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Hepatology Research 31 (2005) 24–30

Enhancement of mitochondrial gene expression in the liver of

primary biliary cirrhosis
Cheng-Hsin Chena , Kazuyoshi Nagayamaa,c , Nobuyuki Enomotoa,∗ , Yuka Miyasakaa ,
Masayuki Kurosakia , Naoya Sakamotoa , Shinya Maekawaa , Sei Kakinumaa , Takaaki Ikedad ,
Namiki Izumie , Chifumi Satob , Mamoru Watanabea
a Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University 1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8519, Japan
b Department of Health Science, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 1-5-45 Yushima, Tokyo 113-8519, Japan
c Department of Internal Medicine, Tsuchiura Kyodo General Hospital 11-7 Manabe-Shinmachi, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0053, Japan
d Department of Internal Medicine, Yokosuka Kyosai General Hospital 22-7 Yonegahama-Dori, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 238-0011, Japan
e Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Musashino Red Cross Hospital 1-26-1 Kyonan-cho, Musashino, Tokyo 180-8610, Japan

Received 31 May 2004; received in revised form 7 September 2004; accepted 16 September 2004


Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is one of the most important autoimmune liver diseases but the etiology and pathogenesis remain unknown.
In this study, we analyzed differential mRNA expression in the liver of a patient with PBC using suppression subtractive hybridization to
identify overexpressed genes. Overexpression of mRNA transcripts from mitochondrial DNA was observed in the PBC liver, compared to
normal liver. To explore the mechanism of increased mitochondrial transcription, we investigated the mRNA levels of nuclear DNA-encoded
regulator molecules of mitochondrial gene expression in 60 liver biopsy samples from various diseases, including PBC, using competitive
RT-PCR. Increased expression of mitochondrial transcriptional factor A (mtTFA) and mitochondrial nuclear respiratory factor 1 (NRF-1)
mRNA was demonstrated in PBC liver compared to other liver diseases, while NRF-1 coactivator 1, PGC-1 was suppressed. Mitochondrial
DNA-encoded mRNA molecules are overexpressed in the PBC liver, and this is associated with up-regulation of mitochondrial transcription
factor mtTFA and its transactivator NRF-1. Further studies are needed to focus on the relevance of this perturbation of mitochondrial gene
expression in the pathogenesis of PBC.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Suppression subtractive hybridization; Transcriptional factor; Reactive oxygen species

1. Introduction terlobular bile ducts. Anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA)

are positive in most patients [3], and as a result of extensive
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a progressive autoim- investigations, their targets have been shown to be compo-
mune liver disease and currently, liver transplantation is the nents of mitochondrial proteins, such as the E2 subunit of
only lifesaving therapy for advanced disease [1]. While its pyruvate decarboxylase (PDH-E2) [4,5]. However, the patho-
etiologies remain unclear, they are thought to be due to genetic roles of the mitochondria themselves, as well as the
immune-mediated or environmental [2], PBC is character- autoimmune reaction directed to mitochondrial proteins, re-
ized by chronic progressive inflammatory destruction of in- main unknown.
Recently, several methods for comprehensive analysis of
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 3 5803 5877; fax: +81 3 5803 0268.
gene expression were developed and applied to a variety
E-mail address: (N. Enomoto). of diseases, e.g., serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE)

1386-6346/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C.-H. Chen et al. / Hepatology Research 31 (2005) 24–30 25

[6], differential display (DD) [7], suppression subtractive hy- Japan), and the aqueous phase was collected with 140 ␮l of
bridization (SSH) [8], and cDNA microarray analysis [9]. chloroform. The RNA was precipitated with isopropanol, and
Among them, SSH can be performed with a small amount of the pellet was washed with ethanol, and finally dissolved
clinical sample and allows us to use needle biopsy materials, in 10 ␮l of double distilled water at a final concentration
circumventing the need for large mass of sample, such as sur- of 1 ␮g/␮l. Subsequently, double-strand full-length cDNA
gically resected liver tissue. Thus, SSH is a suitable method was synthesized using a SMART PCR cDNA synthesis
to analyze gene expression profiles of liver diseases for which kit (CLONTECH, Tokyo, Japan), according to the manufac-
surgically resected livers or explants prior to transplantation turer’s instruction.
usually are unavailable. Using SSH, we and other groups SSH was performed using a PCR-Select cDNA subtrac-
have successfully identified characteristic gene expression tion kit (CLONTECH, Tokyo, Japan) according to the man-
profiles in hepatocellular carcinoma [10], chronic hepatitis C ufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, after two different adaptors
[11], and autoimmune hepatitis [12]. were ligated to RsaI-digested SMART cDNA from the pa-
In the present study, we took advantage of SSH to ana- TM
tient (tester), 2.5 ng of each adaptor-ligated SMART cDNA
lyze the gene expression profile of a PBC liver and found was hybridized with 1.5 ␮g of RsaI-digested SMART

