A Method For Optimal Material Selection Aided With Decision Making Theory

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Materials and Design 21 Ž2000.


A method for optimal material selection aided with decision

making theory

Dong-Hyun Jee a , Ki-Ju Kang b,U

Department of Operation, Korea Electric Power Company, YoungGwang, Chonnam 513-880, South Korea
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chonnam National Uni¨ ersity, Kwangju 500-757, South Korea

Received 12 July 1999; accepted 1 September 1999


As a CAE ŽComputer Aided Engineering. tool to help design engineers, the procedure of material selection should be
objective so as to minimize personal bias and it should be able to be coded into the software of ‘expert system’. In this work, we
have utilized the theories of decision-making. One of them is the concept of entropy; to evaluate the weight factor for each
material property or performance index, and the other is TOPIS; to rank the candidate materials, for which several requirements
are considered simultaneously. As an example, the procedure to select the optimal material for a flywheel has been developed.
We can grade the candidate materials for given subjective weight. In the cases for which fatigue strength or fracture toughness is
weighted, the chosen materials coincide with the ones utilized for a commercial flywheel in support of our approach. 䊚 2000
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Decision-making theory; Entropy; TOPSIS; Weight factor; Separation measure

1. Introduction sions. At the discriminating stage, all requirements are

considered on properties which do not influence the
Recently, many traditional materials which have final sizing of the component in question. At the op-
served in engineering applications for a long time are timizing stage, a number of materials which survive the
being replaced by the so-called ‘new materials’, in discriminating stage are ranked with the help of merit
order to meet the demand of weight reduction and indices to decide which material is the most suitable in
performance enhancement. The rapid spread of com- a given situation. Ashby w2x constructed Material
puters and the development of information networks Property Charts for a wide range of mechanical and
such as the Internet makes it easier to construct new thermal properties. The charts serve two main pur-
databases or use existing databases of material proper- poses: fundamental relationships between material
ties. Consequently, a few studies have been performed properties become self evident on the charts; and the
to provide a theoretical base for material selection
charts may be used to select the optimal material for a
procedures. Sandstrom w1x developed a selection proce-
particular engineering application, based on the selec-
dure consisting of two stages, i.e. discriminating and
tion criteria. Bamkin and Piearcey w3x considered a
optimizing to minimize the number of qualitative deci-
component as a working part of a larger assembly.
They argued that the material is chosen not only for its
U intrinsic material properties, but also for its compatibil-
Corresponding author. Tel.: q82-62-530-1668; fax: q82-62-530-
1689. ity with linked components. On noting that each process
E-mail address: kjkang@chonnam.chonnam.ac.kr ŽK. Kang.. in design including material selection is not complete

0261-3069r00r$ - see front matter 䊚 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 6 1 - 3 0 6 9 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 0 6 6 - 7
200 D. Jee, K. Kang r Materials and Design 21 (2000) 199᎐206

