The Benefits of Vit D

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Benefist of Vit D, you need to know that the body needs vitamin D to
absorbs calcium and increase bone growth. Vit D defeciency in the body can
cause brittle bones, osteomalacia and rickets, even vit D defecince in the body
can also be linked to breats cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, heart diseases,
depression, weight gain, and other diseases. Vit D also plays a major role in the
life cycle of human cells.
Also, be aware vit D is not solely a vitamin because vit D itself iss
considered as a pro hormone because these vitamins can be produced by the
human body. Vit D is derived from three main sources,namely sunlight, food
and supplements.
With the help of sunlight, vit D is absorbeb through the skin formed in
the body. However vitamin D canalso be abtained from red meat, liver, fish
tuna,salmon, and egg yolks.

Here are some of the benefits of Vitamin:

1. Improve memory
2. Lose weight
3. Overcome depression
4. Prevent cancer
5. Beneficial for pregnant woman
6. Prevent diabetes
7. Lower the risk of heart disease
8. Improve the sytem imuns
9. Increase the bone strength.

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