J. Ramos - Memories From A Lost Past

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‘‘The most important battles in life are the ones we
fight daily in the silence of our soul’’.

OCTOBER 10, 2019


Barranquilla, Colombia
Memories from a lost past
Jamith Ramos

Written and Printed in Colombia

Edited by Jamith Ramos.
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Violation of such rights entails legal sanctions and may
constitute a crime to intellectual property.
Year 510, in the land of eternal fire, there is a
small village called ''Mirror'' owing to the legend of a
demon that bestows wishes, known by the inhabitants
as the lord mirror. A dark place, full of dangers, fear,
and pain. Creatures of this world and of another
dimension surrounds not only this village but also a
significant proportion of the northern, southern,
eastern and western kingdoms.

All due to an incident happened over 300

years ago in which magic was involved. This
occurrence is known as the unification of crystals and
brought with it a prophecy. "The prophecy of the
white cold". It is said that a set of beings will come to
these lands to freeze everything in their path, bringing
the death of all individuals that reside it. However, for
all these perils, there is a legion of Witchers. People
that were once human beings. They do not feel
sadness, happiness, joy, love, compassion, sympathy
or at least the concept of what they are.

Trained, and mutated with amazing abilities
for combat, tracking, use and creation of potions, also
having the five senses more developed than an
average person does.

By the same token, they work as monster

hunters (vampires, werewolves, trolls, giants, spirits
among other creatures), and everything they consider
morally miscreant.

Most of them often do so in exchange for a

quantity of Zloty (currency in the kingdoms) and
sometimes just for wanting to help the local people of
each village. Within this group, someone stands out
among all. Mithja, a Witcher that lost his parents at
an early age in the Iaedern's war, and who took away
all memory due to the mutation he had.

It is worth emphasizing that Mithja is a young

Witcher, of medium height, black hair although,
depending on his mood can turn into white or gray,
and his eyes allowed him to see the darkness beyond
the stars.

A person who goes in search of his past and
for that persistency he will find something more than

The adventures of this young Witcher begin

in the mirror village, a place previously mentioned
and that has the legend of one of the greatest
mysteries among the nearby villages, the lord mirror.
Some people consider him a demon, others a wizard,
even a genie who grants wishes. However, these
beliefs have something in common: Nobody knows
who he is or at least there is no one who has lived to
tell it.

When Mithja finds out about this, he decides

to go to the mirror village in search of his path and
new contracts. On horseback from Dankour
(Witchers' school) to the village took three days.

On arriving at the place, the cold look of the

inhabitants was noticeable. Of course, many of them
hated Witchers, "Freaks" they said.

Beings that did not feel pity or compassion,
killer machines that only had an interest in making

Mithja had already gone through these

situations before, so their views did not matter much
to him, because despite the loss of his "human" part,
he knew what it was like to be lonely for being
different. Even so, he found in solitude what no one
could get, the purpose of a life that was taken away
from him.

After having arrived at the mirror village,

Mithja decided to check on a bulletin board the
contracts and news that had, focusing specifically on
one of them. "The past of your past" a notice that
immediately caught the attention of the young
Witcher, because of the illusion he had to remember
who he was before being what he is now, even, who
were his parents.

Instantly, he began to ask the villagers who
was the person of the announcement. Some of them
did not know, others did, but they pretended. Until he
met a dwarf named Haiko, a blacksmith of swords
and a great connoisseur of history among the 4
kingdoms thanks to his long life and experience in the

Haiko told him that the responsible of the

advertisement was a sorceress named Eleanor.

Mithja asked him if it was true what the ad

said "the past of your past" because he did not trust
sorceresses, and much less in their methods.

The dwarf answered affirmatively to Mithja's

question. He told him about the experience he had,
and how she helped him when in the forge, in a night
of drinks, he lost part of his tools. Haiko went in
search of Eleanor to find out who had stolen them and
in fact, he knew it through a not so conventional
method, dreams.

Mithja, still doubting, asked Haiko where he
could find her. «Her house is not in the village,
Eleanor lives inside the labyrinth woods, near the
statue of eternal fire, » the dwarf said.

Mithja, determined to know if what the dwarf

said it was true, he went to the sorceress' house, but
not before improving his swords thanks to Haiko's

«Be careful! the labyrinth forest is a

dangerous place, full of creatures with blood thirst
but above all, do not go near the dark lake, it is said
that an evil and powerful being lives in that place»

After this warning from Haiko, Mithja

ventured to enter the woods in search of the sorceress.
Being there, the young Witcher found two paths and
not being sure which one to follow, he used his
Witcher senses to track clues that would help him
reach his destination.