until every adjoining process is complete, they sug- 2. Material selection procedure
gested an object model of knowledge-based material
selection in which materials are chosen iteratively in 2.1. Quantifying the requirements
parallel with the requirements of the link. The relation-
ship between linked components is stored in a software
structure. First, the material properties that should be taken
Garton et al. w4x used Fatigue Property Charts to into account are identified and the requirements of
select the optimal class or subclass of material in each material property are formulated. The require-
minimum weight design for infinite fatigue life. Design ments of a number of material properties are quantita-
criteria were displayed in the charts and provide a tively formulated. Other properties Žfor example, corro-
systematic basis to the design process. Takuma et al. w5x sion resistance, aesthetics, etc.. can be formulated only
constructed a neural network which learned the pat- qualitatively, such as YesrNo or PoorrGoodrExcel-
tern sets dealing with the interaction between various lent. Table 1 shows typical examples of qualitative and
mechanical strengths and material ingredients. They quantitative material properties. We use a bi-polar
argue that the neural network, a kind of artificial method w9x to grade a material for each qualitative
intelligence, can be used successfully to evaluate an requirement. For example, regarding degree of 0᎐10,
optimal material for the given performance of a 10 means the most desirable while 0 means the most
product. undesirable; and 5 means the medium between them.
Generally a number of criteria or requirements But in the case of material properties concerning pro-
should be simultaneously considered to select a mate- fit, a degree of 9 is three times as desirable as 3.
rial for a given component. Few studies except for
2.2. Combination of requirements
Sandstrom w1x, however, have been done to provide a
basis on managing several criteria or requirements and
ranking the candidate materials. In this paper, an ap-
In selecting materials for a given component one
proach to choose the optimal material for a given should consider all requirements simultaneously. For
component is described, and material properties are convenience of procedure it is beneficial to combine
classified into qualitative and quantitative properties some of them. The performance indices proposed by
according to Waterman and Ashby w6x. Performance Waterman and Ashby w6x are a useful tool. Only for
indices w6,7x are evaluated for a component under de- requirements which can be quantitatively formulated,
sign. They are used as functional parameters in a the material properties are combined to be a perfor-
rational procedure of material selection. To decide the mance index, using physical relation or equations
relative ranking among candidate materials according among them.
to several requirements, Yoon’s w8x algorithm TOPSIS
ŽTechnique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal 2.3. Building a material properties matrix
Solution., a kind of decision making theory, is utilized.
The compatibility with other components linked with in
a larger assembly is not considered. The approach The values of material properties or performance
adopted here is meant to help a design engineer make indices for each candidate material are expressed in a
sensible decision on materials selection. material property matrix as

Table 1
Typical examples of quantitative and qualitative material properties

Quantitative properties Qualitative material properties

Elastic modulus Oxidation resistance

Yield stress Aging tendency
Ultimate tensile strength Corrosion resistance
Creep rupture stress Radiation sensitivity
Fatigue endurance limit Toxicity
Fracture toughness Dimensional stability
Melting temperature Workability as cold formability and machinability
Density Hardenability and weldability
Price, price index Possibilities of surface treatment
Volume Surface condition
Minimum dimension Product shape
D. Jee, K. Kang r Materials and Design 21 (2000) 199᎐206 201

X1 ⭈⭈⭈ Xj ⭈⭈⭈ Xn sj ␻ j
␻ jU s n . Ž4.
x 11 ⭈⭈⭈ x1 j ⭈⭈⭈ x1 n Ý sj ␻ j
⭈⭈ js1
⭈⭈ ⭈⭈ ⭈⭈
D s Ai
x i1 ⭈⭈⭈ xi j ⭈⭈⭈ xin
⭈⭈ It would be reasonable that the weight s j is assigned a
Am ⭈⭈ ⭈⭈ ⭈⭈ default by an expert who has experience or knowledge
x m1 ⭈⭈⭈ xm j ⭈⭈⭈ xmn enough about materials and design of the component
under question. But if the design circumstance is un-
usually changed Žfor example, a sudden rise of the
where, A1 ,..., A m are the kinds of candidate materials price or new regulation for environment protection.,
and X 1 ,..., X n are the material properties or perfor- one may adjust s j at his option. With the weight
mance indices. Hence, x i j is the value or degree of the factors, the material properties matrix is reconstructed
j-th property or index X j for the i-th material A i . as:
2.4. Normalization
¨ i j s ␻ jU ri j Ž no sum on j.. Ž5.
The various material properties and performance
indices have different physical dimensions from each If the subjective weight s j is not assigned, ␻ jU s ␻ j .
other. In order to make a comparison between proper-
ties, the elements of the matrix are normalized as: 2.6. E¨ aluation of the separation measure and relation
r i j s x i jr Ý x i j Ž1.
We apply a kind of decision making theory ᎏ TOP-
SIS ŽTechnique for Order Preference by Similarity to
Ideal Solution. ᎏ proposed by Yoon w8x, to rank candi-
where ri j is in the range of 0᎐1.
date materials. The basic idea of TOPSIS is that the
best decision should be made to be closest to the ideal
2.5. Determination of weight factor
and farthest from the non-ideal. In the material
properties matrix whose elements are normalized and
To prescribe the relative priority among the material
weighted according to Eq. Ž1. and Eq. Ž5., the element
properties and performance indices, a weight factor is
with the most preferred value Ži.e. the highest value in
given to each of them. The weight factors are evaluated
most except for costs. for the j-th material property or
using the concept of entropy proposed by Shannon and
performance index is defined as the ideal ¨ q j , and the
Weaver w10x. The entropy Ej of the normalized values
element with the least preferred value is defined as the
of a j-th material property or index is defined as
non-ideal ¨ yj . Hence, the matrices V
and V y which
follows: q y
consist of ¨ j and ¨ j , respectively, are expressed as the
Ej s yk Ý ri j log ri j Ž2.
¨i j < j g J . , Ž i ¨ i j < j g J U . < i s 1, . . . ,m
Vqs ½Ž i 5
where k s 1rlog m. Ej is also in the range of 0᎐1. The s Ž ¨q y y.
1 , ⭈⭈⭈ ,¨ j , ⭈⭈⭈ ,¨ n
weight factor ␻ j for the j-th material property or index
is defined as:
min max
Vy ½ž ¨i j < j g J , /ž ¨ i j < j g J U < i s 1, ⭈⭈⭈ ,m
/ 5
1 y Ej i i
␻j s n . Ž3.
Ý Ž 1 y Ej . s Ž ¨y y y.
1 , ⭈⭈⭈ ,¨ j , ⭈⭈⭈ ,¨ n

