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WELDING & FABRICATION SPECIFICATION PUSSY NoL Ey UN Me e109 WELDING & FABRICATION SPECIFICATION Document Number ~ WIS10-spec-OO1 Revision 1 Date may 2017 Table of contents 1.0 GENERAL. 1.1 Scope. 1.2 Reference code and standards 2.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS. 2.1 General. 2.2 Definition .. 2.3 Table 1 — Abbreviations and Symbols . 3.0 QUALITY CONTROL... 3.1 Contractor Requirements ... 3.2 Fabrication Requirements .. 4.0 JOINT PREPARATION DETAILS..... 4.1 Base Metal Preparation . 4.2 Bevels 4.3 Alignment 4.4 Assembly for Welding 4.5 Temporary Attachments 4.6 Weather Conditions ... 5.0 WELDING DETAILS 5.1 General Requirements 5.2 Butt Welds ... 5.3 Fillet Welds... 5.4 Preheating 5.4.1 Table 2 — Preheat Values 5.4.2 Table 2a — Preheat Values .. 5.5 Inter-pass Temperature ... 15 5.6 Are Strikes ... 15 5.7 Weld Identificatio 1s 5.8 Interruption of Welding. 5.9 Tack Welding 5.10 Inter-run cleaning... 11.5.2 Equipment and consumables... WELDING & FABRICATION SPECIFICATION Document Number -WIS10-spec-OO1 Revision 1 Date may 2017 11.5.3 Material preparation... 122 11.5.4 Techniques. a) 11.6 Dye penetrant inspection details......... +22 11.6.1 General... 11.6.2 Equipment and consumables....... 11.6.3 Material preparation........ 11.6.4 Techniques... 11.7 Ultrasonic inspection details. 11.7.1 General. 11.7.2 Equipment and consumables. 11.7.3 Material preparation........ 11.7.4 Scanning. 11.8 Radiographic Inspection... 11.8.1 General 11.8.2 Equipment and consumables..... 11.8.3 Radiographic sensitivity... 11.8.4 Techniques. 12.0 Inspection personnel 12.1 General. 12.2 Vision requirements... 13.0 Records and reports. 13.1 General... 13.2 Frequency for report 14.0 Specific details for welding stainless and duplex stainless steels... 14.1 General... 14.2 Material details... 14.3 Joint preparation details... 14.4 Welding details. 14.5 NON-destructive testing requirements. .... 15.0 Specific welding details for aluminium and aluminium alloys... 15.1 General... 15.2 Material details. WELDING & FABRICATION | | SPECIFICATION | Document Number - WIS10-spec-OO1 Revision1 | Date may 2017 | . 15.3 Joint preparation details.. +28 15.4 Welding details... 15.5 Process 131...... 15.6 Process 141... 15.7 NON destructive testing requirement. 16.0 Specific welding details for quenched and oe steels (QT sees), z 16.1 General. 16.2 Welding details. susenecsgeenee 16.3 Table 6-Minimum preheat and inter-pass temperature for QT steels... 16.4 Table 6a-Minimum heat input values for QT steels.... 16.5 NON-destruetive testing requirements... 17.0 Qualification of welding procedures... 17.1 General " 17.2 Documentation and records... 17.3 Esvential variables. 17.4 Table 7-Changes affecting approval E -Essential variables... 17.5 Welding of Test joint... 17.6 Extend of testing..........+. 17.7 Table 8-Examination and testing of test piece NON-destructive requirements... 17.8 Table 8a-Examinations and testing of test pieces Destructive test requirements.......... 33 17.9 Welding position. 17.10 Joint configuration...... 17.11 Location of cutting of test specimens. . 17.12 Impact testing (charpy V-notch)... 17.13 Table 9-Impact energy values. . 17.14 Tensile testing.. 17.15 Macro Examination... 17.16 Hardness testing... 17.17 Fillet fracture test... 15.1 General 15.2 Material details. | [bern Tuber WSi0 e004 15.3 Joint preparation details 15.4 Welding details. 15.5 Process 131, 15.6 Process 141, 15.7 NON destructive testing requirement. . 16.0 Specific welding details for quenched and tempered steels (QT steels) 16.1 General. 16.2 Welding details. 16.3 Table 6-Minimum preheat and inter-pass temperature for QT steels. 16.4 Table 63-Minimum heat input values for QT stels. 16.5 NON-destructive testing requirements. 17.0 Qualification of welding procedures. 17.1 General 17.2 Documentation and records. 17.3 Essential variables. = 17.4 Table 7-Changes affecting approval-Essential variables. WELDING & FABRICATION ____ SPECIFICATION. 17.5 Welding of Test joint. 1766 Extend of testing, 17.7 Table 8-Examination and testing of test piece NON destructive requirements. 17.8 Table 8a-Examinations and testing of test pieces Destructive test requirements. 17.9 Welding position. 17.10 Joint configuration 17.11 Location of euting of est specimens... 17.12 Impact testing (charpy V-notch). 17.13 Table 9-Impact energy values. 17.14 Tensile testing. 17.15 Macro Examination... 17.16 Hardness testing. 17.17 Fillet fracture test. fevion1 | Date may 2017 CECE ECC CET a U VAS Bend titan 18.0 Qualification of welders. 181 Gene ae WELDING & FABRICATION SPECIFICATION ae ___srraricarion Document Number -WiSi-spee-001 Revision | 18.2 Documentation and records. 183 Examination and esting. 184 Essel varies nd range of appro 18.5 Table 10-Essential variables. Wo ReTess, 18:7 Period of validity. 18.8 welding postion Qualification ange 189 Table I L-Welding position qualification range 18.10 Test to be conducted 18.11 Table 12-Welding Qualification Tests. 19.0 post weld hea treatment (PWHT). 19.1 General 19,2 Temperature measurement | 19.3 Temperature and Heating/Cooling rates, 19.4 Reports and records. 20.0 Hydrostatie Testing. 201 Generale 20.2 Test preparation. | 203 Flushing. 20.4 Conducting of test 20.5 Inspection... 20.6 Report and records 21.0 Pneumatic testing... 21.1 Genera. 21.2 Test preparation 21.3 Conducting of test. | 214 Inspection an itn : Date may 2017 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 4 al Al 2.0 Coating or seuss ad ig 8 22.1 General. M3 22.2 Surface preparation, ad 22.3 Coating application... ae iene 1 WELDING & FABRICATION | vin SPECICATION | Soaiment Nomber-wisi0-specOO% Reisiont | Omemay 2017 Eee 224 inspection a “s 22.5 Repiofdamagal wes (00249) : 4s 2726 Report and reads, 6 22. protean end preserva. 6 23.1 Gene “6 EP PEEELTTTTTTTEE 7 PEE WELDING & FABRICATION | SPECIFICATION : | | Document Number -WIS1O-EX-MSR-OO1 Revision 1 Date may 2017 | | ae pues | 1. GENERAL 11 Seape The JoouetJefces he thre requienents forthe welding and fresno oth onsore and fore structures | ‘This specification outlines the minimum quality and echnical standards for materials, fabrication and welding testing, inspection anda personnel involved in the fabrication of statures used for both the offshore and ‘oshore environments, This documents covers th ac welding of ill, butt and socket welds in carbon steels, Jow alloy steels, Austenitic stanles steels, Ausentc-Fersitc stainless tels and Alina | All he requirement ofthis document shall be strictly adhered to; no deviation shall be permited without 3 writen approval from the Company All he fabrication and welding activities shal be cared ut in safe manner in acordance with he applicable codes and standards, to comply the local government regulations. 12 Reference Codes and Standards “The following list of codes and standards ae tobe used in conjunction with this document, if any conflicts ‘exit between tis Gocument ad codes and standards listed, the equiements ofthis document shall ope. “The latest revision of al plicable codes and standards shal be adopted + B5458:1 Weng Terms-Glosry for welding, rising ad thro catiog | + BS ENISO 1767Nondertutv eraminstion of sion welds examination | 4 85215065204 Chasifcatn of geome mprfton in talc materi sion welding + BSENIO204 Matic rods - Type inspection documents + BS E1S02553 Welded brazed nd soldered joins Symboirepresentation on drawings + BS ENV1S0.4069 Welding nd lied processes -Nomencatuc of races and reference mutes + BSEN1SO 2560 Welding consumables ~ covered electrodes fr manual meal arc welding of mostly snd fine grin sets classification + AWSAS.1 Specification or carbon steels electrodes | + AWSASA Specification fr stainless tel electrodes fr shielded metal are welding i + AWSASS: Specification for low alloy steel electrodes for shielded meal ae welding + BSENISO- 14341 Weking omumbles- Wie coder an deported meta | lig of aly ae ie gia ec Cniaton | + BSEN OL Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials T WELDING & FABRICATION | | SPECIFICATION joni | Date may 2017 ee | | Document Number -WSi0-EX-MSR-OO1 12. DEFINITION OF TERMS, 21 General Forte prose ofthis document the fowing efiniton shal apply. The ems sedi this documentation areineeonaace with BS 499-1 an BS EN 180 6520-1, ote ems ny ot enounteed from ote codes “Eetandard ot sted. Where terms encountered ith document that ae not cleey defied common see sal prea, 22 Definitions Compa: Twa Contre ‘A ety pesfoing specific work under contract f the comps Def ‘An inperfetn of sufficient maaitade to warrant rejection Imperfection’ A scotty or ireglanty Indication: Evidence obained by Non-destctve testing Weidne ‘An operain in which wo or more ars are tobe uted, by means of sor Presse rbot Wels ‘Nation of pieces of metal made by welding Welder “The operator who performs the welding Shop wel: ‘Avweld made whin premises ofthe manufacture ofthe welded assembly Site we: ‘Avweld mae whe leaton where the assembly iso be insted Puen metal Metal toe oid or suriced ring welding Filler mea Metal add dving welding Het affced sone The part ofthe patent etal tat i metallurgical fected by the beat of welding Joan ‘Aconaetion where the individual component, suitably prepared and assembled ae join by welding ‘Mant welding: Welling in which the operator eontols the welding parameters ad he mess of making the wed ar coaolled by hard. Continous welding: A weld extending along the ete length ofthe joint [Avene of welds of the ste type and dimension at ntervas along te oi ‘re welding caret Curent passing tough he electrode ‘Ar voltage letra potent between contact ip or elecuode holier and workpiece Teer poss temperate: Temperature in a mult-run and adjacent parent metal immediately prior to he plication ofthe next us est put: Energy inode ino te weld region uring welding per unit un Length Preteat tempers: Temperate ofthe work piece immediately ror o any welding operations Sha Denotes mandatory action Denotes strongly ecommended ston Anermitent weling ‘howl: PERETECULL TELL LTTTTEEEE 2 [ ‘WELDING & FABRICATION [SPECIFICATION | Revision 1 Date may 2017 2.3 Tate Abbreviation ad Symbol Miers | Tom - Syne 1 | renting et var welding stage | Teal eficieny fetor | tenn [peter wnat tt | & | ier fe | ig with timpereion + | Noa tut weld ice Poa meal cess 2 | testenphora te veld ce | caontxuet wre | ses ex Cerin < ‘Less than | > | crete tan | | tes tanand eqlio | Serr aheeteeres | = | aspcioasty | | | fa WELDING & FABRICATION | | SPECIFICATION [tee ace oe eau eee | | Document Number -WiS10-spec-OO1 | Revision 1 Date may2017 3. QUALITY CONTROL, 31 Control Requirements Sere re raved mth the Scan an weling of seca acorce wi his oct ‘CESGETEMARY uty maspenc stem an quality com mari Ths dearest saloverall nuncon et aa nee rr ng aces shale conned in contance wih dem procedure fr cot {quay The tlloweng poclare sal te ves sad aproved porte comment of btn ‘weg wr al edn and aeason wok al 10% sal pete Welding and repairs Storage conralandwentfcaion of welding consumables Welder, qualiieaon records Inspection / NDT Post weld het eaten (where applicable) Parameter checks, and progres of welding Mater waceaiity NDT vacesbility Tnspecton test plans (TP'S) | 4. sO0vT PREPARATION DETAILS 4.1 Base Meta Preparation Alsace to be welded atl be visually examined and shal be cleaned to right meta fora distance of rat fewer Wn fom the edie of the wed bevel All wre comin inludag ait, os, grease, of ‘ther foreig nubwtance shal be removed fm the veld bevel Surface cleaning should be cried ow wing [over cleaning fol, ay cleaning on flame cut bevels sal be cared ou using a dsc grinder to a smooth | suc osoemovethe fist 3 me tom the Mame et edge Srfce rng tal be removed with | ety eas we tears sows vb tig. iting ed soi ches checking sal be ‘aed out oensre reduction of wall Whcknes as not exceeded 2%: Note: fr speife deta on this daciment oles, duples, QT steels and aluminium, refer to the relevant sections of 42 Revels ‘The welded bevels shall be beveled to the dimensions speiiedin he approved procedure. Inthe case of ‘manval welding in he PA, PB, PE, PF PG, PL PJ, H-LO 45, SLO 4 postions, fe bevel angle shouldbe 30?