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EXCUTIVE SUMMARY The evolution of State Bank of Inia can he triced back to the fist decade of the 19th cer. Ie began with the establishment of the Bank of Caluta on 2 June 1806, ‘We briefly review the main trends that are affecting the global banking industry, undedtining the cffects ofeach ofthese changes on the risk profile of hanks. For the past thee decades India’s banking system has several outstanding achievements to its ert. The most stiking is its ‘extensive reach. Its no longer confined to only metropolitans or cosmopolitan in Ina. tn Fact, Indian banking system has reached evento the remote comers ofthe country. This is one ofthe ‘main reason of India's growth process The market research sun consumer awareness of the SBE BANK and the different products of the SBE BANK. The general objective ofthe survey isto create and expand existing customers base and to identity ‘competition and also emboss SBE BANK inthe minds of Indian people. 1 undertaken at SIL BANK sims to discover preference of various “This projet in ts endeavor provide picturesque depiction, aims to boost decision Making regarding how to aware of bunk services and having identify them as prospective “This project report also undertakes diferent aspects on marketing 4s well siti also include all partment thou the projectreport borings these finding and suggestion to capture sil futher ‘rea, SBE BANK can thnk of taking over NO | SR. No. PARTICULAR PREFACE PAGENO ‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENT EXECUTIVE SUNMARY INTRODUCATION OF THE SBE INTRODUCATION PURPOSE OF THE STUDY ‘OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY TATERATURE REVIEW TYPOTHESS RESEARCH METHODLOGY ‘SCOPE OF THE STUDY SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 1p LIMITATION 110 (CHAPTER SCHIME 0 INTRODUCTION OF THE ORGANIZTION DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION » FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS cs BIBLIOGRAPHY ANNEXURE Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY LIINTRODUCATION ‘The world of commercial banking is undergoing a deep transformations a result of marketable insruments competing with Joan sand demand deposits. Because of this stung competition, commercial banks aw stugsling to make acceptable mursins from their traditional Business «mtring into investment banking. Increasing competition has forced banks to search for more income atthe expense of more risk Banks that lent heavily to Asian search of better rtums than those avaiable in Wester mal ‘are now being blamed for bad credit decisions. The Asian crisis has renewed interest noncredit risk management casting doubts on the efeciveness of current credit regulations, Technological changes have also heightened competition by making it easier w imitate bank services. The ‘waiional advantage of physical proximity to clients given by extended networks of branches thas vanished. Banks have to compete with money market mutual funds for deposit business, ‘commercial papers, and medium-tnm notes for bank loans Asmargins are squeezed, commercial banks in the United States anc Europe have boon forced to cut costs and branches while diversifying into pensions, insurance, asset management, and jnvestment banking. In the United States, many banks call themselves financial service ‘companies even in their reported financial statements, Diversification, however, has not always Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan des or serves for often is a useful way to define it. The identity crisis of bunks especially ‘commerealbanks-—stems from the desp and rapid changes in hie traditional body of activities (ancularly retail and corporate banking). On the other hand, investment banking, private ‘banking, and bank assurance are the mos profitable and fastest grossing segments of the financial service industry. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY ‘Our Purpose is to be Indian Is SBI benchmarking ourselves agains international standards and best practices in tem of product offering, technology, service level, rik management and audit & compliance. “The objesive isto build sound customer franchise across distinct businesses 50 a8 10 be a prefemed provider of banking services for target rel and wholesale customer segments, and to achiove healthy growth in profitability, consistent with the bank's risk appetite. We are ‘committed to do this while ensuring the highest level of ethical standards, professional integity, comport governance and regulatory compliance. AS OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY, “Tohave an analysis investor of fixed deposit in Kadi. To accom inthis objective ithas been divided imo five. Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 1 Literature Review ¥ ‘Suoranta and Matt Indicated that mobile banking is among the most sscent financial channel today, Several authors have further identified the benefits of mobile banking in terms of ubiquity coverage, flexibility imteractivty, and with greater accessibility compared 10 conventional banking channels such as Automated Teller Machine (ATM), and nov-mobile banking (Sim, G.W.HL, KB, & VI. 2011), ¥ In the UK, mobile banking is considered tbe one of the most value-added and important ‘mobile services available (Kelly, 2003) However, the adoption rat i yt to be determined. ‘The study examined both innovative anributes snd customers’ perceived isk in onder to ‘understand customers’ behavior and motivation toward this inovation, The findings were Found tobe helpful othe bankers. ¥- A Study conducted by Uppal RAK. (Uppal, Feb. 