General Objective:
Understand the production of crude petroleum in Pakistan.

Specific Objectives:
6.1 Describe theory and origin of petroleum fuel
6.2 Explain composition of petroleum fuel
6.3 Describe the distillation process of liquid fuel
6.4 Explain vacuum distillation process
6.5 Describe visbreaking process


General Objective:
Understand the refining process of petroleum.

Specific Objectives:
7.1 Explain the types of refining process
7.2 Explain straight rum process of refining petroleum

7.3 Describe thermal cracking process
7.4 Explain catalytic process of refining


General Objective:
Understand the grades and types of fuels

Specific Objectives:
8.1 Describe selection of proper grades of fuel oil
8.2 Explain grades of fuel oil
8.3 Explain the process of changing grades of fuel oil


General Objective:
Understand the structural classification of petroleum products.

Specific Objectives:
9.1 Explain paraffin
9.2 Describe Napthane
9.3 Describe Aromatic
9.4 Explain chemistry of petroleum
9.5 Describe composition of petroleum
9.6 Explain types of hydrocarbon
9.7 Describe structure of hydrocarbon
9.8 Explain properties of hydrocarbon


General Objective:
Understand the physical properties of fuel.

Specific Objectives:
10.1 Describe heating value of fuel oil
10.2 Describe volatility of fuel oil
10.3 Explain specific gravity of fuel oil
10.4 Explain viscosity of fuel oil

11.1 Explain flash point and fire point of fuel oil
11.2 Describe pour point and carbon reside of fuel oil
11.3 Describe sulphur content and Ash present in fuel oil


General Objective:
Understand the requirement of fuel oil for gasoline engines.

Specific Objectives:
12.1 Explain knock characteristics of fuel oil
12.2 Describe volatility of fuel oil
12.3 Describe gum and varnish present in fuel oil
12.4 Explain presence of viscosity in fuel oil
12.5 Explain corrosion in fuel oil
12.6 Describe carbon in fuel oil


General Objective:
Understand Octane number of fuel, its rating and methods of determination

Specific Objectives:
13.1 Explain Octane number of fuel
13.2 Describe Octane rating of fuel
13.3 Describe methods of determination of Octane number of fuel


General Objective:
Understand the requirements of fuel for diesel engines.

Specific Objectives:
14.1 Explain good Octane number of diesel fuel

14.2 Describe impurities present in diesel fuel
14.3 Explain high flash point of diesel fuel
General Objective:
Understand the importance of Cetane number of diesel fuel.

Specific Objectives:
15.1 Describe Cetane number of diesel fuel
15.2 Explain methods of determination of Cetane number


General Objective:
Understand about lubricants and the types of lubricants.

Specific Objectives:
16.1 Explain types of lubricants
16.2 Describe important group of oils
16.3 Describe small group of greases
16.4 Describe manufacturing methods
16.5 Describe solvent refining


General Objective:
Understand grease, their types and manufacturing methods.
Specific Objectives:
17.1 Describe calcium or lime soap grease
17.2 Describe sodium soap grease
17.3 Explain manufacturing methods of grease
17.4 Describe uses of grease
17.5 Describe its marked properties


General Objective:
Understand the different types of properties of lubricants.

Specific Objectives:

18.1 Describe viscosity, pour points, carbon residue, flash point water and sediment present in lubricants.


19.1 Describe acidity, emulsion, ash, sulphur, color and gravity of lubricants


General Objective:
Understand the blending of viscosity and methods of determination

Specific Objectives:
20.1 Describe blending of viscosity
20.2 Explain methods of determination of blending
20.3 Describe heating, agitation, circulation, gravitation, pumps and meters
20.4 Describe calculating analysis of blends



General Objective:
Understand the neutralization and precipitation number and their methods of determination.

Specific Objectives:
21.1 Describe neutralization number
21.2 Describe the method of determination
21.3 Explain precipitation number
21.4 Explain the methods of determination and fixing of precipitation number


General Objective:
Understand detergent oil and oiliness of lubricants.

Specific Objectives:
22.1 Describe cleaning and dissolving action of oil
22.2 Describe formed deposits in used engine oil and their re-deposition

22.3 Describe contamination of motor oils
22.4 Explain contamination of oil in crankcase (coke, or carbon, water dust)



General Objective:
Understand the problems of lubricants and requirements for different engines.

Specific Objectives:
23.1 Describe high speed diesel engines problems of lubricants
23.2 Describe the problems of lubricants in higher piston ring temperature in diesel engine
23.3 Describe the problems of lubricant of higher engine temperature in diesel engine
23.4 Explain the problems of lubricant in increased use of 4-stroke engine
23.5 Explain the problems of lubricant in higher cylinder pressure in a diesel engine
23.6 Describe the problems of lubricants and their increased use of copper in bearing



General Objective:
Understand the preventive measure can be taken before contamination of lubricants.

Specific Objectives:
24.1 Describe the preventive measure taken before contamination of lubricants


General Objective:
Understand air compressor lubricating system.

Specific Objectives:
25.1 Describe thermal condition of air compressor
25.2 Describe chemical condition
25.3 Explain explosion danger
25.4 Explain the splash from the forced feed oiling system

General Objective:
Understand the problems of lubricants and requirements for different engines.

Specific Objectives:
26.1 Describe about comprising cylinder walls
26.2 Explain valves, pistons and valve seats
26.3 Describe pistons and piston rods
26.4 Describe stuffing boxes and throttle valves of steam engine and their lubrication.


General Objective:
Understand the lubricating system of steam turbine

Specific Objectives:
27.1 Describe bearing temperature factors
27.2 Describe turbine oil cooling
27.3 Explain oxidation, emulsion, sludge formation in turbine lubrication
27.4 Describe foaming, leakage of water and metallic particles in lubrication


General Objective:
Understand the storage and handling of different types of lubricants.

Specific Objectives:
28.1 Describe lubricants protection in storage tank
28.2 Describe lubricant protection in service
28.3 Describe consideration about machine requirement

29.1 Describe lubricants of rate of consumption control
29.2 Describe lubricants storage facilities
29.3 Describe the benefits of comparable handling temperature of lubricants

29.4 Explain about good lighting


General Objective:
Understand the methods of sampling of storage tank

Specific Objectives:
30.1 Explain reason for sampling
30.2 Describe methods of sampling
30.3 Describe types of sampling
30.4 Explain types of sample, bottom sample and composite sample.
30.5 Describe individuals samples from different levels
30.6 Describe live samples, screen sample and containers samples


 Fuel and Combustion

By Smith and Stison

 Diesel engine operation and maintenance

By Maleeve

 Power Plant Testing

By Mayor

 Fuel Oil Manual



CODE NO. P.T. 252 T P CH

1 3 2

 To develop understanding of different types of fossil fuels and their properties
 Provide knowledge of different types and properties of lubrication


1.1 Definition of fuels
1.2 Importance of fuel in power generation

2.1 Solid liquid and gaseous fuels
2.2 Formation of coal
2.3 Classification of coal


3.1 Coal reserve of Pakistan
3.2 Coal production in Pakistan


4.1 Production of crude petroleum in various fields in Pakistan
4.2 Fuel consumption in Pakistan


5.1 Natural
5.2 Artificial
5.3 Advantages and disadvantages

6.1 Theory and origin of petroleum fuel
6.2 Composition of petroleum
6.3 Liquid fuel (distillation process)
6.4 Vacuum distillation process
6.5 Tiebreaking process


7.1 Types cracking process a) Liquid base b) Vapour base
Straight rum process
7.2 Thermal creaking process
7.3 Catalytic cracking process
7.4 Meaning and types of catalysis


8.1 Selection of proper grades
8.2 Grades of fuel oil
8.3 Changing grades


9.1 Paraffin
9.2 Napthane
9.3 Aromatic
9.4 Chemistry of Petroleum
9.5 Composition of petroleum
9.6 Types of hydrocarbon
9.7 Structure of hydrocarbon
9.8 Properties of hydrocarbon


10.1 Heating value
10.2 Volatility

10.3 Specific gravity
10.4 Viscosity

11.1 Flash point, fire point
11.2 Pour point, carbon residue
11.3 Sulphur content, Ash


12.1 Knock characteristics
12.2 Volatility
12.3 Gum and varnish
12.4 Viscosity
12.5 Corrosion
12.6 Carbon


13.1 Octane rating of fuel
13.2 Methods of determination


14.1 Good cetane number
14.2 Freedom from impurities
14.3 Fairly high flash point


15.1 Cetane number of diesel fuel
15.2 Methods of determination

16.1 Types of lubricants
16.2 Important group of oil
16.3 Small group of grease
16.4 Manufacturing methods

16.5 Solvent refining


17.1 Calcium or lime soap
17.2 Sodium soap grease
17.3 Manufacturing methods
17.4 Uses of grease
17.5 Marked properties


18.1 Viscosity, pour point, carbon residue, flash point, water and sediment

19.1 Acidity, emulsion, oxidation, ash, sulphur, color, gravity


20.1 Blending of viscosity
20.2 Methods of determination
20.3 Heating, agitation, circulation, gravitation, pumps & meters


21.1 Neutralization number
21.2 Methods of determination
21.3 Precipitation number
21.4 Determination and fixing precipitation number


22.1 Cleaning and dissolving action of oil
22.2 Formed deposits in used engine oil
22.3 Contamination of motor oils
22.4 Contamination of oil in crankcase, (Coke or carbon water dust)

22.5 Metal properties


23.1 High speed
23.2 Higher piston ring temperature
23.3 Higher engine temperature
23.4 Increased use of copper in bearings




25.1 Thermal
25.2 Chemical conditions
25.3 Explosion danger
25.4 Splash from the forced feed oiling system


26.1 Comprising of cylinder walls
26.2 Valves, pistons, valve seats
26.3 Pistons and valve roads
26.4 Stuffing boxes, throtter valves


27.1 Bearing temperature factor
27.2 Turbine oil cooling
27.3 Oxidation, emulsification, sludge formation
27.4 Foaming, leakage of water, metallic particles


28.1 Lubricant protection in storage
28.2 Lubricant protection in service
28.3 Consider the machine requirement

29.1 Rate of consumption controls
29.2 Storage facilities
29.3 Benefits of comfortable handling temperature
29.4 Good lighting


30.1 Reason for sampling
30.2 Method of sampling
30.3 Types of samples: bottom samples, composite sample, Line sample, screen sample containers sample
30.4 Individual samples from different levels




Flash and fire point apparatus, Redwood viscometer, cloud & pour point, analine point, carbon residue,
hollige aque tester, grease penetro meter, Saybolt viscometer, Bomb calorimeter.

Drop point of grease, color comparator, centrifuge, Penesky Martin open cup and close cup apparatus,
distillation of petroleum.


4. Determination of calorific valve by bomb calorimeter
5. Determination of flash and fire point by open cup apparatus
6. Determination of flash and fire point by close cup apparatus
7. Determination of pour point
8. Determination of aniline point of a diesel fuel
9. Determination of viscosity by Redwood viscometer
10. Determination of viscosity by Saybolt viscometer
11. Visit to a testing laboratory and petroleum refineries
12. Determination of carbon residue by carbon residue apparatus
13. Penetration test for grease
14. Study of properties of grease
15. Method of testing of water and Sodiment present in fuel oil
16. Experiment on Neutralization number
17. Determination of ultimate analysis of coal
18. Determination of proximate analysis of coal
19. Visit to a testing laboratory in Pakistan State Oil
20. Study of preparation of distillation curve
21. Determination of heating valve of solid fuel
22. Determination of Sulphur content in a fuel
23. Determination of heating valve of a liquid/ gaseous fuel
24. Experiment on viscosity blending

25. Experiment on precipitation number
26. Study of the methods of fuel/ lubricant handling and storage
27. Visit to fuel testing laboratory of a petroleum company
28. Study of the methods of Ash and Salt residue present in the fuel
29. Determination of color of fuel by Saybolt chronometer
30. Study of the method of redaimed fuel/ lubricating oil
31. Determination and method of testing BSW (bottom sediment and water)
32. Test and viva voce


 Fuel and combustion by Smith and Stinson

 Diesel engine operation & maintenance by Meleeve
 Power plant testing by Mayer
 Fuel oil manual by Paul F. Schmidt


1. Orsat apparatus T15, P5679 Cassons Ltd. One

2. Bomb Calorimeter Fishers One
3. Exhaust gas calorimeter for Engine P9042 Cussons One
4. Gas analyser Orsat three vessel, Gas 310-F Griffin One
5. Saybolt Viscometer, Method ASTM DBS, E 102 One
PEM 8110-010 J Viscometer, Saybolt with spare parts.
PEM 520-030 T connect Thermometer 0-120°C
PEM 520-630 N Oil receiving flask 6 Ml
6. Penetrometer for penetration grease limiting value of 400 ASTM D387-1P-179 One
7. Color Comparator One
Color of petroleum products ASTM 1500-12-196 700V or equivalent
8. Drop point of grease tester One
9. Centrifugal, safety type with sparkles motor One
Semi-micro aluminicum read totally enclosing tube 11” base.
5 ½” high dynamically balanced free of Vibration 1725 RPH Head Holds
Six 13mm x 100mm Centrifugal tubes for 220V. 50 Cycle operation
10. Pensky Martin closed cup apparatus One
11. Aniline point apparatus U-Tube, ASTA 13-394-50 determining aniline point One
of petroleum. Including 3 Aniline point the meter 13-394-30 Centigrade
ASTM 330, 340 and 350 range, -38° to +42°, 25 to 105 to 170 with 0.2 sub divisions
12. Redwood No.1 Viscometer 2262SL No. 84/84 2262, Set a Redwood No.1 Viscometer One
with all accessories volts 220
13. Distillation of petroleum products ASTM DN 1P, 123, 150, 3405, ASTM IP-191 One
14. Cloud and pour point ASTM D-97-IP15 One
15. Carbon Residue (Ramesbotton) ASTM D524-Ip-14 with heating block One
16. Flash point tester, clevet and open cup ASTM Gas One
Heated for determining the flash point of oil etc.
Consists of forod Brass cup circular iron support with transit ring top.
Flame test burner for use with natural gas. Thermometer clamp burner.


P.T. 263 T P CH
1 3 2

1. Introduction to Pumps

General Objective:
Understand the classification of pumps and applications of pumps in Power Plants.

Specific Objectives:
1. Enlist the application of pumps in power plant operation
2. Illustrate the detailed classification of Pump and describe briefly each of them
3. Distinguish between Injector and Pumps
4. Explain the basic construction and working of Injectors used with some boilers
5. Define and explain the terms; capacity, head , power
6. Solve basic problems in coupling suction lift, capacity, head and power

2. Centrifugal Pumps
General Objective:
Understand the construction and basic principles of working of centrifugal pumps.

Specific Objectives:
1. Explain the basic principles of working of centrifugal pumps.
2. Describe the essential structural elements of centrifugal pumps
3. Explain the classification of centrifugal pumps
4. Explain the methods and purpose for priming
5. Explain the construction details and working of single stage centrifugal pump
6. Explain the working of multistage pumps
7. Explain the flow pattern for balancing centrifugal pumps
8. Enlist the sequence for starting and stopping centrifugal pumps
9. Solve fundamental problems such as calculating velocity head, diameter of pipe

3. Centrifugal Pump Installation and Operation
General Objective:
Understand the procedure of installation and operation of pumps.

Specific Objectives:
1. Explain the procedure for locating, leveling, aligning, connecting and installing pipes
2. Explain the method for making proper foundation of pumps
3. Enlist the start up and shut down procedure for centrifugal pumps
4. Explain the safety consideration in operating centrifugal pumps
5. Explain the routine inspection checks and maintenance of centrifugal pumps
6. Diagnose faults and suggest remedies for common centrifugal pumps troubles
7. Enlist disassembly, overhaul and assembly procedures for centrifugal pumps

4. Reciprocating Pumps; Construction And Working

General Objective:
Understand the construction and principle of working of reciprocating pumps.

Specific Objectives:
1. Describe the basic principle of working of reciprocating pumps
2. Describe the classification of reciprocating pumps
3. Explain the principle of working and constructional details of direct acting and power pump
4. Explain the principles of working and advantages of air and vacuum chambers
5. Solve problems in calculating dia of inlet pipe, discharge pipe head, displacement, piston speed, step
capacity, efficiency, horse power and size of steam cylinder

5. Reciprocating Pumps; Installation, Operation And Maintenance

General Objective:
Understand the installation, operation and maintenance procedures.

Specific Objectives:
1. Explain the general procedure for installation, operation and maintenance of direct acting steam pumps
and power pumps
2. Diagnose faults and suggest remedies for common troubles
3. Explain the start up and shut down procedure for direct acting steam pumps and power pumps

6. Boiler Feed Pumps
General Objective:
Understand the principles of working and construction of boiler feed pumps.

Specific Objectives:
1. Explain the types of boiler feed pumps
2. Explain the basic principle of working and construction of multistage centrifugal boiler feed pumps
3. Explain the basic principles of working and construction of reciprocating boiler feed pumps

7. Rotary Pumps; Construction And Working

General Objective:
Understand the construction and principles of working of Rotary pumps.