¥5% Inthe PC poston the botiom bevel 15083 0, op bevel 4" +3, 0, For alenative welding ‘oces sich automatic welding allematve bevel anges maybe considered providing thea 0 | Retrance withthe approval procedures All welded bevel shal be cared out by machining ot by machine thal cutting, manually or mechanically ‘operated. Manual inermalcutng stall ot be wed The ony tne that manual thera cuting shall be considered ete cutting of pipexpaes or aachaest Biting, weldoles,seeppolets, etc, where machining for machine thermal cuting sot practicable and only ifthe pany ives proval Proto ftp all bevels shall be subjected to visual ad Magnetic Parle (Inthe case of frre materials) or Penewat (ithe ave of oo-ferne materi) inspection. SPECIFICATION 7 [Daument umber -WistOspec-oOL Revision | Datemay 2017 | PECLLELINT LETTE EEE . HEE ees (tit » 7 . > . | | p> pe ] WELDING & FABRICATION Any indications found on the bevel faces, score mark, surface breaking aminations, mechanical damage, lapping or any other inperfction sal be removed by grinding. ‘Ts shall be acceptable providing the thicknesdepth ofthe repair area doesn’t exceed 3% of the material, thickness. This shal be qualified by the use of UT ora suitable deph-mcasring gauge Where pipesplnes are to be cutback forthe purpose of stachment fitings, » zone extending 90 mn bac fom the proposed postion shall be fully examined viually and by ultasome inspection for meleral impertecins, laminations, lps, folds, segrepations el, Visual acceptance is given in section 9 of This ocurent 43 Alignment ‘The alignment of sbuting ends shall minimize the offiet between surface, for pipe and plate ends, ince misalignment is permissible ifthe maximum dimension dees not exceed 13 am. Where parent mates of ifr thickness eit, the shiner ofthe two materials shal be tsken a the materi thickness inthe sof plate welds angulr distortion shall not exceed Sm. Inthe case of longitsinal eames pipes'vessl, the longitudinal veams shal be ost by 90 Mixes of weed Pipe joints shall not be permitted. Aagular isaligsment atthe weld oe of less than 3 isnot to be classed as 4 mle, and is ceepuble providing thatthe angular misalignment is equally disrbuted on both sides ofthe Jat tos maximum o 1." pe ie. In the case of filet welds, unles otherwise specified, the fesion faces tobe joined by fillet welds shal be ss clase contact s possible, maximum gp peated shall not exceed 3 mam. A illet wel s deposited shall not be les thn the specified dimensions, see section $ formore deals. | 44 Assembly for Welding Pars tobe weed sll be aserbled in sucha way that adequate aces is avilable to al personel involved | with te welding, ispection and other related activites for producing the welded joint Jigs and Gxtres may be used when applicable providing no undue stress is applied tothe joint ding the welding operation To ‘miimize tes and distortion it may be necessary lo preset joints pic to welding andlor 0 be spect the ‘welding sequence to assist in the contol of ares and distoron eg bak siplkip welding 45 Temporary Attachments “The ase of temporary tices maybe wed forthe purpose of ssely whet the appli proedines ree thm They sal be aed in such ay tat thy a be aly eno tht ry dase eesng tothe str all mtr sed fr tempor sitchen sal be conpatble ihe pet meal {il temporary stamens al bs carly emoved afer tse where rval cae cu by nae fing av gouging or Name cating ct shal be made clef any pret ral ach tha On the temporary ateces et fr al removal by ging seth, Ar uch operon, 100 peston tbe aed area of the preat marl stall be cared oat If ny inpeerton ae ound ewe or oder sting thee sea al be ened snot ey cal be Comeredsccpale povg the ph des exceed 2 f te pre aes thks. Thr sal b eid by he wef enaane mpesion cra tbl dept gage Note: Remo of temporary attachments by hammering or blending is not permitted WADING & ABRICATION hoa SPEGMCATION |Decmenttonber-wSiewecc0i | peviana | One may2017 46 Weather conditions Allarcas of welding sl be adeqatly protected om wind, moisture, sow blzards et. Maximum are ‘eloty for welding procenes shal be imied as follows: a 20 mph (32 km) + Bs 1S mph (2Akvie) tout ‘50 mph (Skt) ‘Note: The engineer shall state whether welding shall not be carrie ont because prevailing weather ‘conditions could impair the quay ofthe completed weld 5. WELDING DETAILS ‘51 General Requirements ‘Only quid welders sll cary ou the welding ia accordance with the applicable qualified welding proved. The surface to be weld shal be fe from any contaunants, pease, pin, sal, rust and any Ther foreign motels hat may adversely affect the quality ofthe welded oun. The in design, rot gap, foot face, bevel angles aliguments etc sal bein accordance wth this document andthe approved welding ‘ocedur perfesons aplcale 52 Butt Welds Allbutt welds shal be welded in such away tht the ent poove i completely ile at pint shall the ‘to face be lower than the pet mater. The ends of the but wed shall be welded in sucha way a5 ‘How the tl lngin nd thereto he groove tobe filled this may be achieved bythe eof uofru-on pater I required a sutabe backing material may be used o support the oo! during welding hs material {hal be metlurcallycompatble with both te filer and pen plteppe stra No pennanent backing ‘materials shall be ned In allbut weds, no joints hl be complete with single pass velding technique, ie, a minimum of two weld passes sal be applied. Excasive weaving Lchinige shall be avoided witha maximum weave of 2 times tht fhe electrode ameter permite Inthe cae of ul penetration but wes, which are wo be welded fom both sides, the beck ofthe fist run all be cleaned cut por te Welding ofthe seond de. Ths salle achieved bya suitable mean to clean fo sound etl, shall be inspected before commencement of welding onthe second sdeby both visual and magnet particle inspection, an theca of ton-erous matenals both visual and dye penetra inpecion, ‘53 Fillet Welds Weg sal hve aso at oes: te ellg lected unde come A let ‘ei hate rade sian of noel pane cof owe le ed Bins oben clon ete ef ps wit sping ete pipe Soo Doge 100mm alae oe wel on depen he de ing any ck weds eg ino one backside ror to welding, ‘The deposited fille weld dimensions shall be s follows: Legtengih “Toa thickness Minas Minimum =t 07 + Mainuim = tS avium 0605 mm ote: In the cnse of ifrent thicknesses, welling iste based on the mninimum Tt he > 7 vevevus > a tt Seaeeeeeneeneensias 4 fT Be Document Number ~ WIS10-spec-OO1 WELDING & FABRICATION | SPECIFICATION | Date may 2017 | Revision 1 54 Preheating | For the welding offen tel the area ofthe joi that is subjected to preheat stall exend around the entire periphery of he pipe or the parts o be welded. n each case the area extending ro les than 100 rm on cach ‘Side ofthe it sll be maintained atthe required temperature. Where practicable, the tempertue shall be ‘measured om the fae opposite o that on which th heat is applied. If this is not practicable, te temperature ‘sll be confirmed on the heated faces at time afer the removal of the het source hs shal be else! oh ppreot material thickness, and tis iso allow or temperature equalization. The te shall be 2 minutes fr 9 {hickness not greater than 25mm, with an additonal I mite for ech 12mm above that thicknes Prebeatng ‘ll be applied by either gus or cece means but under no circumstances sallprebesting be cared ut | ‘sing gas flame cuter ‘Care should always be taken 10 avoid damage to the parent matenal and ony ‘applicable coatings. ‘The minimum shall be determined by temperature indicating crayons, the type which melt or by suitably tached calbrated thermocouples o prometers. “The above only refers tothe welding of feritic steels, when welding stainless steels preheat show be | avoided. Se seeioat4 for specific detalls onthe welding of stainless stels Note: Crayons or paints, whic sate temperature by colour change are not permitted. Tepe had ey il orig ces | + Hea np: eee + Hydrogen Scale ABCDE ‘+ Combined Material Thickness, + Carbon Equivalent = CBee + M+ SMe [NOTE:- ‘Thermal efficiency values to be applied SAc1Table2—Preheat Vales Combined Thies ce =0S Tae ‘Any thicknee B0s<20 [150°C ‘Any hice 22040 100% = Alm 240650 gle eo 280m [eso No Prebeateqired [any hens 54.2 Table2a— Preheat values [Hiogen Seale CDED.E Heat ops. Temperatare"C | Combined Valve un Thickness 05, 1w0°e ‘Ay thickness | Bos 220, asc [Any thickness = 20-40 ae [s s0mm Soe Peo mn Tne Petar eure ‘Any thickness ‘shown in the above tables. WELDING & FABRICATION | SPECIFICATION Document Number - W1S10-spec-OO1 Revision 2 ‘55 Inter-pase Temperature 5 "The maximum ier pass temperature or preheat temperature for fei tel shall not exceed 250°C. The | ‘hinumum inter-pas femperatre shal not drop below he maim calculated preeet temperate “Temperate shall be moastered by the same a for preheat temperate [Note:The above only refers tothe welding of feritc teks, when weing stainless steels. See setion 14 for speciic detalison the welding of sales steels. ‘56 Are Strikes ‘Ate Shes outside the weld groove aren shill be removed by grinding. Alla srikes outside the groove area thal be subjected io magnate pail inspection, (nthe ease of now fete tel Penetantigpestion sal, ‘be used) All indications of eracking hall be agin subjected to grinding and re-inspection to ensure complete removal ‘Where are srkes have been repaired by grinding confirmation that the thicknes ofthe parent material is within the permite tolerances, his ball be a hickness redaction of no more han 2% of the original material thickness, confirmation shall ether be by ulzsoaic inspection ora suitable depth gauge 5.7 Weld Identiiation. ‘A weld namber sal denial wel: Ithe weld hasbeen repaired the letter“ indicating a “epair wel” ‘thal llow the weld number. Ifthe weld has o be remaved the eter "RW" indicating a te-weld, shal follow the weld number Ifthe resweld hast be repaid, the eters “RWB, indicating re-weld epi, sal follow the weld number ‘Note: Either a permanent pant stick marker or low stress metal stamp shall ony be nse for weld Ientiiations. 