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Axial reinforcement device (ARD)

Bassam Al Soufi
Manufacturing Meeting 2012, Dresden, Germany
21 May 2012

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Pipe specifications

GRP Pipe

Biaxial Pipes Uniaxial Pipes

High chop Cross

Axial Tape
content ARD winding

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 3

Operating principle

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 4

Dry test

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 5

Machine development

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 6

Machine development

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 7

Why to use Axial Reinforcement Device

• Cost Efficiency.
• Continuous supply of axial reinforcement.
• Structural Efficiency.
• Plant does not need to keep large stock of axial tape.

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential *

Machine flexibility

• Axial roving length is from 160mm to 390mm.

• Roving text can be any thing from 600 to 4800 (tested up to 2400).

• Total number of axial roving that can be fed at a time is 5 roving ends.

• Rotor RPM can be between 300 rpm and 1500 rpm.

• Machine can deliver 7 kg/min of axial reinforcement (5 ends of 2400

hoop, 390mm axial fiber length, & 1500rpm).

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 9

Wet run trials

450mm pipes

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 10

Wet run for actual project

1100mm pipe for customer

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 11

Biaxial pipes comparison

mid term testing:

• Comparison test for different methods of producing Axial pipes.

• Axial tape Vs. high chop Vs. ARD.

• Total of 6 trials are conducted and 4 pipes are produced for each trial.

• Pipe specifications was: DN 600, PN 10 bar, min. SN 2500.

• Different glass type, glass text and different fiber length was used.

• Total of 16 pipes (4 trials) was produced using ARD machine.

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 12

Short term test

The following test scenario is proposed for the trials:

• Register stiffness & axial tensile for all trials.

• Burst test 3 samples 2 meter each from each trial.

• Establish a 1000 Hr. HDB line for All trials.

• Recording of pipe weeping.

• The target is to establish a starting point for comparing the properties

of ARD axial pipes to other axial pipes produced by different methods.

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 13

Basic axial tensile results from the 6 trials

S.N Trial number TEXT of axial Length of Avg axial Pipe stiffness 5%
roving axial roving tensile (Mpa) deflection (Pa)

01 200mm
ARD Trial-1 2012KSA17-1 1200 156.92 4136

02 200mm
ARD Trial-2 2012KSA17-2 2400 164.42 4419

03 200mm
ARD Trial-3 2012 KSA17-3 2400 157.75 4764

04 390mm
ARD Trial-4 2012 KSA17-4 2400 150.08 4414

05 200mm
AXIAL TAPE Trial-5 2012 KSA17-5 N/A 191.25 5463

06 N/A
HIGH CHOP Trial-6 2012KSA17-6 N/A 139.92 4331

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 14

Future development plan

• Equipment development
• Link the machine to the winder speed
• Add one more screen in the HMI of the winder to control the ARD
• Install 5 roving alarms (detector) to increase chopper speed in case of
axial roving cut.
• Product development
• Make complete design of biaxial pipes using ARD machine for different
• Study possible limitations of the use of ARD machine if any
• Develop costing module for ARD pipes
• Develop long-term tests data

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 15

Raw material saving

• cost of 1Kg of axial tape = $ 1.79

• cost of 1Kg of 2400 hoop roving = $ 0.99
• cost of 1KG of chop glass = $ 1.18
• saving in axial reinforcement (ARD Vs. Axial tape) = 44.7%
• saving in axial reinforcement (ARD Vs. high chop) = 16.1%
• average percentage of axial tape in axial above ground pipe is 18%.
• overall saving in the pipe cost is 8 – 10 % based on pipe diameter.

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 16

Machine customers

• AFIL requested quotation for 3 ARD machines

• ATC made complete set of drawings for the ARD machine after
• Drawings and BOM sent to different suppliers for quotations.

Axial reinforcement device (ARD) by Bassam Al Soufi * Strictly confidential * 17

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