Specific Objectives:
1. Explain the classification of Rotary pumps
2. Explain the construction and basic principle of working of different types of Rotary pumps
3. Explain the procedure for locating, aligning and …. making foundation for rotary pumps
4. Diagnose faults and suggest remedy for common troubles in rotary pump operation
5. Explain the common inspection and maintenance procedure for rotary pump

8. Rotary Pump; Installation, Operation And Maintenance

General Objective:
Understand the installation, operation and maintenance of Rotary pumps.

Specific Objectives:
1. Explain the procedure for locating, aligning and making foundation for Rotary pumps
2. Diagnose faults and suggest remedies for common troubles
3. Explain the pump inspection and maintenance procedure
4. Solve problems in determining proper size pump, dynamic head and horse power

9. Air Compressors – Construction And Working
General Objective:
Understand the construction and principle of working of positive displacement and centrifugal

Specific Objectives:
1. Enlist the use of air compressors in plants
2. Illustrate the general classification of air compressors
3. Explain the principle of working and construction of positive displacement air compressors
4. Explain the principle of working and construction centrifugal air compressors
5. Explain the basic principle and construction of rotary compressors
6. Enlist the application of each type in industry
7. Explain the function of inter and after coolers, separator and receivers
8. Explain the function of regulating devices and protections
9. Explain the lubrication system of air compressors

10. Axial Flow Air Compressors

General Objective:
Understand the principle of working and construction of axial flow air compressors.

Specific Objectives:
1. Discuss distinguishing features of axial flow compressors
2. Enlist advantages and applications
3. Explain the basic construction and principle of working of axial flow air compressor

11. Gas Compressors

General Objective:
Understand the principle of working and construction of centrifugal positive displacement and axial
flow gas compressors.

Specific Objectives:
1. Explain the principles of working of positive displacement gas compressors
2. Explain the auxiliary equipments provided with gas compressors
3. Explain the principle of working of centrifugal gas compressor
4. Explain the principle of working of axial flow gas compressor
5. Explain the safety devices provided in gas compressors

12. Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Air/ Gas Compressors
General Objective:
Understand the Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Air/ Gas Compressors.

Specific Objectives:
1. Explain the procedure of making foundation for air/ gas compressor
2. Explain the procedure for installation
3. Explain the procedure for start up and shut down
4. Enlist the disassembly, inspection and assembly procedure
5. Solve problems in calculating Piston speed, mean effective pressure, displacement and power


Contact Hours: 64 TPC
P.T. 263 233

PRE REQUISITE: Knowledge of hydraulics and thermodynamics

 To familiarize with the function and basic principles of operation of pumps used in power plants
 To familiarize with the functions and basic principles of operation of air and gas compressors used in
power plants
 To develop understanding of operation of pump and compressors


1.1 Application of Pumps in power plants
1.2 Classification of pumps
1.3 Injectors and principle of working, construction and use
1.4 Trouble of injectors
1.5 Pump terminologies such as capacity, head, power
1.6 Calculations on capacity, head and power


2.1 Basic principle of working
2.2 Essential parts
2.3 Classification of centrifugal pumps
2.4 Priming method
2.5 Constructional details
2.6 Working of centrifugal pumps
2.7 Working of centrifugal pumps
2.8 Multistage pumps
2.9 Balancing
2.10 Starting and stopping procedure of pumps
2.11 Velocity head calculations on centrifugal pumps

3.1 Pump location
3.2 Pump foundation
3.3 Leveling and Aligning procedure
3.4 Piping for pumps
3.5 Greasing and lubrication
3.6 Start up procedure
3.7 Pump shut down
3.8 Routine inspection and maintenance
3.9 Diagnosing faults and trouble shooting
3.10 Disassembly of Multistage boiler feed pump for General purpose
3.11 Overhaul procedure. Rotary and stationery plants
3.12 Assembly of pumps


4.1 Basic principle of working
4.2 Classification
4.3 Water end and steam end construction and Classification
4.4 Working of direct acting pump
4.5 Power pump classification and working
4.6 Air and vacuum chambers, principles and advantages
4.7 Calculations


5.1 General procedure for direct acting steam pump and power pump installation and operation
5.2 Location
5.3 Foundation
5.4 Alignment
5.5 Diagnosing faults & troubleshooting
5.6 Start up and shut down procedure for safe operation
5.7 Inspection and maintenance of direct acting steam pumps
5.8 Inspection and maintenance of power pumps, disassembly / assembly of power pumps

6.1 Types of boiler feed pumps
6.2 Basic principles
6.3 Construction and working


7.1 Principle of operation
7.2 Classification
7.3 Construction and working of Rotary Pumps


8.1 Location
8.2 Foundation
8.3 Alignment
8.4 Troubleshooting
8.5 Pump inspection and maintenance
8.6 Pumping calculations


9.1 Use of compressor in plants
9.2 General classification
9.3 Positive displacement air compressors; construction and working
9.4 Explain the principle of working and construction of rotary compression
9.5 Inter coolers and after coolers, separators and receiver
9.6 Regulating devices and protections
9.7 Lubrication system of compressor


10.1 Distinguishing features of axial flow air compressors
10.2 Advantages and applications
10.3 Construction and working

11.1 Types
11.2 Principles of working of positive displacement compressors and auxiliary equipment associated
with them
11.3 Compressed gas system
11.4 Axial flow gas compressor, principles of working
11.5 Applications
11.6 Safety in operating gas compressors


12.1 Foundation
12.2 Piping
12.3 Start up and shut down procedure
12.4 Cleaning, casing, servicing
12.5 Disassembly, inspection & assembly procedure
12.6 Inspection and maintenance
12.7 Troubleshooting
12.8 Calculations on air compressor

 Pump operation and maintenance by Hicks
 Pump uses, application by Blakak
 Steam plant operation by Wood ruff and Lammers
 Pump manuals
 Air/ Gas compressor manuals



P.T. 263 T P CH
3 6 5

1. Identify the different types of pumps in the power laboratory and classify them
2. Demonstrate skill in starting and stopping centrifugal pumps
3. Demonstrate skill in starting and stopping power pumps
4. Demonstrate skill in starting and stopping the direct acting steam pumps
5. Demonstrate skill in starting and stopping rotary pumps
6. Demonstrate skill in starting and stopping the boiler feed pumps (steam driven and electric
motor driven)
7. Demonstrate skill in diagnosing common faults in pumps
8. Show skill in packing the stuffing boxes of different pumps
9. Disassemble a centrifugal pump, study its different parts and re-assemble
10. Disassemble in power pump, study its different parts and re-assemble
11. Disassemble a Direct-acting steam pump, study its different parts and re-assemble
12. Disassemble a Rotary pump, study its different parts and re-assemble
13. Determining the head/ flow rate characteristics of a centrifugal pump/ two centrifugal pumps
14. Confirmation of the relationship between pipe friction losses
15. Determine the head losses associated with flow through various pipe and fittings
16. Demonstration of the application of differential head devices in velocity and slow measurement
17. Demonstration cavitations apparatus
18. Identify different types of compressors and classify them
19. Trace and draw the line diagram of air compressors installed in power laboratories
20. Disassemble a compressor, identify its different parts and re-assemble
21. Show skill in starting and stopping air compressors
22. Show skill in diagnosing faults in air compressors

NFT Fluid Friction in Pipes, Edibon, S.A. Complete in all respect for all experiment possibilities are given in
the catalog.


Code No. P.T. 275 T P CH

2 9 5

1. Introduction of Boiler
General Objective:
Understand the classification of boilers

Specific Objectives:
1.1 Explain how steam is generated in Boiler
1.2 Describe the classification of Boiler
1.3 Distinguish between water tube and fire tube boiler
1.4 Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of boilers
1.5 Describe the basic principle of steam generations
1.6 Define common boiler terminologies
1.7 Describe the methods of heat transfer
1.8 Explain with the help of configurations gas flow pattern in fire tube boilers
1.9 Distinguish between dry back and wet back boiler
1.10 Explain with the help of configurations water circulation and gas flow pattern of water tube boilers

2. Boilers Construction and Working

General Objective:
Understand the construction and working of different types of boilers used in industries

Specific Objectives:
2.1 Describe the construction and working of simple vertical boilers, dry top and wet top boilers,
Cochran boiler
2.2 Describe the construction and working of Locomotive, Lancashire and Cornish Boilers
2.3 Describe the construction and working of Babcock and Wilco stationary boilers
2.4 Describe the construction and working of Package; boilers, B&W FM, PFI and PFT integral furnace
2.5 Describe the construction and working of two –drum sterling boiler
2.6 Describe the construction, working and operation of Clever Brooks Package boiler

2.7 Describe the construction and working of By products and waste heat boilers CO, Blast furnace gas,
Pitch & Tar, Baggas)
2.8 Draw sketches and configuration of different boilers

3. Boiler Mountings
General Objective:
Understand the basic construction and principle of working of common boiler mountings.

Specific Objectives:
3.1 Describe the function of common boiler mountings
3.2 Give location of each boiler mounting on boilers
3.3 Describe the construction and principle of working of common boiler mountings such as pressure
gauge, water level gauge, safety valves, feed check valve, blow down valve, junction and stop valve,
soot blower and others

4. Introduction, layout and flow diagram of boiler and steam plant equipments, function
of common equipments.
General Objective:
Understand the functional relation of equipment in Boiler plant.

Specific Objectives:
4.1 Draw flow diagram of boiler plant showing the common equipments
4.2 Describe the function of common equipment such as Feed Water heaters, Evaporators, Steam traps,
Separators and Strainers, Condensers, Economizers and super heaters

5. Combustion Equipments
General Objective:
Understand the basic theory and principle of working of combustion equipments.

Specific Objectives:
5.1 Describe the basic theory and control of combustion process
5.2 Describe the function and working of stockers and pulverized fuel burners, their types and firing system
5.3 Describe the basic construction of oil burners and gas burners
5.4 Describe the working of different types of oil and gas burners in a fuel firing system

5.5 Describe the importance of Air supply for combustion
5.6 Describe the structure of settings and Chimneys
5.7 Explain the use of chimneys for creating the draft and deliver the products of combustion to atmosphere
5.8 Explain the types of draft such as Natural and Artificial draft, forced, induced and balanced draft
5.9 Solve the fundamental problems on draft and chimneys

6. Fundamentals of Combustion
General Objective:
Understand the fundamentals of combustion

Specific Objectives:
6.1 Explain the principles of combustion
6.2 Calculate calorific value theoretical air ad excess air
6.3 Discuss the relationship between excess air, C , and CO in flow gases
6.4 Determine the mass of each product of combustion per kg of fuel burned and the percentage
mass analysis of fuel gases
6.5 Discuss the effect of increase or decrease of C , and CO in flow gases

7. Boiler Efficiency
General Objective:
Understand how the heat losses can be minimized by proper operating and maintenance practice.

Specific Objectives:
7.1 Define the term boiler efficiency
7.2 Enlist the two methods for finding the overall boiler efficiency; direct and indirect methods
7.3 Explain the factors affecting boiler efficiencies such as Excess air rate, Burners, firing arte, flue gas
temperature, F.W. (Feed Water) temperature, Condensate recover, Combustion air temperature fouling
of heat transfer surfaces, Blow down, Steam pressure, Boiler exterior heat losses and effect of fuel

8. Efficiency Calculations
General Objective:
Understand the methods for finding boiler efficiency.

Specific Objectives:
8.1 Explain the data requirements and use of instrument for monitoring and testing, such as portable digital
temperature indicator, orsat and fyrite flue gas analyzers, Zirconia Oxygen tester and electronic
combustion analyzer.
8.2 Calculate the boiler efficiency by simplified flue gas loss, quic method
8.3 Calculate the Boiler efficiency by using comprehensive calculations methods
8.4 Calculate the heat loss and efficiency by using calculations forms.

9. Boiler Control system

General Objective:
Understand the boiler combustion control system.

Specific Objectives:
9.1 Enlist the instruments used to indicate or record the variable such of steam pressure steam temperature,
water level, F.W. pressure, furnace draft, steam flow, F.W. Flow, air flow, systems draft or pressure,
F.W. temperature, Flue gas temperature, fuel flow, fuel pressure, fuel temperature etc.
9.2 Enlist the objectives of control system
9.3 Explain the basic types of combustion control systems, such as fixed positioning, positioning with
operator trim, pressure ratio, fuel and air metering, cross limited metering, oxygen trim control.

10. Water Treatment

General Objective:
Understand the common water treatment process and effects of Boiler water impurities.

Specific Objectives:
10.1 Name common impurities and discuss the effects of dissolve gases, Suspended solids, dissolved
organic substance, living organisms, and dissolved salts.
10.2 Distinguish between hard and soft water

10.3 Discuss the composition of typical hard boiler scales.

10.4 Discuss the effects of Boiler scales

10.5 Describe the external and internal water treatment process
10.6 Make check list for boiler water
10.7 Discuss the effects of corrosion and prevention methods

11. Boiler Heat Recovery

General Objective:
Understand the boiler heat recovery system

Specific Objectives:
11.1 Explain flue gas heat recovery such as Feed water preheating, Air preheating, consideration of acid
dew point, Flue gas latent heat recovery
11.2 Explain blow down heat recovery

12. Performance Monitoring

General Objective:
Understand how to monitor performance.

Specific Objectives:
12.1 Discuss the performance monitoring scheme for improving boiler operating efficiency such as
maintenance of log sheets, water quality and treatment methods, smoke density measurement, flame
appearance and boiler tube cleanliness, boiler tune up.
12.2 Solve worked example of energy conseration opportunities in boiler operations

13. Introduction to basic principles of steam distribution system

General Objective:
Understand the effect of improvement in steam system efficiency.

Specific Objectives:
13.1 Describe the basic principle of steam distribution system
13.2 Review the use of steam tables and Mollier Chart for steam
13.3 Discuss the elements for tripicale steam distribution system and effect of improvement
13.4 Distinguish and identify the effects of improvement in fuel saving in steam system

14. Heat Transfer from Steam
General Objective:
Understand the effects of resistance to heat transfer.

Specific Objectives:
14.1 Explain the combined effect of resistance to heat flow
14.2 Explain the causes of wet steam
14.3 Discuss the alignment and drainage of steam mains
14.4 Discuss the provisions of dry steam and complete removal of air from the system
14.5 Describe the operating principles of Separator
14.6 Discuss separator efficiency and Separator applications
14.7 Explain the ways by which condensate build up and accumulation of condensate in steam lines
can be reduced.
14.8 Explain the ways by which air from the system can be reduced

15. Sizing of Steam System

General Objective:
Understand the guidance on pipe sizing and other aspects of steam distribution system.

Specific Objectives:
15.1 Explain the effects of selection of pressure and pipe sizing in a steam system
15.2 Explain the types of expansion fittings in steam mains and their advantages
15.3 Solve examples in pipe sizing

16. Steam Traps

General Objective:
Understand the function of different types of steam traps.

Specific Objectives:
16.1 Explain the functions of steam traps
16.2 Explain the different types of steam traps, such as Thermostatic Mechanical and Thermodynamic traps
16.3 Explain the factors relating to the selection of steam traps
16.4 Discuss the characteristics of steam traps
16.5 Discuss the energy requirements
16.6 Explain the checking performance of steam traps

16.7 Explain trouble shooting and maintenance of traps

17. Condensate Recovery

General Objective:
Understand energy savings in condensate recovery.

Specific Objectives:
17.1 Explain the advantages of proper condensate return system
17.2 Calculate proper pipe sizing
17.3 Explain the causes and effect of water hammer
17.4 Discuss the problems due to flooded return lines
17.5 Discuss the problems in condensate handling
17.6 Explain the causes and effect of corrosion in condensate lines

18. Flash Steam

General Objective:
Understand the problems arise from the relatively high temperature condensate.

Specific Objectives:
18.1 Explain the formation of flash steam
18.2 Estimate the quantity of flash steam
18.3 Explain the design of flash steam recovery system
18.4 Explain applications of flash steam

19. Heat Losses from Steam System

General Objective:
Understand to reduce undesirable heat losses from steam system.

Specific Objectives:
19.1 Enlist the factors in selecting insulation
19.2 Estimate the heat loss, cost of insulation, saving and payback period for insulation
19.3 Estimate the most economic thickness for insulation

20. Checking Steam System Operation
General Objective:
Understand how to evaluate the Energy Performance by steam systems.

Specific Objectives:
20.1 Enlist the questions to be asked for checking and evaluating a steam systems regarding steam
generation, distribution utilization and condensate handling
20.2 Solve worked examples for pipe sizing

21. Boiler Operation

General Objective:
Understand the necessary steps to be considered in boiler operation.

Specific Objectives:
21.1 Describe boiler rules and regulations according to the Sindh Boilers Act. regarding boiler attendant/
engineers examination and boiler operation.
21.2 Describe how hydrostatic test for boilers is carried out.
21.3 Explain how the boiler is made ready for boiler inspection
21.4 Explain the steps for putting boilers in operation, normal and emergency operation, operation of Idle
21.5 Describe the terms corrosion, carry over, foaming, pitting


Code No. P.T. 275 T P CH

Contact Hours 64 2 9 5

PRE REQUISITE: Knowledge of applied Thermodynamics.