After using his senses, he chose the second
path. Nonetheless, before going this way, he heard an
exuberant cry from the first one. Without thinking, he
went to whom might need help.

And there was ... the place that Haiko warned

to the Witcher was in front of him. The dark lake, next
to it, a mutilated body and regardless of the
magnitude of danger might have, Mithja and his
Witcher instincts would not allow him to go

Approaching the body, he began to feel a

presence, something or someone was watching him.
Mithja undoubtedly drew his sword and quickly
threw a smoke bomb. Between him and the smoke
dispersed throughout the lake, Mithja manages to see
a strange and different silhouette that he had never
seen before.

It is the lady of the dark lake, an exiled

malignant being of the forbidden land named SellGi.

Seemingly harmless, SellGi is everything you
would not want to find in woods, her ability to
influence her opponents with their fears makes her
the beast that Mithja has never faced. Being close to
death, the battle for his life began. But, how could he
defeat someone that according to the ancient
scriptures is unbeatable?

Thinking about how to face her, Mithja drinks

a potion that allows him to improve his vision since
the beast camouflaged itself with the environment.
Using his silver sword managed to attack her,
although it was in vain, since it had no effect. The
only effect generated was the SellGi's fury and with
only her hands, the lady of the dark lake caused a
great wound on the Witcher's arm. Losing the battle
and bleeding, he decided to escape to the deepest part
of the woods to heal his wound and avoid dying in the

Howbeit, the bleeding was so big that Mithja

began to lose his senses, until he fainted.

Nevertheless, before that, the Witcher looked
steadfastly at the SellGi's eyes. Eyes so dark and full
of evil but behind that darkness, he felt sadness and
lament, It was then that the lady of the dark lake told
him: «Our fates are linked, if you are still alive, come
to me at the time that you have answered all your
questions. »

Hours after that fierce battle, Mithja woke up

in a cottage, not knowing how or who had helped him
with his wound, even asking himself who was
capable of dealing with a so powerful being such as
the lady of the dark lake.

-«Oh, you woke up».

That was the sweetest voice Mithja has ever heard.

Instantly, he turned around to see who the person with
such a melodious voice was. Nevertheless, there was
no one.

-«Who is there? » Mithja said.

-«I am Eleanor, who are you? »

-«My name is Mithja. I am a Witcher. I came to talk
with you. »

-«To talk to me? I do not know who you are, so,

please take your swords and go away, the forest is a
dangerous place even for a Witcher like you. »

-«Wait Eleanor! I need your help. »

-«What do you need exactly? » Eleanor asked.

-«I met Haiko in the mirror village, the dwarf told me

that you have the ability to recover the lost past of
people and there is something I want to know. »

-«Mmm why would you like to see that part of you

again? The past is nothing more than a previous life,
memoirs that people probably never want to
remember. »

-«Mithja, thoughtful and speechless just said, «You

are right, my previous life is in the past not because I
do not want to remember it, but because it was taken
from me»

- «I see…Well witcher, you convinced me, but that
does not mean I will help you. »

- «So, what does it mean?

-«We will see» Eleanor said.

Eleanor told the Witcher where she was and

with a talisman as a guide and communicator, Mithja
was heading to Eleanor’s location.

At that moment, Mithja heard a shout.

Worried about it; Mithja tried to contact Eleanor
through the talisman to see if everything was fine.
«They are here, they are coming» it was the last thing
he heard from her. Immediately, the Witcher was as
fast as possible to the place where she was, because
he was afraid that something had happened to her.
On arrival, Mithja meets with a group of six soldiers
belonging to the eternal fire army and with them,
witch hunters.

These groups are responsible for killing
without compassion the non-human races such as
dwarves, elves, sorceresses, or witches and even
humans who practice magic. Mithja knew that they
had come for Eleanor, and of course, he was not
going to let them do any harm to her.

However, the first thing he did was ask them

what they were doing here in the depths of the
labyrinth forest, but the commander told him that it
was not his concern. After that, they threatened him.
Therefore, if he did not leave, they would kill him.
The Witcher tried to converse, but it was useless, so
he used a magic sign. This sign controlled people's
mind. With the aim of avoiding a bloodshed, Mithja
ordered him to go home, because there was no a
sorceress in woods. Nevertheless, the witch hunters
realized that Mithja was using magic in the
commander, so the battle started.

In spite of the numerical disadvantage the
Witcher had, that was not a problem to defeat them
since his Witcher skills and sword mastery were
superior to witch hunters.

