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Experimental Science 2 – Summative Assessment

Disease Essay /Brochure

a. Each student will do a different topic
b. Essay should be 800-1000 words and should include relevant vocabulary.
The brochure doesn’t have a word requirement but you MUST still use
appropriate vocabulary and cover the standards below.
c. Diagrams can be included but should be labeled and possibly annotated.
d. Any information taken from the Internet, including diagrams, should be
referenced. For the brochure, this should be in a separate document.
e. The due date is Friday January 26th.

1. “Old” diseases that were once thought to be almost eradicated, have started
to reappear, often in large numbers. Focusing on one disease, discuss why
this has occurred and what implications this has for people in the future.
(Diseases on which the essay may focus: scarlet fever, tuberculosis, leprosy,
pneumonic plague) 4 topics
2. Waterborne diseases are a growing issue of concern especially in third world
countries. Discuss this statement with reference to one of the following
disease: cholera, guinea worm, schistosomiasis, typhoid 4 topics
3. “Yes, we really can eradicate malaria.” (Bill Gates) Discuss if this statement is
realistic. 1 topic
4. Anti-vaccine might be rational but is it reasonable? Discuss this question
with reference to one disease such as polio, measles, mumps, whooping
cough, tetanus . . . .) 5 topics
5. Anthrax and smallpox are considered bioterrorist threats. Should we, as a
human population, be concerned about this? Discuss 2 topics
6. Superbugs are taking over the world. Discuss this statement using either
MRSA or VRE as an example. 2 topics
7. Why did the world “panic” when swine flu/Avian flu/Aids/Zika/Ebola were
identified? (Choose just one.) 5 topics
8. Should it be compulsory for everyone to get the flu shot? 1 topic
9. Which of the diseases in the following pairs do you consider the most
“dangerous”? Explain. Malaria/Pneumonia or Dengue/Hepatitis or
Rabies/Meningitis 3 topics
10. Genetic mutations make us more susceptible to disease. Discuss this
statement with reference to one of the following diseases: breast cancer or
flu or TB or SCID. 4 topics

The following table lists the standards that you need to include in your essay or

Describe the signs and symptoms of the disease(s)
Describe the cause of the disease(s) (bacteria, virus, fungi, genetic . . )
Describe the use of electromagnetic radiation in the diagnosis and/or
treatment of the disease(s)
Describe the use of nuclear radiation in the diagnosis and/or
treatment of the disease
Describe how chemicals (e.g. drugs, antibiotics . . .) are used to treat
the disease(s)
Describe how the immune system responds to the disease
Communicate scientific information using appropriate vocabulary

Record your name next to the essay topics you are doing

Topic number Disease(s) Name

1 Scarlet fever
1 Tuberculosis
1 Leprosy
1 Pneumonic plague
2 Cholera
2 Guinea worm
2 Schistosomiasis
2 Typhoid
3 Malaria
4 Polio
4 Measles
4 Mumps
4 Whooping cough
4 Tetanus
5 Anthrax
5 Smallpox
7 Swine flu
7 Avian flu
7 Aids
7 Zika
7 Ebola
8 Flu
9 Malaria/Pneumonia
9 Dengue/Hepatitis
9 Rabies/Meningitis
10 Breast cancer
10 Flu
10 TB

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