over-expressed genes encoded by mitochondrial DNA. The cDNA from the normal liver (driver). In this process, cDNA
expression of mitochondrial genes is regulated by molecules sequences specific to the tester were enriched.
encoded by nuclear DNA, in particular, mitochondrial tran-
scription factor A (mtTFA), which is known to princi- 2.2. Quantitative competitive RT-PCR of the genes for
pally promote mitochondrial replication and transcription the mitochondrial regulatory system
[13,14], nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1) [15] that binds
to and activates the mtTFA promoter [16], and the NRF- We analyzed the mRNA expression of three genes: nuclear
1 coactivator, PGC-1 [17], which is involved in thermo- respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1), mitochondrial transcription
genesis or glucogenesis induced by increased energy de- factor A (mtTFA), and PPAR gamma coactivator 1(PGC-1)
mands from external stimuli, such as cold or fasting, re- in 60 liver biopsy samples from various liver diseases, which
spectively. To date, little is known about the expression of were obtained before initiations of any medications. In all
these mitochondria regulatory genes in human liver dis- cases, the histological stages of the lever were in the chronic
eases, including PBC. Thus, we examined the expression stage of cholangitis or hepatitis, and had not developed
of these molecules controlling mitochondrial biogenesis in cirrhosis. Quantification of hepatic gene expression was
various liver diseases, in order to define the mechanism of performed by competitive RT-PCR. Because conventional
mitochondrial gene up-regulation, found in PBC liver by RT-PCR needs a relatively large amount of sample, we uti-
SSH. lized SMART cDNA reported to reflect the sample’s original
complexity and the relative abundance of the original RNA
sample [18]. Primer sequences for amplification and synthe-
2. Methods sis of the competitors are as follows: NRF-1 sense primer,
2.1. SSH for screening of overexpressed genes in PBC primer, 5 -TATACGAGCAATTCAGGACT-3 ; NRF-1 com-
liver petitor sense primer, 5 -CATGCGTTGAGCTACTGACA-
The patient was a 53-year-old female without a history 5 -TTTACCGAGGTGGTTTTCATCTGTC-3 ; mtTFA anti-
of viral hepatitis, excess ethanol intake, or administration of sense primer, 5 -GATAACGAGTTTCGTCCTCTTTAGC-
hepatotoxic drugs. Her laboratory data showed an elevated 3 ; mtTFA competitor sense primer, 5 -TTTACCGAGGT-
serum alkaline phosphatase value and a strongly positive test GGTTTTCATCTGTCACAGAACTAATTAGAAGAATTGC-
for anti-mitochondrial antibodies. Histological diagnosis of 3 . PGC-1 sense primer, 5 -CGGGCACCAGAATGC-
a liver biopsy specimen was PBC at Scheuer’s stage II. The TAAAGTTTCC-3 ; PGC-1 antisense primer, 5 -
liver biopsy sample of about 3-mm long with a net weight AAGGCTGCATTTACAGTGCATAGCT-3 ; PGC-1 com-
of ∼50 mg) was used for SSH analysis. As a control, his- petitor sense primer, 5 -CGGGCACCAGAATGCTAAA-
tologically normal liver tissue (more than 5 cm from the tu- GTTTCCCGGGCACCAGAATGCTAAAGTTTCCGTCC-
mor) was obtained at surgery from a patient with metastatic AAAATGTTGATCTTCCA-3 . PCR products were elec-
liver cancer. Written informed consent was obtained from trophoresed on 2.5% agarose gels and stained by ethidium
each patient for liver biopsy and the study protocol, which bromide. Gel images were captured, and the intensity of
conformed to the ethical guidelines of the 1995 Declaration each band was analyzed by computer software (Diversity
of Helsinki, and for which institutional approval also was Database, ver. 1.1, pdi, New York, NY) to calculate of
obtained. the signal ratio. The expression of each gene in PBC liver
RNA was extracted by the acid–guanidium–phenol– was compared with that in other liver disease using the
chloroform method. Briefly, 150 ␮l of serum was mixed with Mann–Whitney U-test (version 4.5, Statview, Abacus,
700 ␮l of ISOGEN (Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Osaka, Berkeley, CA).
26 C.-H. Chen et al. / Hepatology Research 31 (2005) 24–30

