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Promoting Philippine Culture and Values

Diverse culture valued
Number of registered or listed cultural properties have increased. There is a six percent
increase on the number of listed cultural properties in the region from 2017 to 2018. Of the 7,025
cultural properties submitted to the Philippine Registry of Cultural Properties (PRECUP), 1,081
(15%) are in Central Luzon. Cultural property shall refer to all products of human creativity by
which people and a nation reveal their identity, whether public or privately owned, movable or
immovable, and tangible (NCCA).
Culture and arts projects were implemented in Central Luzon. A total of 48 grant projects
were implemented in the region from 2015 to 2018. In 2018 alone, seven projects were assisted
for implementation by NCCA that were focused on heritage preservation and cultural awareness
Values for the common good inculcated and lived
Studies were undertaken to determine the corpus of values to be promoted. The National
Commission for culture and arts (NCCA) commissioned a study to define the corpus of Filipino
values, while NEDA has embarked on a study to establish mechanisms to quantitatively measure
cultural values (SER 201). Once completed, the results of these studies should provide further
guidance and inputs to the attainment of sector goals

Culture sensitive governance and development strengthened.

Local culture and arts need to be strengthened. DILG issued a Memorandum Circular No.
2017-133 on the creation of Local Culture and Arts Councils (LCACs). There are 119 LGUs
(87%) with existing office for culture and arts. However, only 28 LGUs (20%) including the
provinces of Aurora, Bataan, Nueva Ecijah and Tarlac have LCACs that were validated and have
met the criteria set by the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) for functionality

Moving forward
Continue and expand cultural mapping. Cultural mapping is one of the technical assistances
offered by NCCA to communities in identifying, documenting, and raising awareness on their
cultural properties or resources. The cultural mapping project of NCCA should be fully
disseminated to LGUS for them to fully engage the community in documenting and in preserving
their cultural properties. With the inclusion of Tourism, Culture and the Arts in the Seal of Good
Local Governance (SGLG) of DILG, the conduct of cultural mapping activity should be included
in the assessment criteria.
Encourage participatory and inclusive cultural development. Cultural awareness and value
development need to be set in place at schools. Integrating culture in education will inculcate a
sense of identity amongst students and will provide them the skills to interact with other people
and cultures. DepEd shall continue to support capacity building activities and curriculum
development workshops for its teachers to competently engage with IP communities through its
Indigenous People Education (IPED).
Culture-sensitivity will be enhanced in government bureaucracies so that policymakers will not
only focus on deriving economic benefits from cultural assets, but also recognize the intangible
value of the creative process that pushes its people to imagine, create and innovate (RDP 201-
2022). It is important therefore for LGUs to ensure participation of IPs in the development and
promotion of culture and arts in the region.

Generate a comprehensive set of cultural data on indigenous peoples. The National

Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) 3 shall continue to spearhead the comprehensive
generation and management of data on IP cultural communities. The information will serve as
baseline for the developmental interventions of government agencies.

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