2008) stacs the extent of mobile banking in Indian banking industry during 2000-2007. The study concludes that among all e-channels, ATM Is the most effective while mobile banking does not Hol! a strong position in public ‘and old private sector but in new private sector banks and foreign banks m-banking is good cnough with nearly SO pe average branches providing m-banking services. M-banking customers ae also the highest in e-banks which have positive impact on net profits and business per employee of these banks. Among al, forcign banks are on the top position followed by new private sector banks in providing m-banking services and thei efficiency i ‘Homchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan ¥_ Acconling to Mishra A. K. (Mishra, 2001) examined the reasons fr the satistaction of the customers withthe services rendered by the Urban Cooperative Banks, The author described ‘hat, urban cooperative banks are operating in a more competitive environment and therefore, the need to take cae of customer requirements has heaome mere important. The branches of UCBs must cater to the betterment of the customers, They should also improvise on their ‘own image, customer satisfaction and their profits. The time norms for specific business ‘wansections should be displayed prominemly in the banking hall so that it aracts the customers’ atention, In the ultimate analysis, what is necessary for improving customer services isthe ative participation of employees a all eves in the bank funtion, The author ‘so raised some points which can be a plus point for UCBs to impress & attract ther customers. These points ate: effective boat of management, efficient employecsitall good systems, ‘computer systems, prompt serves, gad work eure, convenient timings, proper clearing condi personalised services, proper guidance, provision of loan faites services for outstation cheques and demand dats, split hour facilities, Sunday working day, discounting facilities for outstation choques, and good locaton of the bank Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan LSHYPOTHESIS Ho: The association of respondent with bank i dependent on his satsfetion level of fom bank Hi: The association of respondent with bank is independent on his saisaction kvel of frm bank services Square Tests Watue fbr lAsymp. Sig. (sides) Pearson Chi Square iea0" 20 [oor Liketinood Ratio 1 bo Loos incar-by-Linear Assocation kaa Ne ‘lags IN of Valid Cases 50 ‘419 cells (633%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected counts .09. Here the significance value of chi-square testi O01 which i ess than 0.5, So Null hypothesis js rejected. It means that the association of respondent with bank is independent on his ‘satisfaction level of fom bank servi Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan LG RESEARCH METHODLOGY. > OBJECTIVE OF MARKETING RESEARCH PRIMARY OBJECTIVE The main objective of research isto analyze the consumer awareness of STAT BANK OF INDIA market comparison ofthe players inthe matket. To Find out the perception, satisfaction ‘and acceptance level oF the STAT BANK OF INDIA in the market, SECONDARY OBIECTIVE > The primary target ofthe market research was to find out preference of people towards tank, > Studies the facilities provide tothe consumer by bank, RESEARCH DESIGN “Research design is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conesived so as obtain answer to researc to question and to conto variance." ‘The definition consists of three important tems ~ plans structure and strategy. The plan is an Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan > TYPE OF RESEARCH DESIGN > DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN Descripive studies are under taken in mich circumstance. When the researcher is invested in knowing the characteristics of corain group such as age, sex, educational level or income, descriptive study may be necessary. Ober cases when a descriptive study could be taken up are ‘when he is interested in knowing the proportion of people in a given population who have behaved in a putcular manner, making projection of cetain thing or determining the "elationship between two oF more varisbles. The objective of such a study ist answer the “who, ‘what, when, where and how ” of the subject under investigation, There is general fecling that descriptive studies are factual and very simple. This is not necessarily true. Descriptive study can be complex, demanding a high degree ofscentfc skill on the prt oer research A two part of descriptive research design > Cross sectional > Longitutinal 1 tis survey we have sed Cross Sectional Design Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan > RESEARCH APPROACH, Basically there are two approach in collection of primary data Survey 4 Observation We have used survey in our research Survey there four method by which data can be collection ina suvey. The mothods are ~ Personal survey, Mail suvey, Telephone survey and Computer survey, We have used Personal Survey. Marketing research has a choice of to main research instrument in collection primary dat: (questionnaires and mechanical devise. In my marketing survey I have used questionnaires for collection primary data Questionnaire constitutes the most prevailing method of information method among the ‘communicition method used. Both structare and unstractred questionnaire is used in marketing research, Different sale of measurement ean be conducted and used 1 capture appropriately the strength of audience response ‘Wehave wed structure questionnaires, Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan > SAMPLE SIZE.