Fig. 1. Panel A: electrophoretic image of the subtracted PBC cDNA. Genes overexpressed in PBC are shown as oligoclonal bands. Panel B: semi-quantitative
PCR to the expression of mitochondrial cytochrome b subunit. PCR signal of the PBC is clearly seen earlier than that of the normal. The signal of the PBC is
seen in 12 cycles of PCR amplification, and that of the normal is clearly seen in 16 cycles.

3. Result ceeded to evaluate the expression of genes that control the

transcription and replication of mitochondrial DNA.
3.1. Overexpressed genes in a PBC liver sample
3.2. Analysis by quantitative competitive PCR of
Using SSH with PBC and normal liver, we obtained sev- expression of genes regulating mitochondrial
eral oligoclonal bands (Fig. 1A) and analyzed 100 clones transcription in liver tissues
obtained from the PCR products (Table 1). These genes were
recognized as overexpressed in PBC liver. To confirm overex- We analyzed the mRNA expression of three genes: NRF-
pression of these genes, we used semi-quantitative RT-PCR 1, mtTFA, and PGC-1 in 60 liver biopsy samples from vari-
for the expression of the mitochondrial cytochrome b subunit. ous liver diseases. NRF-1 and mtTFA expression levels were
A PCR signal from the PBC liver was clearly seen after 12 cy- significantly higher in PBC liver than in other liver diseases
cles of amplification, but that from the normal liver could be (Fig. 2A and B). In contrast, PGC-1 mRNA expression was
seen only after 16 cycles (Fig. 1B). This result showed that the significantly suppressed in the PBC liver compared to that in
target mRNA was overexpressed by four cycles because the the other liver diseases (Fig. 2C).
expression levels of a house-keeping gene, glycelaldehyde-3
phosphate dehydrogenase, were similar between these two
samples (data not shown). It may be seen that mRNA tran- 4. Discussion
scribed from mitochondrial DNA was more abundant in the
PBC liver than the normal liver. Thus, we subsequently pro- In our present study, following the results of subtraction
cloning that a variety of mitochondrial DNA-encoded genes
Table 1 were overexpressed in the PBC liver, we demonstrated that
Sequence analysis of 100 clones isolated from subtracted PBC cDNA the expression of mtTFA, which are encoded by nuclear DNA
Name of the clones No. and directs mitochondrial transcription and replication, and
its transactivator NRF-1 was increased in the PBC liver com-
Mitochondrial 12s rRNAa 13
Cytochrome ba 12 pared to other liver diseases, while that of the NRF-1 coacti-
Mitochondrial tRNA (Val)a 6 vator PGC-1 was suppressed. These results indicate that the
Heat shock protein 90 3 mitochondrial transcriptional factors mtTFA and NRF-1 are
Cytochrome c oxidase (II)a 2 up-regulated in PBC liver, which may lead to the overexpres-
HLA-DR alpha chain 2
sion of mitochondrial genes.
Miscellaneous 62
Among 100 cDNA clones obtained from PBC cDNA sub-
Total 100 tracted from normal liver cDNA, six genes, i.e., mitochon-
a cDNA derived from mitochondrial DNA-encoded genes. drial 12S rRNA, cytochorome b, mitochondrial tRNA-Val,
C.-H. Chen et al. / Hepatology Research 31 (2005) 24–30 27