58 Interruption f Welding ‘Whenever possible, welding of joins shall be completed in one continuous operation, When interuption i avoided te following shall apy ‘+ Foramateial dickness < 25mm, a minimum of two weld passes shal be completed over the full weld thickness and length (rot and hot pas) ‘+ For ate hickoess> 25mm, minimum ofthe weld sal be completed over the ful weld thickness and length, In the case of al jit, when welding is ieterpted the join shall be protected from contamination, moisture te and shall be cooled in a slow uniform manger Prior othe ecommencement of welding, he joint shal be subjected tothe stm preheat temperature as specified eases the company sh rove al interruption of welding 59 Tack Welding Inallcnesthewe of clams is peered oer tack welding. ack welds ret be wed ack welding shall cnly ecard outby aiid eles, thse tack wld sllbe subjected ah ane ete ee oss tempers a rote it welding sd following sal apy ‘+ Alltack welds performed to hold members in ligament wich wil aot be incorporated ito the ‘completed weld ride os ort weld rig aching shal be removed by grinding pie othe weg approaching the + Alltack welds ht willbe inomporated int the. the tack weld shall be gzound to ater edge to, shall havea minimum length of 85 mm of 20%: 25 mm ‘eke must ava anination check and hs mustbe referenced on them erie Material not. aio vali mil etfcate shall or be wed under any camatances. Both contacto and cia inpectors shlinpet materi arving onsite; materials ot complying withthe requirement shal he quratined ‘the materials do comply wit the requirement of this documert. All material aiving ote shall ony be purchased from company approved manufacturer ist, oe? Date may 2017 Document Number -WIS10-spec-OO1 Revision 1 9.2 Materia Requirements ‘ll sacral sel shal be ne sock ‘Spal welded pipe shal ot be sed Flcinerenitance welded (ERW) pipes sal nt be wed ‘omnes wrth a CE% above O48 shal be used for fabrication pups Contraco tll mati al steal traceability, showing te tena heat umber ofa major load bearing wructural members | ‘Contracts mark cach il cera with he contactors job umber, tem tinber to be wed, (gait to bee mumber of mers an he re of srature forte materi CConracor alain acebilty maps showing he tral en umber of serutrl rember, ajc load bearing "Note: for specie etalon saints, dupler, OT tel aluminium, refer to the relevant sections of ths ‘document 9.3 Material Marking All steels shall be suitably marked upon deer othe contractors abication yard. The tel hal be marked tn soch away that typeof tec, eat umber ad ay application special est can be esl eeogrized All at mnters other Meiatonmushings shall be wansered om pice o piece pir to etn, cut ces sal be marked the same way a the ogi markings. All narhigs sl be senied with utube marker or alow ress concentration die on bth ends of ech 94 Material Storage and Handling. {All stctra aera hl be sored above round on Nt surfces or platform ype skis. Material shall be stored in sch aay th they are het fe from di, ease pat spray o anyother foreign mater a kept fice rom corrosion Inthe cave of sales le] grades hese shall be stored in a separated area from feritic ‘sees, covered over atall tes, apd po comat 1 be made with Feri material any time, eg fork it tric tl be utably protected agin tee to te cont, al ing equipeat shall be used in such away to avoid fer contact wi the stailess materials 10, DEFECT REPAIR AND CUT-OUTS .aGererat All weld epi shall be conducted in secordace wth he weld repair provedres apd oaly conducted by qualified welders NO weld repair or cu-out shal be conducted without he sutonzation ofthe company All repairs shall be witesied 100% by qualified welding inspector. A weld may ony be repaired nee, ifthe weld stl conning unsecepable defects n accordance wah tis document the entize weld sal be removed. Cracks, se general acceptance levels Seton 6 10.2Remova of Defects ‘All weld that lo comply withthe requirements ofthe docoment hl thr be repaired or the entre weld removed. Repair shall not be cried cut ual ul nection ha been cndocted, Defects shal be removed by grading o aire gouging, When arcair gouging employed, te resultant removal eavity shall be round to clean bae metal bee any welding can commence. Entire weld removal may be cated out bY ‘eral eatng COLI ICCIIECUIIOCCEERIITTHT ET tt Document Number -WiS10-spec-OO1 WEL a a8RicTION | sreciicarion Date may 2017 Revision 1 When thermal gouring or hermalcting being uted, he ast 10% trough he 00 ofthe weld sal be emoved by mechanic pring | 103Preparaton for Re We | Tne case of paral weld removal the ca ut portion shale slficety deep and long enough 0 remove their defect Ate ends and sides oft excavation aca thee shall ea gradual tape rom the base of | the cut othe surface ofthe weld metal. The width and profile of he excavation shal ive adequate access or re-weling. The repair groove shal be ispeted by dye penetrant or magnetic patil inspection o ensure | that the defect bas bees ently enoved | Inthe ee ofa cou, involving the etre defetve weld o be reoved the weld preparation hal bec: ‘aden accordance withthe equerents of ths document | vwanesweling ‘A tepair weld shall be subjected to the same testing and inspection as the original weld, with a pre-heat \ tenprae 19°C shore date rl weld preter Ropr nis hale eo 2% of | Shona wel eng ets ha ced i le eget nie wed e removed Aree Shlleny bared et unl llsoperson fom quid welding pero vert down Wein | permite fx weld pai Fll ede sad eps fl eps al ane | 1. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING | tna Cenc sal ep cept er sINGT abated PLU dT. | ence soa we NDT prom! ull 0972 al amt ne pi ‘line this also adeates ny third pany Inspection series ll hie pry Inspection service compares cm ony be used with appoval fom the company, Whenever cadiograpy i employed asthe main NDT method, a percenageof welds shall be inspected by ukrasni testing, A mim 100% ofthe fist 10 welds, after which 10% of one weld after every 25 welds completed [Note 100% ofthe weld shall be tsted bythe inspection method being wed 11.2Equipment ‘All contratng apd thd pares conducting NDT shal provides fll ist fal inpection equipment tobe {sed ncn al relevant alban entifaton thi shal also include a comprehensive spare pat is. 113Health and Safety Requirements ‘Contactor shal be solely responsible forall safety concen associated withthe NDT methods being employes. When using radioactive materia thse shall comply wit the government regulation ad possess 8 pert fom the relevant nana atomic eneray agency 11ADocumentation and Records “all completed NDT repors shal be submited to the company fr approval and signature, The NDT technician performing the inspection sal sgnll reports Document Number -W1S10-spec-OO1 ns st 52 1183 usa ns 1164 | Date may 2017 WELDING & FABRICATION ‘SPECIFICATION Revision | [AILNDT reports shall ave a angina copy issued tthe company anda sft and hard copy retained in te job | fie All discontinuities detected sal ave bh the length nd position fom tum reported. UT reports shal also tnclue he conumusties dep. “Magneti Parle Inspection Details. Genera MPs forthe purpone of detecting surface discontinuities in ferrous but welds, ile weld and fervomapen compponents, Fillet method MPT shal be used inal cases except forthe inspection of hot ‘matenals and componens (60°C) Equipment nd Consumables Inapietzation shal ly be caved ut wig an AC Yoke (DC Yokes sal wt be use) pole ypecing hal be a munsnn of {Sonam and» maximum of 300 mam. AC yok test wih a weight of 45k, Permanent magna if tex wha weight of TR Magnetizng mcthod tobe sed shall show tree indications on 3 Casuol Burma Strip (bras type) If this ‘annot be achieved then the magoetzing methed must be changed or adjsted Indiceting medium shal be water or solvent suspension of black ferromagnetic parle. Only company- ryproved ade names may be ased Indicating medi shal be periodically apated oassrecoreet ‘Eacentration of prtcles, only aos magnetic inks supplied bythe manufacturer shal be wed. When tick fink porsces are being ed a whe contrast pi sll be applied prior to inspection this shal be topplied bythe ame manufacturer ashe back nk parle... go mixing of manufactures shall be permite Note: 4 permanent magnets shall only be used on lve plan 2s safety prec only by prior Company approval and then | Fluorescent methods shall not be considered Material Preparation [All surfaces atleast mam ether ie ofthe are o be tested shal be fee fom welding sag, eal, ‘petee ci exceaive wel, spate and any oe foreign maternal may interfere wi inspection. Techniques +) Apply whe contrat pat wher black particles are to be used. + Maznetize the weld are o ara tobe ispected. Large weld areas ay require multiple Inspection to cover the ete surface or test are o be apened. ‘+ Whale the component is magnetized apply Ink and inspect for indications Black pales inks sal be inspected in well hares of 0 fess han $00 ix valuation of imperfections shall be assessed in accordance wath tection 6 ofthis document. Dye Penetrant Inspection Details Generat DPI sal only be used forthe detection of surface breaking defects on non-ferrous materials eg. ‘maleate grade stanlss steel, Duplex prade stainless sees and copper Aluminium based thet Denevaat Bethod eg water bused or Muorescent may ony be wed ith company approval DPT shall ‘nly be used at temperature beter than 10% an $0, ff . EPEETEEEEE TELE L teetttte {ft agate 1182 1163 na 72 | | Document Number -WIS10-spec-OO1 "WELDING & FABRICATION | SPECIFICATION | Revision 1 Date may 2017 | Equipment and Consumables Forcalour contrast ines the text ae shall eluminated by dsyight or rif ight notes than 500 lax, ‘When company pers escent inpectnte UV-A adage tte utc ner ispesion sl) ‘beer tum {0 Wing (1000 Wie) wha maximum backround ight of 20 Lax | ‘at company aproved nde names shal be dl onsale shal be om the sme tmacurer erbo mining tcc lb permits. | Materiat Preparation | ‘Alsurtces atest 0 xm either sde ofthe area to be ested shal bef rom welding sg, sele, | [resco excessive wold spate and ny oter foreign mater which nay meri wi spection | Stace to be inpected by BP shall be cleaned throuehy wing solvent based leaner. Techniques | ‘+ Cleaning, ll leaning shal be carried outa above | ‘Application the ene arcas to be tested shall have a uniform coating of peneirant applied by spraying, ‘rbrushing. enetan stall be ff in contact withthe component under test fora iaumum of 5 ‘inte ata maximum of 1S wins; ano tne shall the penta be allowed wo dry. I this does | ‘cur the penerant process must be started agin | + Penean emo al excess pena stl be remo nial by wiping with it slot IF | ‘her acer of peneiant are sl resent, his may be removed by solvent dampened cloth ands to eeumtincer ball slvent remover be applied dey to the component. Before he appiton ‘fe developer iti essential that al surfaces are completely dy. ee attire | acacia tae eioeaimy ae see reastee rc ae Evahation of imperfections shall be atesed in accordance wih setion 6 ofthis document ‘Ultrasonic Inspection Details | General UT shall be wed for the detection of sub-surface