& AREA ‘One has to decide how many clement of the target population are tobe chosen. We have chosen asample sizeof 150 respondents SOCPE OF THE STUDY {A big boom has been witnessed in bank in recent times. A large number of new players have cntered the market and are trying o gan market share in this apy improving market. In focus and the various segments that it caters to, The study then goes on to evaluate and analyze the Findings so as wo present a clear piture of trends in the banking sector LSSIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ‘Significance the geosraphical scope ofthe study is resticted to Bhubaneswar only with sample size of 2000pcople. All the analysis and suggestions are base onthe analysis ofthe both primary nd secondarydata,Therefone the scope ofthe study revolves around the following aspects:- > Consumer perception towards Advance Product. > Consumer awareness about Advance Product scheme and its benefit Aware the Bank about the customer problems, especially in case of automobile sector. ire Tenant Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 1 Introduction ‘We are cover in introduction such as 1.1 Inrektion ofthe sty 1.2 Purpose ofthe study 1.3 Objectives ofthe study 1.4 Hypothesis ofthe sty 1.5 Ressarch methodology. 1.6 Scope ofthe study 1.7 Signiticance ofthe study 1.8 Limitation 1.9 Basi concept 2. Data analysis und interpretation Tn this chapter we cove the data analysis by tables, graphs and interpretation, ‘3. Finding and observation The fining and observation from the sul are included ere 4. Conclusion and suggestions Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 2, INTRODUCTION TO THE ORGANISATION 24 INTRODUCTION OF THE BANKING INDUSTRY NNaionalized hanks such as State Bank OF India (SBI), though pyzmies in the intemational banking market, ae banking behemoths of India, They have branches spread over the entire length and breadth ofthe country. SB in panicular i al-pervasive enjoying a sprawling network ‘F900 branches. I blue and white shingle is visible to dhe smallest hamlet. Khas assets ‘understood 1© be worth about Rs2, 22,500 crore ( 352 billion). SBI has a very conservative spproach to accounting particulary when it comes to declaration of is assets. Probubly modesty ‘os not pemit the bank to exhibit ts stengths. In paticula, it has realestate properties some ‘of which are heritage sites all over the country. These ate estimated to collectively command a ‘value of Rs 30,000 cre. This itis believed, does not get reflected in its book of accounts. ‘SBI enjoys a monopoly of the government business. The Reserve Bank of India owns about 6% ‘ofthe bank's equity. Tots crit, SBI mobilized $4.2 billion through the Resurgent India Bonds (RIB) issue in just 3 months down the post-Pokran sanction peti. This was the dificul time ‘when the international ered ating agencies had downgrade the country, SBI, time and again, docs a rescue at the forex market to contain any volatility ofthe ree. 'SBI was formed under the SBI Act in 1985 with the takeover of Imperial Bank and amalgamation of Bank of Bengal, Bank of Bombay, and Bank of Madras, The government ‘mopped up around 93% of the equity, leaving 7% w private ownership. By this atthe equity of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan ‘With the government offering an assured busines, nationalized banks and State Bank of India in [articular should not take s complacent view. They should evolve service-intnsive products and make their employees sustomer-fiendly, With competition from private and foreign banks knocking at the door the hanks should resize, size is no more an insurance against the onslavght ‘of competition from look private and foreign banks. A revolutionary approach to privatize ‘ovnership i the need ofthe hour Virtual Banking: ‘SBI has yet to computerize its operations and network all its branches. The computers curently ‘availble serve only to relieve the burden of the clrieal staf of maintaining manual Tedgers and nt to penctrate into areas of customer service. ATMS, Anytime-Anywhere, round the clock and telephone banking is tila farcry. These computers tthe best remain only as desk ornaments. ‘With te New Telecom Policy (NTP) almost in place, telecom sector wil soon be revolutionized. E-commerce, telephone banking consumer banking, Inemet banking, insurance etal are waiting {ast around the comer. At least in major metros, vistual banking will soon tke-over fom the ‘vik mortar banks, Privatization and Credit disbursement: “Talks about privatization of the bank's ownership have been initiated but the SBI act of 1985 ‘doesnot pert RBI's ownership tobe diluted to below S56, This at is outdated and ness to be ro-addressed, However, efforts have toon iitsted by SBI to privatize its non — banking a etahe tains we abu ‘Homchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan tmatket and can offer the bet price. At the moment, the SBI stock is undervalued at Rs.240 ‘whereas expens expect Rs.300 would be amore realise vl. Action on this front at blitzkrieg pace isthe need ofthe hour ‘Manpower Retraining and not Retrenchment: |AS a hangover ofthe past socilistc mindset, al the nationalized hanks have excess workoree ‘Tis is indeed a hot potato forthe management of many enterprises and is therefore being handled with Kid gloves. In India, itis everyone's wony to look at business as a source of ‘employment, while making money is secondary. In this ocean of manpower, every institution docs have its share of highly skilled and talent manpower, which contibute 4 asset builng, eis the semi skilled manpower having outdated skills, which frm the excess baggage. AI! banks ‘mut invest in retraining