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Founding of Manila

Act 1:
*The main character wakes up, puts on his uniform and goes to school.
- queue: first day high music –
*bell rings, everybody scrambles and goes to their assigned rooms and sits down on their
respective chairs.
*teacher comes in and greets the class.
Teacher: Good morning Grade 10 and Welcome back to Norsu High I am Mrs. Rizal your
homeroom teacher and Philippine history teacher
Students: Good morning ma’am.
Teacher: Okay moving on, today we will jump right unto our topic which is the founding of
Manila. The word “Manila” was derived from 2 tagalog word “may”, meaning “there is” and
“nilad”, which is the name of the shrub that originally grew abundantly along the shores of Pasig
River and Manila Bay.
*close curtains*

Act 2:
*narration about manila before the founding of Spanish conquistador Miguel Lopez de Legaspi.
- queue narration: Before Manila was founded by the Spanish Conquistador Miguel
Lopez de Legaspi, Mohammedans settled along the city who thrived through trading with
Chinese and other Southeast Asian merchants.
*Settlers of ancient manila doing their morning routine. Ships with valuable items has just
arrived at the harbor. Stalls with different goods line at the docks 2 Mohammedans (boy and
girl) went down to the docks and would trade with Chinese and other merchants with goods and
Chinese: Silk! Silk! Come and see the finest silk from china!
Mohammedan Girl: Woow! Honey, Look at the quality silk.
Chinese: Yes my friend, indeed this silk is of good quality. It is one of the finest silk woven
from the province of China
Mohammedan Boy: how much for the silk?
Chinese: I’ll trade the silk for 1 bag of rice
- queue: barter song -
*Chinese and Mohammedan exchange goods, shake hands and part ways
-continuation of narration:
It was only in the year 1570 that the Spanish first visited Manila. Governor General
Miguel Legazpi, searching for a suitable place to establish his capital after being driven to
Panay by Portuguese pirates and hearing about the Mohammedans thriving community,
sent Martin de Goiti on an expedition to discover its location.
*General legazpi asks goiti to look for the mohammedan community
Legazpi: Goiti, since we have been driven by pirates to Panay. I want you to locate the
mohammedan community and know its potential. Someday I might establish a capital in that
Goiti: Sir, yes, Sir!
Martin de Goiti then tries to establish authority peaceably by sending a friendly message
to Maynilad’s ruler Rajah Soliman.
*Goiti writes a letter to Rajah Soliman and send it using a pigeon
*Rajah Soliman receives the letter
*Goiti sails to the shores of Maynilad
-queue: a brand new shore
*strolls the town of Maynilad until the halls of rajah Soliman, where he is waiting to greet the
foreign visitors.
*Rajah Soliman welcomes the visitors
Rajah Soliman: I am Rajah Soliman, the Sultan of Maynilad, and I welcome you into our
humble and prosperous kingdom.
Martin Goiti: I am Kapitan Martin De Goiti, and in the name of King of Spain, his royal
highness Philip and my General, Miguel Legazpi, we come in peace and we would want to
establish a capital here in your kingdom. If you accept my offer, you will get to keep your lands
and properties and serve loyally under the command of my General and my king. Decline and
there will be consequences.
Rajah Soliman: (furious) you come into our land and we welcomed you as guest, now you
threaten us by claiming it as your own?! I will not see my kingdom bend the knee to some
foreign conqueror! We will no accept!
Martin Goiti: Then so be it!
*Goiti leaves
- queue narration: Realizinf that the Spanish conquerors have an upper hand when
it comes to fire power. Rajah Soliman, left with no choice, ordered his subjects to burn
down their houses and flee to Tondo, the trade Capital of the kingdom.
*Rajah Soliman makes a public announcement and orders his people to burn down their houses
Rajah Soliman: My dear people, it is my duty to keep you all safe. A few days ago, Spaniards
came into our shores seeking for lands to conquer. They want to claim our lands as their own
and they brought with them their weapons that are far stronger than ours. We cannot fight them
so for now, we must retreat to Tondo where everybody will be safe. Bring all your prized
belongings for we will be leaving this midnight. But before you leave, burn down your houses to
the ground as a sign that we surrender for now. But I promise you we will seek help from
neighboring tribes and gather the best warriors to fight these invaders. We will reclaim our
*everybody picks their things and brings their torches to burn their houses. At midnight they
retreat to Tondo where it is safe.
-queue narration: When Martin De Goiti saw the burned houses, he immediately
reported the said events that occurred in Manila to Governor general Miguel Legazpi.
This led Legazpi to go on an expedition to Manila and fulfill his plans of establishing a
Capital in the former Mohammedan Kingdom. Little did Legazpi know that Rajah
Soliman was gathering his men and was preparing them for battle.
*legazpi voyages to manila along with all his men and makes his way to tondo where the war
will happen.
- queue savages (from pocahontas song)
*war (just follow the scene from the video)
*legazpi wins the war againts Rajah Soliman and defeats his men.
-queue narration: It was in the year 1571 that Governor General Miguel Lopez de
Legazpi defeated Rajah Soliman and took over the Kingdom of Manila. Legazpi then
began laying the foundation of a new city. Since much of old manila was in ruins, he
ordered his men to build new houses. A church was constructed for the missionaries, while
a big house was built as the Legazpi’s official residence. On July 24, 1571 Legazpi made
manila the capital of the Philippines. King Philipp II later called Manila the
“Distinguished and ever loyal City”. On the same day that Lgazpi declared manila as the
capital of the archipelago, a city government was organized. He appointed 2 alcaldes, an
Alguacil mayor, 12 regidores, and 1 escribano. With the founding of manila as the capital
of the Philippines, the foundation of the Spanish colonial empire in Asia has been laid.
*men will rebuild the city, builds church and big house
*king Philip name the city
*Legazpi appoints leaders
*all the characters stand in front with legazpi on the center forming a triangle
*end of founding
*exit and prepares for next scene
Act 3: Back to the classroom
Teacher: So that was how manila was founded. And up until today it has been one of the fast-
growing cities in the world. Any questions?
Student A: what happened to Rajah Soliman Maam after he was defeated?
Teacher: it was not clearly stated but he could either died in battle or escaped and lived.
Students: owww.
Teacher: okay that’s all for today. Prepare next meeting for a short quiz. Class dismissed
- Queue goodbye song
*students say goodbye to each other and end.

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