Aming Data Analysis Final051819

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This chapter includes presentation, analysis and interpretation of

the data gathered.

Table 1

AGE N Frequency Percentage

of YES of YES
17-18 95 57 60.0
15-16 95 22 23.2
14 and below 95 16 16.8

Table 1 presents the actual age of our 95 respondents, 60% of

them belongs to age group 17-18, 23.2% belongs to age group 15-16,

while 16.8% are in the age group 14 and below.

Table 2

Income N Frequency Percentage

of YES of YES
7,000-12,000 95 67 70.5
12,001- 15,000 95 8 8.4
15,001-22,000 95 11 11.6
22,001- 30,000 95 6 6.3
30,001- 35,000 95 3 3.2
35,001-65,000 95 0 0

Table 2presents the actual family income of our 95 respondents,

majority of them or 75% are having a monthly income that ranges from

7,000-12,000, while 11.6% of them have a monthly income of 15,001-

22,000, 8.4% of our respondents are having a monthly income of 12,001-

15,000, 6.3% have a monthly income of 22,001-30,000, and only 3.2%

are having a monthly income of 30,001-35,000.

Table 3

Ethnicity N Frequency Percentage

of YES of YES
Tausug 95 75 78.9
Sama 95 20 21.1
Yakan 95 0 0

Table 3 presents the actual ethnicity of our 95 respondents, the

data shows that 78.9% of them are Tausug, while the remaining 21.1%

are Sama.

Table 4

Numerical Scale Descriptions Interpretations

2.36- 3.00 Quite Early

1.68- 2.35

1.00- 1.67 Very Early

Table 5

N Mean SD
Incidence of
95 1.51 0.756

Table 5 presents the actual incidence of early marriage among our

95 respondents, with a mean score of M=1.51 this falls under very early

or 14 years and below basing on table 4.

Table 6

Effect of income on Regression 0.166

incidence rate of Early 95

Table 6 shows the result of effect of income on the incidence rate of

early marriage, with alpha greater than 0.06 P=0.166 the data shows

that there is no significant effect of income on the incidence rate of early

Table 7

Difference on incidence ANOVA 0.000

rate of early marriage
when grouped according N 95
to Age

Table 7 shows the actual result of the difference on incidence rate

of early marriage when grouped according to age, with alpha less than

0.05 P=0.000 the data show that there is a significant difference on the

incidence of early marriage when grouped according to their age.

Table 8

Effect of Ethnicity on the ANOVA 0.338

incidence of early
marriage N 95

Table 8 presents the actual effect of ethnicity on the incidence of

early marriage, with an alpha greater than 0.05, P=0.338 the data shows

that there is no significant difference on the incidence on early marriage

with regards to their ethnicity

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