the manpower so that they can migrate fram the areas that will he ‘ocated by computerization, The level of Non-Perfarming-Assets (NPAs) is sill at very high levels and to start with, some ofthis excess manpower can cover areas of debt recovery. At te same time, one should also take ote of the flight of talent from these nationalize banks to newly set-up private and foreign banks. And, it i these new banks’ top officials afer ‘migrating from the government banks are targeting tthe top compoate clients and thas poaching into the comporte business, which has boon the mainstay ofthe nationalized banks, This will soon become & problem of serious proprtion unless the banks initiate teps to tem the flow is dificult to exclusively address the problem of excess manpower by schemes such as voluntary retrenchment scheme (VRS) because while attempting fo remove deal woe alent aso takes an Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan [New Products and New technologies: NNatonaized banks have generally heen preoccupied with easury business. The new product ‘areas that require greater penetration are personal banking, housing finance, consumer durable Finance, ato-finance, internet banking insurance, telephone banking eal. Development ofthese ‘new areas call for heavy investments and this cash-flow can only generated by privatization. In dition, surplus manpower once retrained can be absorbed inthe new ventures ‘Al nationalized hanks and SBI in patcular as the advantage of vast network of ranches and can therefore cary the new business 16 the remotest comer, ut 19 make this presence flt the banks have to move at blitzkrieg pace, “The botiom line is hat, even when all political patie are commited to privatization, somehow there is no exhibition of pace. It is time the taken in by «revolution called “Privatization of Osnership” 2.2 BRIEF HISTROY OF THE ORGANIZATION “The origin of the State Bank of India goes back to the First decade of the nineteenth century ‘with the establishment ofthe Bank of Calcutta in Caleta on 2 June 1806, Three years later the ‘bank received its carter and was re-designed asthe Bank of Bengal (2 January 1809). A unique instttion, it was the frst joint-stock hank of British India sponsored by the Government of Bengal. The Bank of Bombay (15 April 1840) and the Bank of Madras (1 July 1843) followed ‘he Bank of Bengal. These thee banks remained atthe apex of modern banking in Indi tl their Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan ant tenga 1.0. Establishment ‘The establishment of the Bank of Bengal marked the advent of limited Hability, joint-stock ‘banking in Indi. So was the associated innovation in banking, viz. the decision to allow the Bank of Beng toissue notes, which would be acepted for payment of public revenues within a restited geographical area, This right of note issue was very valuable not only for the Bank of Bengal but aso its two siblings, the Banks of Bombay and Madras. t meant an accretion 16 the capital ofthe banks, a capital on which the proprietors did not have to pay any interest. The concept of deposit banking vas slso an innovation because the prictice of accepting money for safekeeping (and in some cases, even investment on behalf of the cients) by the indigenous tankers had not spread as & general habit in most parts of India Hut, for along time, and specially upto the ime thatthe three presidency hanks hada right of note ise, bank notes and ‘povernment balances made upthe bulk ofthe invertible resources of the banks, "The tee banks were governed by royal casters, which were revised from time to time. Each charter provided fora share capital, fourfith of which were privately subscribed and the rest ‘quenationtiacsemeilesi arene linet ese i Etna li ties lth TE Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan Group Piatograph of Cnt Board 921) Business “The business of the banks wa initlly confined to discounting of bills oF exchange or other negotiable private securities, keeping cash accounts and receiving deposits and issuing and routing cash notes, Loans were restricted to Rs.one lakh and the period of accommodation confined to three months only. The security for such koans was public securities, commonly called Company's Paper, bullion, treasure, plate, jewels, or goods ot ofa perishable nature’ and no imeres could be charge beyond a rate of twelve per cent. Loans against goods ike opium, indigo, sat woollen, oon, cotton piece goods, me Wwist and silk goods wer also granted but sich finance by way of cash credits gained momentum only from the third decade of the nineteenth century. AH! commodities, inetuding ea, sugar and jute, which began tobe financed ler, were ether pledge or hypothecaed to the bank, Demand promissory notes were signed by {be borrower in favour of the guarantor, which was in turn endorse to the bank. Lending against stares of the banks or on the morgage of houses, land or other real property was, howe forbidden. ‘Homchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan (a Bank of Benga ‘Major change inthe conditions ‘A mor change in the conditions of operation of the Banks of Bengal, Bombay and Madras ‘occurred afer 1860. With the passing ofthe Paper Curency Act of 1861, the right of mote issue ‘ofthe presidency banks was abolished and the Government of India assumed from 1 March 1862, the sole power of issuing paper currency within British India. The task of management and circulation of the new curency notes was conferred on the presidency banks and the Government undertook to transfer the Treasury balances to the banks a places where the banks ‘would open branches, None of