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9/26/2019 Document 2552181.

Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle Confidential.

Interoperability Notes: Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Oracle Database 19c (Doc ID

Interoperability Notes: Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Oracle Database 19c

This note is the master document describing the use of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (12.2) with Oracle Database 19c

When upgrading your Oracle E-Business Suite to Oracle Database 19c, the database will be converted to a multitenant
environment, which will consist of a Container Database (CDB) with a single Pluggable Database (PDB).

During the upgrade, you will also perform steps to migrate directories defined for PL/SQL File I/O to database directories. This
is a requirement due to the desupport of the UTL_FILE_DIR database initialization parameter.

The most current version of this document is My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2552181.1. There is a change log at
the end of this document.

Attention: Check My Oracle Support to make sure that your platform and environment configuration are certified to
work with Oracle Database 19c before performing any of the instructions in this document.

Attention: If you are going to use Oracle 19c Real Application Clusters (RAC) or Automatic Storage Management (ASM),
see My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2530665.1, Using Oracle Database 19c RAC Multitenant (Single PDB) with
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.

Attention: Ensure sufficient performance and scalability pre production testing has been performed of important and
time-critical activities when upgrading or making other significant changes to your Oracle E-Business Suite systems. The
testing should include activities such as maintenance, life-cycle management, batch and online operations.

This document contains the following sections:

Section 1: Upgrading an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Database to Oracle Database 19c
Instructions for upgrading an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 database server and instance from Oracle Database
11g Release 2 (11.2.0) or Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1.0) to the latest version of Oracle Database 19c.

Before the Database Installation
Database Installation
Database Upgrade
After the Database Upgrade
Convert Database to Multitenant Architecture

Section 2: Unsupported Products

This section lists products that are currently not supported with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 on Oracle Database

Section 3: Known Issues

This section lists known issues with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 on Oracle Database 19c.

Attention: If you are using or planning to use any of the unsupported products, do not upgrade the database to Oracle
Database 19c until the Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 products you require are supported for use with Oracle Database 1/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1

19c. Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway (ISG) certification with Oracle Database 19c is in progress. It will
be removed from the list once the certification is complete.

Attention: These notes apply to UNIX, Linux, and Windows platforms. However, you may need to modify some
instructions depending on your platform. For example, these notes typically use UNIX/Linux syntax when specifying a
directory, so Windows users will need to substitute the appropriate syntax when specifying a directory.

Attention: You can obtain the Oracle Database 19c software from Oracle Technology Network.

Section 1: Upgrading an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Database to Oracle Database 19c

Follow the instructions in this section if you plan to upgrade the database and instance to the latest version of Oracle Database

Before the Database Installation:

1. Run hcheck.sql

Follow My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 136697.1 to run hcheck.sql, which looks for some known common
Data Dictionary problems. One critical check the script performs is to see if there exists a SYSTEM datafile that has a
relative file number with the value of 1. Do not proceed with any step in this document if you encounter this error. You
will have to resolve this by running export/import instead.

2. Verify software versions

The following software component versions must exist in your environment.

Software Minimum Version Tier Details

Read the "Oracle Database Releases That Support Direct

Upgrade" subsection of the "Overview of Oracle Database
N/A Database Upgrade Tools and Processes" section in Chapter 1 of the
Oracle Database Upgrade Guide 19c . Make sure that direct
upgrade is supported from your current release.

Patch 17020683 - 12.2.3
Patch 26834480 - R12.AD.C.Delta.11
Patch 28840822 - R12.TXK.C.Delta.11
Patch 25452805
Patch 26521736 - 19c interoperability patch for 12.2
Patch 28371446
Patch 29965377
Oracle E-
12.2.3 with listed Patch 19597008 (included in 12.2.5)
Business Application
patches Patch 20251314 (included in 12.2.5)
Patch 29914546 - Apply only on EBS 12.2.7
Patch 29914412 - Apply only on EBS 12.2.6
Patch 26327394 - Apply only on EBS 12.2.6
Patch 29618853 - Apply on EBS 12.2.6 or later versions
Patch 23560508 - Apply only on EBS 12.2.5
Patch 26481190 - Apply only on EBS 12.2.5
Patch 23588491 - Apply only on EBS 12.2.4
Patch 23588492 - Apply only on EBS 12.2.3