where J s  j < j for the properties or indices which are

If ri j for a property or index has wide scatter, that regarded as the better as their values are the higher4 ,
yields a small value of Ej , which gives the large weight J U s  j < j for the properties or indices related to price,
factor in turn. If one wants to add the subjective weight that is, the less, the better4 .
s j according to previous experience, particular con- For the i-th material, the separation measures which
straints of design, and so on, the weight factor is indicate distances from the ideal and the non-ideal, are
revised as: defined as:
202 D. Jee, K. Kang r Materials and Design 21 (2000) 199᎐206

i s ( Ý Ž ¨ i j y ¨qj .

i s ( Ý
Ž ¨i j y ¨y
.2 ,

respectively. Finally, selection of material should be

made upon the separation measures, Sq i and Syi , i.e.
the ideal material has a maximum Si and minimum
i . For the purpose we introduce the relative closeness
Cqi defined as follows:

Cq y Ž q y.
i s Si r Si q Si . Ž8.

When Cq i is close to 1, the material is regarded as

ideal; and when Cq i is close to 0, the material is
regarded as non-ideal.

3. Materials selection software

Fig. 1 is a flow chart for materials selection. At the

initial stage, one should pick out all the material
properties related to given functional requirements.
Also, minimum constraints on materials under question
should be applied to screen a number of candidate
materials from all materials available in a database.
With the materials and the related properties one can
go through the procedure as mentioned above to reach
the final selection of a material. We have produced an Fig. 1. Flowchart for material selection.
interactive program using ‘Visual Basic’ language em-
bedded in database software Microsoft EXCEL97 in
U S ks
which all the data of materials and their properties s Ž9.
have been stored. A full list of the references and a
M Ž1 y ␯ . ␳
compilation of the data are given by Kang et al. w11x in
which some data of composite materials from various where S is an appropriate failure strength, ␳ is the
references w12᎐16x have been supplemented recently. density, and ␯ is Poisson’s ratio of the material. The
value of the constant k s depends upon the degree of
material anisotropy. Since the normal mode of opera-
4. Case study tion of a flywheel is rotational, a cyclic stress is induced
by a fluctuating speed, and the relevant failure mode is
We take, as a practical example, material selection fatigue. Thus in Eq. Ž9. we put S s ␴ limit , the fatigue
for a flywheel. A flywheel is a device to store kinetic limit of the material. Neglecting the effect of ␯ and k s ,
energy in automobiles, urban subway trains, mass tran- a higher value of ␴ limitr␳ gives the larger Ur M. That
sit buses, wind-power generator, and so on. Despite its is, the first performance index is ␴ limitr␳ . Waterman
many advantages, relative poor energy storage and an and Ashby w6x have shown that the performance index
ever-present hazard of catastrophic failure limit its to minimize the weight of a rotating cylinder for a
applications. Therefore, the main requirements in fly- given strength S is Sr␳ . If the failure mode is fatigue,
wheel design are to store the maximum amount of the performance index becomes ␴ limitr␳ . This implies
kinetic energy per unit mass and to ensure against that the higher the value of ␴ limitr␳ , the lower the
failure by fatigue or brittle fracture. weight for a given fatigue strength; alternatively the
Lewis w17x has shown that the stored kinetic energy higher the kinetic energy per unit mass of the flywheel.
per unit mass ŽUr M . for a thin flywheel is simply given When a crack is present in a flywheel, it may lead to
by: catastrophic failure. For a given crack length, the frac-
D. Jee, K. Kang r Materials and Design 21 (2000) 199᎐206 203