discontinuities; UT sill ot be eared ot om ay “Austeiti grade stainless ters, Duplex stale steels and Amina may be considered providing Sufiient attenuation checks have been conducted and then only by company approval. All UT | “Technics supplied by ier contractor or hed party NDT companies shall be subjected to company | Ur erss checking, UT sal oily be considered asa primary NDT method forthe following Materia thickness > 807m. | Tee but welds ‘Craciform Butt welds | ‘Sethrough But welds (eldng nozzles) Seton Bit weld (including nozles) | Equipment and Consumables | ‘Cliplantuid shall be a gel or grease (water based couplants stall not be considered) suitable for {Camis of sound waves nthe material nde est, Coupan wed fr eran sabe weil | ott use for testing Document Number -WIS10-spec-OO1 WELDING & FABRICATION ] | ‘SPECIFICATION | Date may 2017 | Revision 2 Reference blocks shal bev (AZ) and or 2 (A), OW lock (sed fr beam profile measurements). Probes tobe wed for meld body scanning (cap a welded) are 4°, 60°, 70° angles AMILZ to SME fequeney shea sgl cyt wes appronimaely$Omn base mata sanring and weld cap dressed ash, 0° 4MEZ {© SMHZ sath wi ery of approximately 8mm “The detection nt sale calbatdsnd sal be capable of operating with frequency range of .SMHZ to enn (For materials < 15mm, the omission of 45° probe shall apply ried ou 8 zone office size (0 less than SO) shall be thoroughly cleaned ‘nth all pater, scale. lag removed ether side of he Wel, Any pt or oter sre coatings, which toterere sth eld scanning, shal be removed. The surface profile shal be sufficiently regular a5 1. uniform contact between probe nd patent mata tzoushout the test When eboes fom the fesnforcement ae likly to mere seth the fs, the enforcement sal be dressed ta smooth profile Por imepetion the ide adjacent othe weld te inspected by 20° compresionpebe to confi ‘he matenalthieknest unde et and ode th presence of ay Iamunations which may interfere with the ultrasonic inspection, Document Number -WIS10-spec-OO1 ‘WELDING & FABRICATION | ate may 2017 Revision 1 For the Purpose of safety a manimun of i Cs totope ate permuted fr we on se, The use of Se is preferable forthe mepetion of welds with penetrated thickness p to 40 ‘XRay nts sal be capable ofan outpatat les than 250K, with focal sot size no greater than 4X 2m tis Shall be checked every sx months Radiographic film shal be ofthe fn grain pe, high eons dest ype ad for ll amma raiogrphy and X | radiography above 120 KV", lead rreessllb used. All unexposed i shale stored ina clean dy ea where sureunding conditions wil nt deteriorate the onion ofthe fi Allebemicals wed forthe procesing of films shal ein accordance with the manufactures recommendations ‘The following equipment sal te availabe in the vewis Deaton with certified density sp. Film viewer espabl of viewing fms of expoted densities over 3.5 HAD ‘Magnifying was (10x magaiieaton) Allappliable codes and standard. Sl sal be identified a woth company eequirements wih 6m ead eters A namber belt ct intervals hal be used wo ensure complete coverage The mini ientiaton to be Provided on the radiograph shall be: 14 semalng | “Tet for ange pres hal be sot te ch om 1 Sen side ld or (V1 (2) 82 | 2 Dae (ha Ssh) eal res hg Tes catty fr eomprenin so be et So be ack ell 5 ib Nuner and Weidemiaion amber | {eho from tet doth 60% fl soe high. ln bo cates te sanning an ation 62 tale aed : eae | Tre weld bal be scanned na zg zg pattem. The probe being moved betes te weld einfuresanet {od skip distance! skip distance. he Bea sal be dicted tthe weld length normally. The wel shal ‘be scaned fom both sides. The evaluation of imperfections shal be conducted in accordance with section of th document | 11.83 Radiographic Sensitivity | atten age HED deste sound weld el mg inen 020= steered al achat siete Themed shall er i in fay npc ad gah yma Fr mgr oar ha ep bam peal SocEcoumyenyen Frets eign pe et | sso ou es CHIME Et 'SO EN wie ype enemies bee witha minimum esi caaionof ein he wdimaee | +6 opt | bed ‘Maximum Ug levels shall not exceed 0.25 mm unless approved by Company; this shall only bx considered wien it [iyoven at Gc reiggheoanuar beng aed caltaceve eae | | Note: Automatie ultrasonic inypection may be considered but only with the approval ofthe Comper 1184 Techlgns 118 Radiographic nye, "fle nwt pie psi age TR Genera | a ART shal be wed forthe detection of sub-surface discontinuities (surface dscontinaties may not be 300mm both ferows and non-ferous material. Radiopraphy shal be cond raonnel holding acurent ‘tional radiation sey cenit B tucted by personel holding a eur 118.2 Equipe and consumes ‘Note: Minimara SFD/FED shall be ealeulated using the material thickuess and the maximam Ug value (0.251 permitted. Radiation sources r192 shall ave a maximum source dimension of 22mm; no sources a purpose of weld iaspection that have an nent less than 448 Gq. os CELLO CEI eet ~ WELDING & FABRICATION 1 SPECIFICATION, pel a Document Number -WiS10-spec-OOL Datemay2017 | Revision 1 | Evaluation of imperfection shal be conducted i accordance with etion 6 of this document ‘Note: Only BS EN 180 9712 Radiographic level Il qualified person shall be permitted sign off viewed Radiographs. 2 INSPECTION PERSONNEL. | ratenea | pamela wih epesion elias e ulild os iin | feasts na hho mnt BHO ome 122Vision Requizements | aitinpection personel sal have satisfactory vision as determined by an oculis, optometrist or medically | recognized person m accordance wih the following requirements 1. Neat vision acuity shall permit reading a minimum of Jaeger number I or Ties Roman N 4a at less than 30 cm math ne oe both eye ether corecied or unceeted, 2. Coloor ison bl be sulin! ut Uny can singuis and deen contrast between colours used, im the NDT method concerned ss specified bythe company. 13, RECORDS AND REPORTS 13:Generat ‘Contactor hall provide Company's welding inspector with a ly eport of ll welding and related activities, “The report shal show sa minimum, weld number, radiograph number (if sppicble, All UT, MPI, DPE report numbers (ifappiabe), sats ofeach welded join (acepted, reputed and rejected or cutout), welders) ID numbers, eat eaten reports and any otber applicable dts. The report shall be presented ‘on 8 format approved by the Company othe teport forme shall be permite, 132Prequeney for Reports “The Time betwee inspection dat and report shal nt exceed 48 hours for al inspection methods 11, SPECIFIC DETAILS FOR WELDING STAINLESS AND DUPLEX STAINLESS STEELS. (Maen | Aittarication of stains stel and plex grades shal te segregated ftom other tools other wor and kept {ie fom any possible contaminating materials such as copper. carbon tees zinc et. | Atos nd fication of ink el al be kept sepa rom oir olan eal marked veh clourcidethisnlse ging whe wie bushes (aes mac oy ike wie oly) aan shold epi thoroughly cleaned ndton. All work benches thal be ier inlet steel or slably covered witha covering muta of licen tichoest as atid cian a stan conaee, CCCeeeAULCAHtT tt tt f f til Al stainless scl shal be stored undercover and on wooden Block of suficio hickness forthe mates] 0 be stored mininum of 320 mm ofthe Broun. F Document Number -WIS10-spec-OO1 ] WELDING & FABRICATION | SPECIFICATION | Revision | Date may 2017 All Austenitic les tes fr fabrication welding shall be of he grade 316L wih maximum eaibon content {r003% All Austenitic Stainless Stece shall be supplied n solution annealed condition, de-sealed, picked nd passivated. Any cold working shold be cased out before final heat treatment. All Austen, Staniess Stel shal be subjected to postive material deticaton (PMI) before beg sued fr ste use for alloy content veifeaien, ‘All Duplex Staines Stel fo bricaton and welding shall havea nlogen content no ess than 0 14% and | fer ontent between 40% and 60% forte base mater and 30% o 88% forthe weld meta. AM Duplex Stinless Steels shall be sepplied in solution annealed condition, de-caed, picked and passivate, afer ‘welding the weld shall undergo the same treatment. Any cold working shouldbe carried out before final eat ‘eau. ll Duplex Stiles Stel shall be subjected to a ert check afer welding and postive mates! ‘entiation (PMI) before being sued for ste use for alloy content veniieaton 143 Joint Preparation Details ‘Generally no special joint preparations are required forthe welding of Austenitic Stiles Steels and Duplex tines steele ay thermally cut bevels fr welding sallbe mechanically prod ormcined ack rom the at egeby at east Sm to climate any contamination fom the thermal eutung process. Hard stamping ‘shoul be voided: when this is unavoidable the hard stampings shall Be of he rounded type and not applied in ‘any high sues concenatin reas. Ma Welding Det. ‘The use of prea shouldbe avoided and may only considered when approved bythe Company. All welding of | | stainless steels and dplex grades shall be monitored 100% by an approved weldug nspecior wth mps, is ‘eael sped and het input being recorded a al times, hese records shall be made avaiable to he company ‘pon quest Only welding process 181 shall be wed forthe oot pas and second pas on All Austenitic and Duplex stainless tes, other welding processes may be considered forthe filler al cappig passes wth Company aprova. In all cases stringer beads only shall be applied. Shielding gasses for bath Austenitic and Duplex sani steels shall be of panty of 9 98%, Air with oxygen content for backing gasses paoe 1 ‘welding SO0ppm maximum, ‘The following variables hal be scl adhered to atl tie: ‘+ Heat input 181022Cr 05:0 175 iam | 6 Heating 231028 Cr 05% L50Kj/mm 4 Intergass Temperature: 1810 22 Cr 173°C Maximum 4 Imtespass Temperature: 2310.25 Cr 150°C Maxim | After welding its essen hat tl surface sag, sale and notes contamination ar emoved ths may be ‘ondvted By mechanieal meas or by wie brushing (stainless tel only) ost weld heat treatments ae generally ot nccessary fr both Austen and Duplex stainless steels Heat, ‘reauents however may be required forthe purpose of sexe relieving afr extensive cld wang, cold ‘deformation etc. These heat weatments ay only caricd out if approved by Company at a maximum temperature of 50 145 Non Destructive Testing Requirements For both Austenitic and Duplex stains tes the following shal be applied “+ 100% Visual inspetion on all welds {100% Dye penetrat onal welds. + 100% Radiography on all butt Wels [eZ WELDING & FABRICATION. | | ‘SPECIFICATION Document Number -WISi0-spec-OOL Revision 2 Date may 2017 | | evaluation of imperfection shal be conducted in accordance wth ection 6 of his document ‘Note: Utrasoie Inspection may be considered ata back-op only on Duplex stainfess see and only with | prior Company approval 15, SPECIFIC WELDING DETAILS FOR ALUMINIUM AND ALUMINUM ALLOYS 15.Generat {All abrieation of Aluminium and Aluminium alloys shal be segregate fom all ther works and kept ree fom any possible contaminating materials such as copper, carbon steels zine es A tos sein the friction of Alumina an Aluminium alloys shall be Kept separate fom othe tools ‘hu ley marked vis colour code This includes grinding wheels, wie brushes (ainleswite ony) et nd shouldbe hep in thoroughly cleaned condition. All workbenches skal be free fom any fei base atu oe notably covered wih covering material of wfiiet hickness sto avoid faite to aluminium ‘All alurinium and aluminium alloys sal be stored uader cover, Pte at o be stored inte vertical positon ‘Sin minimize moisture condensation ad long term moisture ollecinn between layers All aluminiam ant “Tomunm sal bested on wooded blocks of eulicent tices (or Ue ntti tube sued a nino of 32U'min of the ground ‘Note: A filler materials and base material shall be Brought int the welding area no less than 24 hours Defore the commencement ofall welding operations, to ensure they are at room temperature. 