the three hanks had il then any branches (excep he soe attempt and tht too a shortived one by the Bank of Bengal at Mrzapore in 1839) although the charters ‘had given them such authority. But as soon asthe three presidency bands were assured of the free use of goverment Treasury balances at places wire they would open branches, they ‘embarked on branch expansion a a rapid pace. By 1876, the branches, agencies and sub agencies of the three residency banks covered must of the major parts and many ofthe inland trade ‘Homehandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan Sank of Madras Noe Dated 1861 for REID Presidency Banks Act “The presidency Banks Act, which came into operation on 1 May 1876, brought the thre residency banks under a common statute with similar restrictions on busines. The propritary ‘connection of the Government was, however terminated, though the banks continued t hold charge ofthe public debt olfices in the tree presidency towns, an the custody of pat of the ‘government balances. The Act aso stipulated the ewation of Reserve Treasuries at Caleutta, Bombay and Madras into which sums above the specified minimum balances promised tothe ‘presidency banks at ony ter head ofiees were tobe lndged, The Government could lend tothe ‘residency hanks from such Reserve Treasuries but the latter could! look upon them more as favor than as aright ‘Homchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan “The decision of the Government to keep the surplus halanoes in Reserve Treasuries outside the ‘normal contol of the presidency banks and the connected decision not to guarantee minimum government balances at new places where branches were to be opened effectively checked the _rowth of new branches after 1876, The pace of expansion witnessed in the previous dene Fell sharply although, inthe case of the Bank of Mada, it continued on a modest scale as the profits ‘ofthat bank were mainly derived from trade dispersed among a number of port owns and inland comterof the presidency India witnessod rapid commescatization in the last quarter of the ninetcenth century as its rilway ntwork expanded to cove all the major regions of the county. New isgation networks in Madras, Punjab and Sind accelerated the process of conversion of subsistence erops into cash crops, a portion of which found its way into the foreign markets. Tea and coffee plantations transformed large areas ‘of the castem Terrains the his of Assam and the Nigeria into regions of estate agriculture par excellence. Al these resulted in the expansion of India’s international trade more than six-fold “The thve presidency banks were both beneficiasies and promoters of this commercalization process as they became involved inthe financing of practically every trading, manufacturing and ‘mining activity in the sub-continent, While the Banks of Bengal and Bombay were engaged in te financing of large modem manufacturing industes, the Bank of Madeas went into the financing of large modem manufacturing industies: the Bank of Madras went into the financing ‘of small scale industries in a way which had no parallel elsewhere, But the thre banks were Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan th em ut Cetin ‘Banko Bombay Presidency Banks of Bengal The Presidency Bunks of Bengal, Bombay and Madras with their 70 branches were merged in 1921 to Form the Imperial Bank of India, The tad had been transformed into « monolith and a ‘siant among Indian commercial banks had emerged. The new bank took on the tiple role of a commercial tank, a bankers bank anda banker tthe government But this creation was preceded by years of deliberations on the need for a State Bank of Ins ‘What eventually emerged was a "half-way house! combining the functions of a commercial bank The establishment ofthe Reserve Bank of India asthe central bank ofthe county in 1935 ended ‘te quasi-cental banking role of the Imperial Bank. The latter ceased to be bankers t0 the Government of India and instead became agent of the Reserve Bank for the transaction of _zovernment business. contest which the central hank was not established. Butt continued to ‘Homchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan testictions on its business were removed and the bank was permited to underuke foreign exchange business and executor and tistee business for the fist time Imperial Bank ‘The Imperial Bank during the three and a half decades of its existence recorded an impressive ‘gowth in terms of offices, reserves depois, investments and advances, the increases in some ‘ists amounting to more than six-fold. The advances, the increases in some cases amounting 12 ‘more than sixfold. The financial status and security inherited from is forenunners no doubt ‘provided a firm and dable platform. But the Fofty trations of banking which the Imperial Bank consistently maintained and the high standard of integrity it observed in its operations inspired confidence in its depositors that no other bank in India could perhaps then equal. All ‘these enabled the Imperial Bank to acquire a pre-eminent positon inthe Indian banking industry and also secure a vital place inthe country’s economic ie Bil ill eines He cll BN ‘Homchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan ‘conomy in general and the rural sector in panicula, the All India Raral Credit Survey Commitee recommended the cation of a state-parmered and state-sponsored bank by taking ‘over the Imperial Bank of Idi, and integrating with tthe former state-owned or state-assoiate ‘banks. An act vas accordingly passed in Parliament in May 1955 and the State Bank of India ‘vas constituted oo 1 July 