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Red is Red and Blue is Blue and never two shall meet

The key thought battles in history could be summed as Blue vs Red. Be it Conservatives vs
Democrats in the US, be it Slavery vs Anti-slavery, Be it Communism vs democracy or
capitalism etc.
If one follows English soccer closely, the battles-royale between Chelsea and Arsenal can
also be termed as Red vs Blue. Traditionally red is seen as aggressive and firm while blue has
stood for sober and flexible. So red vs blue goes beyond the boundary of colours to
symbolise something more fundamental among us.
President Barack Obama denounced the terminology red state and blue state by stating that
“the pundits like to slice and dice our country into red states and blue states: red states for
Republicans, blue states for Democrats. We are one people … all of us defending the United
States of America."
Red and Blue always need not be the opposite ends. Just imagine the beautiful sunset on a
calm blue see. It just goes to show that two opposite ends can meet and when they do, the
serenity is enchanting.
In the movie Matrix, New has to choose between the Red and the Blue pill. While the red
pill will take him out of the virtual world and lead him to truth, by taking blue pill he would
go back to the virtual made-up false world. So Red Vs Blue can also be pegged as virtual
world Vs Reality one more point is red is the colour of oxygenated, pure blood n blue that of
deoxygenated, impure. So, here red n blue symbolises purity n impurity n moreover red
symbolises life while blue death
Red, the color of blood and fire, is associated with meanings of love, passion, aggression.
Blue represents both the sky and the sea, and is associated with open spaces, freedom,
imagination, and flexibility. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, stability,
faith, heaven, and intelligence.

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