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"Dr. Cruz! Paging Dr. Cruz, Please proceed to patient 236.

" A sudden call notified the building and arouse

my attention as the nurses kept on rushing through the halls.I immediately ran upstairs heading to where
patient 236 was - my mother. She was confined here in the hospital quite long now. That's why I have
been desperately working everyday for her to survive. "Mom . . . I murmured as I watched the people
pumoing her inside the ward. I could feel the cold sweat dripping down my shoulder blades as I tore my
hair out. "This is too much! this is really too much!!" I closed my eyes and made a silent prayer while
bargaining everything I could think of, everything! "Doc, her vitals are back to normal!" A wave of relief
washed through me when I heard that she was stable. The doctor approached me afterwards. "Is she
related to you?" "She is my mother.. ." He placed his hand on my shoulder and reminded me something.
"Sir, she needs to be operated as soon as possible. I hope that you are aware that this is her second
arrest the third time would be impossible for us to help her survive. You need to prepare, sir". "I will
prepare everything Doc! I will surely bring you the money soon! I promise that, just operate her now,
and save her! okay? Save her. .. Please . . . please do it now." I grabbed his hands and grasped it tightly. U
suddenly remembered the money in my pocket and snatched it right away, then slammed the crumpled
bills inti the doctor's hand. "Here, I have money here doc!" The coins made a loud noise as they clanged
down the floor, bouncing everywhere. I bent down and try to pick them up but the medical team began
to walk out while saying sorry. "We can't do that sir, we are sorry." My legs began to feel weird and I
stumble down as I dropped my face into my hand and cried my eyes out. "Ma, I don't know what to do
anymore. Ma.. ." I went back hone and pulled my savings out. I even broke my little sister's piggy bank
and placed it on the table. "This is not enough!" Smacking my head on the woods, I grabbed my phone
and called my relatives and co workers but they just hung the phone after saying that they cannot spare
me some money. I threw my phone in the floor. I punched our cincrete wall hardly enough to mess my
knuckles. Blood all over my hand and I swore to the first time. "DAMMIT! DAMMIT!" Now I am definitely
crying, just what am I supposed to do now?! Drustration hits me as I keep on thinking how everything
was falling offat the same time. I could barely grieved for my sister's death, and there, all of a sudden, my
mother's life was threathening her. Everything was totally unfair. 2:30 am, 7eleven I keep on brushing my
sweaty hands into my pants. I made out my mind. I don't have any other choice but to do this. I surprised
an attack to the security guard while batting his back with the wood and caused him to knock down.
Uncinscious, I pulled the gun on his side and yelled through the door. "GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY OR I
WILL SHOOT YOU!" I demanded while wielding my gun threatiningly to the two scared customer. I
headed out towards the wide eyed cashier girl and ordered again, "AND YOU! Take all what's there in the
cashier! Hurry! or I will blast your head!" She jumped in fright as I pointed the gun to her. I am just
dealing 3 people here, so it was completely easy . .. that was what I thought. I was about to remind the
cashier to make a move when a weakly voice suddenly interfered. "Aren't you being too harsh with your
words?" The skinny woman approached me, ignoring the gun pointed to her. What now?! I really don't
have time for any heroic drama here. I need to hurry. I need to get the money. My mother needs to be
operared now. "Step back! don't come near me or I will shoot you!" I yelled in anger. "Shoot me! Go
ahead! I'm not afraid to die . . . I'm gonna die from my illness anyway so why should I fear? You don't
really want to do this do you? This maybe your first time to hold up a store am I right?". What was wrong
with this woman, she was beyond my understanding. On how she saw through me was a big mystery.
Maybe I was too obvious. "What the f*** are you saying?! Shut up! just shut up! or I will shoot you I
swear!" I began trembling in fear for I was afraid this wasn't going anywhere. "Don't do this. You will only
ruin not only the lives of people here but also your life". My life was already ruined, that I could not
bother myself thinking about them. I just need to save my mother first and they could do everything
they wanted to do to me. "What do you need the money for?" "Shut up! shut up!

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