152Materia Details Series XX, 3X and 7XXX alumina and alin alloys shal ot be wed forthe purpose of fabrication and welding. All aluminium and slaminium alloys sal be fee fom alleuting ils and other 153doint Preparation Details ‘Allcttig of Aluminium an aluminium alloys shal be conducted using either plasma or laser or by suitable ‘mechanial meas(he use of cuting lubrication shal be avoided), The ute ofox-fuel gas citing, carbon ae tng or gouging stall ot be used. When psma ad laser cuting i used on series 2XXX and OXXX, 2 ‘minimum of Sz sal be removed by mechanical means fm the cut edge aller removal te cut edge shall be ispeted by DPI to ensre no eacking is present on the cut edge fe: when cutting Aluminum by thermal methods on series 2XXX and 6XXX the eut edge may contain solidification eracking and detrimental parent materlal conditions. Before the commencement of welding all fusion faces shall be cleaned and dereased by solvents and the oie layer emo by mechan means. The period beeen leaning and welding shal ot exceed 30 ‘minutes to avid recomamination Note: Degreasing by chemical etching wil remove the surface oxide; this method cen be considered but on ‘by Company approval if chemical etchings o be used stainlese see wie brushing shal cared out on all. etched surfaces to remove the by product residual which may havea detrimental effet on the weld quality Inallcass arcing te Son shal be ee rom mote compres it bling shuld be avoided as compressed ait may contain moisture and oil contaminates, ae a CLOCLE CITE TTT | WELDING & FABRICATION | | ‘SPECIFICATION lies nsec or ma ‘Tabled ~Join detall or Aluminium Butt Welds [Welding [Nate Tckest [Root Gap | Roar Postion | as THOT am —|0wOS mm [161032 mm [OSwisam [20043 mm 0510125 mm 01015 mm } | oes “PhO 13 mm | 16 t032 mm Oto 10mm [01 16mm [10 te 15mm | 1.6 9 3.2 mm Fillet wel dimensions shall be in accordance with ection 5.3 ofthis document Note: PG, Pd ‘aluminium al 14 J-LO4S welding postions shall not be considered for the welding of Aluminium ant 15-4Welding Details | (nly welding poses 151 and 131 shal be considered forthe welding of Alina and amin loys | Inbothagen (2997 pre) sal be ied at shielding gs. App atin be wee wing proce | | Note argonheium mixes may be considered but only by Company approval and only by axing fly approved WPS's During the welding duration for both 13 and 141 welding processes, inter pasetempertres shall ot excced. | 10%C series XXX shia sal aot exceed 90% \ tenga sotie pied ort webinar an ie SA ase tricone | icone above 3%. Allotherbae materi shal be subjeced oa prebest temperature tf approved WPS, bt o greater tan 120°. ee 46 15.5Preces 131 ‘+ Leading ae (push) techniqe tobe used for increased cleaning action. +S ne od taster mae may be cans fo eto weg and on nr Filer wie fo match the ren pint as lose ab possible to the base materi ming point ‘Constant voluge characterise welding pan. | “Travel spends hl ot be less than 6.3 mum's Welding cuent DCEP Heat Inputs ‘Table §— Process 131 Heat Input Values | Matera Ticeness [Maximum Heat Input | csi) | 365mm a5 15.6Process 41 ‘+ Filler wie to match the meting point as close a posible to the base material melting point | ‘Constant current characteristic welding plat. “Zirconinted or Lanthanated tungsten electrode smooth hemisphere electrode tip) | Eletrode diameter as othe approved WPS, min diameter 6mm, max diameter 4S ra | Welding curent AC | Heat Inputs ap ve | ‘WELDING & FABRICATION [ 7 aa Daa FARRICATION' | \| _seecarecamion + : SPECIFICATION _ ae | ‘Document Number -WIS10-spec-OO1 Revision 2 Date may 2017 ‘Document Number -WIS10-may-OO1 [__Revsion Date may 2017 | | aaaaa Hep Minimum pres nd Inter-pss emperaure shall be as follows Guia) os? 163 Table 6 Minimum Prben and Inter pss Temperature for QT sels sam [S3sam 263mm a 265mm ( Plae Theiss [Minimum Heat Tapa“ Maxima eat Tapa | | oti | csi 3. = a 18:7Non Destretive Testing Requirement ae ee listo ac For alumni and aluminium alloys, the llowing stall be sppied Tore x 00% Visual Inspection on ll welds Fe = E = {100% Dye Peaeant onl welds Note: Protea temperature shall not exceed 110" C {0% Radiography a al tt weds {6A Table 64 —Minimum Heat Input Values for QT stels Evaluation of imperfection nel be condcted m acordance wth section 6 ofthis docameat Fete ‘Note: Utrasoni Inspection may be considered ata back-up only on Duplex stunts tel an only with ‘Temperature ses [Se ——~[>somm Dor Company anpreva pe ee = somm ae BC x | Satine — [atm [60 mn] 16 SPECIFIC WELDING DETAILS FOR QUENCHED AND TEMPERED STEELS (QT sees) ae - Been 3 ay pee = Def imme Lan || (iste fos ramen [1.2 sin 1255 Simm [3.7 KI] 61Genera 16Non Destructive Testing Requirements | [No special inspection requirements are requzed for QT sels, AlLNDT requirements shall comply wit section 11 of his document Evasion of imperfecta sal be conducted in accordance with etion 6 of this | Fee reeyre far cars upto SSmin. QT sel Psethiktess>63 mm shal pot be considered for {Bbrzaton and welding unt pecially approved by Company. iiecrweiog Det 17, QUALIFICATION OF WELDING PROCEDURES. | “Al weld operon shall be conducted using welding procese/weing consume capable of ‘depautag hydrogen levels 10m of hyrogen pr 10g of weld meal deposited scale BD. the MMA rata moves being sed forthe welding operations the use of» asi (Low hydrogen) electrode only ray be mnidered. The electrode shall be bake/ried ia accordance with the manufactures recommendations lind the approved consumable procedure (fet section ofthis document) 17AGenerat | Forall sew welling procedre qition ess, contro shall whmit to Company aPrtiminary Welling —_ | Procedure Spcitcation (PWPS) for approval Delore he commencement of the qualification et. Contactor shal se sub to Company a epair PS for min welding pocedures. Inthe xs of Sans sel and ‘Doplex snes sel pre-qualified WPS's shal under no cireumxanees be used. Inthe case of eabon tees ferry le approved Conta presale WPS, hal abe emi fre, WPS's previously | {Sed bye Convector and meting al he regimens of this document may be submited to Company for Spprovel Only WPS approvellby Company sll be wed ‘ppoval and testing of weding procedures speiicaton shal cos of he follows Note: Albasi electrodes shall be feued in quivers (hot boxes) a a temperature between70" C to 90°C all reurned electrodes shall not be re-ake. the SAW welding proces i being wed only aglomerated-high basi Moxes shall be considered. All ux {teats shall be cued out in accordance wh the nanocrrers recommendations andthe approved. Const congo prospare (fet section 8 ofthis oeuen) stages ‘+The Contactor sl sbmitt the Company a detailed PWES for all welding and repair welding provesures specifications. 1+ The Company sl provide approval before any testing can commence {Before any production welding can commence ‘est welds shall be made sing these procedures under simulated ste conditions | «+The quality ofthe test welde sal be determined by non-destructive and destetive testing afer ihe specimens ve been alowed to coo io ambient temperature foro les than 48 hours, | or he WPS fo be approved for sein production th est results shall met the requirements of this | document Note: When using SAW on QT stcls the fax recycling sal nly be permited toa ratio of 80% new to 50% old. PECCOLCECCCI ETE E EL Eee ‘When welding QT stels withthe MMA welding procedure the electrode must match the materials UTS value 1 lose as possible only electrode deposition between 110,000 pi UTS (AWS AS E 110 18 M) 0 120,000 psi UTS (AWS AS.5F 120 18 M) shal be considered. (Note: Welding processes 131, 135 and 136 shall nt be considered fo the welding of QT steels LHe ‘Note If the test plac aso comply with the requirements of this document, one further test plece may | Derwelded and subjected to the same test conditions Ifthe second test pice falls the PWPS Ics to be Chusidered ejected ands new PWS shall be submitted to Company fr approval | tt ; [Document Number -MSi0-pe- 007 17aDecumentation and Records 173Eental Variables. ‘WELDING & FABRICATION ‘SPECIFICATION Revision | Oa te may 2017 amet a rghit an apoved by Conpcy per tote Ti sal ales Aci rectal ps) Weg Pz ool er (WPAR) mh al por ‘eg ra Ses gene ing All Compr pone! WPS we fo Poet ‘ig chany apyel tal wer eso Hee ofthe changes piven in ble are made tothe WPS, the WPS shall be equi and filly spproved ser these contions asthe origina Approval Essential Variables, Ty From ove process to mother 21 From manual to semi-automatic or mechanized welding process 14Table 7 — Changes Affect “any suck change in aade oe condition ‘ay egies of 206 abe ini Tot tpn [any changeit ofan vide wim orcs | i Tha ang ow wae rane nl enon Oe Filler etal diameter “Any change in diameter used for the root pass and second pass | ‘avenge oreo nthe ane damecer Tigre we | ayes Shiels Om ay ange a pe nd de ae cial bass | Any bang een ype oly Weidig poston 378 [Diecionot wekng | Anychngindiresion wero Lines batece [Any ines nine even cnplos of weld put omens of cet [Py oopledjna [Any cep fod econo i Gos ecteg Ay eb fom ie egress vest ner pu ep Aycan a epee Pos weld ear erin | Aryans fom he proved roses | Wei pamer ‘ay hanes byt pestle was fen volage ie ed 17sWelding of Test Joint Jom Speedy ua out ength of wave speed Preparation and welding shall be cased et in accordance with the PWS, and under the simulated prodction condon. If tck welds to be fused in to the final ot they shal be incined inthe test piece. All ‘red pases shall be elsned unl re fom slag and visible defect rir wo the deposition ofthe next rn, All ‘reding shall be inspected monitored 100Ptvougbout he test piece welding by both Contactor and Company Inspectors. 