Table 2
Candidate materials for a flywheel and their properties a

Materials ␴limit KIC Density Pricermass Fragmentability

ŽMPa. ŽMParm1r2 . Ž103 kgrm3 . ŽUS$rton.

300M 800 68.9 8 4200 Poor Ž3.

2024-T3 140 38 2.82 2100 Poor Ž3.
7050-T73651 220 35.4 2.82 2100 Poor Ž3.
Ti-6Al-4V 515 123 4.73 10 500 Poor Ž3.
E glass᎐epoxy FRP 140 20 2 2735 Excellent Ž9.
S glass᎐epoxy FRP 330 50 2 4095 Excellent Ž9.
Carbon᎐epoxy FRP 700 35 1.59 35 470 Fairly good Ž7.
Kevlar 29-epoxy FRP 340 40 1.4 11 000 Fairly good Ž7.
Kevlar 49-epoxy FRP 900 50 1.46 25 000 Fairly good Ž7.
Boron᎐epoxy FRP 1000 46 2 315 000 Good Ž5.
The numbers in parentheses are quantified values.

ture stress scales with the fracture toughness of the fragmentability, while the fragmentability of the metals
material K IC . Thus, upon substituting K IC for S in Eq. is assumed poor. As mentioned above, we use the
Ž9., a second performance index K IC r␳ is obtained. A bi-polar method w9x to quantitatively grade the frag-
third important requirement is to minimize the cost of mentability of the materials. Because of lack of recent
the material, manufacturing and fabrication. The latter information, most of the material price refers to 1980
should be taken into account in design but it is not w18x, and the rest are assumed in comparison with the
considered in this paper. Thus the third index is the recent price.
material price per weight. The fourth requirement is The values of the four material properties and per-
fragmentability. If a flywheel breaks into small pieces formance indexes chosen above are listed in Table 3.
at final failure, the hazard should be much reduced. Also the values of ri j normalized by Eq. Ž1. are listed.
The fragmentability is an important property for safety. The entropy Ej and the weight factor ␻ j are calcu-
The candidate materials are simply screened on the lated according to Eq. Ž2. and Eq. Ž3., respectively.
basis of working temperature Tw , that is, the constraint Four cases of the subjective weight s j are considered.
is Tw G 100⬚C. Most materials available in the database In case 1, ␴ limitr␳ is most weighted Ž s1 s 0.4., and
of Kang et al. w11x survive except for thermoplastic K IC r␳ , price per unit mass and the fragmentability
polymers. As the final candidates we chose 10 materials follows Ž s2 s 0.3, s3 s 0.2, s4 s 0.1.. In cases 2 and 3,
comprising four metals and six unidirectional fiber-re- K IC r␳ and price per unit mass are most weighted,
inforced-epoxy composites. Hereafter the materials se- respectively. In case 4, ␴ limitr␳ and the fragmentability
lection procedure is demonstrated only for the 10 ma- are most weighted equally Ž s1 s s4 s 0.3., while in cases
terials. The properties of the materials are listed in 1, 2 and 3 the fragmentability is least weighted Ž s4 s 0.1.
Table 2 where ␴ limit and K IC of composites are for because the possibility of catastrophic failure is as-
loading parallel to the fiber direction. The frag- sumed to be minimal. Ej , ␻ j , s j and the revised weight
mentability of the composites is determined on basis of factor ␻ jU are listed in Table 4. Because the third
the shear bond strength of fiber-to-matrix, that is, the performance index Žprice per unit mass. has the largest
higher bond strength is regarded to give the worse scatter, its objective weight factor ␻ 3 is much larger