 To develop understanding of generation of steam in boiler by utilizing heat transfer

 To understand the basic construction and working of industrial boiler
 To gain knowledge of Boiler and steam plant equipments
 To develop understanding of Industrial Boiler Operation and that how steam Boiler efficiency can be
 To develop strong understanding of improving energy efficiency in steam distribution system.


1. Introduction to Boilers
1.1 Basic principle of steam generation, Boiler terminologies and definitions: Heating surface area,
evaporating, capacity, horse power etc.
1.2 Methods of heat transfer in boilers, boiler water circulation
1.3 Classification of Boilers
1.4 Configurations of fire tube boilers – HRT, Internal furnace boilers, 2,3 and 4 pass dry back, 3 pass wet
gas flow patterns
1.5 Configurations of water tube boilers – „A‟, „D‟ and „O‟ type boiler water circulation patterns

2. Boilers Construction and Working

2.1 Simple Vertical Boilers, Dry top and wet top boilers
2.2 Cochran Boiler
2.3 Locomotive Boiler
2.4 Lancashire ad Cornish Boilers
2.5 Babcock & Wilcox stationary Boilers
2.6 Package Boilers, B&W FM, PFI and PFT Integral furnace
2.7 Two-drum sterling boiler
2.8 Clever Brooks package boiler
2.9 By products and waste heat boilers (CO, Blast furnace gas, Pitch & Tar, Baggas)

3. Boiler Mountings, Their Function Construction And Principle Of Working
3.1 Pressure gauge
3.2 Water level gauge
3.3 Safety valves, their types
3.4 Feed check valve
3.5 Blow down valve
3.6 Junction and stop valve
3.7 Soot blower and others

4. Introduction, layout and flow diagram of boiler and steam plant

equipments, function of common equipments.
4.1 Feed water heaters
4.2 Evaporators
4.3 Steam Traps
4.4 Separators and Strainers
4.5 Condensers, Economizers and super heaters

5. Combustion Equipments
5.1 Basic theory and control of combustion process
5.2 Stockers and Pulverized fuel burners, their types and firing system
5.3 Oil burners, their types and fuel firing system
5.4 Gas burners, their types and gas firing systems
5.5 Chimneys
5.6 Draft types; natural and artificial draft, forced, induced and balanced draft
5.7 Calculations of draft and chimney

6. Fundamentals of Combustion
6.1 Combustion principles
6.2 Stoichinmetric Air requirements for combustion in boiler
6.3 Typical air requirements
6.4 Combustion exhaust gas composition and relationship between excess air, CO2, O2 and CO in flue

7. Boiler Efficiency
7.1 Definition of Boiler efficiency
7.2 Efficiency and losses
7.3 Factors affecting boiler efficiency
7.3.1 Excess air rate
7.3.2 Burners
7.3.3 Firing rate
7.3.4 Flue gas temperature
7.3.5 Feed water temperature
7.3.6 Condensate recovery
7.3.7 Combustion air temperature
7.3.8 Fouling of heat transfer surfaces
7.3.9 Blow down – Solids concentration, Intermittent and continuous blow down, recommended
limits of Boiler water concentration, control of blow down, blow down heat recovery
7.3.10 Steam Pressure
7.3.11 Boiler exterior neat losses
7.3.12 Effect of fuel, calorific values higher and lower calorific valves

8. Efficiency Calculations
8.1 Data requirements
8.2 Instruments for monitoring and testing
8.2.1 Temperature measurement – Digital thermometer and probes for different applications
infratrace and infrated thermometers for Non-contact temperature measurements
8.2.2 Flue gas analysis

8.3 Sampling
8.4 Simplified flue gas loss calculations
8.5 Stoichiometric calculations
8.6 Comprehensive calculation method
8.7 Heat loss calculations
8.8 Data and calculation forms and their uses

9. Boiler Control Systems
9.1 Boiler instrumentation
9.2 Combustion control systems
9.2.1 Fixed Positioning
9.2.2 Parallel positioning with operator trim
9.2.3 Pressure Ratio
9.2.4 Fuel and air metering
9.2.5 Cross limited metering
9.2.6 Oxygen trim

10. Water Treatment

10.1 Common impurities
10.1.1 Dissolved gases
10.1.2 Suspended solids
10.1.3 Dissolved organic substances
10.1.4 Living organisms
10.1.5 Dissolved salts

10.2 Types of water, composition of typical Hard Boiler Scales

10.3 Effects of impurities in water
10.4 External water treatment processes
10.4.1 Non-Exchange processes
10.4.2 Evaporation
10.4.3 Deareation

10.5 Internal Water treatment processes

105.1 Lime soda processes
10.5.2 Phosphate Treatment
10.5.3 Organic materials
10.5.4 Feeding of chemicals

10.6 Corrosion
10.7 Antifoam Agents
10.8 Check list for boiler water
10.8.1 External treatment
10.8.2 Conditioning treatment
10.8.3 Blow down control

11. Boiler Heat Recovery Systems

11.1 Steps in developing a heat recovery project
11.2 Flue gas heat recovery
11.2.1 Feed water preheating
11.2.2 Air preheating- regenerative and recuperative and liquid coupled types
11.2.3 Acid dew point
11.2.4 Flue gas latent heat recovery

11.3 Blow down Heat recovery

12. Performance Monitoring

12.1 Log sheet
12.2 Spot checks of efficiency
12.3 Maintenance
12.4 Water quality and treatment methods
12.5 Smoke density
12.6 Flame appearance
12.7 Burner checks
12.8 Combustion controls
12.9 Boiler tube cleanliness
12.10 Boiler tune-up
12.11 Trouble Shooting
12.12 Energy conservation opportunities in Boiler operation, worked example

13. Introduction To Basic Principles Of Steam Distribution System

13.1 Use of steam tables and mollies charts
13.2 Overall steam system efficiency – system components, effects of improvements

14. Heat Transfer From Steam
14.1 Resistance to heat flow
14.2 Wet steam
14.21 Causes of wet steam
14.2.1 Alignment and drainage of steam mains
14.3 Separators, separator efficiency and applications
14.4 Air in steam systems
14.4.1 Sources of air
14.4.2 Effects of air

15 Sizing Of Steam Distribution System

15.2 Selection of pressure
15.3 Pipe Sizing
15.4 Expansion

16. Steam Traps

16.1 Types Of Steam Traps
16.1.1 Thermostatic traps; liquid expansion, balanced pressure, bimetallic
16.1.2 Mechanical traps; Ball float, Inverted bucket
16.1.3 Thermodynamic and Miscellaneous traps such as impulse, labyrinth, orifice plate

16.2 Factors relating to the selection of steam traps

16.2.1 Air venting
16.2.2 Condensate removal
16.2.3 Thermal efficiency
16.2.4 Water hammer
16.2.5 Dirt
16.2.6 Steam locking
16.2.7 Servicing

16.3 Steam trap characteristics

16.4 Energy requirements of steam traps
16.5 Checking steam trap performance
16.6 Troubleshooting of steam traps
16.7 Steam trap maintenance

17. Condensate Recovery
17.1 Energy savings
17.2 General layout of condensate return systems
17.3 Pipe sizing, worked examples
17.4 Lifting condensates
17.5 Flooded return lines
17.6 Condensate handling
17.7 Corrosion

18. Flash Steam

18.1 Estimating the quality of flash steam worked examples
18.2 Flash vessel design, worked examples
18.3 Design of flash recovery system
18.4 Typical applications

19. Heat Losses From Steam Systems

19.1 Heat emission from un insulated pipes
19.2 Heat loss from insulated pipes, insulating materials
19.3 Charts for estimating heat loss cost of useful heat, worked examples
19.4 Economic thickness of insulation

20. Checking Steam System Operation

20.1 Introduction
20.2 Steam generation
20.3 Steam distribution
20.4 Steam utilization
20.5 Condensate handling and steam leaks
20.6 Worked examples covering pipe sizing

21. Boiler Operation

21.1 Boiler rules and regulations regarding boiler inspection, operation and examination
21.2 Putting Boilers in operation
21.3 Normal operation, corrosion, carry over, foaming, pitting, causes… embrittlement
21.4 Operating in emergency
21.5 Idle boilers


 Enercon‟s Manual on Improving Boiler operating efficiency

 Enercon‟s Manual on Energy efficiency in steam distribution system

 Manual on Hampden Model H-185-1

 Manual on Hampden Model H-185-2

 Manual on Hampden Model H-185-AC0

 Heat Engines by D.A. Low

 Steam / its generation and use (Babcock & Wilcox 39th Edition)


Code No. P.T. 275 T P CH

Contact Hours 96 2 9 5


1. Sketching of Vertical Boilers Cochran, Simple vertical, exposed tube and submerged tube types
2. Sketching of Locomotive Boilers
3. Sketching of Marine Boilers
4. Sketching of Lancashire and Cornish Boilers
5. Sketching of Babcock and Wilcox Boiler
6. Sketching of Package Boilers
7. Sketching of common boiler mountings such as pressure gauge, water level gauge, safety valves,
fusible plugs, feed check valve, blow down valves, junction and stop valve and soot blowers
8. Study of Gas/ oil burners and oil heating unit

9. Study of construction of common boiler mountings

10. Visit of industries to observe the construction and working of different boilers and their mountings
11. Study of layout of steam power lab
12. Study of construction of feed water heaters
13. Sketching of feed water heaters
14. Study of construction of common types of steam traps
15. Sketching of common types of steam traps
16. Study of condensers
17. Sketching of condensers
18. Study of pipe system of the steam lab plant (Live steam piping)
19. Study of pipe system of plant (Condensate system)
20. Study of pipe system of plant (F.W. System)
21. Study of C.W. system of condensers
22. Study of common types of valves and fittings used in piping system
23. Study of cooling towers
24. Preparing the boiler ready for inspection
25. Test the boiler hydraulically
26. Starting the lab boiler Manual/ Automatic operation

27. Study and operation of Hampden Model H-185-1, Boiler system trainer, simulating the operating
characteristics of gas-fired, oil-fired and coal fired steam boiler
28. Diagnose and trouble shoot the system on boiler system Trainer H-185-1
29. Study and operation of Hampden Advanced Boiler System Trainer Model H-185-2
30. Diagnose faults and trouble shoot the system on boiler system trainer Model H-185-2
31. Study and operation of Hampden Model H-185-ACO application screening station
32. Diagnose faults and trouble shoot the system on Model H-185-ACO applicant screening station
33. Operating Babcock and Wilcox water tube boiler
34. Study of general repairs of boilers, removing a defective tube and inserting a new tube in a boiler,
gulking, flooring and welding
35. Study and use of instruments for monitoring and testing for boiler efficiency such as digital temperature
indicator, probs fryrite analyzer Zirconia sensors electronic combustion analyzer
36. Determine the boiler efficiency by direct method


1. Standard Surface prob One Set

Spring loaded disc
Tripod construction
03 5 Maxterp 650°C
0.8 Smooth metal

2. Digital Thermometer 650°C One Set

without prob

3. Pipe probe One Set

Sits 15mm (⅝”) to 150 mm (3”) dia
has 2m lead. 100°C

4. Infratrace 1000 (0°C to 1000°C) One Set

Infrared thermometer
for non-contact temp measurement

5. Fryite Gas Analyzers One Set

with all accessories

6. Portable Electronic Combustion One Set

Analyzer kit with remote monitor
(complete with all accessories)

7. Westing House Mini Probe type One Set

Zirconia Oxygen analyzer with 3 standard
Ranges and associated equipment complete
In all respect

8. Spria – Tec (Spirax) One Set

Detector for steam traps with sensor

9. Hamden Model HGS-GO-181X

Dual fuel firex boiler trainer oil / gas
Complete in all respect boiler and steam
Condensate turbine/ alternator with instructors
Causloe and computer operator station

10. Hampden HGS-T1 Test Instrument package

a) Hampden Oil Burner combustion testing kit
b) Hampden gas burner combustion add-on test kit
c) Hampden water analysis kit


Code No. P.T. 285 T P CH

Contact Hours 64 2 9 5



General Objective
Understand the classification and basic parts of diesel engines.

Specific Objectives:
1.1 Enlist the diesel engine characteristics
1.1 Enlist the advantages of diesel engine
1.2 Describe the classification of I.C. Engine
1.3 Describe the function of common engine parts
1.4 Name the materials for construction of common parts
1.5 Name the arrangement of cylinders
1.6 Describe the function and types of combustion chamber

General Objective
Understand the principles of working of diesel and gas engine.

Specific Objectives:
2.1 Describe the working of 4-stroke and 2-stroke diesel engine and distinguish between 4 stroke and 2
stroke diesel engine.
2.2 Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of 4 stroke diesel/ gas engine
2.3 Draw and explain the valve timing diagram of 4 stroke and 2 stroke diesel engine/ gas engine
2.4 Explain the methods of scavenging
2.5 Explain super charging and turbo charging
2.6 Enlist the advantages of super charging


General Objective
Understand the construction details of engine parts.

Specific Objectives:
3.1 Explain the construction details of engine parts such as frames, cylinders, heads, liners
3.2 Explain the types of liners
3.3 Explain the construction details of running gears
3.4 Explain the classification and constructional details of bearing
3.5 Explain the purpose and effect of fly wheel
3.6 Explain the construction details of valve and valve gear

General Objective
Understand the function and basic principles of different types of governors.

Specific Objectives:
a. Describe the function of governor
b. Describe the basic principles of governor
c. Explain the common types of governors
d. Describe the construction and working of Mechanical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic governor


General Objective
Understand the engine system and their components

Specific Objectives:
a. Explain the fuel system and components
b. Explain the lubricating system and components
c. Explain the cooling system and their types, components
d. Explain the engine starting system and components
e. Explain air intake system and function of each components
f. Explain the governing system


General Objective
Understand the distinguishing features of duel fuel and gas burning engine system.

Specific Objectives:
6.1 Explain the gas full supply system and combustion
6.2 Explain the spark ignition system
6.3 Explain the dual fuel burning system
6.4 Explain the advantages of gas and dual fuel engine


General Objective
Understand and classify how to use modern power plant

Specific Objectives:
7.1 Describe the classification of diesel power plant
7.2 Describe the classification of gas power plant and dual fuel power plant
7.3 Describe the field of use of standby power plant
7.4 Explain the peak load plant, energy plant
7.5 Explain the power plant used in industries


General Objective
Understand the layout and flow diagram of engine power plant.

Specific Objectives:
8.1 Draw the schematic layout and flow diagram of a large diesel electric power plant
8.2 Draw schematic layout and flow diagram of a gas electronic power plant
8.3 Draw schematic layout and flow diagram of a large duel fuel electric power plant

General Objective
Understand the construction and schematic layout of cooling system and there components

Specific Objectives:
9.1 Explain the type of cooling system
9.2 Draw schematic diagram of open and closed cooling system
9.3 Explain open and close cooling system
9.4 Explain single circuit and double circuit cooling system
9.5 Draw schematic diagram of Radiator cooling system and explain its working principles
9.6 Describe cooling towers, thermostat, automatic temperature regulators, water pumps and fans, fan


General Objective
Understand the construction, working principles and types of filters.

Specific Objectives:
10.1 Explain the types of air cleaner
10.1 Explain the construction and working of air cleaner
10.3 Describe the types of fuel filters and their material


General Objective
Understand the types of lubricating system and their components.

Specific Objectives:
11.1 Describe the component of lubricating system
11.2 Explain the types of lubricating system and also oil cooler and oil filters
11.3 Explain oil priming and draw flow diagram of lubricating systems

General Objective
Understand the requirements, types and their function of fuel injection/ ignition system.

Specific Objectives:
12.1 Describe the requirement of fuel injection systems
12.2 Explain the types of fuel injection system
12.3 Describe the modern fuel injection pumps and their types
12.4 Explain types of injector nozzles and their functions
12.5 Describe the systems of fuel injection
12.6 Explain spark ignition system
12.7 Explain different types of carburetor
12.8 Describe fuel system for gas engine
12.9 Describe fuel system for dual fuel engine
12.10 Explain fuel filters primary and secondary, their types and materials


General Objective
Understand the function of different types of governor.

Specific Objectives:
13.1 Describe different types of governor and their characteristics
13.2 Explain mechanical and hydraulic governor
13.3 Describe the wood ward governor


General Objective
Understand the procedure of engine starting and stopping of diesel, dual and gas engines and their

Specific Objectives:
14.1 Describe starting motor and air motor
14.2 Describe battery preparation for service
14.3 Explain installation and connection of battery
14.4 Explain the procedure of battery charging
14.5 Explain starting aids, jacket water heater, sump heater
14.6 Describe starting and stopping procedure of diesel, gas engine and dual fuel engines
14.7 Explain safety precaution and protection system of diesel dual fuel and gas engines



Code No. P.T. 285 T P CH

2 9 5


Knowledge of diesel, gas and dual fuel engines and their basic principles of working.