1985, More than a quarter of the resources of the Indian banking system thus passed under the dieet control of the State. Later, the State Bank of India (Gubsidry Banks) Act wos passed in 1959, enabling the State Bank of Indi to take over eight former Stte-assoclated banks as its subsidiaries (Inter named Associates). ‘The Slate Bank of India was this bom with a new sense of social purpose sided by the 480 ‘offices comprising branches, sub offices and three Local Head Oifices inherited from the Imperial Bank. The concept of banking a8 mete repositories ofthe community’ savings and lenders to ereiwonhy parties was soon 10 give way tothe concept of purpose banking sub serving the growing and divemifie financial needs of planned economic development. The State Bank of India was destined to act asthe paeseter inthis respect and lea the Indian banking ‘system into the exciting eld of national development “The Bank is actively involved since 1973 in non-profit activity called Cormmunity Services Banking. All SBI branches and administrative offices throughout the country sponsor and participate in large number of welfare activities andl social causes SBI business is mote than banking because we touch the lives of people anywhere in many ways. SBI commitment 19 nation-building is complete & comprehensive, ‘Homchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan ATM SERVICES: There ate 5290 ATMs on the ATM Network. These ATMs ate locate in 1 L centers spread across the length and breadth of the county, thereby creating a tuly national network of ATMs with an unpralcled reach, Value added services like ATM locator, payment ‘of fees for college students, multilingual sereens, voie over and drawl of eash advance by SBI edit card holders have been introduced, INTERNET BANKING (NB): This online channel enables cusiomers to access their account information and initiate wansactions on &24x7, boundary less basis. 2225 branches, covering 55, centers are extending INB service to their customers, All funcionaies other than Cash and Clearing have boon extended to individual retail evstomers. separate Internet Banking Module {oe Corporate customers has heen launched and available at 1305 branches. Blk upload of data for Corporate, Iner-branch funds transfer for Retail customers, Online payment of Casioms dy and Govt. tax, Eectonie Bill Payment, SMS Alens, -Poll, IT GATE Fee Collection, Of-ine (Customer Registration Process and Railway Ticket Booking are the new features deployed. GOVT. BUSINESS: Sofware has been developed and rolled out at 7785 fully computerized ‘branches. Electronic generation of all pons for reporting, setlement and reconciliation of Govt funds is ava STEPS: Under STEPS, the banks elestronie funds transfer system, the Products offered are Transfer (eT), walization (eR), debit (CMP) and ATM reconciliation, STEPS handle payment ‘messages and reconciliation simukancously. ‘Homchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan Core Banting: The Core Banking Solution provides the state-of the-art anywhere anytime ‘banking for our customers. The fail is available at 1012 branches. ‘Trade Finance: The solution has been implemented, providing efficiency in handing Trade Finance transactions with Inlemet access to customers and greatly enhances the bank's services {© Corporate and Commercial Network branches. This new ‘Trade Finance solution, EXIMBILLS, willbe implemented at all domestic branches as well as at Foreign offices engaged in tae finance business during the year. WAN: The hank has set up a Wide Area Network, known as SBI connect, which provides connectivity t 4819 branchesoffices of SBI Group across 385 cites as at 3st March 2008. This network provides aeross the board benefits by providing nationwide connectivity forts business applications. 2. SUBSIDIARIES,ASSOCLATES OF THE COMPANY. ASSOCIATE BANKS OF SBI AND IT'S BUSINESS State Bank of India has the fo lowing six Associate Banks (ABs)with contolling interest ranging from 75% 10 100% 1, State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (SBBI) ate Bank of Hyderabad (SBH) ‘State Bank of Indore (SBE) ‘State Bank of Mysore (SBM) ‘Homehandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 24 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE, CHAIRMAN ‘Homehandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 2.5 DEPARTMENT / MANUFACTUREING PR Seeroe Fane co on arma fet Coane Some one > UePa, oad + Great caré | + sar ears Sonor nzons |” Aout Sons Per “Geom | Lem . - =a + Cates] > paatcaae | > Your oy Your ‘oponte car ‘oeonts ex taser] + ae + Parewrai avis Fined Depot oo Bayan | —* = Pri Cae a a = + Bates + Raiseeor | + Famer | + aon > Ser + Bases) + Raeae + geraararae ‘Homchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 2.6 IMPORTANT STATICAL INFORMATION General Shareholder Information, [Number of shareholders as om 309.2004 was 561 lacs. The shareholding pattern was as under ‘SHARE HOLDERS PERCENTAGI Reserve Bank of Tia WBS ‘Non-residents (Fs, OCBs, NES) 1% Banks, Fs inclding insurance companios oe Mavual fonds/UTT ear Domestic companicdpavate compare odious | 1.79 Resident individuals 397% ASSOCIATE BANKS ‘State Bank of India has the following seven Associate Banks (ABs) with conrlling terest ranging from 75% to 100% ‘State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (SBI) ‘State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH) ‘State Bank of Tndone (SB) ‘State Bank of Mysore (SBM) Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan As on 31 march, 2013 the financial information oF State bank of India i given asunder Financial Details RS (in crore) Capital Borrowings Deposits Investments 189,301.27 “Advances 416,768.19 Profit 6,729.55 Source: ‘balance sheet and profit and Joss accounts schedule of state bank of Inia from annual reports of sear ending 31" march, 2013, Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 3. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 1. Since How many years do you have account with SBI bank? Objective: To know the since how many years consumer possess SBI bank account particolar Frequency | Percentage One year 27 18 “Two year so) 39.33 Three year 20/1333 Four year aa] 933 Five year 13) 867 More than five-year a7] 133 Total 150 3100 srouryear reve ‘Homehandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 2..Do you think bank caters all your banking needs? Object fo know how many consumer ae satisfied with SBI banking needs Particular | Frequency | Percentage Yes 139) 9267 No a 734 Total 350 300 100 ner 0 « Ne «0 0 wo ras ‘Homehandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 43. Are you aware of products & services provided by SBI? Objective: To know the how many consumer are aware of pret and services provided by SBL particular | Frequency | Percentage Yes us| 9667 No s| 333 Total 0. 100. ‘Homehandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 4.On which bank you depend for your regular transaction?” ‘Objective: TO know on which bank consumer are depend for his regular transaction, pavtclor | eavency | Percentage) sal 150/100) vai a a) OFC ° o| (OTHER Bank 0 a Total 0 2) ‘Homchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan ‘5. What kind of account do you maintain with this bank? Objective: To know which type of account consumer are most prefer with this bank. particular | frequency | Percentage ureent Account 7] 4933 Saving account sa) 3933 Loan account 2 2 De-Mat account 7] __467 ‘creat account 7] 467 Total 150 109) ‘Homehandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 6, Which ofthe following facilites have given more importance in your bank? ‘Objective: To know which ofthe facilities have given more importance in SBI bank particular ‘Frequency | Percentage Loan Facies 25) 1667 (0/0 Facities| 0) 4333 [ATM Facies 3) 5533 Credit Card Fadites a0 733 (Other Feces a 733 Total 150) 100) nn loan roctes O/D Fees ATM Facnes edt ars Othar Fates ‘Homehandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 7.Which bank you most prefer for online banking service. ‘Objective: To examine the which bank consumer most prefer for online banking services articular | Frequency | Percentage a 9 6 sal 33 2 OFC 32 26 OTHERS 3 6 TOTAL 150 00 ‘Homehandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 8, What do you feel about likert scale service quality of your bank? ‘Objective: To check the level of satisfaction fom the of you ofthe respondent particular Frequency | Percentage: igh Satsied 45 30 Satis a2) Sh67 Moderate zo] 33.33 Dissatisfied z 1a Highly Dissatisfied 1 097 Toual 130) 100) shy Satie sated se Moderte sDiststied Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan ‘9, Would you recommend this bank to your friends, relatives, associates? Why’? ‘Objective: To know consumer are recommended or not SBI bank to fends, Relatives and associates for SBI services, particular | frequency | Percentage Yes B 52 NO. 7 nm oral 350. 00 Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 10,please select the reason applicable which online banking. ‘Objective: To know why consumer are selecting one banking. paricobr frequency | Percentage ‘Convenience a0) 52.33333 To Save time 34 | 2.06667 24 Hours Access to Accounts 33 2 ‘other 3 a Total 50 00 200 other Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 1.How often do you use our online service? Objective: To know how often SBI account holder use SBI online services, particlar Frequency | Percentage one doy 35) 23.33333 ‘wo dave 1] «0.56667 thee days 30 20 ‘More than tives dave Fn 16 ‘Homehandracharya North Gujarat Uni Patan 12.Which online features do you use regularly please select all that apply? ou BRR KEU ERE ‘Objective: To know which online features SBI Holle use regula, particular Frequency | Percentage Payeills a 4 Make on seeount inqui a7] 3133333 “Transfer fund between accounts a3 | 1533333 ‘Wire transfers 3 2 Process payrolls | 5.338338 ‘Order cheque Books 3 2 Total 150. 100. Ne NO” Tox Proves ports ovr ee ‘Homehandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 13 please rate the following online features.(out of nine) ‘Objective: To examine how rach give to the online features by the SBI aecount holder. sessed » » particular Excellent | Good | Neutal | Poor | N/A Bill payment o| as[ 2/0] 0 Ealens as|7| [ol 0 ice transfor 20/64) se) 6) ‘Step payment 2st] ss[ 33 balance inquiry as|a| 3420/6 (Check image 30/s2[ | az] a3 Retrieval ordering 22) 67| 43/8 | 8 ‘ash evieving 2o[ [sat 3 ‘Bank statement ao) se] 29[ 9] 3 See sie series Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 14.Would you use your mobile phone to do your banking? Objective: With more usage of service the satisfaction Keel of an account holder amplify particolar | frequency | Percentage Yes. 102 8 No ae) 933 NO ‘@|__267 Total 150 100) ‘Homchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 15, Which of the following mobile banking features you like to use? please select all that apply. ‘Objective: To know which ofthe mobile anking features SBI account holders ke to use particular Trequency | Percentage Balance inquiry 78 52 tity Bill payment ao) 26 ‘emai & text alerts 9 6 ‘order cheque books 3 6 internal seeount transfor i4| 933 Total 150 300 babe imuiry se uty i peyment snarl acct waster ‘Homehandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan 16, Have you ever visited bank branches after using our online banking? Objective: To find how SBI account holders ever visited bank branches after using SBI online banking. articular | frequency | Percentage: ves 307 | 7133333, 0. 