AutoConfig R12.TXK.C.Delta.11 Application Apply all the Oracle E-Business Suite prerequisite patches listed
above. 2/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1

Afterwards, see the Patching AutoConfig subsection of the

Technical Configuration section of the Oracle E-Business Suite
Setup Guide Release 12.2 for instructions on running

3. Allow case sensitive passwords (optional)

If you choose to enable case sensitive passwords and the database has the SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON initialization
parameter set to FALSE, follow My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1581584.1, Patch 12964564:R12.FND.B -
Enabling the Oracle Database 11g Case-Sensitive Password Feature for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1+
, to
enable case sensitive passwords. Once completed, modify the APPS password in the WLS datasource, run AutoConfig
from the Run APPL_TOP, and restart the APPS services. To modify the APPS password in WLS datasource, perform the
following instructions:

a. Log in to WLS Administration Console

b. Click Lock & Edit in Change Center
c. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Services and select Data Sources
d. On the "Summary of JDBC Data Sources" page, select EBSDataSource
e. On the "Settings for EBSDataSource" page, select the Connection Pool tab
f. Enter the new password
g. Click on Save
h. Click on Activate Changes in Change Center

Repeat the instructions for OAEADataSource instead of EBSDataSource if OAEADataSource exists.

4. Create the initialization parameter setup files

Perform the following commands to create the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/[ORACLE_SID]_initparam.sql and

$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/[ORACLE_SID]_datatop.txt files.

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil
$ . ./txkSetCfgCDB.env dboraclehome=[full path of ORACLE_HOME]
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin
$ perl -dboraclehome=[ORACLE_HOME] \
-outdir=[ORACLE_HOME]/appsutil/log -appsuser=[APPS USER] \
-dbsid=[ORACLE_SID] -skipdbshutdown=yes

When the script is run on Oracle Database, ignore any
DBMS_PDB.DESCRIBE related errors.

Database Installation:

5. Prepare to create the 19c Oracle home

The 19c Oracle home must be installed on the database server node in a different directory than the current Oracle

Read the chapters prior to the "Installing Oracle Database" chapter of the Oracle Database Installation Guide 19c
your platform. Pay attention to Chapter 1 as it contains checklists of requirements. It is possible that an operating
system upgrade is needed prior to upgrading to Oracle Database 19c. Also read the "Major Steps in the Upgrade
Process for Oracle Database" section of Chapter 1 of the Oracle Database Upgrade Guide 19c. Make sure you
thoroughly understand the installation and upgrade processes. Perform any steps that are relevant for your

6. Install the Oracle 19c software

Log in to the database server node as the owner of the Oracle RDBMS file system and database instance. Ensure that
environment settings, such as ORACLE_HOME, are set for the new Oracle home you are about to create, and not for
any existing Oracle homes on the database server node. Perform the steps in "Installing Oracle Database" chapter of
the Oracle Database Installation Guide 19c for your platform. 3/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1

In the Database installation windows, select the option to install the database software only instead of the option to
create and configure a single instance database. In addition to American English, select any languages used by your
Applications database instance. Choose the Enterprise Edition installation type. For Windows users, in the "Specify
Oracle Home User" window, select the "Use Windows Built-in Account" option.

After the installation, make sure that:

a. The ORACLE_BASE environment variable is set accordingly.

b. The ORACLE_HOME environment variable points to the new 19c Oracle home.
c. The PATH environment variable includes $ORACLE_HOME/bin and the directory where the new perl executable
is located (usually $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin).

d. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable includes $ORACLE_HOME/lib.

e. The PERL5LIB environment variable points to the directories where the new perl libraries are located
($ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/[ perl version
] and $ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/site_perl/[ perl version
] for UNIX/Linux,
$ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib, $ORACLE_HOME/perl/site/lib for Windows).

7. Apply additional 19c RDBMS patches

Apply the required 19c Database patches listed in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1594274.1, Oracle E-
Business Suite Release 12.2: Consolidated List of Patches and Technology Bug Fixes
, for your platform. Do not run any
of the post install instructions as those will be done after the upgrade.

8. Create the nls/data/9idata directory

On the database server node, as the owner of the Oracle RDBMS file system and database instance, run the following
command to create the $ORACLE_HOME/nls/data/9idata directory.

