The Effect of Using Phone To Behivior

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A fulfillment as a requirement in practical research 1








The mobile phone has become the speediest disseminated technology in

Word history. The first commercial accessible mobile phone network was established in
1980. In terms of comparative numbers subscriber fine land was leading which had
exceeded 10 percent of the population in 1994. There where approximately two billion
mobile had subscribes worldwide in 2004.Most industrial and technologically developed
countries have a situation rate over seventy percent and are followed by most
developing countries (Ling al 2001.) Mobile phone has emerged as one the significance
communication technologies our time same as in 1950.Telivission emerged an in 1990
internet emerged (Castells, et. al 2017)

Mobile phone is very important part not only in developed countries but
also in developing Countries .Every single moment there is a need of mobile phone.
From down to mobile phone. dusk mobile phone was started from the very short time
in cotabato about 85% of people in cotabato are using the mobile phone is an essential

This study aims to determine the effect of use cell phone in the behavior of student.

1.What is the effects of using cell phone in the behavior of student CCNHS ROJAS?

2. What are the reasons use cell phone during class hour?

3.How do effect of using cell phone to the academic performance o the student


BEHAVIOR-It refers to the attitude of the student toward their student.

CELLPHONE- It refers to the mobile phones use by the student or entertainment.

STUDENT- It pertains to the students who are studying well.


The study focus only on the effect of use cell phone in the behavior of student
senior high school at CCNHS Rojas during S.Y 2020.

Mobile or cell phones are now a days an integral part of modern

telecommunications in every individual life. In many countries, over half of the
population use mobile phones and the mobile phone market is growing rapidly. Saudi
Arabia rank first among the countries of the gulf region with highest proportion of
mobile users, a study conducted by United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD). In gulf countries, Oman ranked second, followed by Kuwait
and the UAE. As billions of people use mobile phones globally, a small increase in the
incidence of adverse effects on health could have major public health implications on
long term basis. Besides the number of cell phone calls per day, the length of each call
and the amount of time people use cell phones are important factors which enhance
the health related risk.

According to the report “Information and Communications for Development:

Maximizing Mobile,” which was released on Monday, there were 101 mobile cellular
subscriptions for every 100 people in the Philippines in 2011, a jump from 41 subscriptions for
every 100 people in 2005.

The report defined mobile cellular subscriptions as subscriptions to a public

mobile telephone service using cellular technology, which provided access to the public
switched telephone network. Postpaid and prepaid subscriptions were included. But it
said that mobile subscriptions did not reflect actual mobile phone ownership since there
could be multiple subscriptions.
One of the rampat problem in school is the usage cell phone is the usage cell
phone to the behavior of student especially in senior high school the effect o use cell
phone is a coined term that actually means international not attending a class in ones
formal education without a valid excuse or reason. Use o cell phone is ram pat in public
school in the Philippines where there is inefficient security and relatively high number
of student. This make it hard to monitor each educational institution where there are
no more limits as to when one can or cannot go to outside of the campus or when one
or cannot leave the classroom during lectures. This problem effect three the students
and teacher .In fact we know dozens of students room grades in CCNHS-ROJAS who use
cell phone and it is where the real problem begins.

*The teacher
This study will be beneficial to the teacher sped teacher and general education
teacher specially to the teacher who are still new time in the teaching procession.
Through this research teacher my purpasedully discover how classroom management
conductive to learning.

*The student
The direct recepiences of the output of this research are the children with
special need. Any improvement of the classroom management technique can prove the
way of producting better learning and discipline to s to survive in the society.

*The parents
The researcher benefits the parent o children with special needs .As parents
enrolled their children in this institution comes with self assurance that their children
are given more education that would make than a functional individuals in the society.
Dansieh (2011) carried out a research study looked at how pervasive the
utilization of SMS texting is among polytechnic students; it’s expected effects on student
writing abilities; and what lecture and students themselves believe about the
phenomenon. Karman (2010) conducted a study that the majority of youth is found very
high eser of texting and reduced user of voice call, the major inspiration of high and
awkward use among young people is very low cast prepaid packages given by the
telecom operation of Pakistan. Thornton et al. (2005) conducted study. The poll
revealed that Japanese university student use mobile phone habitually for sending and
receiving e-mail where as sometimes In their classes. They less often access the world
wide web from their mobile phone but when they do it sometimes in to their university
student. How ever they think by the teacher In the class. According to chen (2006) with
the dramatic increase in mobile phone usage in recent years, reports of mobile phone
addiction have come in public use. While research another media addiction have been
published mobile addiction is not often understood.


This chapter presents the method in this qualitative research. This includes the research
design, rote other researcher, research participants, and the data collection. This
chapter will also explore the issue on trustworthiness which include credibility,
confirmabilty, Transferability, dependability, ethical considerations.


This research will employ an interview/FDG qualitative method utilizing

structured interview. This method will be used at describing the data in words or making
interpretation on the results.

A qualitative study is defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or

human problem, Base on human problem, based on building a complex, holistic picture,
formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conduction in a natural
setting (Cress well, 1994).


In this academic undertaking, the role o the researcher in the qualitative process
include as data gatherer, transcriber, translator encoder, and analyst o the answers of
the participant of the study.


The materials of the study will be questionnaires of how my student/participants

of the selected student 10 participants

Clarck and Braun (2013) 10-100 materials for qualitative research is the suggested
number or secondary sources.

In collecting the needed data of the study, there will be 10 question to be asked
to the selected participants that will be transcribed with the criteria set answer o the
participants will serve as the data of the study. The researcher will follow the step in
transcribing the answer of the participants.


Gay, Mills and Airasian (2006) revealed that researchers can establish the
trustworthiness of their research studies and finding addressing all Lincoln and Guba’s
(1985) criteria for validity, namely, credibility, transferability dependability and
conirmability. Gay, Mills and Airasian (2006) deined credibility as the ability of the
researcher to take into account all o the complexities that presents themselves in a
study and to deal with patterns that are not easily explained.


The researcher will follow the specific research guidelines mandated by the
Cotabato city national high school CCNHS-ROJAS. Research procedures and other
consideration in the data collection will be given consideration.
Mobile phone is the one of the most rapidly growing new technologies in
the world (Rebello,2010). In 2001, cell phone user were less than a billion worldwide
with the majority of the users from the developing countries. By the end of 2010,
however, mobile phone users had reached five billion world wide with subscription
from developing countries out numbering that o the developed countries (Kelly,1009,
Rebello, 2010). Obviously. This number of cell phone used by the younger generation.
This area in interest was chossen because of unregulated usage and over dependent
attitude on these devises especially among our secondary school students.
Intererestingly, this is obviously imperative as geser and junco (2006); and merson and
celter (2010) had observed that the youth have consistently displayed higher lever o
attachment to their mobile phones which could serve distractions to them because o
the time channeled to the phones.

Student may have realized using phones are distracting to themselves and
may or may not have a true understanding that cell phone can be distracting to other
student around them(Sana, Weston, & Cepeda,2013). How ever it is unlikely students
believe their cell phone use is distracting to the teacher, as 51% o student who
completed questionnaire indicated they have never noticed a teacher being distracted.

Regarding general cell phone usage in the classroom, result showed that
students brought their phones to class more often than teachers. Teachers from the
survey said that, on, average, student were using their phones almost seven times per
class. How ever, only a small percentage (5%) said they were distracted multiple times
per day by the use of cell phones. Students also noted that being able to send and
receive the text message in their class was neither difficult nor easy.

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