 To develop understanding of modern stationary diesel electric power generation system
 To develop understanding of modern stationary gas engine power generation system for prime
and standby power
 To provide sufficient knowledge of modern dual fuel engine power generation system for large
power outputs
 To familiarize the student with basic components of diesel, gas and dual fuel engine power


1.1 Introduction and classification of I.C. engine
1.2 Diesel engine characteristic and advantages
1.3 Diesel engine classified by fuel used, gas fuel engines, dual fuel engines.
1.4 Basic parts of diesel engines
1.5 Materials
1.6 Cylinder arrangement, types of liners dry liner, wet liner
1.7 Combustion chamber types, open combustion chamber, turbulence combustion chamber, pre-combustion
chamber, energy cell or air cell combustion chamber


2.1 Four stroke cycle events of Diesel engine and petrol engine
2.2 Valve timing diagram of 4 stroke diesel engine
2.3 Compression ratio and firing order
2.4 Two stroke cycle events diesel and petrol engine
2.5 Valve timing diagram of 2 stroke cycle engine and four stroke cycle engine
2.6 Searching methods
2.7 Supercharging, advantages of supercharging , turbo charging

3.1 Frames, cylinders, cylinder heads
3.2 Running gear, function of piston, piston type, pin piston ring, connecting rods .
type, cross head, crankshaft, firing order diagram
3.3 Bearings, definitions and classification, operating condition, construction of bearing,
bearing for reciprocating motion
3.4 Flywheel, purpose and effect
3.5 Valve gear, valve, valve seats, cam, shaft drive cam follower, rocker arm, valve guide,
seat insert, valve spring

4.1 Function and principles of governor
4.2 Types, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic
4.3 Construction and working of basic types of governors
4.4 Governing of I.C. engines


5.1 Starting systems
5.2 Fuel systems
5.3 Lubricating systems
5.4 Cooling system
5.5 Air intake system
5.6 Governing system


6.1 Introduction and general description of duel fuel and spark ignition gas engine
6.2 Gas burning system
6.3 Dual fuel engine system
6.4 Advantages of gas and dual fuel engines

7.1 Classification of diesel power plant
7.2 Classification of gas power plant
7.3 Classification of dual fuel power plant
7.4 use central station
7.5 use of stand by plant
7.6 Use of peak load plant
7.7 Use of energizing plant
7.8 Use of private power plant for industries


8.1 schematic layout and flow diagram of gas electric power plant
8.2 Schematic layout and flow diagram of a large dual fuel electric power plant


9.1 Types of cooling systems, Air cooling and water cooling, open system and closed system, effect of
cooling temperature of B.H.P. fuel economy and wear rate
9.2 Single circuit cooling system, schematic diagram of single circuit cooling system
9.3 Double circuit system, schematic diagram of double circuit cooling system
9.4 Radiator cooling system, schematic diagram of radiator cooling system
9.5 Cooling towers, thermostats, automatic temperature regulators, water pump and fans, fan drives, typical
shapes of fins


10.1 Air cleaner, types and construction and working
10.2 Fuel filters, types and their materials

11.1 Components of lubricating system
11.2 Types of lubricating system, oil cooler, oil filters
11.3 Oil priming, flow diagram


12.1 Requirement of fuel injection system
12.2 Types of fuel injection system
12.3 Modern fuel injection pumps types
12.4 Fuel injectors, nozzles, types
12.5 Fuel injection systems
12.6 Ignition systems
12.7 Carburetor, types of carburetor
12.8 Fuel system for gas engines
12.9 Fuel systems for dual fuel engines
12.10 Fuel filters, types-primary and secondary filters, filter materials


13.1 Governor; types, characteristics of governors
13.2 Mechanical hydraulic governor
13.3 Woodward governor


14.1 Electric starting motor or air motor starting
14.2 Preparing battery for service
14.3 Battery installation
14.4 Battery charging
14.5 Starting aids, Jacket water heater, sump heater
14.6 Starting and stopping procedure of diesel/ gas engine
Protection system, high water temperature, low lubricates oil pressure, over speed, high air manifold
pressure in gas engine. High cylinder head temperature (Air conded engine)


 Diesel Engine Operation and Maintenance by Maleeve

 Diesel Fundamental Service, Repair by Tobolt

 Diesel and High Compression Gas Engines by Katas

 Perking Engine Manual



1. Show skill in use of Hand tools and measuring instruments in Diesel lab

2. Study of engine manufacturer‟s manual for specification and details

3. Identify engine exterior components and state their function

4. Identify engine internal parts and state their function

5. Identify and trace engine intake and exhaust system

6. Identify and trace engine fuel system and its components

7. Identify and trace engine cooling system and its components

8. Identify and trace engine lubrication system and its components

9. Identify and trace engine starting system on various engines

10. Observe the function of engine parts on a transparent working engine model cutaway running engine


11. Identify valve operating gear and demonstrate skill in adjusting tappet clearances

12. Demonstrate skill in dismantling a single cylinder diesel engine safely and properly

13. Demonstrate skill in taking precise measurements during inspection of engine parts

14. Demonstrate in servicing and assembling a single cylinder diesel engine

15. Select, apply and use proper gasket and seating materials, bolts, screws, fasteners, fuel lines, hoses

16. Demonstrate skill in starting and operating the engine. Diagnose trouble shooting and the fault and their

remedies on engine.


 Diesel Mechanics by Shultz

 Engine Manufacturers Manuals




2 0 2


General Objective
Understand the basic principles of working of transformers.

Specific Objectives:
1.1 Explain the basic principle of working of transformers
1.2 Explain the basic construction of core type and shell type transformers
1.3 Explain the basic theory of an ideal transformer
1.4 Derive EMF equation of transformer
1.5 Solve basic problems on EMF equation
1.6 Explain the term transformation ratio
1.7 Explain the basic principles of working of step up and step down transformers
1.8 Solve basic problems on turn ratio
1.9 Explain the term rating of transformer & transformer efficiency
1.10 Explain the principle of Auto transformer
1.11 Explain the types and principles of three phase transformers
1.12 Explain with the help of circuit diagram the Y/Y, ∆/∆, ∆/Y, connection of transformers
1.13 Explain how transformer can be operated in parallel single phase and three phase


General Objective
Understand the basic principles of working of different types of D.C. Generators.

Specific Objectives:
2.1 Explain the basic principle, construction and working of a simple loop generator
2.2 Explain the construction of a practical D.C. Generator
2.3 Explain coil span, pitch, lap and wave winding, related to armature
2.4 Explain the term excitation and its need

2.5 Explain with the help of circuit diagrams the types of D.C. generators such as separately excited, self
excited (shunt, series and compound)
2.6 Derive EMF equation for D.C. Generators
2.7 Solve basic problems on EMF
2.8 Explain the various losses in D.C. Generator
2.9 Explain how D.C. Generators are operated in parallel

General Objective
Understand the principles of working and construction of D.C. meters.

Specific Objectives:
3.1 Explain the basic principles of working of D.C. Meters
3.2 Explain the types of D.C. Meters
3.3 Compare the principle of D.C. Generator and motor action
3.4 Explain the term back EMF
3.5 Derive the voltage equation of a D.C. Motor
3.6 Solve basic problems on voltage equation
3.7 Compare the action of shunt and series motors
3.8 Explain the losses and efficiency of D.C. motors
3.9 Explain the basic construction parts of D.C. motors
3.10 Enlist the uses of D.C. Motors in power plants

General Objective
Understand the basic principles of working and construction of A.C MOTORS.
Specific Objectives:
4.1 Illustrate the classification of A.C. Motors
4.2 Explain the basic principle of working of A.C. Motors
4.3 Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of A.C. Motors
4.4 Explain the construction and basic parts of induction motors
4.5 Explain low rotating magnetic field is produced
4.6 Explain the principle of working of three phase induction motors
4.7 Define the terms slip and torque in A.C. motors
4.8 Explain the different types of squirrel cage motors such as class A, B, C, D, E and F

5. Single Phase Meters
General Objective
Understand the basic principles of working and construction of single phase motors.

Specific Objectives:
5.1 Illustrate the classification of single phase motors
5.2 Explain how single phase induction motors are made self starting
5.3 Explain the principle of working of single phase motors
5.4 Describe the principle of different types of capacitor start motor
5.5 Explain the construction and working of shaded pole motors
5.6 Explain the construction and working of squirrel cage motors
5.7 Explain the principles of working and types of Universal motors
5.8 Enlist the uses of single phase motors in Power Plants

General Objective
Understand the basic principle and construction of Alternator.

Specific Objectives:
6.1 Describe the basic principle of working of alternator
6.2 Explain the construction of alternator
6.3 Explain the types of armature windings
6.4 Explain the Y and ∆ connections of alternator
6.5 Define the terms Pitch factor and distribution factors
6.6 Derive EMF Equation
6.7 Solve basic problems on EMF Equation
6.8 Explain how alternators are connected for parallel operation
6.9 Explain how single phase and three phase alternators are synchronized

General Objective
Understand the basic components of A.C. Transmission and Distribution network.

Specific Objectives:
7.1 Enlist the major components and explain their basic function
7.2 Explain the layout of A.C. transmission and distribution system
7.3 Distinguish between frequencies and transmission voltages
7.4 Define the flow of electricity through components
7.5 Describe the fundamentals of distribution system, also illustrate the primary and secondary system
layout and single line diagram.

General Objective
Understand the types and function of different kinds of connections.

Specific Objectives:
8.1 Describe the connections of main and sectional busbars, disconnecters and circuit breakers
8.2 Illustrate single line diagrams showing the connections of main components of T&D System in large
fossil fueled steam generating stations
8.3 Illustrate single line diagram showing the connections of main components in large hydrogenerating
8.4 Illustrate single line diagram showing the connections of main components in turbine generating
stations and diesel engine generating stations


General Objective
Understand the basic principles of working of transformers.

Specific Objectives:
9.1 Illustrate the layout of substation and switchyard
9.2 Describe the function of equipments in substation & switchyard
9.3 Explain the safety procedure in substations and switchyard

General Objective
Understand the structure of overhead lines and underground cables.
Specific Objectives:
10.1 Describe the main components and their types of overhead lines and underground cables
10.2 Enlist the types of underground cables
10.3 Explain the construction, thermal characteristics and insulation of cables
10.4 Define the power loss in cables


General Objective
Understand the basic factors of high voltage A.C. Power.
Specific Objectives:
11.1 Define the factors influencing transmission efficiency and power loss
11.2 Describe the procedure for minimizing power loss by designing transmission and distribution system
11.3 Define the resistance, capacitance, reactance, inductive reactance manipulation
11.4 Explain the relationship between various types of power, apparent power, true power, reactive power
and power factor in terms of three phases A.C. Distribution


General Objective
Understand the voltage control by different methods.

Specific Objectives:
12.1 Describe the voltage control by generator excitation
12.2 Define the booster transformers
12.3 Describe the voltage control by power factor
12.4 Define the synchronous condensers


General Objective
Understand the causes of abnormal voltage rise.

Specific Objectives:
13.1 Distinguish between Surges and Corona

General Objective
Understand the different types of switch gears and circuit breakers and protection of different devices.

Specific Objectives:
14.1Define the reactors and capacitors
14.2 Name the different types of circuit breakers; explain the principle of arc extinction auto enclosure, and
advantages of SF6 circuit breaker
14.3 Distinguish between switch gear for auxiliary power supply system and low voltage switch gear
14.4 Enlist the different types of fuses and relays, also explain their applications.
14.5 Define the Neutral grounding
14.6 Explain the different methods of protections


P.T.: 322 T P CH
Contact Hours: 64 2 0 2

PRE REQUISITE: Knowledge of applied Electricity.


 To provide understanding of basic principle of working of transformers, electrical machines and motors
 To provide understanding of working components of electric power high voltage transmission system.


1.1 Working principle of single phase transformer

1.2 Transformer construction and types. Parallel operation of the single phase transformer
1.3 EMF equation, derivation, problems
1.4 Voltage transformation ratio step up and step down transformer
1.5 Rating of transformer
1.6 Transformer efficiency
1.7 Cooling of transformers
1.8 Three phase transformer, construction and types
1.9 Three phase transformer connections Y/Y, ∆- ∆, ∆/Y
1.10 Parallel operation of 3 Phase transformer


2.1 Principle, construction and working of simple loop generator

2.2 Construction of practical generator
2.3 Armature windings, coil span, pitch, lap and wave winding
2.4 Types of D.C. Generators – separately excited, self excited (shunt, series and compound)
2.5 EMF equation, derivation, problems
2.6 Losses in a D.C. Generator, Power stages
2.7 Parallel operation of D.C. Generators


3.1 Principle of working and types of D.C. Motors

3.2 Back EMF
3.3 Voltage equation of motor
3.4 Compression of shunt and series motor
3.5 Losses and efficiency
3.6 Power stages
3.7 Construction of D.C. Motors, basic parts
3.8 Use of D.C. motors in Power Plants


4.1 Classification of A.C. Motors

4.2 Principles of induction motors, advantages, disadvantages
4.3 Construction of induction motor
4.4 Production of rotating magnetic field
4.5 Three phase induction supply and rotation of rotor
4.6 Slip and torque
4.7 Squirrel cage motors, types Class A, B, C, D, E and F


5.1 Classification of single phase motor

5.2 Starting of single phase motor
5.3 Principle of working of single phase motor
5.4 Types of capacitor shunt motors
5.5 Types, principle of working and construction of shaded and repulsion motors
5.6 Types and uses of single phase motors in power plants


6.1 Alternator, constructional features

6.2 Principles of working
6.3 Generators factors, rotor speed and frequency, no. of poles and frequency, power dispatches and load
6.4 A.C. exciter, function and types of common exciters used in Power plants, components of brushless
exciter, working of brushless exciter, components of static exciter. Working of static exciter. Aspects of
reactive power in power system by analyzing inductive and capacitive components, Megavar loading.

6.5 Ventilation and auxiliary systems, hydrogen cooling system, stator cooling system, seal oil system,
generator degassing procedure


7.1 Major components and their basic functions

7.2 Layout of A.C. transmission and distribution system
7.3 Frequencies and transmission voltages
7.4 Flow of electricity through components
7.5 Fundamentals of distribution system, Primary and secondary system layout, single line diagram


8.1 Connections of main and sectional busbars, disconnectors and circuit breakers
8.2 Large fossil fueled steam generating stations layout connections
8.3 Large hydrogenerating stations layout connections
8.4 Gas turbine generating stations layout connections
8.5 Diesel engine generating stations layout connections


9.1 Layout of substation and switchyard

9.2 Function of equipments in substation and switchyard
9.3 Safety in substations and switchyard


10.1 Conductor types

10.2 Conductor material
10.3 Poles and towers
10.4 Insulator, types
10.5 Suspension, types (Pin type and strain type)
10.6 Joints and clamps
10.7 Guards, Earthing, Vibration and dampers
10.8 Types of underground cables; low, high, super tension and HSL Cables
10.9 Thermal characteristics
10.10 Cable construction
10.11 Insulation of cables
10.12 Power loss in cables


11.1 Factors influencing transmission efficiency and power loss

11.2 Minimizing power loss by designing transmission and distribution system
11.3 Resistance, capacitance reactance and inductive reactance manipulation
11.4 Definitions and relationship between various types of power, apparent power, true power,
reactive power and power factor in terms of three phase A.C. distribution


12.1 Voltage control by generator excitation

12.2 Booster transformers
12.3 Voltage control by power factor
12.4 Synchronous condensers


13.1 Surges
13.2 Corona


14.1Reactors and capacitors

14.2 Circuit breaker, types, principle of arc extinction auto reclosure, advantages of SF6 circuit breaker
14.3 Switch gear for auxiliary power supply system, low voltage switch gear
14.4 Fuses, types and their application, H.R.C. Fuse
14.5 Relays, types; attracted armature type, induction disc type, induction cup type, balanced beam
Type, static over current relay
14.6 Neutral grounding
14.7 Protection against over voltages due to lighting
14.8 Protection of alternators
14.9 Protection of generator and transformer unit
14.10 Busbar, feeder and transmission
14.11 Line protection


 A course in Electrical Power by Soni, Gupta& Bhatnagar

 Generation, transmission and utilization of electrical energy by A.T. Starr
 Switch gear and protection by Suni Rao (1996)
 Modern Power Plant engineering by Jain
 Instructional materials for power plant and utility training (OMG)
 Power Plant Engineering by Black & Vertch (1996)

Video cassette, Student Books, Instructor guides

POW 100 Introduction to transmission and distribution system

POW 101 Substations and layout

POW 103 High voltage AC Power Part (I)

POW 104 High Voltage AC Power Part (II)

POW 107 Safety in substation and switcyards

POW 108 Transformer Part I

POW 110 Circuit Breaker (Part I)

POW 112 Capacitors and reactors

POW 114 Relays Part I

POW 115 Relays Part II


P.T. 332 T P CH
Contact Hours 64 2 0 2


1. Nuclear Fuels
General Objective
Understand the types of Nuclear Fuels and fuel cycles

Specific Objectives:
1.1 Distinguish between fissile and fertile materials
1.2 Discuss the Natural Uranium and its Isotopes
1.3 Explain briefly the utilization of Uranium for releasing heat energy
1.4 Describe Nuclear fuel cycles
1.5 Explain briefly Uranium enrichment process
1.6 Explain briefly fuel fabrication process
1.7 Explain briefly the reprocessing of irradiated fuel
1.8 Explain briefly the utilization of Plutonium
1.9 Explain briefly the use of Thorium fuel

2. Atomic Structure
General Objective
Understand Atomic Structure.

Specific Objectives:
2.1 Define the terms, atom, molecule, element, atomic number and atomic weight
2.2 Explain the atomic structure of some lighter and heavier atoms
2.3 Define the terms Nuclides and Isotopes
2.4 Discuss the mass of Particles and light atoms
2.5 Explain briefly Mass defect, binding energy and Einstein‟s equation

3. Chemical and Nuclear Equations
General Objective
Understand the Chemical and Nuclear Equations.

Specific Objectives
3.1 Define Exothermic reaction
3.2 Define Endothermic reaction
3.3 Distinguish between Exothermic and Endothermic reactions

4. Radioactivity and Decay

General Objective
Understand the process of radioactivity and decay.