Fig. 2. Expression levels of mRNA, which are related to mitochondrial regulatory genes in PBC and other liver diseases. Panel A: the expression levels of
NRF-1 mRNA; NRF-1 mRNA in the PBC liver are significantly higher than that in other liver diseases (P = 0.0015). Panel B: the expression levels of mtTFA
mRNA; mtTFA mRNA in the PBC liver is significantly higher than that in other liver diseases (P = 0.031). Panel C: the expression levels of PGC-1 mRNA;
PGC-1 mRNA is suppressed in the PBC liver, as it compared with other liver diseases (P = 0.009). Due to the usage of biopsied materials, very small amounts
of samples were available for each experiment limitting the number of repeated assays. In some cases, reproducible data for all of the three genes could not be
obtained, and the number of cases is not uniform for these three genes.

cytochrome c oxidase, heat shock protein 90, and HLA-DR nesis in response to cold [17]. Replication of mitochondrial
were found repeatedly indicating that these transcripts were DNA and transcription of mtDNA-encoded genes are tightly
abundant in the subtracted cDNA. Notably, the first four genes linked and result in mitochondrial proliferation or as it is
are encoded by mitochondrial DNA, and increased expres- called biogenesis, because mtDNA replication needs RNA
sion of these genes was confirmed by semi-quantitative RT- transcripts as primers, and both are controlled by a single
PCR. Heat shock proteins recently were found to be over- nuclear DNA-expressed transcriptional factor, mtTFA which
expressed in the PBC liver using a cDNA microarray and binds to the mitochondrial promoter [14]. Moreover, expres-
immunohistochemistry [19,20], and enhanced expression of sion of each mitochondrial gene is not regulated individu-
the HLA-DR molecule in PBC liver is well established [21]. ally because large polycistronic transcripts are produced from
Thus, the result of SSH of PBC was not only consistent with each strand and are processed to generate mature RNAs [14].
earlier works but also revealed the increased expression of Therefore, the increase in transcription of the four mitochon-
mitochondrial genes that previously was not appreciated. drial RNAs observed in PBC seems to be a reflection of an
Each human cell contains hundreds to thousands of mito- overall increase of polycistronic mtRNA transcription, rather
chondria, carrying 2–10 copies of the 16 kb double-stranded than through other mechanisms, such as decreased degrada-
circular mitochondrial DNA, which encodes the 13 mRNAs, tion of individual mitochondrial transcripts. In the previous
2 rRNAs, and 22 tRNAs, which are necessary for its function, reports, electron microscopic observation of hepatocyte in
i.e., energy production by ATP synthesis [22]. Increase in the PBC liver showed increased mass of mitochondria [23,24]
number of mitochondria has been observed in a variety of confirming enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis.
physiological states demanding energy, such as cell growth Consequently, to determine the mechanism of the increase
and proliferation, aging, muscle contraction, and thermoge- of mitochondrial gene transcription in PBC, we have analyzed
28 C.-H. Chen et al. / Hepatology Research 31 (2005) 24–30