Table 3
Material properties and performance indexesrthe values normalized by Eq. Ž1. for candidate materials for a flywheel

Material Material properties or performance indices

␴limitr␳ KIC r␳ Pricermass Fragmentability

300M 100r0.042175 8.6125r0.042327 4200r0.010189 3r0.053571

2024-T3 49.6454r0.020938 13.4752r0.066225 2100r0.005095 3r0.053571
7050-T73651 78.0142r0.032902 12.5532r0.061694 2400r0.005095 3r0.053571
Ti-6Al-4V 108.8795r0.04592 26.0042r0.1278 10500r0.025473 3r0.053571
E glass᎐epoxy FRP 70r0.029522 10r0.049146 2735r0.006635 9r0.160714
S glass᎐epoxy FRP 165r0.069588 25r0.122865 4095r0.009934 9r0.160714
Carbon᎐epoxy FRP 440.2516r0.185675 22.0126r0.108183 35470r0.08605 7r0.125
Kevlar 29-epoxy FRP 242.8571r0.102424 28.5714r0.140417 11000r0.026686 7r0.125
Kevlar 49-epoxy FRP 616.4384r0.259981 34.2466r0.168308 25000r0.06065 7r0.125
Boron᎐epoxy FRP 500r0.210874 23r0.113036 315000r0.764192 5r0.089286
204 D. Jee, K. Kang r Materials and Design 21 (2000) 199᎐206

Table 4
Entropy and weight factors about each material properties or performance index

Calculation of Material properties or performance indices

weighting factor ␴limitr␳ KIC r␳ Pricermass Fragmentability

Ej Žentropy. 0.860865 0.962692 0.415348 0.959907

␻j Žobjective weight factor. 0.173661 0.046566 0.729731 0.050042

sj Case 1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1

Žsubject Case 2 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1
weight. Case 3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.
Case 4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3

␻j Case 1 0.296369 0.059602 0.622679 0.021350
Žmodified Case 2 0.235021 0.084026 0.658379 0.022574
weight factor. Case 3 0.100499 0.040422 0.844600 0.014480
Case 4 0.234286 0.041882 0.656321 0.067511

than others. As the result, even in the cases where the multiple thin ring flywheel of Garrett Air Research
subjective weight s3 is small, the revised weight factor which is described as ‘ . . . the most successful design’ by
␻ U3 is still the largest. The normalized values ri j are Lewis w17x. The flywheel consists of a Kevlar 49-epoxy
weighted by ␻ jU according to Eq. Ž5. to give ¨ i j . Then FRP outside ring, a Kevlar 29-epoxy FRP interior ring
the ideal ¨ q j and the non-ideal ¨ yj for each material and an S glass᎐epoxy FRP inside ring. It is somewhat
property or performance index is obtained by Eq. Ž6.. fortuitous that the sequence coincides with the ranking
Eq. Ž7. and Eq. Ž8. give the separation measures Sq i , of the materials selected in cases 1 and 2. Probably the
Syi and the relative closeness Cq i for each material, design is a result of long research and experience. Here
the values of which are listed in Table 5. we can understand that the materials of the design
We rank the candidate materials on the basis of Cq i . were chosen with the strength being most weighted and
In both cases 1 and 2 for which the subjective weight s j then the best material is utilized for the most heavily
is greatest for ␴ limitr␳ and K ICr␳ , respectively, Kevlar loaded outside ring.
49-epoxy FRP is the best, and then Kevlar 29-epoxy In both cases 3 and 4 for which the subjective weight
FRP and S glass᎐epoxy FRP follow. Fig. 2 shows a s j of price per unit mass and fragmentability is given

Table 5
Separation measures and relative closeness of each candidate material for four cases a

Material Separation measurerrelative closeness

Separation measure Ž Siqr Siy . Relative closeness Ž Ciq .
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4