Specific Objectives
4.1 Explain the terms radioactivity and decay
4.2 Explain the emission of alpha, Beta and Gamma radiations from radioactive decay process
4.3 Discuss decay rates and half lives of radioactive materials

5. Nuclear Reactions
General Objective
Understand Nuclear Reactions

Specific Objectives:
5.1 Explain how Nuclear reactions are induced
5.2 Write in short form and long form, the typical induced nuclear reactions
5.3 Distinguish between Fusion and Fission process
5.4 Explain the basic principle of Fusion and Fission process
5.5 Explain how chain reaction is sustained and controlled
5.6 Distinguish between fast and thermal reactors

6. Physical Considerations in Reactor Design and Operation
General Objective
Understand the General Physical Considerations in Reactor Design and Operation

Specific Objectives:
6.1 Discuss the Physical considerations involved in reactor design and operation
6.2 Explain six factor formula and its utilization
6.3 Discuss the source of Neutron
6.4 Distinguish between conversion and breading

7. Health Physics
General Objective
Understand the concept and importance of health Physics.

Specific Objectives:
7.1 Define the term health physics
7.2 Explain the effects of Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiations
7.3 Explain why shielding is required for reactor
7.4 Explain how nuclear radiations are detected
7.5 Discuss the types of checks for measuring amount of radiations
7.6 Define the term rad

8. Introduction of Nuclear Reactors

General Objective
Understand the basic principles of working of different types of Nuclear reactors

Specific Objectives:
8.1 Describe the principle of Nuclear fission
8.2 Describe the principle of chain reaction
8.3 Describe the function of basic components of Nuclear reactor
8.4 Distinguish between LWR & HWR
8.5 Describe the basic classification of Nuclear Power Plant
8.6 Describe with the help of configurations/simplified flow diagrams, the working of PWR, BWR, HWR,
8.7 List the advantages and disadvantages of different types of reactors
8.8 Discuss the characteristics of different Nuclear Power Reactors

9. Light Water Reactor

General Objective
Understand the construction and working of light water reactors (PWR/ BWR)

Specific Objectives:
9.1 Describe with the help of Schematic diagrams the basic construction and working of Reactor Vessel
and internals (PWR/ BWR)
9.2 Describe the Reactor core structures
9.3 Describe the flow paths of coolant loop and working fluid loops
9.4 Describe with the help of schematic diagrams the basic construction and working of steam generators
in a Nuclear steam supply system (PWR/ BWR)
9.5 Describe the reactor coolant system
9.6 Describe the pressurize system
9.7 Describe the chemical and volume control system
9.8 Describe the safety injection system
9.9 Describe the fuel handling system

10. Heavy Water Reactor

General Objective
Understand the construction and working of heavy water reactors.

Specific Objectives:
10.1 Describe the basic construction and working of candu reactors structure
10.2 Describe the structure of Fuel channel assemblies
10.3 Describe the structure of Calandria assembly
10.4 Describe the basic construction of reactor vault and shielding
10.5 Describe the reactivity control mechanism
10.6 Describe the reactor vault cooling system
10.7 Describe moderator system
10.8 Describe the Helium and associated systems
10.9 Describe the Primary heat transport system
10.10 Describe the pressurizing system
10.11 Describe the emergency injection system
10.12 Describe the standby cooling system
10.13 Describe the reactor building dousing spray system
10.14 Describe the building ventilation and drying system
10.15 Describe the reactor protective system

11. Nuclear Power Plant and Systems
General Objective
Understand the functional relation of equipments and constructional details in a typical HWR/ LWR
Nuclear Power Plant, components & Systems

Specific Objectives:
11.1 Draw layout of atypical Nuclear Power Plant (HWR/ LWR)
11.2 Describe the constructional details of Power cycle components such as reactor vessel and internals,
pressurizer, steam generator, turbine generator, condenser, main coolant pumps, demineralizer and
cooling towers and their functional relation in a typical Nuclear Power Plant
11.3 Describe the construction of steam turbines and flow paths details
11.4 Describe the important systems of a Nuclear Power Plant
11.5 Describe the safety features of Nuclear Power Plant
11.6 Describe the refueling and excess of Nuclear Power Plant
11.7 Describe the process water system
11.8 Describe the spent fuel storage and cooling system
11.9 Describe the Rad waste system
11.10 Describe the materials used in construction Nuclear Plant components



P.T. 332 T P CH
2 0 2

PRE REQUISITE: Knowledge of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics

 To develop an understanding of fundamentals of Nuclear Energy
 To understand the working of Nuclear Power Reactor and Systems

1. Nuclear Fuels 04 Hours

1.1 Fissile and Fertile materials
1.2 Uranium, Natural Uranium, Isotopes of Uranium
1.3 Utilization of Uranium
1.4 Nuclear Fuel Cycles
1.5 Core and feed material preparations
1.6 Uranium enrichment, methods
1.7 Fuel fabrication
1.8 Reprocessing of irradiated fuel
1.9 Plutonium, utilization of Plutonium handling of Plutonium

2. Atomic Structure 04 Hours

2.1 Basic definitions
2.2 Structure of atom; Electrons, Protons, Neutrons Electric charges, Valence electrons, valence shells,
K Shells
2.3 Atomic number, atomic weight
2.4 Atomic structure of lighter atoms; hydrogen, heavy hydrogen, helium
2.5 Atomic structure of heavier atoms; Uranium-235 and Uranium-238
2.6 Nuclides and Isotopes
2.7 Mass of particles and light atoms
2.8 Mass defect
2.9 Binding energy, Einstein‟s equations

3. Chemical and Nuclear Equation 02 Hours
3.1 Exothermic and Endothermic reactions
3.2 Energy from Nuclear reactions

4. Radioactivity and Decay 04 Hours

4.1 Natural radioactivity, unit of radioactivity
4.2 Alpha particle and decay
4.3 Beta particle and emission
4.4 Gamma radiation
4.5 Position decay 4.6 K-Capillary
4.6 Decay rates and half lives
4.7 Neutron energies
4.8 Change of mass

5. Nuclear Reactions
5.1 Induced nuclear reactions
5.2 Fusion reaction, reactor types, development of takamak reactor
5.3 Fission reactions, reactor types
5.4 Chain reaction; critical size and mass, control of chain reaction. Fast and thermal reactors, Four factor

6. Physical Considerations In Reactor Design And Operation 04 Hours

6.1 Cross Section
6.2 Determination of Critical mass
6.3 Thermal utilization factor
6.4 Neutron production factor
6.5 Six Factor
6.6 Fast non leakage factor
6.7 Reactivity
6.8 Neutron detectors
6.9 Fission product poisons
6.10 Conversion and breading

7. Health Physics 02 Hours
7.1 Units and measurements
7.2 Geiger counter, radiation monitor
7.3 Exposure and biological damage
7.4 External and internal effects and treatment
7.5 Low level effects
7.6 Reactor shielding

8. Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Types 08 Hours

8.1 Basic principles of energy conversion and heat release
8.2 Basic nuclear reactor components- fuel, moderator, coolant, control elements, reflector, vessel
8.3 Basic types – LWR & HWR, configurations, flow diagrams
8.4 Classification of Nuclear Power Plants – PWR, BWR, HWR, HTGR, LMFBR, GCFBR, LWBR,
SGHWR, MSBR and others, configurations, flow diagrams and basic principles of working
8.5 Characteristic of Nuclear Power Reactors – Neutron energy, Fuel, Moderator, Coolant, Converter or

9. Light Water Reactor 06 Hours

9.1 Reactor vessel and internals
9.2 Core structure
9.3 Primary pumps
9.4 Steam generators
9.5 Reactor coolant system
9.6 Pressurizer system
9.7 Chemical and volume control system
9.8 Safety injection system

10. Heavy Water Reactor 12 Hours

10.1 Reactor structure
10.2 Fuel channel assemblies
10.3 Calondria assembly
10.4 Reactor vault and shielding
10.5 Reactivity control mechanism

10.6 Reactor vault cooling systems
10.7 Moderator system
10.8 Helium and associated systems
10.9 Primary heat transport system
10.10 Pressurizing system
10.11 Emergency injection system
10.12 Standby cooling system
10.13Reactor building dousing spray system
10.14 Reactor building ventilation and drying system
10.15 Reactor protective system

11. Nuclear Power Plant and Systems 12 Hours

11.1 Layout of Nuclear Power Plants (HWR/ LWR)
11.2 Power cycle components – reactor vessel and internals, pressurizer, steam generator, turbine generator,
condenser, main coolant pumps, demineralizer and cooling tower
11.3 Steam turbines, constructional and flow path details
11.4 Important systems of a Nuclear Power Plant – Nuclear steam supply system. Residual heat removal
system, service water system, emergency core cooling system, auxiliary cooling system
11.5 Safety features
11.6 Refueling and excess reactivity control
11.7 Process water system
11.8 Spent fuel storage and cooling
11.9 Rad waste system
11.10 Nuclear Plant Materials

 Power Plant Technology, El-Wakil (1984)
 Nuclear Power Plants, Loftness, R.L.
 Nuclear Energy conversion, Rust J.H. (1984)
 POW 447 Nuclear Power (OMG Book Source)
 POW 448 Nuclear Power Plant, Steam and mechanical fundamentals (OMG Book Source)
 POW 448 Reactor Plant materials (OMG Book Source)
 Steam its generation and use (Babcock and Wilcox)
 Power Plant Engineering by Black & Veath (1996)



Code No. P.T. 342 T P CH

Contact Hours: 32 1 3 2
Technology: Power


1. Introduction to ship types and location of engine room and auxiliary equipment.
General Objective:
Understand the ship types and location of engine room and auxiliary equipment.
Specific Objectives:
1.1 Discuss the ship types such as Passenger ships, Cargo liners, Oil tankers, Container ships etc.
1.2 Draw simplified layout of a ship showing location of engine room, auxiliary equipment and main
1.3 Describe the function of auxiliary equipments provided on a ship
1.4 Describe the distinguishing features of electric power generators provided on board ship

2. Steam Reciprocating Engines

General Objective:
Understand the basic construction and principles of working of a marine steam engine.
Specific Objectives:

2.1 List the advantages and disadvantages of compounding
2.2 Describe the terms such as steam lap, exhaust lap, lead etc
2.3 Describe the function and operation of simple and improved slide valve
2.4 Describe the working of reversing gear
2.5 Describe the reheat cycle of a steam engine

3. Marine Boilers
General Objective:
Understand the basic construction and working of Marine Boilers
Specific Objectives:
3.1 Describe the basic construction and working of Marine Boilers such as scotch type, foster wheeler and
E.S.D. boilers etc.
3.2 Discuss the specialized features of Marine Boilers such as drum arrangement, superheat control and
3.3 Discuss the methods of superheat temperature control
3.4 Describe the function of refractory in boilers
3.5 Describe the types of refractories
3.6 Describe the function of boiler mountings
3.7 Describe the soot blowing arrangement
3.8 Describe the working of water treatment and distillation plant, demineralization plant, de-aeration plant
and condensate line treatment
3.9 Discuss the burning of oil fuel in a marine boiler

4. Turbine Theory and Practice

General Objective:
Understand the ship types and location of engine room and auxiliary equipment.
Specific Objectives:
4.1 Describe the function of nozzle and the types of nozzle
4.2 Describe the methods of compounding

4.3 Describe the stage efficiencies and velocity diagrams of impulse reaction turbines
4.4 Describe the construction of different types of steam turbines
4.5 Describe the associated equipment details
4.6 Describe the lubrication system of steam turbines
4.7 Describe the emergency stop valve and control system of steam turbine

5. Feed System and Auxiliaries

General Objective:
Understand the Feed System and Auxiliaries
Specific Objectives:
5.1 Describe the open feed system and closed feed systems
5.2 Describe the feed system auxiliaries such as condensers, feed heater, air ejector, deaerator, evaporator

6. Marine Diesel Engines

General Objective:
Understand the TYPES OF Marine diesel engines.
Specific Objectives:
6.1 Enlist the types of Marine Diesel Engines
6.2 Describe the terms, slow speed, medium and high speed, sulzer, Man-B&W and doxford engine cycle
6.3 Explain the 2 Stroke, 4 Stroke cycle indicator diagrams
6.4 Define the engine indicator, irregularities in diagrams, power balancing combustion monitoring

7. Engine Parts
General Objective:
Understand the function of different parts of marine diesel engine.
Specific Objectives:
7.1 Explain the function of the following:

Liners, liner cooling, liner wear, fitting of liners, piston types, piston rods.

8. Frame Work
General Objective:
Understand the working of different parts of frame work..
Specific Objectives:
8.1 Describe the crank shaft defects and their causes
8.2 Define the term bearing clearance
8.3 Explain cross head cylinder operating system

9. Fuel Injection and Lubrication System

General Objective:
Understand the definitions and working of fuel pumps and injectors
Specific Objectives:
9.1 Define the fuel pump and injector
9.2 Explain the working principles of fuel pump and injector

10. Scavenging
General Objective:
Understand the types and working of Scavenging.
Specific Objectives:
10.1 Define the super charging
10.2 Enlist the types of scavenging
10.3 Explain the turbo charger description and its lubrication system

11. Starting and Reversing

General Objective:
Understand the general Starting and Reversing details.
Specific Objectives:
11.1 Explain the details of general starting and reversing

12. Control
General Objective:
Understand the working and types of Engine governing.
Specific Objectives:
12.1 Define the Governing of diesel engines
12.2 Describe the working of engines Governor and Electronics Governor

13. Auxiliary Supply Systems

General Objective:
Understand the function of different systems in Auxiliary supply systems.

Specific Objectives:
13.1 Describe the working of two stage and three stage air compressors
13.2 Explain the cooling system and lubrication system
13.3 Define air vessels



Code No. P.T. 342 T P CH

Contact Hours: 32 1 3 2
Technology: Power


 To acquaint with the basic principles of working and specialized features of Marine Power Plants
used in steam and Motor Vessels

 To provide knowledge of other equipment provided on board ships.

1. Introduction to ship types and location of engine room 02 Hours

and auxiliary equipments:
Passenger ships, cargo liners, cargo tramps, Oil tankers, Bulk carriers, Colliers,
Container ships, Liquefied gas carriers. Location of engine room and auxiliary
equipments function of auxiliary equipments and electric Power generation

2. Steam reciprocating engines, simple slide valve, operation and 02 Hours

improved slide
valves, double ported, match box type, piston, poppet. All round reversing gear.

Open and crossed rods.

3. Marine Boilers: 04 Hours

Scotch boiler, construction, defects and repairs. Testing and blowing down.
Water tube boilers construction and drum arrangement. Header boiler s, foster
wheeler boilers, ESD I, II and III. Superheat control and de-superheating.
Refractory soot blowing. Water treatment, distillation plant, demineralization plant,
de-aeration plant, condensate line treatment.

4. Turbine Theory and Practice: 04 Hours

Nozzle types, compounding, methods of compounding. Stage efficiencies, velocity diagrams, impulse
and reaction turbines. Warming through procedure, turbine and gearing materials. Double casing
turbines, bearings, turbine glands, single and cross compound arrangements. General construction,
blade details. Impulse reaction turbines H.P, M.P and L.P turbine design. Gearing arrangement
lubrication system. Emergency stop valve and control system.

5. Feed system and auxiliaries 03 Hours

Open feed systems, feed heaters, air ejector turbo feed pump. Deaerator Evaporator types. Feed
treatment, conductivity Sali counter.

6. Marine Diesel Engines – Types 03 Hours

Slow speed, medium and high speed engine, sulzer, MAN – B&W and doxford engine cycles and
timing – 2 stroke4 stroke cycle Indicator diagrams. Engine indicator, irregularities in diagrams. Power
balancing combustion monitoring.

7. Engine Parts – liners, liner cooling, liner wear, fitting of liners, 02 Hours
piston types, piston rods.

8. Frame work, crank shaft defects and their causes. Bearing clearance, 02 Hours
cross head cylinder operating system.

9. Fuel injection and lubrication system, definitions and principles, 02 Hours

fuel pumps, Injector.

10. Scavenging and super charging, types of scavenging, 02 Hours

turbo charger description and its lubrication system.