the expression levels of nuclear-encoded regulatory factors What is the mechanism of NRF-1 and mtTFA overexpres-
in liver biopsy specimens from various diseases, and found sion in the PBC liver? In pathological conditions, prolifera-
that the mtTFA and NRF-1 genes were increased in PBC tion of mitochondria is known to be stimulated by reactive
liver. It is well known that the sensitivity of the subtraction oxygen species (ROS) [28], which are produced mostly in
cloning is not high enough to detect overexpressed genes the mitochondria as by-products of cellular respiration [29].
completely. Therefore, it is not surprising that SSH did not ROS production is associated with liver damage and has been
identify NRF-1, mtTFA, and PGC-1 from PBC cDNA as reported to be increased in chronic liver diseases, especially
overexpressed genes. Instead, subtraction of many mitochon- in PBC [30]. Therefore, one possible explanation for the in-
drial genes strongly suggests that mitochondrial biogenesis, creased mitochondrial gene expression is stimulation of mi-
which is regulated by the above mentioned transcription fac- tochondrial biogenesis by ROS. This is consistent with the
tors, are enhanced. Unfortunately, we could not investigate finding that a proportion of the patients in the present study
the expression levels of mtDNA except for the index case due with chronic hepatitis and alcoholic liver disease also showed
to the limitation of the samlple amounts, mtTFA known to be an increase in mtTFA and NRF-1 to the same level as in PBC
essential for the maintenance, replication and transcription [31]. In addition, mtDNA is particularly susceptible to mu-
of mtDNA [25] since mtTFA knockout mice exhibit a severe tation [32]. Its replication accelerated by ROS leading to im-
depletion of mtDNA, and an association between mitochon- paired respiratory function and resulting in further production
drial gene expression and mtTFA has been assumed in the of ROS and accumulation of mutations as seen in the aging
literature [26]. Taken together, although direct evidences that process [33,34] or in cancer cells [35]. Moreover, recently,
mtTFA itself increases the mitochondrial mass is still lack- tissue-specific mtDNA mutations has been reported in hu-
ing, the present results suggest that mtTFA overexpression man buccal cells and cardiomyocytes, raising the possibility
may be a cause of the increased mitochondrial transcription that tissue specific clonal expansion of mtDNA with somatic
detected in the PBC liver. mutations is associated with the pathophysiological state in
The increased NRF-1 mRNA levels in PBC than in other human [36]. Thus, if mtDNA in PBC liver primarily has some
liver diseases, which we have found in the present study, sug- somatic mutations causing impaired function, increased ROS
gest that the increased expression of NRF-1 may be respon- production might promote mitochondrial biogenesis. In this
sible for the transcriptional activiation of mtTFA, leading to respect, mutational analysis of mtDNA in the PBC liver is of
over-expression of mitochondrial genes. Although expres- interest.
sion levels of mtTFA and NRF-1 in several PBC were lower The abnormal mitochondrial biogenesis in PBC in the
than other liver diseases, the results of SSH for an index PBC present study is noteworthy because there are two kinds of in-
case have shown that mtTFA or NRF-1 are not necessarily explicable association between PBC and mitochondria. First,
overexpressed in all cases of PBC investigated. On the other in most PBC patients, anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA)
hand, we could not detect the up-regulation of the coactivator are specifically positive [3], targeting components of mito-
PGC-1, which binds and enhances NRF-1 through recruiting chondrial proteins, such as PDH-E2 [4,5]. The cellular im-
other transcriptional activators, and which leads to enhanced mune response against the major histocompatibility complex
mitochondrial gene expression and biogenesis [17]. Exter- (MHC) bound PDH-E2-derived peptide on biliary epithelial
nal stimuli, such as cold exposure or fasting, markedly up- cells is postulated to be involved in biliary epithelial cell
regulate PGC-1 mRNA [27]. However, PGC-1 mRNA lev- injury [2]. Therefore, mitochondrial proteins act as autoanti-
els were rather lower in PBC, suggesting that mitochondrial gens in PBC, but the mechanism of the immune reaction
genes may be induced by a PGC-1 independent pathway, and directed to mitochondrial proteins remains unclear. UDCA
that its expression seems to be suppressed in a compensatory is thought to act as an anti-apoptotic agent, reducing mito-
manner. The question whether the PGC-1-regulated mito- chondrial permeability transition (MPT) and cytochrome c
chondrial gene expression pathway is specific for PBC re- release and inhibiting mitochondria mediated apoptosis by
mains further verification. When Mann–Whitney U-test was hydrophobic bile acids [23,37–40]. This suggests that mito-
used to test differences among disease groups, P values for chondrial injury plays an important role in the pathogenesis
the difference between PBC and B–CH (P = 0.2) or C–CH of PBC, and this may be related to abnormal mitochondrial
(P = 0.1) did not reach a statistical significance (Fig. 2B). Al- biogenesis.
though expression levels of these three genes were not uni- As gene expression analyses in this study utilized homog-
form among various diseases, the number of sample for each enized needle biopsy samples of liver, it is unknown which
disease group seems too small to draw any firm conclusion, type of cells in the liver are responsible for the changes ob-
whether the expression levels are different between PBC and served in the expression of mitochondria related genes: i.e.,
each disease group. Similarly, comparison of mitochondrial hepatocytes, biliary epithelial cells, inflammatory cells, or
gene expression in PBC and other cholestatic diseases re- other lineages of cells. The present study was conducted un-
mains unanswered in the present study. We have preliminar- der the assumption that the major part of the overexpressed
ily examined one case of primary sclerosing cholangitis in mitochondrial gene is derived from hepatocytes since most
which mRNA levels of mtTFA and NRF-1 were lower (data of liver cells are hepatocytes. However, to address this is-
not shown). sue, analysis of separated cell populations by laser-capture
C.-H. Chen et al. / Hepatology Research 31 (2005) 24–30 29

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