$ perl $ORACLE_HOME/nls/data/old/

After creating the directory, make sure that the ORA_NLS10 environment variable is set to the full path of the 9idata
directory whenever you enable the 19c Oracle home.

9. Create and copy it to the database tier

See the "Copy AutoConfig to the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME" step of the Patching AutoConfig subsection of the Technical
Configuration section of the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide Release 12.2
, for instructions on how to create and copy it to the database tier.

10. Install JRE 8

Copy the $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre directory to $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jre to install JRE 8 on the appsutil directory.
Perform the following instructions:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil
$ cp -r $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre .

Attention: Copy orai18n.jar from $ORACLE_HOME/jlib to $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/jre/lib/ext

11. Create the CDB

On the database server node, run the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to create the container database (CDB).
When prompted, click on the "Create Database", "Advanced Configuration", and "General Purpose or Transaction
Processing" options. In the Specify Database Identification screen, check to create an empty container database (CDB)
without a PDB. Set the Global Database Name, the SID to the new CDB SID, and check the "Use Local Undo tablespace
for PDBs" checkbox. The CDB SID has to be different from the current ORACLE_SID which will be the PDB SID. In the 4/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1

"Network Configuration" section, do not create a listener. In the "Specify Configuration Options" section, set the SGA
and PGA size to 2G and 1G respectively. Click on the Character Sets tab and choose the Character Set and National
Character Set to be the same as in the source database. In the "Select Database Creation Option" section, click on the
"Customize Storage Locations" button. Set the size of the redo log files to be the same as in the source database. Other
options can be configured as appropriate.

Note: Customers must also take into consideration the expected increase in the total shared memory and huge
pages requirements on the system, as a result of creating and instantiating new CDB instance in parallel with a
running production instance. Accordingly, before attempting to create CDB, they must consider making needed
adjustments to appropriate kernel parameters that control the total number of huge pages available on the system
and maximum amount of shared memory that can be allocated on the system

12. Run datapatch on the CDB

Use the following commands to load any necessary patches on the CDB.


$ $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/datapatch

13. Create the CDB MGDSYS schema

Use SQL*Plus to connect to the CDB as SYSDBA and run the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catmgd.sql script. This
creates the new MGDSYS schema on the CDB.

$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @?/rdbms/admin/catmgd.sql

14. Create the CDB TNS files

On the database server node, run the following script to generate the required TNS files. Note that this script does not
create a listener.

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil
$ . ./txkSetCfgCDB.env dboraclehome=[full path of ORACLE_HOME]
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin
$ perl -dboraclehome=[ORACLE_HOME] -cdbname=[CDB SID] \
-cdbsid=[CDB SID] -dbport=[Database port] -outdir=[ORACLE_HOME]/appsutil/log

15. Configure Transparent Data Encryption for CDB (conditional)

If you have Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) enabled in the source database or if you choose to use TDE, perform
the following steps to create a software keystore for the CDB and to set the TDE master encryption key:

a. Set the keystore location and type

Create the [WALLET_ROOT]/tde directory which is where the keystore will be stored. Next, modify the following
CDB initialization parameters and then restart the database to set the parameters:

WALLET_ROOT='[WALLET_ROOT directory given above (without "tde")]'


b. Create a software keystore

Use SQL*Plus to connect to the database as a user who has the ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT or SYSKM
privilege. Perform the following steps to create the software keystore under [WALLET_ROOT]/tde. 5/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1

$ sqlplus sec_admin as syskm
"[keystore password]";
FROM KEYSTORE '[WALLET_ROOT]/tde' IDENTIFIED BY "[keystore password]";

c. Open the keystore and set the TDE Master Encryption Key

Perform the following steps to open the keystore and set the TDE Master Encryption Key in the software


IDENTIFIED BY "[keystore password]";
IDENTIFIED BY "[keystore password]" WITH BACKUP;

16. Shut down the CDB

Use SQL*Plus to connect to the CDB as SYSDBA and use the following command to shut down the database:

$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

SQL>shutdown normal;

Database Upgrade:

17. Complete the Applications patching cycle

As the owner of the source administration server, run the following command to see the if an adop patching cycle is

$ adop -status

If an adop patching cycle is open, finish the current adop patching cycle. Then, regardless of adop status, run the
following command to clean up the editions created by previous adop patching cycles.

$ adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full

This maintenance operation will take much longer than a typical online patching cycle, and should only be performed
when there is no immediate need to start a new online patching cycle.

18. Store the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter values

Perform Section 3.1.1, Migrating UTL_FILE_DIR Settings when Upgrading to Oracle Database 19c, in My Oracle Support
Knowledge Document 2525754.1, Using UTL_FILE_DIR or Database Directories for PL/SQL File I/O in Oracle E-Business
Suite Releases 12.1 and 12.2 , to set the UTL_FILE_DIR paramter values.

19. Shut down the Applications server processes and database listener

On each application tier server node, shut down all server processes or services. On the database tier server node, shut
down the Oracle Net or Net8 database listener in the old Oracle home.

Note: The Applications will be unavailable to users until all remaining tasks in this section are completed. 6/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1

Attention: Make sure that you do not have the LOCAL_LISTENER initialization parameter set to ensure that the
database does not inadvertently point to a non-existent listener during upgrade.

20. Drop SYS.ENABLED$INDEXES (conditional)

If the SYS.ENABLED$INDEXES table exists, use SQL*Plus to connect to the database as SYSDBA and running the
following command to drop it:

$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

SQL>drop table sys.enabled$indexes;

21. Remove the MGDSYS schema (conditional)

If you are upgrading from an RDBMS version prior to Oracle 12c, on the old database server node, use SQL*Plus to
connect to the database as SYSDBA and run the $ORACLE_HOME/md/admin/catnomgdidcode.sql script. This drops the
MGDSYS schema.

$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @?/md/admin/catnomgdidcode.sql

22. Prepare to upgrade

Read Chapter 2 of the Oracle Database Upgrade Guide 19c. Take note of the section pertaining to the Database
Upgrade Assistant (DBUA). Also read the section about the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool.

If you are using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), perform the steps listed in the "Copying Transparent Encryption
Oracle Wallets" subsection of the "Database Preparation Tasks to Complete Before Starting Oracle Database Upgrades"
section of Chapter 2.

Note: The preupgrade.jar log file provides instructions to remove OLAP catalog (amd_exists). It does not actually
remove OLAP catalog. Run the $ORACLE_HOME/olap/admin/catnoamd.sql script manually to remove OLAP

Note: Ensure that the oratab file contains an entry for the database to be upgraded.

Attention: Modify the following initialization parameters before the upgrade:

Comment out all the deprecated initalization parameters. Any necessary parameter will be added back in
after the upgrade.
Unset the olap_page_pool_size initialization parameter.
If you have an 11g source database, set the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET initialization parameter to at least
Set the SGA_TARGET initialization parameter to at least 2G.

Attention (Windows only): Make sure that the Services applet window is closed on the database server node.
You cannot remove the current database instance service during the upgrade if this window is open.

23. Upgrade the database instance

The instructions for the database upgrade are outlined in Oracle Database Upgrade Guide 19c Chapters 4 and 5.
Perform the "Upgrading with Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA)" section of chapter 4 and any step in chapter
5 that is relevant to your environment. 7/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1

In Oracle Database 19c, the DMSYS schema is no longer used. The Data Mining option is installed in the SYS schema.
The Oracle 19c pre-upgrade tool has been extended to include a warning that the DMSYS schema should be dropped.
If this warning is reported, it is recommended to drop the schema. Removing the DMSYS schema has no effect on the
functioning of Data Mining.

Disregard warnings related to Network ACLs. AutoConfig manages all the Oracle E-Business Suite Network ACLs.

When upgrading all statistics tables, note that Oracle E-Business Suite has only one statistics table,
APPLSYS.FND_STATTAB, that needs to be upgraded.

Attention: Ensure that the trigger SYSTEM.EBS_LOGON is valid. To compile the trigger, use SQL*Plus to connect
to the database as SYSDBA and run the following command:
SQL>alter trigger SYSTEM.EBS_LOGON compile;

Attention: After the upgrade, the OLAP Catalog Component (AMD) may have "OPTION OFF" or "REMOVED"
status in the dba_registry table. Oracle E-Business Suite has no dependencies on AMD and this is acceptable from
the standpoint of EBS.

Attention: Modify the following initialization parameters after the upgrade:

If you previously had the SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON initialization parameter set to FALSE, re-enable
the parameter.
Set COMPATIBLE to 19.0.0.
If you modified the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET initialization parameter in the previous step, revert it back
to the original value.