300M 0.065104r 0.052435r 0.022935r 0.017222r 0.878230 0.904468 0.965239 0.973747

0.469544 0.496445 0.636834 0.638803 Ž5. Ž4. Ž2. Ž3.
2024-T3 0.071143r 0.056883r 0.024425r 0.021661r 0.869179 0.897814 0.963302 0.967366
0.472676 0.499778 0.641134 0.642106 Ž9. Ž8. Ž5. Ž7.
7050-T73651 0.067637r 0.054169 0.023276r 0.018965r 0.874821 0.902214 0.964967 0.971313
0.472688 0.499784 0.641135 0.642124 Ž7. Ž6. Ž3. Ž4.
Ti-6Al-4V 0.064783r 0.052234r 0.027643r 0.019853r 0.876569 0.903033 0.957575 0.969394
0.460072 0.486446 0.623936 0.628794 Ž6. Ž5. Ž7. Ž5.
E glass᎐epoxy FRP 0.068676r 0.05509r 0.023692r 0.021546r 0.872917 0.900535 0.964294 0.967489
0.471727 0.498770 0.639835 0.641179 Ž8. Ž7. Ž4. Ž6.
S glass᎐epoxy FRP 0.056572r 0.045022r 0.019652r 0.013297r 0.892548 0.916902 0.970076 0.979620
0.469911 0.496771 0.637075 0.639163 Ž3. Ž3. Ž1. Ž1.
Carbon᎐epoxy FRP 0.055132r 0.056320r 0.068827r 0.055376r 0.885197 0.888365 0.892765 0.914259
0.425098 0.448187 0.573005 0.590469 Ž4. Ž9. Ž9. Ž9.
Kevlar 29-epoxy FRP 0.048626r 0.039741r 0.024183r 0.014741r 0.904379 0.92441 0.962631 0.977078
0.459903 0.486009 0.622965 0.623364 Ž2. Ž2. Ž6. Ž2.
Kevlar 49-epoxy FRP 0.034602r 0.036585r 0.046925r 0.050077r 0.927678 0.927309 0.926868 0.923968
0.443838 0.466715 0.594719 0.608550 Ž1. Ž1. Ž8. Ž8.
Boron᎐epoxy FRP 0.472912r 0.499931r 0.641157r 0.497815r 0.106644 0.082646 0.029234 0.233415
0.056454 0.045040 0.019308 0.151578 Ž10. Ž10. Ž10. Ž10.
The numbers in parentheses are the relative rank.
D. Jee, K. Kang r Materials and Design 21 (2000) 199᎐206 205

As an example, the procedure to select the optimal

material for a flywheel has been developed. As a result
we can grade the candidate materials for given subjec-
tive weight. In the cases for which fatigue strength or
fracture toughness is weighted, the chosen materials
coincide with the ones utilized for a commercial fly-
wheel in support of our approach.
In this procedure outlined one can adjust the relative
priority among design requirements using the subjec-
tive weight. Also if one does not have adequate experi-
ence and knowledge to decide the subjective weight,
the objective weight factors which are evaluated
through the rational procedure can be used as defaults.
However, in order to be a more useful design tool,
the procedure to systematically map requirements to
performance index or material properties must be de-
veloped. The axiomatic approach proposed by Suh w19x
seems to be promising. Also the compatibility of the
component under question with associated components
must be taken into account.

Fig. 2. Multiple thin ring flywheel of Garrett Air Research w17x.

the most, respectively, S glass᎐epoxy FRP is evaluated
as the best. Also, 300M and 7050-T73651 are ranked
high. 300M is a highly refined Ni᎐Cr᎐Mo alloy steel The authors are grateful to Professor N.A. Fleck of
Žvacuum-arc melted, silicon-modified 4340 steel. whose Cambridge University for valuable discussion and cor-
fatigue strength ␴ limit and fracture toughness K IC are rections of the English.
superior but its density is high. 7050-T73651 is an
aircraft alloy whose fatigue strength ␴ limit is especially
high among aluminum alloys and also the price per
unit mass is the least of the 10 candidate materials.
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