6 Extend of Testing “The testing tobe carried out on the ts pleces are both non-destructive and destructive methods. The LELCCLCCECA ELLE eet tests required shall ben aceordance with Table 8 and Table 33. CHE WELDING & FABRICATION SPECIFICATION | | Date may 2017 | | | Revision 2 ‘But Welds | Visual 100% — | Please refer to Radiographic or Ultrasome | 100% foes Meee mcuepareest | lien: eee cE me eur | FB |W oe | one Time ses ieee i |Site ermat | |i | | eur | Riess [Wand 5 erkienatiariined [oa ‘4 ox | Sari Va ee tamer | adingrphic or Ubrsoie vo | ase pr ehnan a F—E — | | ” Lent ynination and Testing of Tet Pieces Destructive Test Requirements “rane TennleTet | 2spcimens | Iepaeicus ae oly | “Transverse Bend Test 1 Read 1 Face | feed ie | specimens theses moe tha Samecaty [aes [macs | Hardness Test (Viekes) | 1 specimen | BE peformed ___| stro examination 1 specinen meas a Sees 4 Macro: examiation | specinen Hl pe ee File welds | ardoes Test (Vicker) | I specimen Macr-eaminsion 2 specimen | Fraene Filler Test 1 specimen ‘ike welds | ardess Test (Vike) | I specimen | Oter esis my Be | | Macro examination opesimen | Fed by Company, | | Zi a3 | Note: All destructive testing shall only be carried out in a Company approved testing laboratory. esha witnest all desteuetive vesting a all ines. {Company repress ‘ow plat and pipe requir separate wed quaitstions except for plato pipe filet wes which ace | verde el quaiiatio per Table 1. s7aWeldng Position | rates ten ipo es ae nti the poston ofthe et weld quis for ll wing poston (Ch ge on plac) When ioyct ex ae regued 9 et ic aed oat i the ecw osten ih a oes oe weal upwelling. Al eer poions can be aiid i oe mln poston (oth Pines) 1740 Joint Configuration or teat pzees welded from one side only, this lo qualifies joins to be welded from both ies. Tes pieces ‘ieded frm bth sides doesnot uaify to be welded from one side only (bth pate and pps) | ‘WELDING & FABRICATION | "WELDING & FABRICATION : i oS ee | [i asecricamon = Document Number -WISI0-spec-OO1 | Revision | Date may 2017 | | Document Number -WISi0-spec-0O1 Revision! | Date may 2037 1715 Macro Exaninat For tet pieces welded without backing, this also qualifies jin tobe welded ad backing pees welded ‘eh backing does not qualify to joins tobe made without backing When required, macro specimens shal be cut ansvrse othe weld and shal be ie from cracks an ack of fasion al other defect shall be n accordance with section 6 of his document. Macro specsmess bal be ull thickness and coin sucha way ao mci weld metal, HAZ and shall nlode unaffected parent mete) "The macro specimen shall be ct, plished to P00 git paper, etched and viewed under xS magnification Bus, TB let and anyother ont coaigurtions require separate uations. “But also qualify it weld witha the range Note: Macro specimens shall be required on certain Alumlatum grades 1711 Location and euting of Test Specimens Al tet specimen shal be either thermally or mechanically ct then uting so be sed east 3 am, ‘Goon the ct edge mast be removed by mechanical meats. The cations of te specimens shal be in nance with he company requirements. The dimensions ofthe test specimens sal bein accordance with this document 17.16 Hardness Testing Macro specimens sal be wed fo the hades esting the hates specimens shall be tested under 210k load less aloud leas i equ forest welds with @ arrow HAZ, an a change in oad wil equi Company approval. The hardaess impressions inte hardness test specimen shall be made in acordance with figure The bardaess tet sal be acceptable providing i meets the requiemens of able 6 “eat specimens shal ony be taken aller NDT has bee conducted and aceptd i permite to take et spectbcn ina are fez fom any known acceptable pefecions detected in NDT, bt these areas mst be | Rep lot as posible ode Company requirements Figure 1 = Lacaton for Hardness Testing 172 tmpact Testing (Charpy V-notch) When pect ests are equed, the muni average ale of impact nergy and sini individual wales ‘ot napact energy fr each group of thc nat texts nal ate fess tha the ves piven in ale his is Shhttable or both welding procedure and rpai welding procedure aprova. The test temperature shal be in ‘Ee rinimem design tempers. Ths normaly Oe for any suture be installed waderground and -10°C forall stucue operating in an outdoor envronment High stfengih materials and mates with reser ttockness than SO rn ony require lower temperature, ifrequred these temperatures wil be species by Company. The mumber of set of impact teste sal bein accordance with able 4 sof this dovment, the {mmort specimens sll be nachised transverse tothe weld and positioned within 2mm of the oot and 2am of theap msface with be notch loaded i the verealenter ofthe weld “The dimensions of the tet specimens sh be asin cordance with able Note: V-notch 2 main dep, ach radius 025mm, 45" inclided ange 1743 Table 9~ Impact Energy Values taal { Maveriat ‘Charpy V-ootch ‘Charpy energy Joules) | Phcess om | pecimensize mm ___[ Min averge vale _[ Min. individual value 36510 ox 23 ro [powers [0x8 33 20 sisi ee | 10s 40 30 Clreer ciel 1714 Tenale Testing ‘When tensile testing require, te tensile strength ofthe weld zone of each specimens sal be equal or not | pester than 0% ofthat pied forthe minumam ten strength ofthe pareat material Ifthe specimen | ‘breaks in the weld meta it shall be considered acceptable providing meets the requirements as stated above. the specimen breaks in he paren materi (outside the weld zone) it shal be considered aceptable i providing the tense stengi i not ese than 90% of the specified tensile stength of the parent material. If ‘none of tie above canbe achieved the specimen sal be considered a failure | + Fearn mil kos = 12 mm eels sal be round aot eres weld | ‘+ For material thickness »25 mm, excess weld metal may be left undressed, Test specimen dimensions length 240 men, with 25 mm, fall material thickness 1747 Piet Fracture Test | 177 en required filet wed fracture teats shal be made with a minimum fillet weld size to be wed in ‘ominston(snimuln of two pastes) fillet weld sizes tobe in accordance with his document ee section S or more details. Acceptance ofthe facture Filet test shall be in accordance wih section 6 ofthis Jocuen “Tes Specimen dimensions: Two plates ina Te configuration 0mm X 70mm p . | ‘WELDING & FABRICATION SPECIFICATION T Document Number - WiS10-spec-001 Revision | Date may 2017 1718 Bend Test ‘When required face bend and rot hen shal be eared out, fr materials over 1mm thickness, side bend tes shal be eared out Both the eap and rot pas shall be as welded. Any indicasonrapture onthe surface under tension exeeeing 2 mm stall be considered uraceepable. ‘Test spcinens shall be a minimum of 300 mu in length, 25 mm width [Note:The being machine former ameter shall be x material thickness, Qualification of Welders 181 General |All Welders shal be guaied by conducting a Company approved welder qualification test. ‘Welder qualification tests shal e conducted in accordance withthe applicable approved WPS and witnessed by Company Lnpecor, Contractors Inpectoe an tird party Inspector i applicable, The welder qualication ‘est shall meet the eguizemens ofthis ocament. Contractor may submit evidence of welders previous quslieation for Company epproval: no previously ‘ualified welder are permitted to conduct ny production welding without Company oppoval ‘Contractor shal have qualification erties foreach qualified welder on fle availble for Company review Anup to date register shall be maintained of ll used piping and stwcurl welders “The register shal incle the following: Welders ame and identifying auber Welding process and psion for whic each welder is qualified Date of qalifation (Test date) WPS for which each welder is qualified 18.3 Fxamination and Testing Each tet pec sal be marked wit a permanent market (pin stick, the welders denification umber and ‘ext dat ifthe testing is tobe done independently the examination body sal be included ‘All guifation ts tat undergo vis ad rom desu tesing in accord wh his docume Destructive tet sllony be come ut nil weir in esordane wih hades Note: A welder ho conducted the WPOR stall automata ually inthe proce itr anda WPQR cog ate egress eer 18-4Bssental Variables and Range of Approva ase gst nal ee i dl ete yore wi ot changes inthe WPS, wich coder harder weld ane wel i a sunning ey “The qualification rnge of each welder canbe a follows CIIICCCCLOEEL LCE LEP LL pte oo PARP evarse0 WELDING & FABRICATION = SPECIFICATION ll Document Number -WIS10-spec-OO1 Revision 1 Date may 2017 | 185 Table 10 ESSENTIAL VARIABLES. [ Wariabie= Essential | Changes acing approval = a vasa eee EE. a a prac queue =e Any change in material group expt at 44 Qualification in group 3 qualifies group 1 1. Qualification in group $ (QUT ste!) qualifies youp 1 T Te 5mm qualifies Tto27 in mm 2. TeSmmbut s 15 mm qualifies S mm to2T inmm 3._T>15 mm qualifies al thickness Matti peiiaton ‘Material diskess Plate qualifies only pate Pipe qualifies pate, pipe and aso plate 0 ppe joints Forallother components, joints separate qualifications necesary Plate Pipe—othes r 3. Teint Configuration 1 Changes om fillet o Burt 2. Deletion ofa backing strip 1 Change fom rte we LH wpe eleirode 2. Change from cellulosic io oer spes of vce versa 3. Change from fused fax o agglomerated flux or vie vers 4 Cellulosic elecuodes qualifies only that ype 5. Low hydrogen electrode qualifies rule electrodes also 5 Solid wire qualifies metal cored bat not Mux cored 7._Fhux core qualifies ony ex cored | 1. Any change in dimetrof electrode, Filer wire By mare ian 50% forthe root rn Filer metal ype Filler metal diameter Siding pu and Now ace” | Changs om aoe aoe sor esvens cane 2. Any inceease or decrease in gas flow rate by more than 50% Sig x 1. Change fom fed ix apsonerted Muro vv lets! T. Any kangen peo caren or poly ‘Charcteriatioe i ‘Welding position Aa cane in position beyond that permite by’ Diretion of welding T Change fom PF 0 PG 2. Change from HLO$S to JLO4S 3. Qualiteation in PF, PG, HLO4S, TLO4S qualifies to that postion only “Tine es bce [To Beyond thats pennited byte WPS Paice T.Chnages beyond ats pei WPS 2._ Change in thin method ie preesting Tors Tempers iL Any hinge Beyond tht x pei byte WPS Post weld hea weatment T. Any change beyond that is permitted by WPS Conte. WELDING & FABRICATION SPECIFICATION Revision | Datemay2017 | SPECIFICATION | Document Number -Wisl0-spec-OO1 Revision1 | Date may 2017 [esa re eer, | | a WELDING & FABRICATION | | fareinesas eivs=coot SS a oe 18.9_ Table 11 — Welding Position Qualit Range i | | Changes affecting approval aA ‘Welding postion of Position qualified for but welds only Fosion gallo Be | | ee Ny estes — 1 2 Tas ie dame (lesan 10 mm gules ony (@) im Faoaly Pad Ea! 2. Test pipe diameter (4) ore than 10 mbt ess han 75 am me we — quale fom (1909) E a | {e POE ram (2 BMS sone 15 mm ze Techniq T. Change from one of the following modes to another FO. femiew a 7 So rz PAPC PE | | &. Seahaonate oo = TAPP FF FAP PC POPP Median cin re FG only FE only © ote Exh gulf to at mde ely | HED (be only) _| PAPC.FEPR LOSS ma fn = 7G FOS Ma | 2 Aamenodeciactayseqacie edaisitetas || @ [ows teecun ——[RarBR NR skip ce | ~~ \ 4. Chmge in themes ransfermode in MIGMAG process | | 4 Single wr 1 mu ead ice vera in SAW proces ony 18.10 Testeto be conducted |S. Ghtnge to suogenour welding o vce era 1G | & Ginetepubieandveevene mitoniarrcawrnic || Say “The flowing tes sal be conducted for welder ualieation | oct : 1 BE romsagenertomisierwting maine || Gg | HH Tent Melng Quitetn Tse | fein ter tr aot ie vera ie mecanens | | = , pects [pais eset mero aes | 186 Rees Beales BSEN] 2side bens fr T>12 mm | Notreied Aaperrenicnent | | my 180173 1 Face and 1 Root fr | 11 qusicaton et pee ils inaceodace with be eure ofthis document the wee sal Gee care neat weds se scond une te wl talte paced avait felting | mg) : | Sraceorace withthe oproved VPS: Into cases ft fale ue aly wedng equipment or any 1 Raliogephy BS | Yes But narra | Novreuived ee ‘thereon er than wear ase bal be peri 3 Enta0 res | der are dane | 187 Period of Validy Maco ‘Nov rcqued excoptincase | One sample oe es ee | Meentnaion | ofweltsmce wit) then fom sat sop he | ‘A qualified welder shall remain qualified within te ange of approval for he duration ofthe projecleontrat aa combination of processes | postion and examined je 10% | | providing, the welder has been working in accordance with the qualification WPS for which every six months. = - aloe : ra ie | Filet etre Novapaiable [One ple be Ifthe welder ast been working in accordance with he quaifction WPS for our sx months the welder is op BSENISO taken rom att sop | | | rege conduct nm qulieaton ex weld Ss sor positon 188 Welding Psion Qualification range. PPP Ppp p 19, Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) | ‘All welding guiaon angel ein orn with Table 1 ofthis document Al he wel eure | spate qualification test. ae 19.1General PWHT shall be cased ut for he purpse of stress relieving and hydrogen release PWHT shall only carried fn accordance withthe approved procedire and only when approved by the Company. All PWHT treatment shall be eared out in controlled tanner either bythe use of a furnace or as an alterative by the wse of ‘eating blankets, When PWHT io be cared ot bythe use ofa furnace, the component hall be placed Cena in the furnace as to ensure it uniform heating throughout the components hikes (athe time the | Senpotesel ie fas, ra emperte al b o n 50 Cando genta | 2g0"c) ,weavevsus oH WELDING & FABRICATION SPECIFICATION | becument Number -WiSi0-spec-O01 Ie Revision 1 Date may 2017 ‘When heating blankets eet be wed, he sting banks shal be placed in sch way to ensure a uniform, eating of he compooea nd the tempertre variation houghout te compooent so greater than 73". ‘Note: Lacllned PWHT shall ot be caried out under any circumstances, In all ase the PWHT | _ tempers Shab mana ioe cmon tice 19.2 Temperature Measurement All emperatre measurement shal be monitored by the we of thermocouple and multiple temperature records A minimum ofthe thermocouples shal be sed and placed in sacha way to ensure uniform, eating throughowt the component, no thermocouples reading shal be more tan 30°C apart hrouhout the PWHT heating cycle All memuring dence being used rll have avai erties of eibraion (all, calibration certieates shall be checked by Coropany Inspector before the PWHT process seared ou). All ‘emperatie recorded shal be checked by te Company Inspector to ensure the sped ofthe chat bing used ‘mates that ofthe terpeatre recorder. ‘Note: The method of thermocouple attachment shal be approved by the Company prior tthe ‘commencement of PWHT. 193 Temperature and Heating/Cooling Rates Where dissimilar hickoestex exist the thicker member sal be taken asthe terial hicks, CCM sels “+ Maximum PWHT temperature 650°C minimum PWHT temperane 580°C Material thickness 228 mum, soaking Une I hour pe 25 mm of material thickness £25 mm sosking time 48 minute per 28 xm material hickoes. + Heating rates above 320°C (controlled heating) te eating rate shal be S000"C divided by the ‘maximum material thickness bat no gester than 220°C per Bou. Cooling rate shall be the sane a the heating rates to a temperature of 320% ‘Quenched and Temperature Steels ‘When required the PWHT temperature shal be the sume as for CMN secs ensure the maximum WHT temperature shall not exceed 600°C, heating rates shal be controled fm 300°C Cooling rates shal be eorrlled 10 300°, + Invlaion and thermocouples shal not be removed until the components emperstre hat dropped to Ilan pes mmponents empet dropped ‘Austenitic and Duplex Stainless Steels ‘When equre PWII shal be the sme as for QT Stes except the maximum PWHT temperature shall not exceed 450°C ‘Not: In all cases thermocouples and insulation shal not be removed until the components temperature a3 dropped below 110°C es 19.Reports and Records [ALPWAT chara sabe reviews yale. cnr and where aplable over party QC. The PWHT har slid inthe conecr’s QAGC parotid ale ade ve ore any ee eed Not: Mo ses relleving hal bec out nl all weg has eecomplted edgy repairs) te: Fl lspection oe earid ou un al PWIT hase conducted in seordmce mith heal inspection eqerement of his coment: POCCCOLOLELICCLCLOELLILECEEISSI LYE . ° pe — WELDING & FABRICATION srecneaTon | | Document Number -WISi0-spec-OO1 | Revision Date may 2017 20, Hydrostatie Testing | 20.1Geners “Al process ping abl be subjected os hydrostatic testing in accordance wit the approved procedure. Test ‘rete shall be in acordane withthe approved procedure and Company request es pressure Tallbe based in perting pressure, materia ype ad service condition of te pipe vo be tested the est. presse shal not be less than 15 times that ofthe systems operating design pesure). The Contraco shall be esponible forall safety and environmental equcenent All mperstr nd peste measuring devices al Rave a curentail eriieateof elation al pressure ad emperature shal be potion | ‘emperoturepresure car, 202 Test Preparation | temperture sal be no estan 1'C. The Contactor sal ada now-hazardous non-corrosive corrosion {nhior tothe water to be wed for hyo testing Inthe cae of Austenitic and Duplex Stainless tess the tater used shall at have chloride content gree than 45 PPM Hydrostatic testing sal be card out with | Inntalled valves inthe bal open positon, ander o circumstances skal hyostatic esting be cared cut with ‘valves inthe filly closed positon nthe soation system. All water sed for hy testing shal be clean, non-corrosive nd free fom dissolved sol, water | 20.3 Flushing | Al piping tobe hydrostatic tested shall be thoroughly cleaned by water fshing, he pang shal be Pushed fem high pia to the low pint where applicable, Wher mulpe high poset exst lie shng points shal be used, the Mashing pressure shall be suficea aso remove all sediments and debris. Al instruments {oot required forte hydrostatic testing) abl be removed before the commencement of testing 0 v0%3 | ‘Saage tthe instruments All aves daring the Bushing operaon sal ben filly open poston and Meshing ‘Sl ontes unl clean sing medium appears all ischarge pias | [Note The Contractor sal be responsible for the dlsposal ofall fushing mean accordance wth the | local euvroumental regulation. | 204Conductng the Test | + Examine all conection inthe sytem pio tothe tes as to ensure comet tightness + Isolate ay equipment hat may be damaged by the ts these isolation points shall be recorded on the | tes pon. | 1+ Allvaves sal ei the lf open positon and gust Nanged or plugged conection | “+The piping shal be slowy Sled wih water ui all arexclded. Once alairis excluded ihe | iyo wens sal be closed. | + The piping shal be slowly presurized until $0% ofthe test pressure reached; once ths presses | reachethe pres bal Be held a this point for no less than 15 minutes. Daring tis ol ime ie Pie system sl be checked for ny leaks, leaks are detected the pressure shall be dropped otal ths presse before any leaks canbe rectified + After the hol time a 508 ofthe est pressure has elapsed the pressure sl then be asd othe st ‘Pressure in increments atthe fest presi is eaced (he auber of nerement andthe test pressure increases to be aproved by Company fany leaks are deteete the press hal be “rope toa pressure no greater than the pesure atthe lst nerement before ay leaks ar ei en f min a ranmicaTion eee eee eee | SPECIFICATION WELDING & FABRICATION 7 | | Document Number — WIS10-spec-O01 Revision 1 | Date may 2017 ‘SPECIFICATION | ee eee | eee Donut Nomiber=WiSi-apes 508 [ tesont [ater sais cat See ee | “+ Once the tes pressure hasbeen eached th et shal not tat ail temperatue ave equalized ‘trough te piping sysem under est and anit eats have Gssipted. A text trie shal be | approved by Company Inspector and recorded ‘+The test ration shal be no ess than 2 hours (rete test duration may be required as to Company | requirement) 213 Conducting the Test ‘TepiigSalesoly pewazdo 50% of heet prese a el f a inimany f 2mintest 1s pane oh me rays agp one nao moot | es Anya drt ethnd repent ef et peso | ‘Nat: Noein sal be ond dng pends finest et pn sem oe ing ha eon init nin ee ie ee ee test pressre is reached. When leas refund daring thi pei, the pressure shall be reduced to blow 50% ‘ft et pressre Before and ectfiation ofthe leaks can be conte When he ek cannot be resifed, ths ay equ the piping sytem toe depresenied and snipped down, acter sb et sl ts i expan eeu enh faye tri ersten hve npc Aca sanane sale spedtyCompeny | Mpc Not: Disposal fall hydrostati esting medium shal be the esponsibility ofthe contractor and shal be im accordance wit oal environmental repuations. | manera |The piing yt under shal beng fr any ek an oer pbs rng and in he en oft test durauon. For the testo be considered acceptable no leaks shall be tected. “The piping system under tet shal be erful inspected for any leaks andlor ker problems tthe end of the ter period andthe text pressre. All ints, conection and weld hall be sed with a soup slut ‘Test daration atthe test pressure shal be a minimum perio of wo Bours, | | [ere sing periods of ean nls the ate piping stem is protect | | ‘The piping pressurization steps, test temperature athe start ime, ld periods an iis ime shll be recorded on a chart recorder Al test shall be sbanted tothe Company approval 214 Inspection | ‘The piping system under test shall be carefully inspected for any leaks and/or other problems at the end of the | a ee an a ee eae eee rem | eee | | Each pressure test shall be given 3 unique test umber; the number shal be referenced on the font sheet ofthe ‘reasretet pack. A pressure ist pack shal be produced foreach pressre test IF he hydrostatic ts falls no | {test chart shall be signed off. The Contractor shall be responsible for all remedial work, repairs and retestng, | Nopiping shall be accepted unless covered by ally signed ff hydrostatic tet char. | 21 Pneumatic Testing 218. Reports and Records | “The piping pressurization tps test temperature the stat tne old periods and finish ime shall be | recorded ona chart carder All test eeport sal be submited to the Company for approval | | 21 sGenert Only tow pressure piping system shall be considered for pneumatic esting an each test ball only be eared ‘ou with uiten approval fm the Company and in accordance with the approved procedure, Test pressure shall be in accordance withthe approved procedure and Company requirements the est presse sal be ‘based on operating pressure, material and service conditions ofthe pie tobe teed. The Contractor shall be responsible forall safety requirements. An area of at est 4 meters away from tees area shall enclosed a Each pressre tet shal be given unique test umber; the umber shal be referened onthe font het of the pressure tet pack. A presse est pack shal be produced for each presets. If the pneumatic teat all then | fo tet cha shal be igre off. The Contactor shal be response for all eed wok, repair andretesig. | | any unauthorized persone! from entering the test tea, this hall be done as to Company requirements. All Nopiping sll be accepted nles covered by a filly signed off hyrosatic test char. | } fempeatre and presure measuring devices shall ha valid ceria of clot re ces shall have a curren'vaidcerifcateof elation all pressure | and temperature hal be plotted on a temperature pressure report. 