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Module 7
1 For questions 1–8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each
The Culpeper Community Garden standing in (1) _____ of place in the middle of a busy part of
London is enjoyed and looked after by the local community. With its pathways, pergolas (2) _____
with beautiful climbers, ornamental plants, vegetable plots, ponds and wildlife, the (3) _____ is one of
an oasis of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of city life. It is a place where both children and adults
can chill out and have a change of (4) _____ . The project started in 1982 when the local government
gave a small grant to the local community to transform a derelict piece of land filled with rubbish into
the open space it is today. Various events are organised throughout the year from selling plants to tea
parties for local pensioners – giving them a chance to get (5) _____ the house for a few hours – and
arts projects for children. There is a membership scheme where, for a small annual subscription,
people can get the newsletter to stay (6) _____ of the activities going on in the garden, use the tea hut,
have keys to the garden or get involved in the (7) _____ task of gardening – no previous experience
required! If anyone ever tried to take the garden away from the people, it would definitely cause a
public (8) _____ .
1 A greatness B pride C peak D sense
2 A adorned B beautified C embroidered D embossed
3 A environment B background C situation D ambience
4 A backdrop B scenery C panorama D outlook
5 A away B down to C out of D over
6 A beside B nearby C alongside D abreast
7 A invigorating B oscillating C boosting D enhancing
8 A property B display C outcry D demand
2 For questions 1–10, read the text below and think of the word that best fits each space. Use
only one word in each space.
To all intents and (1) ___________ , Jill had left her successful job as a lawyer to have a sabbatical for
six months and everyone expected her to return to her highly-paid job. But in reality she was on her
way to East Africa to work as a volunteer in an orphanage, intent (2) ___________ staying there for
ever. (3) ___________ since she was six, she had been fascinated by stories about Africa and then
horrified by the conditions (4) ___________ which millions of children live. Two years ago she had
gone on an expensive safari holiday with her friends to Uganda but she didn’t enjoy the holiday.
(5) ___________ she had seen children washing in the filthy puddles outside their shacks, the situation
hadn’t seemed real to her. As a result, (6) ___________ returning to her hotel, she made a decision
that would change her life for ever. No (7) ___________ had she arrived home than she sold her house
and got a job as a volunteer (8) ___________ the intention of making a difference to children’s lives.
She deliberately didn’t tell anyone what she was doing in (9) ___________ they tried to talk her out of
it. (10) ___________ all the secrecy.
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3 For questions 1–6, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the
lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
As a (1) ___________ employed by the local university, Aiden’s days are divided between SOCIAL
teaching, writing and doing research. There are also (2) ___________ meetings to attend,
with colleagues from other disciplines. These lead to lively debates followed by a
chance to (3) ___________ in the local bar and restaurant where more is often achieved WIND
than round the conference table! As a student of human behaviour, Aiden is
(4) ___________ about getting staff to meet on a more informal basis. However he is well
aware of the (5) ___________ tale of one lecturer who became too relaxed at one of these
meetings and promptly got the sack for talking about his students’ private problems
without maintaining their (6) ___________ . ANONYMOUS
4 For questions 1–6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between three and eight
words, including the word given.
1 Jack felt that he didn’t really belong in the group.
Jack ___________________________ in the group.
2 I think we’ll have to change the date of the meeting; if so, you’ll have to contact everyone
We may have to change the date of the meeting, ___________________________ contact
everyone involved.
3 The stadium is to be completed in October just before the competition starts.
The competition starts in October, by ___________________________ completed.
4 It was how he achieved his goal that was so amazing.
He achieved his goal ___________________________ that we were all amazed.
5 The council bought the old theatre so it could be used as a youth club.
The council bought the old theatre ___________________________ as a youth club.
6 When Sarah told the girls they were wrong, they left immediately.
Sarah told the girls they were wrong, ___________________________ left.

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5 An English language magazine has invited readers to send in letters describing a public event
that took place in their town. You have decided to send in a letter describing what the event
was, what was special about it, why it was enjoyable and whether there was anything you
didn’t like about it.
Write your letter in 280–320 words.

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