24. Perform patch post-install instructions

Run all the patch post install instructions.

Attention: Several patches may require datapatch to be run. This only needs to be run once.

Connect to the database as SYSDBA and run the following scripts:


25. Natively compile PL/SQL code (optional)

You can choose to run Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 PL/SQL database objects in natively compiled mode with
Oracle Database 19c. See the "Compiling PL/SQL Program Units for Native Execution" section of Chapter 12 of Oracle
Database PL/SQL Language Reference 19c .

After the Database Upgrade:

26. Run adgrants.sql

Copy $APPL_TOP/admin/adgrants.sql (adgrants_nt.sql for Windows) from the administration server node to the
database server node. Use SQL*Plus to connect to the database as SYSDBA and run the script using the following

$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @adgrants.sql (or adgrants_nt.sql)

[APPS schema name] 8/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1

Note: When running adgrants.sql, you may get ORA-00942 errors. These are caused by adgrants.sql trying to
create grants on non-existent objects. The errors can be ignored.

27. Grant create procedure privilege on CTXSYS

Copy $AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/adctxprv.sql from the administration server node to the database server node. Use
SQL*Plus to connect to the database as APPS and run the script using the following command:

$ sqlplus apps/[APPS password] @adctxprv.sql \

[SYSTEM password] CTXSYS

28. Compile invalid objects

Use SQL*Plus to connect to the database as SYSDBA and run the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql script to
compile invalid objects.

$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql

29. Grant datastore access

Use SQL*Plus to connect to the database as SYSDBA and run the following command:

$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

SQL>grant text datastore access to public;

30. Gather statistics for the SYS schema

Copy $APPL_TOP/admin/adstats.sql from the administration server node to the database server node. Note that
adstats.sql has to be run in restricted mode. Use SQL*Plus to connect to the database as SYSDBA and use the following
commands to run adstats.sql in restricted mode:

$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

SQL>alter system enable restricted session;
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL>alter system disable restricted session;

31. Create the new MGDSYS schema (conditional)

If you upgraded from an RDBMS version prior to Oracle 12c, use SQL*Plus to connect to the database as SYSDBA and
run the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catmgd.sql script. This creates the new MGDSYS schema.

$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @?/rdbms/admin/catmgd.sql

32. Create Demantra privileges (conditional)

If you are using Demantra, perform the steps in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 730883.1, Installer Created
Priviliges PLUS Additional Database Privilege needed for Demantra Schema when Running on Oracle 11g Database.
33. Export Master Encryption Key (conditional)

If the database is encrypted, perform the following steps to export the wallet Master Encryption Key. 9/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1

a. Disable Auto-Login wallet if enabled

Use SQL*Plus to connect to the database as SYSDBA and run the following query to determine if the wallet is
opened in Auto-Login mode.

SQL>select wallet_type from v$encryption_wallet;

If the result is AUTOLOGIN, then disable Auto-Login by performing the following commands:


SQL>!mv [new 19c wallet location]/cwallet.sso
[new 19c wallet location]/cwallet.sso_old
SQL>!cp [new 19c wallet location]/ewallet.p12
[new 19c wallet location]/ewallet.p12_old

b. Export wallet keys

Run the following command to export the current wallet


"[secret password]" TO '[export file name]' IDENTIFIED BY [wallet password];

c. Change the wallet to Auto-Login mode

Run the following command to change the wallet to Auto-Login mode.


'[new 19c wallet location]' IDENTIFIED BY [wallet password];

Convert Database to Multitenant Architecture:

In this subsection, there are two databases that are associated with the 19c Oracle home, the CDB and the non-CDB
database. Moreover, the non-CDB database will be migrated to the PDB database. Set the appropriate environment variables
to connect to the appropriate database.

Only the txkSetCfgCDB.env in the $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil directory is necessary. It sets certain environment variables.
However, it does not distinguish between the different databases in the 19c Oracle home. It is used mainly to complete the
steps in this subsection. The following steps assume that a new terminal is brought up every time. However, there is no need
to run txkSetCfgCDB.env twice on the same terminal. So, you may skip running the txkSetCfgCDB.env script if it has already
been run on the particular terminal you are using.

