Name: Emilysa Izani BT Mohd Fadzil Topic: Life Expectancy Malaysia Matric Number: 2017411986 Group: AS2021A

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(Describing chart[s] and/or graph[s])


Matric number: 2017411986 Group: AS2021A

This exercise requires you to provide an outline for your informative speech by filling in the
following template.

The outline of your speech should include :

 introduction,
 description and analysis of chart(s) and/or graph(s),
 conclusion and recommendation.

In this exercise, you need to choose at least one chart(s) and/or graph(s) related to your topic.
Describe the important data (facts and figures) and the salient features of the data from the
chosen chart(s) and/or graph(s). You are also required to choose at least one article related to
your topic. Select relevant information from the chosen article(s) to provide some supporting
information for the data.

Introduce topic Life expectancy in Malaysia
Credibility I am interested about this topic because the topic can educate
people about life expectancy in Malaysia
Background of topic According to the Statistics Department, men are expected to live
until the age of 72.5 and women until the age of 77.4. All ethnic
groups and life expectancy by state in Malaysia also recorded a
rise in the period from 2010 till 2017.
Central Idea The life expectancy in Malaysia increasing or decreasing is due
to various factors, including good access to health care,
infrastructure, food and a better standard of living.
(Describing chart[s] and/or graph[s])
Description of data 1. Chart 1: In 2016, a newborn baby boy could expect to
live 72.6 years and a newborn baby girl to live 77.2
years thus, male life expectancy increased by 0.7 years,
from 71.9 years in 2010, meanwhile female life
expectancy increased by 0.6 years, from 76.6 years for
the same period.
2. Chart 1: The gap between male and female life
expectancy at birth has been increased gradually around
the range of 4.6 years to 4.7 years throughout the period
of 2010 until 2016.
1. Chart 2: The Indian community recorded the lowest life
expectancy with 67.7 years for a male and 75.8 years for
the female for the period 2010-2016.
2. Chart 2: Chinese recorded the highest increment of life
expectancy with 0.6 years (male) and 0.8 years (female)
for the period of 2010–2016.
1. Chart 3: The highest life expectancy at birth for both
male and female was recorded in Sarawak with 75.1
years and 78.6 years respectively.
2. Chart 3: Terengganu recorded the lowest life expectancy
at birth for both male and female with 68.8 years and
74.6 years respectively.
Analysis of data 1. Based on Dr Mohd Uzir said, there was a rise in life
expectancy because people taking part in healthy
activities such as exercising in gyms, while the number
of deaths caused by unhealthy lifestyle was also
2. The second reason why female live longer than male is
due to various factors, including good access to health
care, infrastructure, food and a better standard of living.
3. The third reason why Indian has lowest life expectancy
is because of tobacco smoking, including second-hand
smoke, caused nearly 6.3 million deaths across the
globe. With India being one of the world's major tobacco
users, most of these deaths may have happened here.
4. Chinese has highest life expectancy because they
willing to spend more money and resources on
health programs, which would encourage people to
have good diets, exercise and maintain a healthy
work-life balance. They also drink a lot of water in
their daily life.
5. Sarawak has highest life expectancy because their
lifestyle is very traditional because they ate herbs,
they ate more protein than carbohydrate and did
not expose with air pollution like smoke from
vehicles, exhaust from industries and factories. As
we all know they all live in the forest so did not
exposed with air pollution.
Conclusion These three charts show an increase of life expectancy in our
country. Life expectancy at birth of Malaysia population will
continues to rise over the past decades. The increase of life
expectancy is due to many factors such as good access to
health care, infrastructure, food and a better standard of living.
Recommendation To increase the life expectancy we need to taking a good care
of our health, eating healthy food, have a positive attitude and
exercise once a week.

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