Plants Test Key: Unit 4

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Test Key unit 4

1 (a) food (example), (b) medicine, (c) clothes, (d) oxygen
1 point for each correct answer (3 points)

(d) stamens

(a) stigma
(e) ovary

(b) carpel

(f ) ovule
(c) pollen
1 point for each correct answer (5 points)

3 (a) stamens, (b) carpel

1 point for each correct answer (2 points)

4 (a) Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the stamens to the stigma of a plant.
(b) Fertilisation is when pollen joins with an ovule.
2 points for each correct answer (4 points)

5 (a) wind pollination, (b) animal pollination

1 point for each correct answer (2 points).

6 1 (b) pollen (example), stigma, 2 (c) ovule, seed, fruit, 3 (a) germinate
1 point for each correct answer each item correctly matched (8 points)

7 (a) make their own food. (example), (b) in their leaves. (c) photosynthesis.
(d) carbon dioxide. (e) sunlight. (f ) oxygen.
1 point for each correct answer (5 points)

8 (a) leaves (example), (b) carbon dioxide, (c) minerals, (d) light, (e) food,
(f ) leaves, (g) oxygen
1 point for each correct answer (6 points)

Total for the test 35 points

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