11. Starting and reversing - General starting and reversing details. 02 Hours

12. Control – Governing of diesel engines, engine governors. 02 Hours

Electronic governors.

13. Auxiliary supply systems – Air compressors, two and 02 Hours

three stage cooling system, lubrication system. Air vessels.


 Reads marine engineering series Volume 12

Motor Engineering knowledge of Marine Engines (1994)

 Marine Engg. Series Diesel Engines by A.J. Wherton

(Third Edition 1991)

 Reeds ship construction for Marine students by E.A. Stokoe (1973)

 Sothern‟s - Marine Diesel Oil Engines Tenth Edition (1981)

 Read‟s Steam Engineering knowledge for Marine Engineers Vol. IX (1969)



Code No. P.T. 342 T P CH

1 3 2

Training is based on visits on board ships and training modules. Students will submit a comprehensive report
based on their visits.

1) Visit of a motor vessel

2) Visit of a steam vessel

3) Drawing and sketch making, showing marine power plants

4) Drawings and sketch making, showing other equipments used on board ships

5) Make reports of visits of ships


Code No. P.T. 354 T P CH

Contact Hours: 64 2 6 4


1. Introduction to basic Principles of stationary gas turbine power plants.

General Objective:
Understand the basic principles of operation of gas turbines.

Specific Objective:
1.1 Identify the basic components of a operation of gas turbines
1.2 Describe the two basic types of gas turbine cycles, constant volume and constant pressure
1.3 Explain the theoretical cycles of gas turbines
1.4 Explain the detailed classification of gas turbines
1.5 Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of closed cycle over open cycle
1.6 Enlist the advantages of gas turbine over diesel engine and steam turbines
1.7 Describe the basic construction and working of open and closed cycle designs
1.8 Distinguish the operation of a single shaft and two shaft gas turbine
1.9 Describe how a two shaft gas turbine is controlled
1.10 Constructional features and description of a stationary gas turbine plant

2. Constructional features and description of a stationary gas turbine plant

General Objective:
Understand the constructional features of a gas turbine plant.

Specific Objective:
2.1 Draw a layout of a typical gas turbine power plant and explain the function of main components.
2.2 Identify the types of compressors used on gas turbines
2.3 Describe how compressors raise the pressure of air going into a gas turbine
2.4 Describe what compressor surge is?
2.5 Describe how combustion gases flow through a turbine
2.6 Describe some of the problems associated with excessive heat in a turbine.

3. Gas Turbine Stationary Power Plant Auxiliary Systems

General Objective:
Understand the working of gas turbine auxiliary systems.

Specific Objective:
3.1 Describe the main types of starting systems
3.2 Describe how the diesel engine and air / electric motors are used to start gas turbines
3.3 Describe how ignitors work
3.4 Explain the operation of a lubricating system
3.5 Describe the operation of cooling system
3.6 Describe the operation of fuel system
3.7 Explain the function of sealing air system
3.8 Explain the automatic fire fighting system

4. Regenerative cycles and performance characteristics

General Objective:
Understand some of the ways the efficiency of a gas turbine is improved.

Specific Objective:
4.1 Draw and explain the flow diagrams of some of the regenerative cycles used in gas turbines
4.2 Explain the performance characteristics of the regenerative cycles

5. High temperature materials for gas turbines
General Objective:
Understand the materials used in gas turbine construction.

Specific Objective:
5.1 Discuss the characteristics of high temperature alloys and name various alloys
5.2 Describe the materials used in construction of different parts of gas turbine plant

6. Control, protection and Operation

General Objective:
Understand the controls, protection and operation sequence of a gas turbine plant.

Specific Objective:
6.1 Describe startup control system
6.2 Describe speed/ temperature control system, Over speed/ temperature, vibration control,
flame detection , Hydraulic trip system and CO2 fire extinguishing system
6.3 Describe starting / stopping sequence

7. Gas Turbine Air Craft Engine; Theory and Construction

General Objective:
Understand the basic principles and construction of gas turbine engine used in Air Craft.
Specific Objective:
7.1 Describe the principle of Jet propulsion
7.2 Explain the types of Jet propulsion engines
7.3 Describe the principles of gas turbine engines
7.4 Explain the types of gas turbine engines
7.5 Explain the basic theory of gas turbine engine and reaction principles
7.6 Explain the basic construction of jet engines.

8. Gas Turbine Engine Fuels and Fuel Systems

General Objective:

Understand the gas turbine engine fuel systems.

Specific Objective:
8.1 Describe the fuel systems of gas turbine engines used in large and small engines
8.2 Describe the fuel control units
8.3 Describe the fuel control systems
8.4 Describe the electronic engine control systems

9. Gas turbine engine lubrication systems of gas turbine engines used in Air craft
General Objective:
Understand lubrication system of gas turbine engines used in Air crafts.

Specific Objective:
9.1 Describe the basic components of lubricating oil systems
9.2 Describe the lubrication system of gas turbine engines

10. Ignition And Starting System Of Gas Turbine Engines

General Objective:
Understand the Ignition and starting system.

Specific Objective:
10.1 Describe the ignition system and its components
10.2 Describe the starting system for gas turbine

11. Gas Turbine Engines, Construction

General Objective:
Understand the basic construction of turbo fan engines, turbo prop engines and turbo shaft engines.

Specific Objective:
11.1 Describe the basic construction of large turbo fan engines.
11.2 Describe the basic construction of small turbo fan engines.
11.3 Describe the basic construction of large turbo prop engines.
11.4 Describe the basic construction of small turbo prop engines.
11.5 Describe the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)

11.6 Describe the basic construction of turbo shaft engine.

12. Gas Turbine Engine Operation

General Objective:
Understand the basic sequence of operation of air craft gas turbine engines.

Specific Objective:
12.1 Describe the starting sequence
12.2 Describe the common points in engine inspection

13. Propeller Theory And Operation

General Objective:
Understand the basic theory and operation of propellers.

Specific Objective:
13.1 Describe the function of propeller
13.2 Describe the basic principle and classification of propeller
13.3 Describe the mechanism for propeller operation
13.4 Describe the propeller governor operation



Code No. P.T. 354 T P CH

Contact Hours: 64 2 6 4

PRE-REQUISITE: Applied Thermodynamic course


 To develop understanding of basic principles, construction, working and operation of stationary

gas turbine power plants

 To provide knowledge of basic principles, construction and working of Air Craft power plants.

1. Introduction to basic principles of stationary gas turbine power plants 05 Hours

1.1 Simple cycle
1.2 Constant volume and constant pressure type gas turbines
1.3 Joules or Brayton cycle, Alkinson cycle, PV & TS diagrams
1.4 Gas turbine power plants classification – open cycle, closed cycle, modified closed cycle.
1.5 Advantages and disadvantages of closed cycle over open cycle
1.6 Advantages of gas turbines over diesel engines and steam turbines
1.7 Description of open and closed cycles
1.8 Single shaft, two shaft system and combined cycles.

2. Constructional features and description of a stationary Gas Turbine Plant 05 Hours
2.1 Air inlet equipment section
2.2 Transition piece
2.3 Compressor section
2.4 Combustion chamber
2.5 Turbine section
2.6 Exhaust Planum
2.7 Alternator
2.8 Exciter

3. Gas Turbine Stationary Power Plant Auxiliary System 06 Hours

3.1 Fuel system and control
3.2 Ignition system
3.3 Cooling system
3.4 Lubrication system
3.5 Starting system – Electric motor, diesel engine
3.6 Governing system
3.7 Sealing air system
3.8 Automatic fire fighting system

4. Regenerative Cycles and Performance Characteristics 04 Hours

4.1 Basic cycle
4.2 Regenerative cycle
4.3 Regenerative cycle with reheat
4.4 Regenerative cycle with inter cooling
4.5 Regenerative cycle with reheating & inter cooling
4.6 Performance characteristics

5. High Temperature Materials for Gas Turbines 03 Hours

5.1 Characteristics of high temperature alloys
5.2 Gas turbine, compressor and other components materials

6. Control, Protection and Operation 06 Hours
6.1 Startup control system
6.2 Speed/ temperature control system
6.3 Over speed
6.4 Over temperature
6.5 Vibration
6.6 Flame detection
6.7 Hydraulic trip system
6.8 CO2 fire extinguishing system
6.9 Starting / Stopping sequence

7. Gas turbine Air Craft Engine – Theory, Construction 04 Hours

7.1 Jet propulsion principle
7.2 Type of Jet propulsion engines – rockets, ram jet engines
7.3 Principles and types of gas turbine engines, turbojet, turbofan and turboprop engines
7.4 Gas turbine engine theory and reaction principles
7.5 Principle parts of a Jet engine – inlet, compressor; centrifugal and axial flow, diffuser, combustion
chamber, nozzle diaphragm, turbines exhaust system and exhaust nozzles
7.6 Accessory drive and reduction gear system

8. Gas turbine engine-fuels and fuel system 04 Hours

8.1 Fuel requirements
8.2 Jet fuel properties and characteristics
8.3 Types of jet fuels
8.4 Fuel additives
8.5 Gas turbine engine fuel systems
8.6 Principles of fuel systems
8.7 Fuel control units for a turbo-prop, turbo-fan and turbo-shaft engines
8.8 Governing systems

9. Turbine Engine lubricants and lubrication system 04 Hours

9.1 Lubrication system components

9.2 Lubricating systems

10. Ignition and starting systems of gas turbine engines 04 Hours

10.1 Ignition systems
10.2 Starting systems – Electric air turbine, combustion starters

11. Gas turbine engines construction 06 Hours

11.1 Turbo-fan engines
Large turbo-fan engines
Small turbo-fan engines

11.2 Turbo Prop-Engines

Large turbo-prop engines
Small turbo-prop engines

11.3 Turbo-shaft engines

12. Gas Turbine Engine Operation 06 Hours

12.1 Starting gas turbine engines
12.2 Engine inspection

13. Propeller theory 06 Hours

13.1 Basic propeller principles
13.2 Propeller theory
13.3 Propeller controls and instruments
13.4 Propeller classification
13.5 Anti-icing and De-icing system


 Gas Turbine Mannuals

 Air Craft Power Plants

Kross-wild (1994)
Glancoe/ Mc Graw Hill

 Power Plant Engineering by Black & Veatch (1996)



Code No. P.T. 354 T P CH

Contact Hours: 64 3 6 5


 Develop understanding of Gas turbine Power Plants through practical training at

Gas turbine power plants and Generating station simulation laboratory

1. Study of layout of a Gas turbine Power plant (Stationary)

2. Identify gas turbine components
3. Study of Air inlet equipment
4. Study of Axial flow air compressor
5. Study of combustors arrangement in combustion chambers
6. Study of turbine section
7. Study of exhaust planum
8. Study of alternator / exciter
9. Study of starting systems of gas turbines
10. Study of lubrication system
11. Study of governing system
12. Study of fuel systems and controls
13. Study of ignition system
14. Study of cooling system
15. Study of instrumentation at control panel/ room
16. Study of general repair / maintenance work
17. Generating stations simulation training (gas turbine)

18. Training at KESC gas turbine generating stations
19. Visits/ watching video cassettes on Gas turbine engines Air craft/ stationary


PSS12, Generating station simulation laboratory, Edibon, S.A. complete in all respect with all types of
simulated stations with all practical possibilities


1. American Hitech, Catalog No. 11224 Gas turbine & Diesel

2. American Hitech, Catalog No. 11226 Gas turbine Principles
3. American Hitech, Catalog No. 11228 Components of Gas turbine Units
4. American Hitech, Catalog No. 11230 Operation and Availability


Code No. P.T. 365 T P CH

Contact Hours: 96 3 6 5


1. Thermal Power Station Layout

General Objective:
Understand the general layout and functional relation of main equipments and steam systems in a
Modern steam generating plant.

Specific Objectives:
1.1 Describe the flow diagram of a modern steam generator and functional relation of equipments in the
1.2 Describe the basic steam flow paths in a steam/ water cycle
1.3 Identify the components of main steam system
1.4 Explain the functions of a main steam system components
1.5 Describe the function of a reheat steam system
1.6 Identify the components of a reheat system
1.7 Explain how extraction steam improves the efficiency of the plant
1.8 Describe the function of an extraction steam system
1.9 Identify the components of extraction steam system

1.10 Identify some of the uses of auxiliary steam in the plant
1.11 Describe how the pressure and temperature of auxiliary steam systems are controlled

2. Utility Boilers
General Objective:
Understand the construction and working of utility boilers.

Specific Objectives:
2.1 Describe the basic principles of operation of radiant heat drum type boilers
2.2 Identify the basic components of radiant boilers
2.3 Describe the fuel flow, air and gas flow, water and steam flow in pulverized coal, cyclone furnace and
natural gas oil fired boilers
2.4 Describe the basic principles of operation of drum-less universal pressure(once-through) boilers.
2.5 Identify the basic components of universal pressure boilers.
2.6 Describe the elementary facts of combustion and heat transfer
2.7 Describe the different types of oil used for combustion
2.8 Describe the basic means of delivering oil and gas to a Power Plant
2.9 Describe some of the operators‟ responsibilities when oil is received at the plant
2.10 Identify the basic components in a light oil handling system
2.11 Identify the basic components in a heavy oil handling system
2.12 Explain the purpose of tank heaters and tracing lines on heavy oil pipes
2.13 Identify the basic components in a typical gas handling system
2.14 Describe the operation of a burner that uses compressed air of steam to atomize oil
2.15 Describe the operation of a burner that uses a mechanical atomizer
2.16 Identify the basic parts of a modern typical burner
2.17 Describe some of the combustion conditions that can be observed by checking the condition of a gas
2.18 Describe some of the safety precautions that should be followed when observing a boiler flame
2.19 Describe the method of observing the flame on monitor
2.20 Describe the factors of coal handling that all plants must deal with
2.21 Identify the methods used to deliver coal to a power plant
2.22 Describe how coal enters a coal handling system
2.23 Identify the components of a simple belt conveyor system
2.24 Describe the operation of a coal crusher
2.25 Describe the operation of a coal breaker

2.26 Identify the location where coal can be stored
2.27 Describe how a volumetric feeder measures coal supplied to a pulverizer
2.28 Describe how a gravimetric feeder measures coal supplied to a pulverizer
2.29 Describe how a typical pulverizer grinds coal and delivers it to a boiler
2.30 Explain why coal sticking to equipment can be a problem
2.31 Describe the principle of operation of cyclone furnace
2.32 Describe the design features of cyclone furnaces
2.33 Describe the classification and operation of stokers
2.34 Describe the operation of water cooled vibrating grate stokers
2.35 Describe the advantages of super heaters and re-heaters
2.36 Describe the types of super heater and re-heaters
2.37 Describe how the steam temperature adjustment and control is being done
2.38 Describe the means of control for regulating steam temperature
2.39 Define the term attemperation and explain the locations where attemperators are installed
2.40 Describe the automatic controls for drum type attemperator
2.41 Describe the types, location and arrangement of economizer
2.42 Describe the effect of dew point on rate of corrosion
2.43 Describe the classification of air heaters
2.44 List the advantages of preheated air
2.45 List the methods by which metal temperature of air heaters may be controlled
2.46 Describe the arrangements of tubular air heaters to suit various directions of gas and air flow
2.47 Describe the fuel ash effect on boiler design and operation
2.48 Describe the effect of iron on ash behavior
2.49 Describe the methods of control of coal ash and oil ash corrosion
2.50 Describe what ash is?
2.51 Identify two types of ash
2.52 Describe some of the effect of ash on a power plant
2.53 Describe how an ash handling system with hydrobine and surge tank operations
2.54 Describe how a typical pressurized fly ash handling system operates
2.55 Describe how a typical vacuum fly ash handling system operates
2.56 Define the term boiler setting and list the factors required in considering the design of setting
2.57 Explain the construction and advantages of membrance wall
2.58 Describe the construction of cased enclosure
2.59 Describe how the heat loss can be minimized

2.60 Name the commercial forms of insulating materials
2.61 Define the terms; draft, forced draft, induced draft, balanced draft, natural draft and mechanical draft
2.62 Illustrate the procedure for calculating stack height and diameter
2.63 Describe the types of fans and their characteristics
2.64 Describe the types of soot blowers and their control systems

3. Steam Turbine Construction/ Principles Of Operation, Valves And Support Systems

General Objective:
Understand the construction and principles of operation.