After having defeated them, Mithja called

Eleanor, assuring her that there was no danger.
Eleanor, making sure that what Mithja said it was
true, cast a spell to see around the cabin. Finally,
Mithja and Eleanor met each other for the first time.

Although it was not evident in Mithja, the

amazement for Eleanor's beauty was prominent.

Her brown eyes as clear and pure as the soul

of a child, long wavy hair as shiny and sensitive as a
diamond and her accent so strong and secure that
makes even the most impure lie, true.

Mithja did not know why Eleanor inspired

him these things. However, he did not pay much
attention to them.

Thanking Mithja for saving her from the
witch hunters and the eternal fire, Eleanor decides to
help the Witcher as ''debt'' for what he did for her.

''The past of your past'', that for which Mithja

had risked his life in the dark lake and had searched
long time ago, but what he did not know, it was that
this trip to his past would bring him more doubts than

After entering the hut and before starting the

not so conventional method that Haiko told him,
Mithja could not help but ask why Eleanor had hidden
when the hunters arrived because, even with the
numerical disadvantage, her magic was so powerful
that she could have defeated them in seconds.

Surprisingly, Eleanor tells him that in

principle the use of magic should be utilized for good,
not to abuse it or cause harm to someone.

It was then that Mithja remembered a phrase
from his master in Dankour "The difference between
a crime and a feat usually depends on the observer's

«Of all the sorceresses I have known so far, Eleanor,

you are the only one who says something like that.
With no doubt whatsoever, you are someone special.
» Mithja said.

-«Thanks, I guess. » Eleanor said.

-«But do not get me wrong, there is no good or evil,

only decisions and consequences. »

-«Probably, you are right but let us not worry about

that now; the preparations for the dream spell are
ready.» Eleanor said.

The dream spell begins, not before Eleanor

explains him what this ritual consists of.

Eleanor tells Mithja that in order to the
conjuration works effectively the dream must be
something pure, true and which he wishes, since it
would be influenced by these three factors. To which
the Witcher responds with sincerity that it is what he
has been longing for. At that moment, the sorceress
asks the Witcher to hold her by the hand because,
there must be a connection between them during the
spell. Mithja, still with some doubts, does it.

«Embrace eternity », Eleanor says, and what

in its beginning was a dream, little by little was the
prelude to a nightmare and a great truth.

Already within the dream, turned into a

completely gray place, Mithja sees two silhouettes.
Are they my parents? He asked himself, so he decided
to approach. At the moment of doing it, they
Suddenly, voices and shouts are heard, «our
fates are linked», «if you are still alive» «come to me

at the time that you have answered all your

Mithja baffled by what he heard, he

remembered who said these words to him.

The lady of the dark lake, the one who had

hurt him badly in that fierce battle, but what did this
mean? The gray that surrounded the dream turned to
white, «We are one and the same! » and with these
words, the lady of the dark lake appears again in front
of Mithja. Doubting what SellGi was saying, the
sorcerer drew his sword, however, just at that
moment the Mithja's hair changed from black to an
intense white.

«Look at your hair! It has changed color.

Does it mean that you are angry or have you accepted
that I am part of you? » The lady of the dark lake said.

Mithja surprisingly smiles saying: «If it is true

that you are part of me then my weaknesses are also
part of you, that is how I am going to defeat you. »

-«How dare you think you can do it Mithja? Try it and
you will fail as in our last battle. »

«You are wrong, this will be the last. » Mithja stated.

Eleanor, unable to do anything about it, was

only witness to what it would be the most risky battle
that Mithja has ever faced, himself. The fight began,
and unlike the first confrontation, it was equal.

However, SellGi still had an advantage over

Mithja. The darkness reflected in her with the most
intense white shine made her stronger and stronger.
Even so, The Witcher did not give up because
although he did not know what it was, something
drove him not to do it.

The lady of the lake realized this, so she

decided to end him once and for all in order to seize
the Mithja's soul, considering that if he continued to
strengthen that perseverance, he could defeat her.

Mithja could feel the SellGi's fear; it was there

that the Witcher through them had an opportunity.

Quickly, the Witcher used a fire sign and put on his
silver sword all his power. The next attack would
define everything, an attack that could either save
him or condemn him.

Suddenly, a big explosion shakes the

labyrinth woods. Mithja wakes up from sleep and
with Eleanor; they immediately leave the cabin to
verify what had caused such a blast.

Being at the top of a mountain, they could see

how a cold white surrounded the forest. Disconcerted
by what happened, they only thought of one thing (the
prophecy of the unification of crystals).

However, behind them, a strange silhouette

appears, saying in an unknown language:

«Nadal nie czas» dropping a broken mirror

before disappearing…


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