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Computer Maintenance Checklist For Software and

Hardware Components

Basic Computer Software Maintenance Checklist:

 Firstly, update your computer’s virus definition or install a reliable antivirus program. Update your
antivirus program and run a complete virus scan at least once a week.

 Delete all the temporary Internet files. In Internet Explorer, click on Tools, select Internet options.
Click the option marked Delete Files. The deletion will take some time, but it is required to get rid of
all those temporary files.

 Clear Internet cache. Every time you surf on internet, your PC stores all the web pages and images
you scroll through. This back up information store on hard drive space. Download CCleaner for this
purpose. Empty your Recycle Bin. Make sure to empty it, every time you delete something. This will
keep the hard drive free and clean from unnecessary clutter.

 Do a disk clean up. This will get rid of old compressed files, temporary files and other junk. To do
this, go to the Start Menu →All Programs →Accessories →System Tools →Disk Cleanup.

 Shortcut icons on the desktop are no doubt handy and easily accessible, but get rid of the icons that
are not in use. This will make your desktop look clean and neat.
 Delete programs that are rarely used or not used. Go to the Control Panel →Add or Remove
Programs. You will see the programs installed on your PC. Deleting programs which are rarely used
or not used his will increase the performance of your PC.

 Backup your database to protect and restore (in case of system failure).

 Run the Disk Defragmenter utility to clear disk space unnecessary data on your hard drive. To do
this, click the Start button →Programs →Accessories →System Tools, and then select Disk
Defragmenter option.

 Restart your computer properly to clean it of unwanted clutter.

Basic Computer Hardware Maintenance Checklist:

 Make sure that your computers, LCD, printer, CPU are plugged into a surge protector.

 Clean your LCD, mouse, keyboard and other parts with alcohol-free cleaners or wipes specifically
for this purpose.

 Check the physical connections between all devices, see that clear air flow is maintained and check
that no wires are obstructed anywhere.

 Blow out or vacuum the accumulated dust in and around your computer. The motherboard of your
PC and the sides of the expansion cards attract dust and debris, blow out the dust from that area
too (might want to take it outside first, depending how old it is!)

 Check that the cooling fan (for CPU’s) is working properly, keep it free of dust and cobwebs.
Accumulated dust may obstruct the working of the cooling fan.
(Executive – IT)

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