Specific Objectives:
3.1 Describe how a turbine coverts thermal energy in steam into mechanical energy
3.2 Distinguish between impulse and reaction turbine principles
3.3 Explain how reaction blading converts the steam energy into mechanical energy
3.4 Explain how impulse blading converts the steam energy into mechanical energy
3.5 List the advantages of compounding
3.6 Explain the methods of compounding
3.7 Describe the detailed classification of steam turbines
3.8 Describe the arrangement of Tandum and cross compound turbines
3.9 Describe how turbine rotor assemblies are constructed
3.10 Explain what journal bearings and thrust bearings are used for
3.11 Explain the differences between single casing and double casing turbines
3.12 Explain the purpose of fixed blading
3.13 Explain the method for installation of blades on turbine rotor
3.14 Explain the materials for blades and main components construction
3.15 Explain what the turning gear is used for
3.16 Explain what is meant by a turbine cylinder
3.17 Describe how steam flows through a single cylinder turbine
3.18 Describe how steam flows through multi cylinder turbines
3.19 Explain the construction of a large multistage steam turbine giving the details of flow of steam through
H.P, I.P, and L.P sections
3.20 Describe how steam pressure, temperature and volume change as steam pass through a typical turbine

3.21 Describe how condenser operation affects the turbine efficiency
3.22 Describe how reheat system affects the efficiency of a power plant
3.23 Describe how extraction steam affects the efficiency of a power plant
3.24 Describe how steam flows through the steam valves associated with a turbine
3.25 Describe how main steam stop valves operation
3.26 Describe how turbine control valves operation
3.27 Define what Full Arc admission is
3.28 Describe how steam flows through steam valves associated with HP and IP sections
3.29 Describe how reheat stop valves and intercept valves operation
3.30 Explain the function of turbine ventilator valve
3.31 Explain the function of turbine emergency blow down valves
3.32 Explain the function of turbine drain valves
3.33 Explain why air and steam leaks into and out of a turbine must be prevented
3.34 Describe how a typical gland seal system operates
3.35 Describe how a typical water seal operates
3.36 Identify two common uses of lubricating oil in a turbine
3.37 Describe the operation of a typical lubricating oil system during normal turbine operation
3.38 Describe the operation of a typical tube oil system during start ups and shutdowns
3.39 Explain why turbines need a turning gear
3.40 Explain how a turning gear is used after a turbine is shutdown
3.41 Describe how a turning gear is used before a turbine is started up
3.42 Describe the operation of a turbine hood cooling steam

4. Condenser, Circulating Water and Fire Protection System

General Objective:
Understand the basic operation of condenser, circulating water and fire protection system

Specific Objectives:
4.1 Describe basic function and operation of a condenser in an efficient manner
4.2 Describe the indications, causes and proper responses to tube fouling, air leakage and circulating water
4.3 Describe the operation of a single pass and a two pass problems
4.4 Describe the function of a once-through circulating water system
4.5 Identify the components of a once-through circulating water system

4.6 Describe the basic function and types of cooling towers
4.7 Describe the function of air removal system
4.8 Describe the operation of a reciprocating vacuum pump
4.9 Describe the operation of a liquid ring vacuum pump
4.10 Describe the operation of an air ejector
4.11 Describe some of the checks that operators should make on an operating condenser
4.12 Describe two ways that condenser are protected from high pressure
4.13 Identify the basic components of a typical fire protection system
4.14 Describe the functions of the basic components of a typical fire protection system

5. Condensate And Feed Water System

General Objective:
Understand Condensate and feed water system(FWS)

Specific Objectives:
5.1 Identify the basic components of a condensate and feed water system
5.2 Describe the functions of the basic components of a condensate and feed water system
5.3 Describe the flow path of water through a typical condensate and feed water system
5.4 Describe the function of a chemical addition system
5.5 Describe the function of a make-up water system
5.6 Describe the function of F.W. pump and some of the techniques that can be used to control the speed
of a boiler feed pump
5.7 Describe some of the basic checks that should be made on operating condensate and feed water pumps
5.8 Explain the function of closed water heaters in the condensate and feed water system
5.9 Describe the operation of a closed feed water heater
5.10 Explain the function of an open feed water heater
5.11 Describe some of the basic checks that should be made on an operating open head water heater
5.12 Describe the operation of a typical Hot Well level control system

6. Boiler Water Treatment (Internal Treatment)

General Objective:
Understand the methods of Internal Treatment used for Boiler water for natural circulation units

Specific Objectives:

6.1 Describe the basic terminologies used in water treatment
6.2 Define the effects of improper PH corrosion in the boiler
6.3 Describe the effects of dissolved gases on corrosion in boilers
6.4 Describe the effects of scale and carry over on the plant
6.5 Describe the methods used for internal treatment
6.6 Explain what hydrazine is used for
6.7 Describe how problems caused by corrosion, erosion, scale formation and biological fouling are

6.8 Describe how phosphate addition can be used to treat the water
6.9 Describe what all volatile treatment is
6.10 Describe how solid impurities can be removed when all volatile treatment is used

7. Raw Water Treatment

General Objective:
Understand Raw Water Treatment System

Specific Objectives
7.1 Describe some of the effects suspended solids have on raw water
7.2 Describe the basic steps of clarification
7.3 Describe how horizontal flow clarifiers operate
7.4 Describe how up flow clarifiers operate
7.5 Describe the function of the chemicals used in clarifiers
7.6 Describe how filtration can be used to remove suspended solids from water
7.7 Describe how a gravity filter operates and the procedure for backwashing
7.8 Describe how a Zeolite softener can be used to remove dissolved solids from water and procedure for
back washing
7.9 Describe how evaporator can be used to remove dissolved and suspended solids from water
7.10 Explain how pressure filters can be used to remove suspended solids from raw water
7.11 Explain how reverse Osmosis units can be used to remove the dissolved solids from raw water
7.12 Explain the basic principle of operation of demineralizer.

8. Feed Water/ Condensate Treatment and Condensate Polishing System
General Objective:
Understand feed water/ condensate treatment and condensate polishing system.

Specific Objectives
8.1 Discuss what is required to producer and maintain the quality of feed water as per recommendations
8.2 Describe the condensate purification system
8.3 Describe the types of condensate polishing systems
8.4 Describe how ion exchange can be used to purify water
8.5 Explain how ion exchangers can be regenerated
8.6 Describe how ion exchangers can be used to clean make up water
8.7 Describe how ion exchangers can be used for condensate polishing system
8.8 Describe how degasifier works
8.9 Describe what once-through cooling system is
8.10 Describe what a re-circulating system is
8.11 Describe how corrosion, erosion, scale and biological fouling can affect a cooling system
8.12 Describe the operation of a trash rake
8.13 Describe the operation of a traveling screen
8.14 Explain why chlorine is used in once-through systems
8.15 Identify hazards associated with chlorine
8.16 Describe how a chlorinator operates
8.17 Identify the types of evaporative coolers used in power plants
8.18 Describe how blow down and make up system can be used to treat water in a re-circulating cooling
water system
8.19 Describe how side stream filtering and softening systems can be used to treat water in a re-circulating
cooling water system
8.20 Describe what acid dosing is used for
8.21 Identify some of the techniques used

9. Power Plant Atmospheric Emission Control

General Objective:
Understand how atmospheric emission control is implemented

Specific Objectives:
9.1 Describe various controls for emission


Code No. P.T. 365 T P CH

3 6 5

PRE REQUISITE: Knowledge of Boilers and Steam systems

 To develop understanding of construction of main components in a large thermal power plant
 To acquaint knowledge of different systems associated with the thermal power plants

1. Thermal Power Station Layout 12 Hours

1.1 Main components of a typical power plant
1.2 Main and auxiliary systems of the plant; F.W, C.W and condensate systems, air, fuel, live steam and
exhaust steam system
1.3 Flow and diagrams functional relation of boilers, turbines, condensers, pumps, ir ejectors, F.W. Heater,
economizers, Air preheaters, deaerators, eveporators, reheaters, primary and secondary super heaters,
forced and induced draft fans in a modern boilers.

2. Utility Boilers 24 Hours

2.1 Radiant boilers, fuel flow, air and gas flow, water and steam flow and other details
2.2 Once through boilers; fuel flow, air and gas flow water and steam flow and other details
2.3 Boiling and steam separation
2.4 Elementary facts of combustion and heat transfer

2.5 Transportation, handling and storage of oil and gas; typical light and heavy oil handling equipment, gas
handling equipments
2.6 Modern burner types; lighters and pilots, atomization, excess air, burner pulsation, operating range,
burner testing, starting cold boiler safety precautions.
2.7 Boiler flame observation
2.8 Coal processing and handling equipment, cleaning methods and treatment, sizing, transportation,
storage and handling, system operation
2.9 Preparation and utilization of pulverized coal; pulverizer types, auxiliary equipments, pulverized coal
burning equipments. Modern coal burner types, excess air, operating range, starting cold boilers
2.10 Cyclone furnaces, principles of operation, design features
2.11 Stokers; classification, spreader stoker, underfeed stoker, grate stokers
2.12 Superheater and re heaters, advantages of superheating and re heating. Steam temperature adjustment
and controls Attemperation, types of attemperators, automatic controls of attemperators
2.13 Econimizers and air heaters; types of economizers, location, arrangement and cleaning. Corrosion of
economizers. Air heater advantages, classification of air pre heaters, corrosion control of air heaters
2.14 Fuel ash effect on boiler design and operation, effect of iron on ash behavior design and operation of
slag tap units
2.15 Ash handling equipment, bottom ash and fly ash handling equipment, ash erosion, design of slag tap
units. Design parameters, effect of operating variables. Corrosion, oil/ slag formation and oil ash
deposits. Oil ash corrosion and control.
2.16 Boiler enclosure, insulation and casing; design requirements, tube wall enclosure, cased enclosures,
resistance to ash and slag, leakage, corrosion.
2.17 Stacks, fans and drafts stack height and diameter calculations, draft its types fan types and
2.18 Soot blowers, description of different types control systems.

3. Steam Turbine Construction/ Principles Of Operation, 16 Hours

Valves And Support Systems
3.1 Fundamental principles
3.2 Basic types
3.3 Classification, compounding
3.4 Tandum and cross compound design
3.5 Steam turbine construction; rotar assemblies and blade, casting, journal and thrust bearing
3.6 Cylinder arrangements; single cylinder, multi cylinder steam flow

3.7 Turbine extraction, Turbine efficiency, factors affecting turbine efficiency; effect of steam pressure
temperature and volume on turbine efficiency as steam passes over through a typical turbine, Effect of
condenser operation, Reheat system and its effect on efficiency of power plant, effect of extraction
steam on efficiency of power plant
3.8 Operator controllable losses; turbine cycle
3.9 Balance of plant factors affecting plant efficiency
3.10 Balance of plant controllable losses
3.11 Turbine valves and support systems; Turbine valve, auxiliary turbine valves. Gland seal system,
lubricating oil system, governing system and its types ; direct regulation and indirect regulation system,
Hydraulic and electro-hydraulic system, turning gear and exhaust hood cooling

4. Condenser, Circulating Water and Fire Protection System 08 Hours

4.1 Classification of condensers
4.2 Condensing process
4.3 Circulating water system
4.4 Cooling towers and types
4.5 Air removal system
4.6 Condenser operation
4.7 Fire protection system

5. Condensate and Feed Water System 08 Hours

5.1 System function and components
5.2 Flow path
5.3 Pumps
5.4 Feed water heaters and types
5.5 Hot well level control systems

6. Boiler Water Treatment (Internal Treatment) 08 Hours

6.1 Water treatment; basics terms such as PH, corrosion, dissolved solids, coagulation scale and carryover
6.2 Recommended limits of solids in boiler water
6.3 Dissolved gas removal
6.4 Phosphate chemistry
6.5 Internal treatment methods; Phosphate hydroxide, coordinated phosphate, chelant and volatile.

7. Raw Water Treatment 08 Hours
7.1 Raw water treatment principles
7.2 Clarifiers
7.3 Clarifier chemistry
7.4 Filtration
7.5 Zeolite softening
7.6 Demineralization and evaporation
7.7 Pressure filters and reverse Osmosis

8. Feed Water/ Condensate Treatment And Condensate Polishing System 08 Hours

Cooling water treatment
8.1 Cooling system problems
8.2 Once through circulating water treatment
8.3 Chlorine injection systems
8.4 Circulating water treatment systems
8.5 Treatment of other cooling systems

9. Power Plant Atmospheric Emission Control 04 Hours

9.1 Particulate Control
9.2 Nitrogen Oxides emission control
9.3 So2 emission control
9.4 Combination Nitrogen Oxide Reduction

 Steam its generation and use (B and W)
 Modern Power Plant Engg; by Jain
 Power Plant Engg; by Nagpall
 Steam Plant Operation by Woodruff & Lammers
 Instructional materials for power plant and utility training (OMG BOOK SOURCE)
 Power Plant Engineering by Black & Veatch (1996)

 American Hi-Tech Instruments.


1) Practicals on Elementary Boiler Trainer
2) Practicals on advance Boiler Trainer
3) Practicals on PSS 12 Generating Station Simulation Laboratory, Edibson S.A.
4) Practical training in a Thermal Power Station once week preferably in KESC Thermal Power Plant.
Training report to be submitted in presentable form.


Code No. P.T. 373 T P CH

Contact Hours: 64 2 3 3


1. Pressure Measurement 02 Hours

General Objective:
Understand the principles of various pressure measuring instruments

Specific Objectives:
1.1 Describe the operating principles of Bourdon tube, Hook, Bellows, Metallic diaphragm,
and limp (or slack) diaphragm pressure Gauges.
1.2 Describe the operating principles of manometer

2. Temperature Measurements 02 Hours

General Objective:
Understand the principles of operation of various temperature measuring instruments

Specific Objectives:
2.1 Describe the operation of different types of liquid filled, gas filled and vapor filled system
2.2 Describe the operation of bimetallic thermometers
2.3 Describe the principles of optical and radiation pyrometers

2.4 Describe the various parts of a thermocouple and how a thermocouple operates
2.5 Describe the operation of an infrared temperature sensor

3. Flow Measurement 04 Hours

General Objective:
Understand the basic principles of operation of flow measuring instruments

Specific Objectives:
3.1 Describe the basic principle of operation of Orifice plate, flow nozzle, venturitube, pitot tube and
elbow taps
3.2 Describe the basic principle of Fecheimer probe
3.3 Describe the basic principle of operation of square root cam
3.4 Explain how to measure fluid flow using various types of meters such as over gear flow meters,
such as oval gear flow meters, nutating disc flow meters, rotameters, cylinder and piston flow
meters, target flow meters, turbine flow meters, vortex shedding flow meters, magmeters, ultrasonic
flow meters

4. Liquid Level Measurement 04 Hours

General Objective:
Understand the principles of operation of liquid measuring instruments

Specific Objectives:
4.1 Describe the use of dipstick, gauge slick, pumb bob and gauge glass
4.2 Describe how a float or displacer can be used to measure liquid level
4.3 Describe the major parts of a typical torque tube displacer
4.4 Describe common float actuated and magnetic float devices

4.5 Describe the basic principles of operation for a system that uses capacitance to indicate changes in
liquid level, for a sonic level measurement system, and for a radiation level measurement system

5. Sensing, Measuring And Controlling Elements 08 Hours

General Objective:
Understand how sensing, measuring and controlling elements operate together.

Specific Objectives:
5.1 Describe the general function of a control loop
5.2 Identify four basic elements that make up a control loop
5.3 Describe how control is accomplished in open control loops
5.4 Describe how control is accomplished in closed control loops
5.5 Describe how flow, temperature, pressure and level sensors operate together with
controlling elements
5.6 Describe how a pneumatic and electronic transmitters operate
5.7 Describe the function and operation of a converter
5.8 Identify three major sections of a controller
5.9 Describe how a controller performs summing functions
5.10 Describe how a controller performs comparing functions
5.11 Describe how a controller performs multiplying functions
5.12 Describe how a controller performs square root functions
5.13 Describe how a controller performs high selecting functions
5.14 Describe how a controller performs low selecting functions
5.15 Describe how a controller performs derivative function
5.16 Describe how a controller performs integral functions
5.17 Describe how a controller performs timing functions

6. Controllers and Final Control Elements 08 Hours

General Objective:
Understand Controllers and Final Control Elements.

Specific Objectives:
6.1 Describe how a single element control loop operates

6.2 Explain why multi element control loops may be necessary to avoid large fluctuation in a system
6.3 Describe how multi element control loops operate
6.4 Describe some of the information that can be obtained from a typical control room computer
6.5 Describe some of the controls and indications that can be found to control panels
6.6 Describe how a hand/ auto station functions in a control loop
6.7 Describe how to operate a hand/ auto station in manual control
6.8 Identify several types of final control elements
6.9 Describe how hydraulic actuators move final control system
6.10 Describe how electric actuators move final control elements

7. Types of Control 08 Hours

General Objective:
Understand the Types of Control.

Specific Objectives:
7.1 Describe the purpose of control
7.2 Define control point
7.3 Define span
7.4 Describe how on/ off control operates
7.5 Describe how proportional control operates
7.6 Describe how proportional plus-reset-plus-rate can be used to maintain a process variable
at a set point
7.7 Describe how proportional plus-reset-plus-control operates
7.8 Describe how on/ off control can be used with a sump pump
7.9 Describe how on/ off control can be used fly ash handling system
7.10 Describe how proportional plus-reset-plus-rate can be used to maintain level in a tank
7.11 Describe how a bubble can be used to measure level in a tank

8. Recorders 02 Hours
General Objective:
Understand the construction and operation of Recorders.

Specific Objectives:
8.1 Describe the basic construction and operation of circular chart and strip chart recorders
8.2 Describe the variety of designs and types of available recorders, types of input, print drive and chart
drive sections and recorder printers

9. Boiler Control, Interlock and Protection System 08 Hours

General Objective:
Understand the boiler control, interlock and protection system.