After running the, additional environment files are created so that connecting to the database is
more convenient. Load the proper environment variables and connect to the database by performing the following steps:

For the non-CDB database, source the $ORACLE_HOME/[non-CDB SID]_[HOST].env file. Then, run sqlplus
[user]/[password]@[non-CDB SID]. (The environment file was created during the earlier upgrade steps)
For the CDB database, source the $ORACLE_HOME/[CDB SID]_[HOST].env file. Then, run sqlplus [user]/[password] or
connect as SYSDBA.
For the PDB database, source the $ORACLE_HOME/[CDB SID]_[HOST].env file. Set the ORACLE_PDB_SID environment
variable to [PDB SID]. Then, run sqlplus [user]/[password]@[PDB SID] or connect as SYSDBA.

34. Create the PDB descriptor

Perform the following commands to create the PDB descriptor file in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. 10/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil
$ . ./txkSetCfgCDB.env dboraclehome=[full path of ORACLE_HOME]
$ export ORACLE_SID=[source SID]
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin
$ perl -dboraclehome=[ORACLE_HOME] \
-outdir=[ORACLE_HOME]/appsutil/log -appsuser=[APPS USER] -dbsid=[source SID]

Attention: The script shuts down the non-CDB database. Do not manually
bring up the database. There will be no access to the database until after the migration of the non-CDB database
to the PDB.

35. Disable the ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION sqlnet.ora entry (conditional)

If the database is encrypted, remove or comment out the ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION entry in both the Oracle
Database 19c sqlnet.ora and sqlnet_ifile.ora files.

36. Update the CDB initialization parameters

On the database server node, copy the [source SID]_initparam.sql and [source SID]_datatop.txt files from the source
$ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory to the new $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory and then use SQL*Plus to connect to the CDB
as SYSDBA and run the following commands to update the CDB initialization parameters:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil
$ . ./txkSetCfgCDB.env dboraclehome=[full path of ORACLE_HOME]
$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SQL>startup nomount;
SQL>@$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/[source SID]_initparam.sql
SQL>alter system set LOCAL_LISTENER="[hostname]:[port number]" scope=both;

If using a pfile initialization parameter file, add the LOCAL_LISTENER setting to the file. Ignore any ORA-25138 error. It
occurs when there are initialization parameters in the source database that are obsolete in Oracle 19c.

37. Check for PDB violations

Use the following commands to run the script. This checks the PDB for any violations.

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil
$ . ./txkSetCfgCDB.env dboraclehome=[full path of ORACLE_HOME]
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin
$ perl -dboraclehome=[ORACLE_HOME] \
-outdir=[ORACLE_HOME]/appsutil/log -cdbsid=[CDB SID] -pdbsid=[source SID] \

Review all warnings and resolve all errors. Do not run noncdb_to_pdb.sql as that will be run by in the
next step.

38. Create the PDB

Load the environment variables by running the following commands:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil
$ . ./txkSetCfgCDB.env dboraclehome=[full path of ORACLE_HOME]
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin

If the database is encrypted, use the following command to run the script to create the PDB. 11/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1
$ perl -dboraclehome=[ORACLE_HOME] \
-outdir=[ORACLE_HOME]/appsutil/log -cdbsid=[CDB SID] -pdbsid=[source SID] \
-dbuniquename=[CDB SID] -istdeenabled=yes -secretkeyfile=[full path of wallet keys file] \
-keystoreloc=[CDB WALLET_ROOT/tde] -servicetype=onpremise

Otherwise, use the following command.

$ perl -dboraclehome=[ORACLE_HOME] \

-outdir=[ORACLE_HOME]/appsutil/log -cdbsid=[CDB SID] -pdbsid=[source SID] \
-dbuniquename=[CDB SID] -servicetype=onpremise

The PDB datafile location can be the same as the source datafile location. When prompted with "Enter the wallet
credentials" and "Enter the secret key", enter the previously specified CDB wallet password and secret password

39. Run the post PDB script

Use the following commands to run the script. This updates the PDB configuration.

