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Government of Odisha

Works Dep*artment


File No 075569001 42018- lLAO!' tw, dated, 2V -og '/cl'{

Sub:-Amendment to Rule-3 of Appendix-Vlll of the Odisha Public Works Department Code,
Volume-ll (Public Works Department Contractors Registration Rules-1 967).

After careful consideration Government have been pleased to revise the financial limit
of the following Class of Contractors to participate in the tender by modifying the existing
provisions under Rule-3 of Appendix-Vlll of the Odisha Public Works Department Code,
Volume-l I ( Public Works Department Contractors Registration Rules-'1 967 ).

Class of Contractor Amount

1-Super Class Unlimited
2-Special Class Up to Rs 15 00 Crore
3-'A'Class Up to Rs.06.00 Crore
4-'B'Class Up to Rs 03.00 Crore

1 . This shall take effect from the date of issue of this Office lVlemorandum.
2. The codal provision exist in Works Department Office lVlemorandum No.10627A//
dt.09.09.2014 stand partially modified to the above extent with effect from the date of
issue of this Office Memorandum.
3. This has been concurred in by the Finance Department vide their U.O.R. No.969-PSF
Dt.16.05 20'18

EIC - cum- Secretary to Government

(L7 -DK -)Dlg'

lVlemo No. lL1e6 tuV, dated,

Copy forwarded to P. S. to Hon'ble lVinister, Works, Odisha for information and

necessary action.


Memo No i,2ct1{:-l A//. dared )) cg )ct t'

Copy forwardecl to OSD to Chief Secretary, Odisha / Sr P.S to Development
Commissioner-cum-Adriitional Chief Secretary, Odisha / Sr. P S tl Principal Secretary,
Finance Deptt for infortnation and necessary action
lrn,q'l G
FA - cum- Addl. Se ;reta[r to Government

N/emo No. lLlC'{ l/V, dated,

)-7 -of -9J t{
Copy forwarded to the Principal Accountant General (A&E), C tdisha, Bhubaneswar /
Principal Accountant General (E & S R Audit), Odisha, Puri Branch, F uri for information and

necessary action. C-41<t'"-* Frq..t('

FA - cum- lokts" :rEtary to Government

rVlemo No llqol tuV, dated D*0tr-Zo\ v

Copy forwarded to All Deparlments / N/lanaging Director, OB & CC Ltd., Bhubaneswar
/ lVlanaging Director, OCC Ltd., Bhubaneswar for information and nece ssary action.

i,. )-1.ct - te
FA - cum- Addl. St licretary to Government

N/emo No. I yqlo dated, 27-o{'9Dl{

Copy fonvardedto EIC (Civil), Odisha / All Chief Enllineers, Odisha / All
Superintending Enginerers / All Executive Engineers (All under V/orks Department) for
information and wide circulation among subordinate offices.
<k*n1f-,.(.r (
FA - cum- Addl. Se :cretary to Government

rvemo No. tLq l\ dated, 2) -o{-)Ai{

Cop'y forvuai'decl to OSUJAS Conti'ol Room v';ith a i'equest to r-pload it in the',^,'eb-site
of Works Department C-j6xr,n"r-r .q -\c
FA - cum- nOdt. S,:crbtary to Government

t\4erno No lL1\V A&, dated, )?'oV-2o\{

Copy forwarded to the Director, Printing, Stationary & Publicalion, Odisha, Cuttack by
e-mail (deputvdirectorrrp@redifmail,com) for publication of this Offir;e Memorandum in the
next issue of Odisha Gazette and supply 20 (Twenty) copies to this Department for official
USC- C-{V-\r e.t.<-
FA - cum- Addl. Secretary to Government

lVlemo No rtq F r/v, dated, Y) -O f -rb\{

Copy forwarderl to A/C-l Section / A/C-ll Section / Road Section / Plan Section /

BuildingsectionTSufl,3etSection/NHs.Section/FC&AASectiorr lPPPCell /EAPCell,

Works Department for information and necessary action
FA - cum- Addl. S :cretary to Government

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