22, Coating for Structures and Piping. | Note: Allsafety precaution shall be approved by the Company's safety representative before any prcamati testing cari ost 224 Great ae | fest repr | conzat sabe spose forte sont stomge fl mates egsid forse reparon nd | 24aTest Preparation cnr apf cng miter mares Cy | Sct Ct ue ar Spal oa woe ara os ae ests atoasne nik el ovitamrl sce Sue propo pct | care hc cand nse enon sen scab re nl poe! apn pean asl whe PE con wef rato. I Sangeet Sn sa ie tom shone ele ted sie aa rcp ein ergata rior VOC Ateres pepe eae, | an Tae oeonng sem loupe einen fe tande ak Rite of aban | Aline eupmen' shal pepe te sae foros ing The exception tots at {Manges pad cds shal be rapped indy, hs ol pre epee een plugged ed. The pipes be ressrzed apres of 5p wih len ya, ey gos eas sal te reel COC COOL LLL ICELLEOLSLILECL LISS ID! o> »>& ‘WELDING & FABRICATION | SPECIFICATION ‘Document Number -WiS10-spec-OO1 Revision 1 Date may 2017 2. 23 2. Surface Preparation Untes eserwse approved bythe Company, all sags of fabrication and webding, any applicable PWHT and [Bajecon(cloding NDT) hall be completed before surface preparation gis. ‘Al pskts, fangs, valves nameplate, isrumentton, gauges, lecrial components shal be suably PaO: Company sal pprove al protection. Al sap edges, surface ping, surface imperfections Pr be eran smoot in acondence wth he Company requirments Al oi and eas contamination sal pale eats solvent leaning proto abrasive blasting. All blasting sal be performed using dry Ussing cefengun The blasting mater shal be ete gare! or copper slag: no recyeling of coppe ig bal SERUIEEL The recycling of gare may be pert up toe maxim of two ines, but only by he writen Spproval ofthe Company. “The surice preparation shal be based to Sx 21/2 unless therwise specified by the Coatings manure Fee atby te Compeny. All surface profes ball be in scordane wih the manufacturers data hers and seen te measures bythe ue ofa dal mcrometer type gauges with the etex tape tached to he fl pint port he final anchor pater shall be pel 1.5 t0 2.0 ills peak to peak ‘Not basting operations shall be conducted if any ofthe conditions below exis + 90% RE valve 1 When tetel temperature i ess than 3C above the dew point (dew points shal be measured by the use ofa whirling pychrometer) “+ During night tne hours, dusk o dawn If blasting iallowed by Company approves during nighttime fourm he surface sal be swept clean the next morning to provide it ear white bast surface ‘After blasting all abrasives, dust et, sal be removed from al surface tobe coated [Note: No acid washes or other cleaning solutions or solvents shall be carried out after blasting has been carried out ‘Note: Nowillen (sand) based material or materials co jing impurities shall be used for blasting. ‘Coating Application ‘Al'contng aptcation sal be condi in accordance with his dociment andthe Coating manuictrer's ‘ecommentaton. No coting aplication so be conducted until Company representative has approved the surface preparation. Allcoting materials shall not exceed the manufacturers po life an ony sufficient volume forthe Sppropiste pot life of the application mixed sone time. All mixing of the paint shall be conducted in erirdance ith the coatings recommendations, mixing sal be conducted in containers fee fom grease ‘ther pains and any otercontaiations all container shall be covered to prevet contamination from dust ‘divand rain When rine contin systems are tbe applied, the zinc coating shal be continually agitated during aplication [No coating application shall be conducted if the following exis. 4+ Tnfogorrin or when he steel substrate is damp or wet {When ests src emperatr ies han 3C above the dew pon tmperature ease bya psyeometer pees + Rie>o0%8| 4 Thetempenture it <10°C and geste than 8° ‘At eght me outs (24 hour coating application is permite proving itis conducted in doors ‘rite company approval = cae LEGCO CELE LIL EL CLIT TILE LE ELL LLL ns ns caesaunosweneacecss Gin) Mani S| imaenar | Dhceerrieedaenie ciate WEDDNG A rABRICATION ] SPeacaTION } “+ Indirect wind speeds > 15 miles per our (ules writen approval by Company representative) | 1 inoreanie sne coatings require a minimum RH vale of 8% \ ‘Al blasied cleaned surfee shall be costed with primer during the sme day the blasting occur or before | say Mite signs of muting ovum: Mater surfaces shal be lean, dry and ie from dust before any coating wera turbo Conduct. coatings application shal be eplicd by ray metots and in eeordance | Trin tne manufacturers and by Company approval, sl atomizing ar an pant ot pressure shall be in TERSGZe th te manufacturer's recommendations and by company approval. An adequate regulators sp) ‘atte paced between he aur supply andthe presse fed pu. Separate regulators shal be used fo dust | ‘team peer ad stoiatonpreasre all regulators sal be calibrated and shall be flly functional ast | Fee AYER DET. corny times sha bein cordance withthe manufacturers data shets no application of | thetext con sale applied unl the correct WPT, DFT and curing times have been established. brahed ‘Ripe cat shal be applied tall welds prior the aplication ofeach coat ofthe pst sytem, ‘Note: Coatings may be applied by brush application in areas which (Ghadow areas) be propery spray coated ‘Note: Inorgane ine coatings shall not be applied by brush in any eircumstances. [Note:Allcous applied ofthe coating system shal be from the same manufacturer | Inspection Company Inspector shall inspect all costings. A coated surfaces shal be fee fom pinboes, easing {Greeasive couting buik-p), wrinkling, Bisteiog, bitiness (dust ordi inclusions), inadequate coating (iekoes, nouffieient curing times ad any other coating defect which is considered detrimental to the coating | ‘tem efetvenes. All ejected work sal be fully removed by blasting and reapplied. All epnired areas ‘Sultbe feather edged up ote adjacent edges ofthe original coating eystem and repaized in accordance with the equtements of his docuent and in sceordance withthe manufacturer's recommendation, All accepted ‘wor must be lee fom abrasions ad uniform in colour and appearance. Both the company and manufacturer's ‘epresetatives can only ke final acceptance of the cating system, Repair of damaged areas (fouch-up) ‘exe sufi whe csi i damaged ig irc, eetin or acaporation tale. | AMET lesie wold damaging tie esting ofthe suroundng wear ofthe epied and toensure | omplcte iin of he pied costing ath the coating ofthe surounding ea. | | ‘Damaged coating to be removed by sand paper or other altemative means (wire brushing shall ot be wed), at | Teast 30 mm from the ede and chamfered Back on tothe topcoats adjacent surfaces (feather ede). Apply by spray method te layer of Gini coat (topcoat fo obtain the required coating thickness, | “Top coat damage, Dase cout undamaged Coming damage tbe meta | ptr ay ining, $42/2 20 wie tl vera da oe ta 00mm re as | thee eather edge ll ajoing point surface with snd pape o provide a smooth surface transition and apply {lesan coating yom in aecordance with his document unl the required coating thickness is obtained. | CELLO C ERI IIIISELL ELS dds | “WELDING & FABRICATION SSS ee ~ | TION a ae reo sacs TLD ABEEATON | | | Bocument Number -W1510-2xspec-002 Revision | Date may 2017 speaneaon pee Document Number -WI510-spec-OO1 Revision | Datemay2017 | | 226 Reports and Records (__________ = oe | ‘A report stall be rodced bythe Contrator and rabid tothe Company forall coating system applied. The | Qtirrepor sal cde ss misimu the following: Figure2~ Detail for Weld Prepara ‘Root Gap and Root Faces May Vary Depending on Weling Process, | Paint system aumber Morera Type and Thickness, refer he WPS for further details 2 tens costed 2 Allenvtonmenta conditions Ste emperature, RH%, Dew point teriperture pir to bling | 2) Shrtace reparation: lating grade, surface profile (messued by profile dial micrometer, textes tape aed to | ”" | 7 Gherepon frpermanent secord), abrasive used (any appliable eye) aed + | Fain olan WF, DF, mati ofepesson ae ae | ‘Visual inspection: any coming defects Sisal we | 2 atpplicabe reps ore, | 23, Protetion and Preservat ' ' | asacenerat ' Protection onsite of ell materials, equipment, srctuses and piping sal be the esponsibility of the Contact. | Either end ean, or redundant valves shall blank offal open-ended spool pieces. Any open ended three’ Connections sal be plugged or eapped afer cowting wih grease base mus preventive. ll proces piping | SESE shall be preserved interally by purging wih mitogen, after purging the piping oF vessels shall be Tet) pressurized with Nivogen at 5 to 10 ps the presse shall be mentored and tapped up with Nitrogen if oguired. all other uncoated scar! material shall be protected agains coroson by fogging (ight spray ontng grease base rst inhibitor all piping. equipment and eke strtures shall only be stored ofthe ground | Gntsttabe materia eg, wooded blocks ofa suitable thickness. f. e Weld Preparation for Joins in the Flat (PA), Verieal (PF/PG) and (Overhead (PDIH-LO4S) Weldixg Positions for both single and double | sided bevels. Other joint preprations may be considered for | mechanized welding processes. | PPP woe Pp « J « | | WELDING & FABRICATION [sales ‘SPECIFICATION | mer aa potas wae oso ool eres ie iosoiia an | Seas ena [egestas | rcume3 - peta for wit Preparton | Weld repr fr int inte Horizon (PC) Welln positon for | TS and dob sed bees Otero preprtons ay Be one Formers welding proces | 4° | a | as wees? Root Gup and Root May Vary Depending on Welding Processes, Material ype and Thickness, eer othe WPS for further deta COPE ELLIE LLL IIIIISL LLL Idd fs Xs se J ao ] WELDING & FABRICATION [| srrctrtcaion sy | Document Number -WIS10-spec-OO1 Revision | Datemay2017 | | FIGURE 4 Utravonie Joint Configuration | ‘TRUTT WELD-FULL PENETRATION ln CRUCIFORM BUTT WELD-FULL. | ‘PENETRATION CRUCIFORM BUTT WELD-PARTIAL | PENETRATION. | a4 Ss BUTT WELD-SET-THROUGH (INCLUDING NozzLES) BUTT WELD-SET-ON (INCLUDING NOZZLES) | WELDING & FABRICATION | | SPECIFICATION | | Document Number -WIS10-spec-OO1 Revision 1 Date may 2017 Copy right ABSTRACT-SAINT holds and reserves the rights for all copyi | document in any form or by any means ~ electronic, photo copyi | Prior: ‘documented permission from ABSTRACT-SAINT GROUP. ing of this document. No unauthorized copying of this ing, and recording or by any other processes without The document is intended to be used in conjunction with the CSWIP examinations, under no circumstances shall this | document to be used for any other purpose other than TRAINING. ABSTRACT-SAINT Examination Services ABUDHABL/DUBAI UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Copy right @2014 ABSTRACT-SAINT Lid. All rights reserved.

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