Specific Objectives:
9.1 Describe the basic control theory
9.2 Describe the self operated thermo hydraulic control mechanism for maintaining drum level
9.3 Identify the basic components of a single element drum level control system
9.4 Describe how a single element drum level control system operates
9.5 Identify the basic components of a two and three element drum level control system
9.6 Describe how two and three element drum level control system operates
9.7 Describe with the help of illustrations the combustion control system for stoker fired boilers,
gas and oil fired boilers, pulverized coal boilers, cyclone furnace fired boilers
9.8 Describe the basic types of combustion guides, steam flow air flow, fuel flow air flow and
gas analysis
9.9 Describe the comparison of combustion guides
9.10 Describe how fuel flow, control system operates
9.11 Describe how an air flow control system operates
9.12 Describe how air flow and fuel flow air system operate together to maintain a constant
steam pressure
9.13 Describe how a combustion control system keep the air/ fuel mixture in the boiler air-rich during
load changes
9.14 Describe how operators can monitor drum level and combustion
9.15 Describe the actions operators should take if automatic control system fails

9.16 Describe the types of banner control systems
9.17 Describe the interlocks and protections provided for boilers, economizer, super heater, re heater,
drum and heaters

10. Turbine Control, Instrumentation And Protection System 10 Hours

General Objective:
Understand turbine control, instrumentation and protection system

Specific Objectives:

10.1 Explain how the speed of a turbine can be controlled using control valves
10.2 Describe how a hydraulic actuator pilot valve and mechanical governor can be used to position a
turbine control valve
10.3 Describe how hydraulic governors can be used to control the speed of a turbine
10.4 Describe how electronic governors can be used to control the speed of a turbine
10.5 Describe how speed changers are used to control turbine speed
10.6 Describe how turbine vibration is monitored
10.7 Describe how turbine expansion and contraction are monitored
10.8 Explain why turbine eccentricity is monitored
10.9 Describe how turbine speed is monitored
10.10 Explain why turbine control valve position is monitored
10.11 Describe which temperatures and pressures are monitored to ensure a turbine is operated safely
and efficiently
10.12 Describe the function of turbine protection systems
10.13 Identify the components that make up a typical turbine protection system
10.14 Describe how a typical turbine protection system operates
10.15 Describe how turbine solenoid trip mechanism operate to trip out a turbine
10.16 Identify some of the conditions that may cause a solenoid trip

11. Instrumentation, controls and protection system for Nuclear Steam Plants 06 Hours
General Objective:
Understand the basic instrumentation, controls and protection system for Nuclear Steam Plants.

Specific Objectives:

11.1Illustrate the instrumentation, control and protection system for a Nuclear (PWR) steam electric

11.2 Describe the Nuclear instrumentation system

11.3 Explain the functions of plant computer

11.4 Describe the integrated control system for nuclear steam plants

11.5 Describe the turbine controls

11.6 Describe the steam generator controls

11.7 Describe the reactor control

11.8 Describe the Protection system for reactors

12. Developments In Instrumentation And Controls 02 Hours

General Objective:
Understand the developments in Instrumentation and control systems.

Specific Objectives:

12.1Discuss the developments in electronic and digital instrumentation and control system

12.2 Discuss the developments in automatic control systems

12.3 Discuss the computer based control systems



Code No. P.T. 373 T P CH

Contact Hours: 64 2 3 3

PRE REQUISITE: Knowledge of different types of Power Plants.


 To familiarize the students with the common switches, basic controls and equipments provided in
control rooms/ panels of power plants

 To give understanding of basic principles of working of common instruments provided in control

rooms/ panels of power plants

1. Pressure Measurement
1.1 Bourdon Tube Gauge
1.2 Hook gauge
1.3 Metallic diaphragm/ slack diaphragm pressure gauge
1.4 Bellow gauges
1.5 Inclined differential manometer

2. Temperature Measurement
2.1 Filled system thermometers; liquid filled, gas filled and vapor filled systems
2.2 Bimetallic thermometers
2.3 Optical and radiation pyrometers
2.4 Thermo couples
2.5 RTDs, thermistors and infrared temperature sensors

3. Flow Measurement
3.1 Orifice plates, advantages and disadvantages
3.2 Flow nozzle, advantages, disadvantages
3.3 Venturi tube, advantages and disadvantages
3.4 Pitot tube
3.5 Elbow taps
3.6 Fe Cheimer probe
3.7 Square root extractors; ledouxbell and cam
3.8 Oval gear flow meters
3.9 Lobed impeller flow meters
3.10 Nutating disc flow meters
3.11 Rotameters
3.12 Cylinder and piston flow meters
3.13 Turbine flow meters
3.14 Target flow meter
3.15 Vortex-shedding flow meters
3.16 Mag meters
3.17 Ultrasonic flow meters

4. Liquid Level Measurement

4.1 Dipstick, gauge stick
4.2 Plumb bob

4.3 Gauge glass
4.4 Float displacer
4.5 Torque tube displacer
4.6 Float actuated and magnetic float devices, float magnet and follower magnet system reed switch
system, ball float mercury switch system
4.7 Electrical, sonic and radiation level measurement

5. Sensing, Measuring And Controlling Elements

5.1 Control loops
5.2 Open and closed control loops
5.3 Sensing elements; flow temperature, pressure and level sensor
5.4 Transmitters and converters; pneumatic and electronic transmitters, converters
5.5 Controllers and control functions

6. Controllers And Final Control Elements

6.1 Single element control loops
6.2 Multi element control system
6.3 Computer and controls
6.4 Hand/ auto stations
6.5 Pneumatic actuations
6.6 Hydraulic and electric actuators
6.7 Pneumatic and electronic transducers, controllers and computing relays

7. Types Of Control
7.1 Purpose of control
7.2 On/ off and proportional control
7.3 Proportional plus reset control
7.4 Proportional plus reset plus rate control

7.5 On/ off control in power plants
7.6 Proportional-plus-reset control and A Bubbler

8. Recorders
8.1 Types of circular chart and strip chart recorders
8.2 Types of input, print drive, chart derive sections and recorder printers

9. Boiler Control, Interlock And Protection System

9.1 Basic boiler control theory, open & closed loop control, proportional control, integral or reset control,
feed forward-feedback control. Requirements of the controller
9.2 F.W. Control system for drum level; self operated single, two, three elements configuration
9.3 Combustion control systems, stockers, gas and oil, fired, pulverized coal fired, cyclone furnace fired
boilers and their diagrams for combustion control system, combustion guides
9.4 Burner control;
Types-manual control, manual control with lighter flame provaving system, manual control with lighter
and main flame proving, remote manual sequence control, automatic sequence control. Fuel
management, flame detection
9.5 Boiler protection; economizer, super heater, re heater, drum and header protections

10. Turbine Control, Instrumentation and Protection System

10.1 Turbine Control systems
10.2 Turbine instrumentation
10.3 Turbine protection

11. Instrumentation Controls and Protection System for Nuclear Steam Plants
11.1 Nuclear instrumentation/ protection
11.2 In-Core/ Non-nuclear instrumentation
11.3 Plant computer

11.4 Integrated control system for nuclear steam plant
11.5 Turbine control
11.6 Steam generator control
11.7 Reactor coolant loop control
11.8 Reactor control
1.9 Reactor protection system
11.10 Engineered safeguard actuation system

12. Developments In Instrumentation And Controls

12.1 Simplifying information display
12.2 Performance computations
12.3 Power plant automation
12.4 Developments in instrumentation and control systems, Electronic and digital control systems

 Steam its generation and use by Babcock and Wilcox

 Instructional materials for power plant and utility training

 American Hi-Tech instruments video cassettes

 Power Plant Engineering by Black & Veatch



Code No. P.T. 373 T P CH

Contact Hours: 64 2 3 3

1. Identifying pressure measuring instruments study their construction

2. Identifying temperature measuring instruments and study their construction

3. Identifying flow measuring instruments and study their construction

4. Identifying liquid level measuring instruments and study their construction

5. Removal, servicing and installation of pressure measuring instruments

6. Removal, servicing and installation of temperature measuring instruments

7. Removal, service and installation of flow measuring instruments

8. Removal, service and installation of liquid level measuring instruments

9. Gauge calibration

10. Dis-assembly, cleaning, reassembly, alignment and calibration of actuators and postitioners

11. Study of components of electronic/ digital control system in power plants

12. Study of components of computer based controle systems in power plants

13. Study of Recorders

14. Study of Boiler control, interlock and protection system

15. Study of Boiler control, interlock and protection system

16. Study of turbine control instrumentation and protection system

 Practicals will be partially based on visits to Power Generating Stations.


Code No. P.T. 383 T P CH

Contact Hours: 64 2 6 4


1. Boiler Inspection, Cleaning And Maintenance

General objective:
Understand the basic problems associated with different boilers components and their inspection
cleaning and repairs

Specific objectives
1.1 Describe the basic problems associated with boilers
1.2 Describe the necessary steps for fix side inspection to see symptoms for boilers failure.
1.3 Describe the necessary steps for water side inspection.
1.4 Describe the procedure for correction of identified problems during inspection.
1.5 Describe how scales and soot are removed and cleaning is carried out.
1.6 Explain how to close up a boiler, including closure of hand holes and main holes.

2. Boiler Tube Repairs And Soot Blower Maintenance

General objective:

Understand the boiler tube repairs and soot blower maintenance.

Specific objectives:
2.1 Describe the types of boiler tube repairs.
2.2 Describe the causes of failure of tubes.
2.3 Describe the procedure for finding the leaks of defective boiler tubes.
2.4 Describe the removal and installation procedure of boiler tube.
2.5 Describe the function and types of soot blowers.
2.6 List the disassembly, Inspection and assembly procedure of soot blowers.
2.7 Describe the operation of various types of soot blowers, recurrent maintenance problems, in place
service and overhaul process.

3. Refractory Maintenance
General objective:
Understand the causes of failure of refractories and the appropriate repair techniques.

Specific Objectives:
3.1 Describe the types of refractories used for boiler wall construction.
3.2 Describe how to select the proper type of refractory for a particular application.
3.3 Describe the causes of refractory failure and repair techniques.

4. Steam Turbine Maintenance and Repairs.

General objective
Understand the common problems associated with stream turbine maintenance and repairs.

Specific objectives:
4.1 Discuss the inspection and maintenance schedules for steam turbines
4.2 Describe the inspection of rotors, shaft, and bearings.
4.3 Describe the inspection for casing erosion.
4.4 Describe the maintenance, cleansing and repairs for turbine blades, rotors.
4.5 Describe the procedure for flushing and cleaning of lubrication system.
4.6 Explain the common maintenance and repair problems associated with governing system.
4.7 Describe the common types of repairs of steam turbines.

5. Maintenance of Condensers and Cooling Towers
General objective:
Understand the general maintenance of condensers and cooling towers.

Specific objectives:
5.1 Describe the general procedure for maintenance of condensers
5.2 Describe the general procedure for maintenance of cooling tower.

6. Gas Turbine Inspection, Maintenance And Repairs

General objective:
Understand the common problems associated with gas turbine inspection, maintenance
and repairs.

Specific objectives:
6.1 Discuss the inspection and maintenance schedules for gas turbines.
6.2 Describe the inspection, cleaning, repair and maintenance of gas turbine components.
6.3 Describe the common maintenance and repair problems
6.4 Describe the common types of repairs of gas turbines.

7. Diesel/Dual Fuel Engines Inspection, Maintenance & Repairs

General objective:
Understand the problems associated with diesel/dual fuel engines in maintenance and repairs.

Specific objectives:
7.1 Discuss the inspection and maintenance schedules.
7.2 Describe how the recondition main parts.
7.3 Describe how to inspection and measure clearances of engine parts.
7.4 Describe major steps in servicing engine parts.
7.5 Describe the maintenance and repairs of engine parts and systems.

8. Hydraulic Turbines Inspection, Maintenance and Repairs.

General objective:
Understand the problems associated with hydraulic turbines in maintenance and repairs.

Specific objectives:
8.1 Discuss the inspection and maintenance schedules.
8.2 Describe the inspection of rotor assemblies.
8.3 Describe the important points in maintenance of hydraulic turbines.
8.4 Describe the common repairs of hydraulic turbines.
8.5 Describe the maintenance of lubrication and governing systems.

9. Pumps And Compressors, Repair And Maintenance

General objective:
Understand the general repairs and maintenance associated with common type of pumps and

Specific objectives:
9.1 Discuss the methods for packing a stuffing box
9.2 Describe the over hauling procedure of common type of pumps and compressors

10. Planning and Management of Work

General objective:
Understand how to plan and manage maintenance work in power plants.

Specific objectives:
10.1Describe the planning and management of mechanical work
10.2Describe the planning and management of electrical maintenance
10.3 Describe the planning and management of instrument repair
10.4 Prepare maintenance schedules such as routine maintenance, break down maintenance and preventive



Code No. P.T. 383 T P CH

Contact Hours: 64 2 3 3

PRE REQUISITE: Knowledge of Power Plants


 To develop understanding of inspection, maintenance and repair of power Plants & equipments

1. Boiler Inspection, Cleaning and Maintenance 06 Hours

1.1 Basic problems associated with boilers
1.2 Specific maintenance problems associated with different boiler components
1.3 Fire-side inspection and cleaning
1.4 Waterside inspection and cleaning
1.5 Chemical cleaning of water-side
1.6 Close-up of boiler, including hand holes, man holes, fire box
1.7 Inspection and maintenance schedule

2. Boiler tube repairs and soot blower maintenance 06 Hours

2.1 Repairing tools
2.2 Causes of failure of tubes
2.3 Removal and installation of tubes
2.4 Flaring and caulking
2.5 Function and operation of different types of soot blowers
2.6 Disassembly, inspection and overhaul procedure for soot blower

3. Refractory Maintenance 06 Hours

3.1 Purpose and types of refractories used for boilers
3.2 Symptoms and causes of refractory failure
3.3 Repair techniques (Brick, castable and plastic)

4. Steam Turbine Inspection, Maintenance and Repairs 10 Hours

4.1 Inspection and maintenance schedules
4.2 Steam path parts
4.3 Wheels/ rotors and shafts
4.4 Bearings
4.5 Shaft packing
4.6 Casing erosion
4.7 Lubrication system
4.8 Governing system
4.9 Turbine repairs

5. Maintenance Of Condensers And Cooling Towers

5.1 General procedure procedure for maintenance for Condensors
5.2 General procedure procedure for maintenance Cooling Tower

6. Gas Turbine Maintenance and Repairs

6.1 Inspection and maintenance schedules
6.2 Air inlet equipment, compressor, turbine and combustion chamber sections overhaul and maintenance
6.3 Maintenance of exhaust planner
6.4 Maintenance of lubrication and governing systems
6.5 General repairs of gas turbines

7. Diesel/ Dual Fuel Engines Inspection, Maintenance And Repairs
7.1 Inspection and maintenance schedules
7.2 Maintaining log sheets and records
7.3 Crankshaft re-conditioning
7.4 Servicing cylinder heads, pressure testing and reservicing heads valves, guides, seats, valve sets,
7.5 Re-conditioning cylinder blocks, cylinder finish, main bearing bores, camshaft, gear train.
main bearings
7.6 Inspecting and measuring bearing clearances
7.7 Re-conditioning connecting rods
7.8 Piston, piston pins and piston rings inspection
7.9 Testing and servicing fuel pumps injectors and fuel nozzles
7.10 Blowers and turbo chargers inspection and servicing
7.11 Repairing cracks, peaning and pining
7.12 Maintenance of fuel, lubrication and cooling systems

8. Hydraulic Turbines Inspection, Maintenance And Repair

8.1 Inspection and maintenance schedules
8.2 Inspection of rotor assembly
8.3 Maintenance of hydraulic turbines
8.4 Repair of hydraulic turbine
8.5 Maintenance of lubrication and governing system

9. Pumps And Compressors, Repair And Maintenance 04 Hours

9.1 Stuffing box packing
9.2 Over hauling of pump and compressors

10. Planning And Management Of Work 04 Hours

10.1Mechanicl maintenance
10.2 Electrical maintenance
10.3 Instrument repair
10.4 Maintenance schedules – Routine maintenance, break down maintenance, Preventive maintenance


 Diesel fundamentals service and repairs by Toboldt
 Diesel engine operation and maintenance by Maleeve
 Boiler Manuals
 Steam and Gas Turibe manuals
 Steam plant operation by Woodruff and Lammers



Code No. P.T. 354 T P CH

2 3 3

1. Diesel engine overhauling and servicing

2. Make minor repairs in Diesel engine such as valves grinding, cleaning of air, lube oil and fuel filters

3. Preparing a boiler ready for inspection

4. Removal of scale and carbon deposits for a boiler

5. Servicing of boiler mountings, valve grinding and replacement of gaskets.

6. Pump stuffing box glands replacement

7. Servicing steam turbines

8. Servicing of steam engine

9. Air compressors servicing

10. Servicing of boiler feed pumps

11. Servicing of Field Water System(FWS)

12. Servicing of Condensate Water System(C.W. S)

13. Servicing of condensers

14. Servicing of condensate return system

15. Servicing of automatic controls of boilers


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