42 | 28.6667 Toul 150) 100 2 INTERPRETATION: Here the 71.336 SBI holder ever visited bank branches after using. SBI online banking which Is Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan Findings of the survey: © Most of people are having Saving Bank A in more thun ene bank. 39.33 people have ‘heir SBI AIConly in SBI © SBI is considered the fastest bank © SBI isthe most trusted bank and it was found that ofthe AIC holders say that SBLis the most prestigious bank and ATM centers of SB are most avalable than any other tank, © Only 26% of people surveyed sy that SBI employees are co-operative when compared 0 ster banks. © More than half persons have ATM card tht's good as it can increase the swiiness of © Most ofthe customers surveyed find ATM fully satisfactory I ATM card holders find the operating system easy = 89% people donot uss their ATM card in other banks” ATM centre and its Reasons given by the espondeats: © Charges levied by the hank © SBI'S ATM canters ate avilable everywhere in nearby area © 61% ofthe people surveyed are unaware to the service of NetMobile hanking © 1 of the people who are aware t the service do not use NeVMobile Banking. The reasons given bythe respondents are © Unawareness othe Internet. x Hemeenced! Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan Recommendations: © Though most of people consider SBI aster than other banks but private sector banks ‘which are new ae aso in competition. nce to inrease its performance inthe mate of cooperativeness = Many ATM cardholders complain that ATM Centre of kad branch often remains ou of fonder so they have to face problems, so SBI should take care ofthat © SB nceds to educate its customer about its services, AWARE, © SBI noods to advertise more about its services. © When all the A/C holders willbe knowing the faity (ABB) then more people will use it as there isa magical word “FREE” accompanying the fits = Though only 20% people fee! that they are non cooperative but SBI neds to tke care thatthe number should not increase ss private sector banks are penetrating sharply © Many people say thatthe process of solving problems is too slow. Younger players (Pt Banks) ae fast inthis matter so SBI neods to fasten its services © Private sector banks have frayed in KADI for that SBI needs to be ready wo fae stiff competition BIBLIOGRAPHY Ageing SBI must keep pace with “Younger Bankers” “The State Bank of India (SBI is facing a peculiar problem. Young poople ate no longer kaon 9 have transactions with this ‘ageing bank” This was admited by SBI chairman © P Bhat, who underscored the nee for reinventing to keep ‘ce withthe changing times. Accoming to Mr. Bhat, the trust of the Indian customers on “ageing bank’ is eroding. Customers prefer “Younger” banks. Therefore, efforts should be made to win back the trust ofthe people by providing improved and quality services Books: Bell, B.&. 2012). Business Research Methods. Delhi: Oxford University Press Cooper. & (2013), Business Research Methods. Deli: Tata MCGrawhil, ‘Shokaran, U, (2012), Research methods for Business, Delhi: Willey Zikmund, B.C. 2012), Business Research Methods. Delhi: Conegage Learnings. Websit © wonwabicoin ‘Stepan APPENDIX: Questionnaire Dear Respondent, ‘We are the students of narsi ibhaipatel college rmanagement.kadi.As part of our study, We are conducting survey on" A study of ‘consumer satisfaction level about SBI online bank service in kadi"Which will of computer studies & be presented at our college as a part of our study, We ensure you that the data provided by you will be Kept confidential and used for academie purpose only. Please ick in | in following details as applicable. Respondent's personal details: Name = Address Age = 3.Are you aware of products & services provided by SBI? L lyes I INo 4,0n which bank you depend for your regular transaction? [ISBE [HCICE | ] HDF | JOther bank, specify ‘5, what kind of account do you maintain with this bank? [_ Jeurrent account [_ Isaving account [Hoan account [ [De-mat account [1Creditaccount 6.Which of the following facilities have given more importance in your bank? [Loan facilities [1 00D facilities |] ATM facilities [Credit card facilities [other facilities T.Which bank you most prefer for online banking service. IcICL SBI HDFC ‘OTHERS Tec ‘SBI ‘9, Would you recommend this bank to your friends, relatives, associates? Why? yes (Jno If YES please mention the reason here. 10, Please select the reason applicable which online banking. [ Jeonvenience | }To save time [124 hours access to accounts [-] other 11. How often do you use our online service? [Jone day [J ovo day [ Ithree day [more than three days 12. Which online features do you use regularly please select all that apply? J pay bills {J make on aecount inquiry I. |twansfer fund between account (_ wie transfers LJ process payrolls _ Jorder cheque book 13,please rate the following online features.(out of nine) Excellent | Good ‘Neutral Poor MA ayment E-alents ‘Wire transfer See ee 15, Which of the following mobile banking features you like to use? please select all that apply. [| balance inquiry [_Juttity bill payment [ Je-mail &text alerts I Jorder cheque books [ Jinteral account transfer 16, Have you ever visited bank branches after using our online banking? E lyes [No 17. Any suggestion you want to give for the betterment of SBI.

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