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil
$ . ./txkSetCfgCDB.env dboraclehome=[full path of ORACLE_HOME]
$ perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/ \
-dboraclehome=[ORACLE_HOME] -outdir=[ORACLE_HOME]/appsutil/log \
-cdbsid=[CDB SID] -pdbsid=[PDB SID] -appsuser=apps -dbport=[TNS port number] \

40. Modify initialization parameters

Use the following sections in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 396009.1, Database Initialization Parameter
Settings for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
, as a guideline in modifying your initalization parameters.

a. Common Database Initialization Parameters For All Releases

b. Release-Specific Database Initialization Parameters For Oracle 19c

c. Additional Database Initialization Parameters For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2

d. Temporary Tablespace Setup

e. Database Initialization Parameter Sizing

41. Run AutoConfig on Applications tier

As the user of the Applications server node, on both the Patch and Run APPL_TOP, modify the
$TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora files to specify the CDB instance name. The following is an example of the new TNS entry.

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=[host].[domain])(PORT=[port number]))

Set the value of s_applptmp in the context file of every Applications tier server node to match one of the paths defined
in UTL_FILE_DIR that is not /usr/tmp. To get the paths, connect to the Applications database instance as APPS and run
the following query:

SQL>select value from v$parameter where name='utl_file_dir';

Run AutoConfig on both Patch and Run APPL_TOPs using the following command. 12/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1

$ $INST_TOP/admin/scripts/

Attention: When running AutoConfig on the Patch APPL_TOP, ignore all errors.

Attention: After running AutoConfig, run the proper Oracle E-Business Suite file system environment file again in
a new window to make sure the correct environment variables are loaded. Do not use the other windows logged
into the Applications tier as they may have the old environment variables loaded.

42. Apply post-upgrade WMS patches (conditional)

If you upgraded from an RDBMS version prior to 12c, apply Patch 19007053. Since the WLS admin server has not yet
been brought up, apply the patch in downtime mode on the Run APPL_TOP by running the following command:

$ adop phase=apply patches=19007053 apply_mode=downtime

43. Recreate custom database links (conditional)

If the Oracle Net listener in the 19c Oracle home is defined differently to the one used by the old Oracle home, you
must recreate any custom self-referential database links that exist in the Applications database instance. To check for
the existence of database links, use SQL*Plus on the database server node to connect to the Applications database
instance as APPS and run the following query:

$ sqlplus apps/[apps password]

SQL>select db_link from all_db_links;

The EDW_APPS_TO_WH and APPS_TO_APPS database links, if they exist, should have been updated with the new port
number by AutoConfig in the previous step.

If you have custom self-referential database links in the database instance, use the following commands to drop and
recreate them:

$ sqlplus apps/[apps password]

SQL>drop database link [custom database link];
SQL>create database link [custom database link] connect to
[user] identified by [password] using
(PORT=[port number]))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=[ORACLE_SID])))';

where [custom database link user password], [hostname], [port number], and [ORACLE_SID] reflect the new
], [ ], [
Oracle Net listener for the database instance.

44. Restart Applications server processes

Restart all the Application tier server processes that you shut down previously. Remember that the Oracle Net listener
for the database instance, as well as the database instance itself, need to be started in the 19c Oracle home. Users may
return to the system.

Section 2: Unsupported Products 13/14
9/26/2019 Document 2552181.1

The following EBS products are currently not supported with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 on Oracle Database 19c:

Oracle Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)

Oracle Enterprise Planning and Budgeting (EPB)
Demand Signal Repository (DDR)
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway (ISG)

Section 3: Known Issues

The following are known issues with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 on Database 19c:

1. If your database is configured for SSL or TLS per Section 4, Database Tier Setup of My Oracle Support Knowledge
Document 1367293.1, Enabling TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2
, do one of the following:
Apply either Patch 17555224 or Patch 19849290 for FMW


Upgrade to FMW Refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1590356.1, Upgrading Oracle
Fusion Middleware WebTier of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 to the latest 11gR1 (11.1.1.x) PatchSet.
To test the database, refer to Section 4, Database Tier Setup of My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1367293.1,
Enabling SSL or TLS for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 .

2. When applying an Oracle E-Business Suite Release Update Pack on an Oracle 19c database, you may run into the error
"ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded". Increase the open_cursors initialization parameter value to at least
twice the current value to continue. Once the application of the Release Update Pack is completed, reset the value of
open_cursors to its original value.

Change Record

The following sections were changed in this document.

Date Summary of Changes

11-Sep-2019 Initial release

My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2552181.1 by Oracle E-Business Suite Development

Copyright 2019, 2019 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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