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I will share some of my special experiences in my life.

Lets start with

the day I learn how to ride a bicycle. On that day I didn’t rest until I
learn how to ride a bicycle. Its hard cause Im only teaching my self
cause there no one else to teach me. Then its almost dawn and my
grandma told me to stop cause its already late. So I go inside the
house but I didn’t stop. I move all the furniture that my get on my way
then I finaly get it. I finaly know how to ride a bicycle!! Then I go
outside and tell my grandma at first she doesn’t believe me. Then I
show her how good I am at riding my bicycle. That night I cant sleep I
cant wait to ride my bicycle again. Whenever I remember that day it
makes me smile cause I did it.I prove to my self that I can do
something on my own with out relying to anyone Its true that if you
want something to happen you need to be pacient and never give up.
For me never be scared to fail because failure is part of everthing and
its normal. Just keep on believing to your self no matter what. And
always do what makes you happy because if your not happy on whats
your doing why did you do it in the first place. The next experience
that I will share to you is when I found out that my mom is sick . She
has a culon cancer , before that she work in a salon in bagiuo city.
Her boss is very nice they first meet I dubai and become friends. My
mom loss her job in dubai ang her friend offer her to work on her salon
in baguio . Every month they have a check up because her boss is a
nurse and she make sure her staff is in good shape. That’s how we
find out that my mom have a cancer. Her boss take care of everything
the chemotherapy for my mom . We didn’t pay for anything at all. I was
so scared cause I thought Im gonna lose my mom forever. I remember
the times that I get angry to my mom cause she cant give me what I
want. I realise that any time I can lose my mom so since that day I
always make sure that she knows how much I love her. My mom is
now doing great shes in dubai at the moment. I promise my self that
one day I can return all of the kindness that they give to us. Were
lucky to meet some people like them whos willing to help. One day Im
the one who will help people. In this world I learn that if you want
changes you need to start that change in you. Be the change you want
to see in this world . And always thank God for every new beginning
that he gave to us.

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